зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 354454: revised login code; fixing problems with wrong protocols and https probing
This commit is contained in:
@ -285,28 +285,12 @@ calWcapSession.prototype = {
return false;
function( uri )
// xxx todo: realm names must not have a trailing slash
var realm = uri.spec;
if (realm[realm.length - 1] == '/')
realm = realm.substr(0, realm.length - 1);
return realm;
m_sessionId: null,
m_bNoLoginsAnymore: false,
function( timedOutSessionId )
if (this.m_bNoLoginsAnymore) {
this.log( "login has failed, no logins anymore for this user." );
throw new Components.Exception(
"Login failed. Invalid session ID.",
Components.interfaces.calIWcapErrors.WCAP_LOGIN_FAILED );
if (getIoService().offline) {
this.log( "in offline mode." );
throw new Components.Exception(
@ -314,276 +298,287 @@ calWcapSession.prototype = {
"networking library is in the offline state.",
if (this.m_bNoLoginsAnymore) {
this.log( "login has failed, no logins anymore for this user." );
throw new Components.Exception(
"Login failed. Invalid session ID.",
Components.interfaces.calIWcapErrors.WCAP_LOGIN_FAILED );
if (this.m_sessionId == null || this.m_sessionId == timedOutSessionId) {
if (!this.m_sessionId || this.m_sessionId == timedOutSessionId) {
var this_ = this;
function() {
if (!this_.m_bNoLoginsAnymore &&
(this_.m_sessionId == null ||
(!this_.m_sessionId ||
this_.m_sessionId == timedOutSessionId)) {
if (timedOutSessionId != null) {
this_.m_sessionId = null;
this_.log( "session timeout; " +
"prompting to reconnect." );
var prompt =getWindowWatcher().getNewPrompter(null);
var bundle = getWcapBundle();
if (!prompt.confirm(
[this_.uri.hostPort], 1 ) )) {
this_.m_bNoLoginsAnymore = true;
if (!this_.m_bNoLoginsAnymore)
if (this_.m_sessionId != null) {
this_.getSupportedTimezones(true /* refresh */);
this_.getServerTimeDiff(true /* refresh */);
// preread calprops for subscribed calendars:
var cals = this_.getSubscribedCalendars({});
for each ( cal in cals ) {
cal.getCalProps_(true /* async */);
try {
this_.m_sessionId = null;
if (timedOutSessionId != null) {
this_.log( "session timeout; " +
"prompting to reconnect." );
var prompt =
var bundle = getWcapBundle();
if (!prompt.confirm(
[this_.uri.hostPort], 1 ) )) {
this.log( "reconnect cancelled." );
throw new Components.Exception(
"Login failed. Invalid session ID.",
// xxx todo: realm names must not have a
// trailing slash
var sessionUri = this_.uri.clone();
var spec = sessionUri.spec;
if (spec[spec.length - 1] == '/')
spec = spec.substr(0, spec.length - 1);
sessionUri.spec = spec;
sessionUri.userPass = "";
if (sessionUri.scheme.toLowerCase() != "https" &&
sessionUri.port == -1 /* no port specified */)
// silently probe for https support:
try { // enforce https:
sessionUri.scheme = "https";
catch (exc) {
// restore scheme:
sessionUri.scheme = this_.uri.scheme;
if (testResultCode(
exc, Components.interfaces.
throw exc; // forward login failures
// but ignore connection errors
if (!this_.m_sessionId)
catch (exc) {
this_.m_bNoLoginsAnymore = true;
this_.logError( exc );
this_.log( "no logins anymore." );
throw exc;
this_.getSupportedTimezones(true /* refresh */);
this_.getServerTimeDiff(true /* refresh */);
// preread calprops for subscribed calendars:
var cals = this_.getSubscribedCalendars({});
for each ( cal in cals ) {
cal.getCalProps_(true /* async */);
} );
if (this.m_sessionId == null) {
if (!this.m_sessionId) {
throw new Components.Exception(
"Login failed. Invalid session ID.",
Components.interfaces.calIWcapErrors.WCAP_LOGIN_FAILED );
return this.m_sessionId;
function( sessionUri )
if (this.m_sessionId == null) {
this.log( "attempting to get a session id..." );
var passwordManager =
var outUser = { value: this.userId };
var outPW = { value: null };
var enumerator = passwordManager.enumerator;
var realm = this.getRealmName(this.uri);
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var pwEntry = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(
Components.interfaces.nsIPassword );
if (LOG_LEVEL > 1) {
this.log( "pw entry:\n\thost=" + pwEntry.host +
"\n\tuser=" + pwEntry.user );
if (pwEntry.host == realm) { // found an entry matching URI:
outUser.value = pwEntry.user;
outPW.value = pwEntry.password;
if (sessionUri.scheme.toLowerCase() != "https" &&
!confirmInsecureLogin(sessionUri)) {
this.log( "user rejected insecure login on " + sessionUri.spec );
throw new Components.Exception(
"Login failed. Invalid session ID.",
Components.interfaces.calIWcapErrors.WCAP_LOGIN_FAILED );
function( sessionUri )
this.log( "attempting to get a session id for " + sessionUri.spec );
var outUser = { value: this.userId };
var outPW = { value: null };
var passwordManager =
var enumerator = passwordManager.enumerator;
this.log( "looking in pw db for: " + sessionUri.spec );
while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var pwEntry = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(
Components.interfaces.nsIPassword );
if (LOG_LEVEL > 1) {
this.log( "pw entry:\n\thost=" + pwEntry.host +
"\n\tuser=" + pwEntry.user );
var loginUri = this.sessionUri.clone();
if (loginUri.scheme.toLowerCase() != "https") {
if (loginUri.port == -1) {
// no https and no port specified
// => enforce login via https:
loginUri.scheme = "https";
else {
// user has specified a specific port, but no https:
// => leave it to her whether to connect...
if (!confirmInsecureLogin( loginUri )) {
this.m_bNoLoginsAnymore = true;
this.log( "user rejected insecure login." );
return null;
if (outUser.value == null || outPW.value == null) {
this.log( "no password entry found." );
else {
this.log( "password entry found for user " + outUser.value );
try {
this.login_( loginUri, outUser.value, outPW.value );
catch (exc) { // ignore silently
if (this.m_sessionId == null) {
// preparing login:
var loginText = null;
try {
loginText = this.getServerInfo( loginUri );
if (loginText == null) {
if (loginUri.scheme.toLowerCase() == "https") {
// gathering server info via https has failed,
// try http:
loginUri.scheme = "http";
loginText = this.getServerInfo( loginUri );
if (loginText == null) {
throw new Components.Exception(
[loginUri.hostPort], 1 ) );
if (this.sessionUri.scheme.toLowerCase() == "https") {
// user specified https, so http is no option:
loginText = null;
throw new Components.Exception(
[loginUri.hostPort], 1 ) );
// http possible, ask for it:
if (confirmInsecureLogin( loginUri )) {
if (outPW.value != null) {
// user/pw has been found previously,
// but no login was possible,
// try again using http here:
this.login_( loginUri,
outUser.value, outPW.value );
if (this.m_sessionId != null)
return this.m_sessionId;
else {
this.m_bNoLoginsAnymore = true;
this.log( "user rejected unsecure login." );
return null;
catch (exc) {
this.logError( exc );
if (loginText == null) {
// accessing server or invalid protocol,
// no logins anymore:
this.m_bNoLoginsAnymore = true;
throw exc; // propagate error message
// else maybe user pw has changed or similar...
if (outPW.value != null) {
// login failed before, so try to remove from pw db:
try {
this.getRealmName(this.uri), outUser.value );
catch (exc) {
this.log( "error removing from pw db: " + exc );
var savePW = { value: false };
while (this.m_sessionId == null) {
this.log( "prompting for user/pw..." );
var prompt = getWindowWatcher().getNewPrompter(null);
if (prompt.promptUsernameAndPassword(
loginText, outUser, outPW,
savePW ))
try {
this.login_( loginUri, outUser.value, outPW.value );
catch (exc) {
Components.utils.reportError( exc );
// xxx todo: UI?
else { // dialog cancelled, don't login anymore:
this.m_bNoLoginsAnymore = true;
this.log( "login cancelled, will not prompt again." );
if (this.m_sessionId != null && savePW.value) {
// save pw under session uri:
passwordManager.addUser( this.getRealmName(this.uri),
outUser.value, outPW.value );
if (pwEntry.host == sessionUri.spec) {
// found an entry matching URI:
outUser.value = pwEntry.user;
outPW.value = pwEntry.password;
if (outPW.value) {
this.log( "password entry found for host " + sessionUri.spec +
"\nuser is " + outUser.value );
this.login_( sessionUri, outUser.value, outPW.value );
this.log( "no password entry found for " + sessionUri.spec );
if (!this.m_sessionId) {
var loginText = this.getServerInfo(sessionUri);
if (outPW.value) {
// login failed before, so try to remove from pw db:
try {
passwordManager.removeUser( sessionUri.spec,
outUser.value );
this.log( "removed from pw db: " + sessionUri.spec );
catch (exc) {
this.logError( "error removing from pw db: " + exc );
else // if not already checked in pw manager run
var savePW = { value: false };
while (!this.m_sessionId) {
this.log( "prompting for user/pw..." );
var prompt = getWindowWatcher().getNewPrompter(null);
if (prompt.promptUsernameAndPassword(
loginText, outUser, outPW,
savePW ))
if (this.login_( sessionUri, outUser.value, outPW.value ))
else {
this.log( "login prompt cancelled." );
throw new Components.Exception(
"Login failed. Invalid session ID.",
if (savePW.value) {
try { // save pw under session uri:
passwordManager.addUser( sessionUri.spec,
outUser.value, outPW.value );
this.log( "added to pw db: " + sessionUri.spec );
catch (exc) {
this.logError( "error adding pw to db: " + exc );
return this.m_sessionId;
function( loginUri, user, pw )
function( sessionUri, user, pw )
if (this.m_sessionId != null) {
// currently, xml parsing at an early stage during process startup
// does not work reliably, so use libical parsing for now:
var str = issueSyncRequest(
loginUri.spec + "login.wcap?fmt-out=text%2Fcalendar&user=" +
encodeURIComponent(user) + "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(pw),
null /* receiverFunc */, false /* no logging */ );
var icalRootComp = getIcsService().parseICS( str );
checkWcapIcalErrno( icalRootComp );
var prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty( "X-NSCP-WCAP-SESSION-ID" );
if (prop == null)
throw new Components.Exception("missing X-NSCP-WCAP-SESSION-ID!");
this.m_sessionId = prop.value;
// var xml = issueSyncXMLRequest(
// loginUri.spec + "login.wcap?fmt-out=text%2Fxml&user=" +
// encodeURIComponent(user) + "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(pw) );
// checkWcapXmlErrno( xml );
// this.m_sessionId = xml.getElementsByTagName(
// "X-NSCP-WCAP-SESSION-ID" ).item(0).textContent;
var str;
var icalRootComp = null;
try {
// currently, xml parsing at an early stage during process startup
// does not work reliably, so use libical parsing for now:
str = issueSyncRequest(
sessionUri.spec + "login.wcap?fmt-out=text%2Fcalendar&user=" +
encodeURIComponent(user) +
"&password=" + encodeURIComponent(pw),
null /* receiverFunc */, false /* no logging */ );
if (str.indexOf("BEGIN:VCALENDAR") < 0)
throw new Components.Exception("no ical data returned!");
icalRootComp = getIcsService().parseICS( str );
checkWcapIcalErrno( icalRootComp );
catch (exc) {
if (testResultCode(exc, Components.interfaces.
calIWcapErrors.WCAP_LOGIN_FAILED)) {
this.logError( exc ); // log wrong pw
return false;
if (!isNaN(exc) && getErrorModule(exc) == NS_ERROR_MODULE_NETWORK) {
// server seems unavailable:
throw new Components.Exception(
"accessingServerFailedError.text", [uri.hostPort], 1 ),
exc );
throw exc;
var prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty("X-NSCP-WCAP-SESSION-ID");
if (!prop) {
throw new Components.Exception(
"missing X-NSCP-WCAP-SESSION-ID in\n" + str );
this.m_sessionId = prop.value;
this.m_userId = user;
this.log( "WCAP login succeeded." );
this.m_sessionUri = sessionUri;
this.log( "WCAP login succeeded, setting sessionUri to " +
this.sessionUri.spec );
return true;
function( uri )
var icalRootComp;
var str;
var icalRootComp = null;
try {
// currently, xml parsing at an early stage during process startup
// does not work reliably, so use libical parsing for now:
var str = issueSyncRequest(
// does not work reliably, so use libical:
str = issueSyncRequest(
uri.spec + "version.wcap?fmt-out=text%2Fcalendar" );
if (str.indexOf("BEGIN:VCALENDAR") < 0)
return null; // no ical data returned
throw new Components.Exception("no ical data returned!");
icalRootComp = getIcsService().parseICS( str );
if (icalRootComp == null)
throw new Components.Exception("invalid ical data!");
catch (exc) { // soft error; request denied etc.
this.log( "server version request failed: " + errorToString(exc) );
return null;
catch (exc) {
this.log( exc ); // soft error; request denied etc.
throw new Components.Exception(
"accessingServerFailedError.text", [uri.hostPort], 1 ),
isNaN(exc) ? Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE : exc );
loginTextVars = [uri.hostPort];
var prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty( "PRODID" );
loginTextVars.push( prop ? prop.value : "<unknown>" );
prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty( "X-NSCP-SERVERVERSION" );
loginTextVars.push( prop ? prop.value : "<unknown>" );
prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty( "X-NSCP-WCAPVERSION" );
if (prop == null)
throw new Components.Exception("missing X-NSCP-WCAPVERSION!");
loginTextVars.push( prop.value );
var prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty( "X-NSCP-WCAPVERSION" );
if (!prop) {
throw new Components.Exception(
"missing X-NSCP-WCAPVERSION in\n" + str );
var wcapVersion = parseInt(prop.value);
if (wcapVersion < 3) {
var strVers = prop.value;
var vars = [uri.hostPort];
prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty( "PRODID" );
vars.push( prop ? prop.value : "<unknown>" );
prop = icalRootComp.getFirstProperty( "X-NSCP-SERVERVERSION" );
vars.push( prop ? prop.value : "<unknown>" );
vars.push( strVers );
var prompt = getWindowWatcher().getNewPrompter(null);
var bundle = getWcapBundle();
var labelText = bundle.GetStringFromName(
@ -591,20 +586,20 @@ calWcapSession.prototype = {
if (!prompt.confirm( labelText,
loginTextVars, loginTextVars.length ) )) {
vars, vars.length ) )) {
throw new Components.Exception(labelText);
return getWcapBundle().formatStringFromName(
"loginDialog.text", loginTextVars, loginTextVars.length );
return getWcapBundle().formatStringFromName( "loginDialog.text",
[uri.hostPort], 1 );
function( wcapCommand )
if (this.sessionUri == null)
if (!this.uri)
throw new Components.Exception("no URI!");
// ensure established session, so userId is set;
// ensure established session, so sesionUri and userId is set;
// (calId defaults to userId) if not set:
return (this.sessionUri.spec +
@ -692,17 +687,13 @@ calWcapSession.prototype = {
// sensible default for user id login:
var username = decodeURIComponent( thatUri.username );
if (username != "") {
this.m_defaultCalId = username;
var nColon = username.indexOf(':');
this.m_userId =
(nColon >= 0 ? username.substr(0, nColon) : username);
if (this.m_userId.length > 0)
this.m_defaultCalId = this.m_userId;
this.m_userId = (nColon >= 0
? username.substr(0, nColon) : username);
this.m_uri = thatUri.clone();
this.log( "setting uri to " + this.uri.spec );
this.m_sessionUri = thatUri.clone();
this.m_sessionUri.userPass = "";
this.log( "setting sessionUri to " + this.sessionUri.spec );
@ -726,6 +717,7 @@ calWcapSession.prototype = {
if (this.m_sessionId != null) {
this.log( "attempting to log out..." );
// although io service's offline flag is already
// set BEFORE notification (about to go offline, nsIOService.cpp).
// WTF.
@ -743,6 +735,7 @@ calWcapSession.prototype = {
this.m_sessionId = null;
this.m_sessionUri = null;
this.m_userId = null;
this.m_userPrefs = null; // reread prefs
this.m_defaultCalId = null;
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