bug 528288 - spdy - disallow server cert changes through renegotiation when using spdy r=bsmith sr=honzab

patch 13
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Patrick McManus 2011-12-02 10:28:57 -05:00
Родитель 1ab12e2fc6
Коммит cec00481a9
1 изменённых файлов: 71 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -365,10 +365,81 @@ PSM_SSL_BlacklistDigiNotar(CERTCertificate * serverCert,
return 0;
// This function assumes that we will only use the SPDY connection coalescing
// feature on connections where we have negotiated SPDY using NPN. If we ever
// talk SPDY without having negotiated it with SPDY, this code will give wrong
// and perhaps unsafe results.
// Returns SECSuccess on the initial handshake of all connections, on
// renegotiations for any connections where we did not negotiate SPDY, or on any
// SPDY connection where the server's certificate did not change.
// Prohibit changing the server cert only if we negotiated SPDY,
// in order to support SPDY's cross-origin connection pooling.
static SECStatus
BlockServerCertChangeForSpdy(nsNSSSocketInfo *infoObject,
CERTCertificate *serverCert)
// Get the existing cert. If there isn't one, then there is
// no cert change to worry about.
nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> cert;
nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert2> cert2;
nsRefPtr<nsSSLStatus> status = infoObject->SSLStatus();
if (!status) {
// If we didn't have a status, then this is the
// first handshake on this connection, not a
// renegotiation.
return SECSuccess;
cert2 = do_QueryInterface(cert);
if (!cert2) {
NS_NOTREACHED("every nsSSLStatus must have a cert"
"that implements nsIX509Cert2");
return SECFailure;
// Filter out sockets that did not neogtiate SPDY via NPN
nsCAutoString negotiatedNPN;
nsresult rv = infoObject->GetNegotiatedNPN(negotiatedNPN);
"GetNegotiatedNPN() failed during renegotiation");
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !negotiatedNPN.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("spdy/2")))
return SECSuccess;
// If GetNegotiatedNPN() failed we will assume spdy for safety's safe
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
("BlockServerCertChangeForSpdy failed GetNegotiatedNPN() call."
" Assuming spdy.\n"));
// Check to see if the cert has actually changed
CERTCertificate * c = cert2->GetCert();
NS_ASSERTION(c, "very bad and hopefully impossible state");
bool sameCert = CERT_CompareCerts(c, serverCert);
if (sameCert)
return SECSuccess;
// Report an error - changed cert is confirmed
("SPDY Refused to allow new cert during renegotiation\n"));
return SECFailure;
nsNSSShutDownPreventionLock const & nssShutdownPreventionLock)
if (BlockServerCertChangeForSpdy(mSocketInfo, mCert) != SECSuccess)
return SECFailure;
if (mCert->serialNumber.data &&
mCert->issuerName &&