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updating these files with final text/UI changes to ASE Global Options screen
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" LINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FFFFFF" ALINK="#0000FF" onLoad='moveNavLayer()'>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Welcome to Account Setup</B></P>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Start Account Setup</B></P>
This is the first screen of the main part of Account Setup. It lets users choose whether they want to:
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ This is the first screen of the main part of Account Setup. It lets users choose
<LI>Set up access to an account they already have--Account Setup runs in Network Configuration (<B>NCI</B>) mode. </LI>
<P CLASS="nomargins">Account Setup doesn't present this screen to users if you selected IAS or NCI mode only in Account Setup's global options. For more information about setting global options, click [More Help], below.</P>
<P CLASS="nomargins">Account Setup doesn't present this screen to users if you selected either IAS mode or NCI mode in Account Setup's global options. For more information about setting global options, click [More Help], below.</P>
<LAYER NAME = "navLayer" HEIGHT=16 LEFT =10 visibility = "hide">
@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" LINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FFFFFF" ALINK="#0000FF" onLoad='moveNavLayer()'>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Offer Both Modes (User Chooses Mode)</B></P>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Offer Your Registration Server (IAS Mode) and Offline Account Creation (NCI Mode)</B></P>
<P>This option, which is Account Setup's default functional mode, lets users choose whether they want to use the IAS mode to start a new Internet account, or use NCI mode to set up access to an existing account.</P>
<P>This option lets users choose whether they want to use your registration server to create a new Internet account (IAS mode), or set up access to an existing account (NCI mode).</P>
<P>In this mode, Account Setup automatically presents the "Start Account Setup" screen, which gives users a choice of IAS or NCI mode.</P>
<P>Note that if you choose this option, you must have a dedicated Internet account server for users who choose the the IAS mode. If you don't have such a server, choose the <B>Use Network Configuration Mode Only</B> option instead.</P>
<P>Note that if you choose this option, you must have a dedicated Internet account server for users who choose the IAS mode. If you don't have such a server, choose the <B>Network Configuration (NCI) Mode</B> option or the <B>Offer Netscape Registration Server and Offline Account Creation (NCI Mode)</b> option instead.</P>
<LAYER NAME = "navLayer" HEIGHT=16 LEFT =10 visibility = "hide">
@ -91,7 +91,14 @@ function getOnlineDocs(inFileName)
<P>If you want, you can edit the JavaScript used in Account Setup to achieve such results as adding screens, editing the style sheet of the main Account Setup screens, and adding custom forms and functions. If you decide to work with the JavaScript in Account Setup, you must <B><FONT COLOR="DD0000">re-sign all of the Account Setup files</FONT></B> with your own certificate before distributing your Communicator package to users. </P>
<P>Before you decide to work with the JavaScript in Account Setup, refer to the <A HREF="about:blank" onclick="getOnlineDocs('asefm.htm'); return false" STYLE="color='0000EE'">Creating a Dial-Up Communicator Installer</A> documentation to get an idea of how the re-signing process works.</P>
<P>Before you decide to work with the JavaScript in Account Setup, refer to the following documentation to get an idea of how the re-signing process works:</P>
<P>Mission Control Desktop Users: See the "Creating a Dial-Up Communicator Installer" document, available on Insight at https://insight.netscape.com/insight/index/product<br>
Client Customization Kit Users: See the "Internet Account Setup Reference" online guide, accessible from the Netscape Client Customization Kit program group.</p>
<P>If you don't intend to re-sign the Account Setup files, pay close attention to the JavaScript embedded in the Account Setup HTML files, making sure not to alter it:
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" LINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FFFFFF" ALINK="#0000FF" onLoad='moveNavLayer()'>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Use Internet Account Server (IAS) Mode Only</B></P>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Internet Account Server (IAS) Mode: Use Your Internet Account Server</B></P>
<P>In IAS mode, Account Setup presents screens that can ask users for name, address, and credit card number, as well as modem, and dialing information. Account Setup uses the information to connect users to your Internet account server to create accounts.</P>
<P>In IAS mode, Account Setup can present screens that ask users for name, address, modem, and dialing information. Account Setup uses the information to connect users to your Internet account server to create new accounts.</P>
<P>If you choose this option, Account Setup automatically hides the "Start Account Setup" screen, which lets users choose the mode they want to use. Instead, it takes them directly into the first screen of the IAS mode, "Preparing to Create an Account".</P>
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ function getOnlineDocs(inFileName)
<P>Account Setup uses JavaScript Style Sheets to control some aspects of the display of text in its screens. Style sheets let you to make global changes to fonts, positioning, and many other text attributes from a central file. </P>
<P>However, because the style sheets are signed, you can only change the styles if you are planning to re-sign the Account Setup files. Refer to <A HREF="about:blank" onclick="getOnlineDocs('asefm.htm?toc-link=docs/asehelp.htm#sheets'); return false" STYLE="color='0000EE'">Style Sheets in Account Setup</A> for more information.</P>
<P>However, because the style sheets are signed, you can only change the styles if you are planning to re-sign the Account Setup files. </P>
<P><B>Turning Off Style Sheets</B></P>
@ -89,7 +89,12 @@ function getOnlineDocs(inFileName)
<P>All of the screens of Account Setup are signed with Netscape's certificate, for security.</P>
<P>If you make changes to the style sheets, you must then re-sign the Account Setup files with your own signing certificate. For more information on how to re-sign the Account Setup files, refer to the <A HREF="about:blank" onclick="getOnlineDocs('asefm.htm'); return false" STYLE="color='0000EE'">Creating a Dial-Up Communicator Installer</A> document.</P>
<P>If you make changes to the style sheets, you must then re-sign the Account Setup files with your own signing certificate. For more information on how to re-sign the Account Setup files, refer to the following documentation:</p>
<P>Mission Control Desktop Users: See the "Creating a Dial-Up Communicator Installer" document, available on Insight at https://insight.netscape.com/insight/index/product<br>
Client Customization Kit Users: See the "Internet Account Setup Reference" online guide, accessible from the Netscape Client Customization Kit program group.</p>
@ -75,11 +75,16 @@ function getOnlineDocs(inFileName)
<P CLASS="title"><B>About Account Setup's Functional Modes</B></P>
<P>Account Setup is designed to offer two distinct capabilities to end users--that of connecting to an Internet account server to create new accounts (<B>IAS mode</B>); and that of simply using Account Setup to configure their dialer and TCP/IP software to access an account they already have (<B>NCI mode</B>). </P>
<P>Account Setup offers two distinct capabilities to end users--that of connecting to an Internet account server (either yours or Netscape's) to create new accounts (<B>IAS mode</B>); and that of simply using Account Setup to configure their dialer and TCP/IP software to access an account they already have (<B>NCI mode</B>). </P>
<P>To offer the IAS mode, you must have a dedicated Internet account server implemented according to Netscape's Internet Account Server Protocol. See the <A HREF="http://help.netscape.com/docs/client/MC/acctproc4.html" TARGET="_Top">Guide to Online Internet Account Creation</A> document for information about setting up an Internet account server. </P>
<P>For more information about the IAS mode of Account Setup, refer to the <A HREF="about:blank" onclick="getOnlineDocs('asefm.htm'); return false" STYLE="color='0000EE'">Creating a Dial-Up Communicator Installer</A> documentation.</P>
For more information about customizing Account Setup, refer to the following documentation:</P>
<P>Mission Control Desktop Users: See the "Creating a Dial-Up Communicator Installer" document, available on Insight at https://insight.netscape.com/insight/index/product<br>
Client Customization Kit Users: See the "Internet Account Setup Reference" online guide, accessible from the Netscape Client Customization Kit program group.</p>
<P>Use Account Setup's global options to choose which functional mode you want to use.</P>
@ -80,18 +80,18 @@ function getOnlineDocs(inFileName)
<LI><A HREF="modes.htm">About Account Setup Functional Modes</A></LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="iasmode.htm">Use Internet Account Server (IAS) Mode Only</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="iasmode.htm">Internet Account Server (IAS) Mode: Use Your Internet Account Server</A></LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="ncimode.htm">Use Network Configuration (NCI) Mode Only</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="ncimode.htm">Network Configuration (NCI) Mode: Use Offline Account Creation</A></LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="bothmode.htm">Offer Both Modes (User Chooses Mode)</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="bothmode.htm">Offer Your Registration Server (IAS Mode) and Offline Account Creation (NCI Mode)</A></LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="yrserver.htm">Offer Netscape Registration Server and Offline Account Creation (NCI Mode)</A></LI><spacer type=vertical size=3>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="intmode.htm">Support International Formats</A></LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="shintro.htm">Show Account Setup Introduction Screens</A></LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="yrserver.htm">Direct Users to Your Internet Account Registration Server</A></LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI><A HREF="timeout.htm">Set Dialer Idle Timeout Interval</A></LI>
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" LINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FFFFFF" ALINK="#0000FF" onLoad='moveNavLayer()'>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Use Network Configuration (NCI) Mode Only</B></P>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Network Configuration (NCI) Mode: Use Offline Account Creation</B></P>
<P>In NCI mode, Account Setup presents screens that ask users for account, modem, and dialing information, then uses this information to configure their dialer and TCP/IP software.</P>
<P>In NCI mode, Account Setup presents screens that ask users for account, modem, and dialing information, then uses this information to configure their dialer and TCP/IP software. NCI mode does not connect users to a registration server to create accounts.</P>
<P>If you choose this option, Account Setup automatically hides the "Start Account Setup" screen, which lets users choose the mode they want to use. Instead, it takes them directly into the first screen of the NCI mode, "Your Account Access Location".</P>
@ -59,11 +59,12 @@
<P>This dialog lets you:</P>
<LI>Specify Account Setup's functional mode. You can set the program to operate in either IAS or NCI mode, or to offer users their choice of modes. </LI>
<LI>Specify Account Setup's functional mode. You can set the program to operate in either IAS or NCI mode, or offer users a choice of modes. If you give users a choice of modes, you can direct them to your registration server or Netscape's registration server for online account creation. The default functional mode is <b>Offer Netscape Registration Server and Offline Account Creation (NCI Mode)</b>.</LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI>Support international names, addresses, and phone numbers.</LI>
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI>Direct users to your own Internet Account Server or Netscape's registration server.
<LI>Show or hide the Account Setup introduction screens.
<spacer type=vertical size=3>
<LI>Set the idle connection timeout interval in users' dialer software.</LI>
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
<P CLASS="title"><B>Show Account Setup Introduction Screens</B></P>
<P>This option lets you tell Account Setup whether or not to display the Communicator Preview, Internet Preview, and Set Up Communicator screens in the opening screen of Account Setup. These screens provide an overview of Communicator, the Internet, and how users use Account Setup to establish a dial-up connection.</P>
<P>This option lets you tell Account Setup whether or not to display the Communicator Preview, Internet Preview, and Set Up Communicator screens in the opening screen of Account Setup. These screens provide an overview of Communicator, the Internet, and how users use Account Setup to establish a dial-up connection. You can hide the Introduction screens if you don't want them to appear on Account Setup's first screen (the "Welcome to Account Setup" screen).</P>
<LAYER NAME = "navLayer" HEIGHT=16 LEFT =10 visibility = "hide">
@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
<BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" LINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FFFFFF" ALINK="#0000FF" onLoad='moveNavLayer()'>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Direct Users to Your Internet Account Registration Server</B></P>
<P CLASS="title"><B>Offer Netscape Registration Server and Offline Account Creation (NCI Mode)</B></P>
<P>If checked, users will connect to your own registration server to create their Internet accounts. If unchecked, users will connect to Netscape's server, where they will be given a choice of ISPs and Internet account plans.</P>
<P>This is Account Setup's default functional mode. This option gives users the choice of either connecting to Netscape's registration server to create new Internet accounts, or setting up Communicator to use an account they've already established. When users connect to Netscape's server, they will be given a choice of ISPs and Internet account plans.</P>
<p>If you plan to direct users to your Internet account server, you must customise the IAS mode to access your registration server. You must also have an Internet Account Server that supports Netscape's Internet Account Server protocol.</p>
<p>If you prefer to direct users to your own Internet account server rather than Netscape's, choose the <b>Offer Your Registration Server (IAS Mode) and Offline Account Creation (NCI Mode)</b> option or the <b>Internet Account Server (IAS) Mode</b> option. You must customize the IAS mode to access your registration server. You must also have an Internet Account Server that supports Netscape's Internet Account Server protocol.</p>
<LAYER NAME = "navLayer" HEIGHT=16 LEFT =10 visibility = "hide">
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