New file indexing. Use '/cvsroot' instead of lxr index.

This commit is contained in: 1999-10-11 19:42:53 +00:00
Родитель 0090b51969
Коммит bc8b762dd5
1 изменённых файлов: 63 добавлений и 30 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -55,8 +55,7 @@ $tree = 'SeaMonkey';
$form{tree} = $tree;
require '';
$cvsroot = '/cvsroot/mozilla';
$lxr_data_root = '/export2/lxr-data';
$cvsroot = '/cvsroot';
$source_root_pat = '^.*/mozilla/';
@ignore = (
@ -69,6 +68,7 @@ $source_root_pat = '^.*/mozilla/';
'declaration of \`y0\' shadows global', # from mathcalls.h
'declaration of \`y1\' shadows global', # from mathcalls.h
'by \`nsHTML(?:Anchor|[^:]*Element)::(?:Set|Get)Attribute', # kipp says this is bogus
'is not (any longer) pertinent', # cvs warning we can safely ignore
@ignore_match = (
{ warning=>'statement with no effect', source=>'(?:JS_|PR_)?ASSERT'},
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ for $br (last_successful_builds($tree)) {
# Make it live
use File::Copy 'move';
move($warn_file, "$tree/warnings.html");
move($warn_file, "$tree/warnings-test.html");
my $warn_summary = "$tree/warn$log_file";
$warn_summary =~ s/.gz$/.pl/;
@ -146,39 +146,72 @@ sub commify {
sub build_file_hash {
my ($cvsroot, $tree) = @_;
$lxr_data_root = "/export2/lxr-data/\L$tree";
@include_list = ();
@exclude_list = ();
expand_cvs_modules('SeaMonkeyAll', \@include_list, \@exclude_list);
$lxr_file_list = "\L$lxr_data_root/.glimpse_filenames";
open(LXR_FILENAMES, "<$lxr_file_list")
or die "Unable to open $lxr_file_list: $!\n";
local $exclude_pat = join '|', @exclude_list;
use File::Basename;
my $file_count = 0;
while (<LXR_FILENAMES>) {
my ($base, $dir, $ext) = fileparse($_,'\.[^/]*');
next unless $ext =~ /^\.(cpp|h|C|s|c|mk|in)$/;
$base = "$base$ext";
$dir =~ s|$lxr_data_root/mozilla/||;
$dir =~ s|/$||;
unless (exists $bases{$base}) {
$bases{$base} = $dir;
} else {
$bases{$base} = '[multiple]';
use File::Find;
for my $include (@include_list) {
$include .= ",v" unless -d "$cvsroot/$include";
&find(\&find_cvs_files, "$cvsroot/$include");
warn "debug> $file_count files indexed\n" if $debug;
return \%bases, \%fullpath;
sub read_cvs_modules_file
local $_;
open MODULES, "$cvsroot/CVSROOT/modules"
or die "Unable to open modules file: $cvsroot/CVSROOT/modules\n";
while (<MODULES>) {
if (/ -a /) {
while (/\\$/) {
$_ .= <MODULES>;
my ($module_name, $list) = split /\s+-a\s+/, $_, 2;
$modules{$module_name} = [ split /\s+/, $list ];
} } }
sub expand_cvs_modules {
my ($module_name, $include_list, $exclude_list) = @_;
warn "no module named $module_name\n" unless defined $modules{$module_name};
for my $member (@{$modules{$module_name}}) {
next if $member eq '';
if (defined $modules{$member}) {
expand_cvs_modules($member, $include_list, $exclude_list);
} else {
if ($member =~ /^!/) {
push @$exclude_list, substr $member, 1;
} else {
push @$include_list, $member;
} } } }
sub find_cvs_files {
$File::Find::prune = 1 if /.OBJ$/ or /^CVS$/ or /^Attic$/;
if (-d $_) {
$File::Find::prune = 1 if /$exclude_pat/o or $seen{$File::Find::name};
$seen{$File::Find::name} = 1;
my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
$dir =~ s|^$cvsroot/||o;
$dir =~ s|/$||;
my $file = substr $_, 0, -2;
if (defined $module_files{$file}) {
$bases{$file} = '[multiple]';
} else {
$bases{$file} = $dir;
$fullpath{"$dir/$file"} = 1;
sub last_successful_builds {
my $tree = shift;
my @build_records = ();