зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Show list of calendars in the event dialog, and store in the right calendar
bug 286146, r=stuart
This commit is contained in:
@ -964,85 +964,21 @@ function editEventCommand()
//originalEvent is the item before edits were committed,
//used to check if there were external changes for shared calendar
function saveItem( calendarEvent, Server, functionToRun, originalEvent )
function saveItem( calendarEvent, calendar, functionToRun, originalEvent )
dump(functionToRun + " " + calendarEvent.title + "\n");
var calendar = getCalendar();
if (functionToRun == 'addEvent')
calendar.addItem(calendarEvent, null);
else if (functionToRun == 'modifyEvent')
calendar.modifyItem(calendarEvent, null);
var calendarServer = gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.getCalendarByName( Server );
var path = calendarServer.getAttribute("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#path");
var shared = (calendarServer.getAttribute("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#shared" ) == "true");
var publishAutomatically = (calendarServer.getAttribute( "http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#publishAutomatically" ) == "true");
if( calendarServer ) {
if( publishAutomatically ) {
var onResponseExtra = function( ) {
//add the event
eval( "gICalLib."+functionToRun+"( calendarEvent, Server )" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
//publish the changes back to the server
gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.publishCalendar( calendarServer );
//refresh the calendar file.
gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.retrieveAndSaveRemoteCalendar( calendarServer, onResponseExtra );
} else if ( shared ) {
if ( !gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.startLocalLock(calendarServer)) {
alert(gCalendarBundle.getString( "unableToWrite" ) + path + ".lock");
//Do not override external changes to other events, reload all calendar and merge only modified event...
//check if the same event was edited externally before edits were committed since the last reload.
if (gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.reloadCalendar(calendarServer, true)) {
//calendar edited externally
var uneditedEvent = fetchItem(calendarEvent);
if (uneditedEvent != null) {
//not a new event
if (!compareItems( uneditedEvent, originalEvent )) {
//event edited externally
//Merge single edited event and save
eval( "gICalLib." + functionToRun + "(calendarEvent, path)" );
//Check if the edited event is actually in the calendar file in case the lock failed
gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.reloadCalendar( calendarServer );
if ( !compareItems( fetchItem( calendarEvent ), calendarEvent ) ){
alert(gCalendarBundle.getString( "unableToWrite" ) + path );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
} else {
//Normal local calendar
eval("gICalLib."+functionToRun+"(calendarEvent, path)");
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
} else {
eval( "gICalLib."+functionToRun+"( calendarEvent, Server )" );
gCalendarWindow.clearSelectedEvent( calendarEvent );
else if (functionToRun == 'modifyEvent') {
if (!originalEvent.parent || (originalEvent.parent == calendar))
calendar.modifyItem(calendarEvent, null);
else {
originalEvent.parent.removeItem(calendarEvent, null);
calendar.addItem(calendarEvent, null);
@ -413,28 +413,16 @@ function loadCalendarEventDialog()
document.getElementById("categories-field").selectedIndex = -1;
/* XXX
// Server stuff
document.getElementById( "server-menulist-menupopup" ).database.AddDataSource( opener.gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.rdf.getDatasource() );
document.getElementById( "server-menulist-menupopup" ).builder.rebuild();
if (args.mode == "new") {
if ("server" in args)
setElementValue( "server-field", args.server );
document.getElementById( "server-field" ).selectedIndex = 1;
} else {
if (gEvent.parent)
setElementValue( "server-field", gEvent.parent.server );
document.getElementById( "server-field" ).selectedIndex = 1;
//for now you can't edit which file the event is in.
setElementValue( "server-field", "true", "disabled" );
setElementValue( "server-field-label", "true", "disabled" );
var calendar = event.calendar;
var calendars = getCalendarManager().getCalendars({});
for (var i = 0; i < calendars.length; i++) {
var menuitem = document.getElementById('server-field')
.appendItem(calendars[i].name, calendars[i].uri);
menuitem.calendar = calendars[i];
if (event.parent == calendar)
document.getElementById('server-field').selectedIndex = i;
// update enabling and disabling
@ -664,16 +652,16 @@ function onOKCommand()
var Server = getElementValue("server-field");
var calendar = document.getElementById("server-field").selectedItem.calendar;
// :TODO: REALLY only do this if the alarm or start settings change.
// if the end time is later than the start time... alert the user using text from the dtd.
// call caller's on OK function
// :TODO: REALLY only do this if the alarm or start settings change.
// if the end time is later than the start time... alert the user using text from the dtd.
// call caller's on OK function
gOnOkFunction(event, Server, originalEvent);
gOnOkFunction(event, calendar, originalEvent);
// tell standard dialog stuff to close the dialog
return true;
// tell standard dialog stuff to close the dialog
return true;
@ -177,18 +177,7 @@
<!-- Server -->
<hbox align="center" flex="1">
<label id="server-field-label" value="&newevent.server.label;"/>
<menulist id="server-field">
<menupopup id="server-menulist-menupopup" datasources="rdf:null"
<menuitem uri="rdf:*"
<menulist id="server-field"/>
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