зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
linker now generates aliases to headers in project output directory.
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
/* system headers */
#include <Files.h>
#include <Strings.h>
#include <Aliases.h>
#include <Resources.h>
/* compiler headers */
#include "DropInCompilerLinker.h"
@ -183,60 +185,107 @@ static CWResult GetSettings(CWPluginContext context, XPIDLSettings& settings)
CWMemHandle settingsHand;
CWResult err = CWGetNamedPreferences(context, kXPIDLPanelName, &settingsHand);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
XPIDLSettings* settingsPtr = NULL;
err = CWLockMemHandle(context, settingsHand, false, (void**)&settingsPtr);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
settings = *settingsPtr;
err = CWUnlockMemHandle(context, settingsHand);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
return noErr;
return cwNoErr;
static CWResult Link(CWPluginContext context)
static CWResult LinkHeaders(CWPluginContext context, XPIDLSettings& settings)
long index;
CWResult err;
long filecount;
// load the relevant prefs.
XPIDLSettings settings = { kXPIDLSettingsVersion, kXPIDLModeTypelib, false, false };
err = GetSettings(context, settings);
if (err != cwNoErr)
return (err);
// find out how many files there are to link.
err = CWGetProjectFileCount(context, &filecount);
if (err != cwNoErr)
return (err);
long fileCount = 0;
CWResult err = CWGetProjectFileCount(context, &fileCount);
if (err != cwNoErr || fileCount == 0)
return err;
// get the output directory.
FSSpec outputDir;
err = CWGetOutputFileDirectory(context, &outputDir);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return err;
// enumerate all of the output header files, and make aliases to them in
// the output directory.
for (long index = 0; (err == cwNoErr) && (index < fileCount); index++) {
// get the name of each output file.
CWFileSpec outputFile;
err = CWGetStoredObjectFileSpec(context, index, &outputFile);
if (err == cwNoErr) {
FInfo info;
err = FSpGetFInfo(&outputFile, &info);
FSSpec aliasFile = { outputDir.vRefNum, outputDir.parID };
BlockMoveData(outputFile.name, aliasFile.name, 1 + outputFile.name[0]);
AliasHandle alias = NULL;
if (NewAliasMinimal(&outputFile, &alias) == noErr) {
// recreate the alias file from scratch.
FSpCreateResFile(&aliasFile, info.fdCreator, info.fdType, smRoman);
short refNum = FSpOpenResFile(&aliasFile, fsRdWrPerm);
if (refNum != -1) {
AddResource(Handle(alias), rAliasType, 0, aliasFile.name);
// finally, mark the newly created file as an alias file.
FSpGetFInfo(&aliasFile, &info);
info.fdFlags |= kIsAlias;
FSpSetFInfo(&aliasFile, &info);
// create the target file in the output directory.
BlockMoveData(settings.output, outputDir.name, 1 + settings.output[0]);
FILE* outputFile = FSp_fopen(&outputDir, "w");
if (outputFile != NULL) fclose(outputFile);
return err;
static CWResult LinkTypeLib(CWPluginContext context, XPIDLSettings& settings)
// find out how many files there are to link.
long fileCount = 0;
CWResult err = CWGetProjectFileCount(context, &fileCount);
if (err != cwNoErr || fileCount == 0)
return err;
// assemble the argument list.
// { "xpt_link", outputFile, inputFile1, ..., inputFileN, NULL }
char** argv = new char*[2 + filecount + 1];
char** argv = new char*[2 + fileCount + 1];
int argc = 0;
argv[argc++] = "xpt_link";
// get the output directory.
err = CWGetOutputFileDirectory(context, &gOutputDirectory);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
// get the object code directory.
err = CWGetStoredObjectFileSpec(context, 0, &gObjectCodeDirectory);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
// push the output file name.
if ((argv[argc++] = p2c_strdup(settings.output)) == NULL)
return cwErrOutOfMemory;
for (index = 0; (err == cwNoErr) && (index < filecount); index++) {
for (long index = 0; (err == cwNoErr) && (index < fileCount); index++) {
// get the name of each output file.
CWFileSpec outputFile;
err = CWGetStoredObjectFileSpec(context, index, &outputFile);
@ -261,7 +310,25 @@ static CWResult Link(CWPluginContext context)
err = cwErrRequestFailed;
return (err);
return err;
static CWResult Link(CWPluginContext context)
// load the relevant prefs.
XPIDLSettings settings = { kXPIDLSettingsVersion, kXPIDLModeTypelib, false, false };
CWResult err = GetSettings(context, settings);
if (err != cwNoErr)
return err;
switch (settings.mode) {
case kXPIDLModeHeader:
return LinkHeaders(context, settings);
case kXPIDLModeTypelib:
return LinkTypeLib(context, settings);
return cwNoErr;
static CWResult Disassemble(CWPluginContext context)
@ -271,17 +338,17 @@ static CWResult Disassemble(CWPluginContext context)
// cache the project's output directory.
err = CWGetOutputFileDirectory(gPluginContext, &gOutputDirectory);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
long fileNum;
err = CWGetMainFileNumber(context, &fileNum);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
// get the output file's location from the stored object data.
err = CWGetStoredObjectFileSpec(context, fileNum, &gObjectCodeDirectory);
if (!CWSUCCESS(err))
return (err);
return err;
char* outputName = p2c_strdup(gObjectCodeDirectory.name);
if (outputName == NULL)
@ -319,7 +386,7 @@ static CWResult Disassemble(CWPluginContext context)
err = CWCreateNewTextDocument(context, &info);
return (err);
return err;
static CWResult GetTargetInfo(CWPluginContext context)
@ -338,7 +405,7 @@ static CWResult GetTargetInfo(CWPluginContext context)
XPIDLSettings settings = { kXPIDLSettingsVersion, kXPIDLModeTypelib, false, false };
err = GetSettings(context, settings);
if (err != cwNoErr)
return (err);
return err;
// tell the IDE about the output file.
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