@ -1631,119 +1631,153 @@ str_trimRight(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
* Perl-inspired string functions.
/* Result of a successfully performed flat match. */
class FlatMatch
JSString *patstr;
const jschar *pat;
size_t patlen;
int32 match_;
friend class RegExpGuard;
JSString *pattern() const { return patstr; }
size_t patternLength() const { return patlen; }
* @note The match is -1 when the match is performed successfully,
* but no match is found.
int32 match() const { return match_; }
/* A regexp and optional associated object. */
class RegExpPair
JSObject *reobj_;
RegExp *re_;
explicit RegExpPair(RegExp *re): re_(re) {}
friend class RegExpGuard;
/* @note May be null. */
JSObject *reobj() const { return reobj_; }
RegExp &re() const { JS_ASSERT(re_); return *re_; }
* RegExpGuard factors logic out of String regexp operations. After each
* operation completes, RegExpGuard data members become available, according to
* the comments below.
* RegExpGuard factors logic out of String regexp operations.
* Notes on parameters to RegExpGuard member functions:
* - 'optarg' indicates in which argument position RegExp flags will be found,
* if present. This is a Mozilla extension and not part of any ECMA spec.
* - 'flat' indicates that the given pattern string will not be interpreted as
* a regular expression, hence regexp meta-characters are ignored.
* @param optarg Indicates in which argument position RegExp
* flags will be found, if present. This is a Mozilla
* extension and not part of any ECMA spec.
class RegExpGuard
RegExpGuard(const RegExpGuard &);
void operator=(const RegExpGuard &);
JSContext *mCx;
JSObject *mReobj;
js::RegExp *mRe;
RegExpGuard(JSContext *cx) : mCx(cx), mRe(NULL) {}
~RegExpGuard() {
if (mRe)
JSContext* cx() const { return mCx; }
/* init must succeed in order to call tryFlatMatch or normalizeRegExp. */
init(uintN argc, Value *vp)
if (argc != 0 && VALUE_IS_REGEXP(mCx, vp[2])) {
mReobj = &vp[2].toObject();
mRe = static_cast<js::RegExp *>(mReobj->getPrivate());
} else {
patstr = ArgToRootedString(mCx, argc, vp, 0);
if (!patstr)
return false;
return true;
JSContext *cx;
RegExpPair rep;
FlatMatch fm;
* Upper bound on the number of characters we are willing to potentially
* waste on searching for RegExp meta-characters.
static const size_t sMaxFlatPatLen = 256;
static const size_t MAX_FLAT_PAT_LEN = 256;
explicit RegExpGuard(JSContext *cx) : cx(cx), rep(NULL) {}
~RegExpGuard() {
if (rep.re_)
/* init must succeed in order to call tryFlatMatch or normalizeRegExp. */
init(uintN argc, Value *vp)
if (argc != 0 && VALUE_IS_REGEXP(cx, vp[2])) {
rep.reobj_ = &vp[2].toObject();
rep.re_ = RegExp::extractFrom(rep.reobj_);
} else {
fm.patstr = ArgToRootedString(cx, argc, vp, 0);
if (!fm.patstr)
return false;
return true;
* Attempt to match |patstr| with |textstr|. Return false if flat matching
* could not be used.
* Attempt to match |patstr| to |textstr|. A flags argument, metachars in the
* pattern string, or a lengthy pattern string can thwart this process.
* @param checkMetaChars Look for regexp metachars in the pattern string.
* @return Whether flat matching could be used.
tryFlatMatch(JSString *textstr, bool flat, uintN optarg, uintN argc)
const FlatMatch *
tryFlatMatch(JSString *textstr, uintN optarg, uintN argc, bool checkMetaChars = true)
if (mRe)
return false;
patstr->getCharsAndLength(pat, patlen);
if (optarg < argc ||
(!flat &&
(patlen > sMaxFlatPatLen || RegExp::hasMetaChars(pat, patlen)))) {
return false;
if (rep.re_)
return NULL;
fm.patstr->getCharsAndLength(fm.pat, fm.patlen);
if (optarg < argc)
return NULL;
if (checkMetaChars &&
(fm.patlen > MAX_FLAT_PAT_LEN || RegExp::hasMetaChars(fm.pat, fm.patlen))) {
return NULL;
* textstr could be a rope, so we want to avoid flattening it for as
* long as possible.
if (textstr->isTopNode()) {
match = RopeMatch(textstr, pat, patlen);
fm.match_ = RopeMatch(textstr, fm.pat, fm.patlen);
} else {
const jschar *text;
size_t textlen;
textstr->getCharsAndLength(text, textlen);
match = StringMatch(text, textlen, pat, patlen);
fm.match_ = StringMatch(text, textlen, fm.pat, fm.patlen);
return true;
return &fm;
/* Data available on successful return from |tryFlatMatch|. */
JSString *patstr;
const jschar *pat;
size_t patlen;
jsint match;
/* If the pattern is not already a regular expression, make it so. */
const RegExpPair *
normalizeRegExp(bool flat, uintN optarg, uintN argc, Value *vp)
/* If we don't have a RegExp, build RegExp from pattern string. */
if (mRe)
return true;
if (rep.re_)
return &rep;
JSString *opt;
if (optarg < argc) {
opt = js_ValueToString(mCx, vp[2 + optarg]);
opt = js_ValueToString(cx, vp[2 + optarg]);
if (!opt)
return false;
return NULL;
} else {
opt = NULL;
mRe = RegExp::createFlagged(mCx, patstr, opt);
if (!mRe)
return false;
mReobj = NULL;
return true;
rep.re_ = RegExp::createFlagged(cx, fm.patstr, opt);
if (!rep.re_)
return NULL;
rep.reobj_ = NULL;
return &rep;
/* Data available on successful return from |normalizeRegExp|. */
JSObject *reobj() const { return mReobj; } /* nullable */
js::RegExp *re() const { return mRe; } /* non-null */
bool hasRegExpPair() const { return rep.re_; }
/* js_ExecuteRegExp indicates success in two ways, based on the 'test' flag. */
@ -1771,15 +1805,15 @@ enum MatchControlFlags {
/* Factor out looping and matching logic. */
static bool
DoMatch(JSContext *cx, Value *vp, JSString *str, const RegExpGuard &g,
DoMatch(JSContext *cx, Value *vp, JSString *str, const RegExpPair &rep,
DoMatchCallback callback, void *data, MatchControlFlags flags)
RegExp &re = *g.re();
RegExp &re = rep.re();
if (re.global()) {
/* global matching ('g') */
bool testGlobal = flags & TEST_GLOBAL_BIT;
if (g.reobj())
if (rep.reobj())
for (size_t count = 0, i = 0, length = str->length(); i <= length; ++count) {
if (!re.execute(cx, str, &i, testGlobal, vp))
return false;
@ -1804,10 +1838,9 @@ DoMatch(JSContext *cx, Value *vp, JSString *str, const RegExpGuard &g,
static bool
BuildFlatMatchArray(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, const RegExpGuard &g,
Value *vp)
BuildFlatMatchArray(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, const FlatMatch &fm, Value *vp)
if (g.match < 0) {
if (fm.match() < 0) {
return true;
@ -1818,9 +1851,9 @@ BuildFlatMatchArray(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, const RegExpGuard &g,
return false;
return obj->defineProperty(cx, INT_TO_JSID(0), StringValue(g.patstr)) &&
return obj->defineProperty(cx, INT_TO_JSID(0), StringValue(fm.pattern())) &&
obj->defineProperty(cx, ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.indexAtom),
Int32Value(g.match)) &&
Int32Value(fm.match())) &&
obj->defineProperty(cx, ATOM_TO_JSID(cx->runtime->atomState.inputAtom),
@ -1860,18 +1893,20 @@ str_match(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
RegExpGuard g(cx);
if (!g.init(argc, vp))
return false;
if (g.tryFlatMatch(str, false, 1, argc))
return BuildFlatMatchArray(cx, str, g, vp);
if (!g.normalizeRegExp(false, 1, argc, vp))
if (const FlatMatch *fm = g.tryFlatMatch(str, 1, argc))
return BuildFlatMatchArray(cx, str, *fm, vp);
const RegExpPair *rep = g.normalizeRegExp(false, 1, argc, vp);
if (!rep)
return false;
AutoObjectRooter array(cx);
MatchArgType arg = array.addr();
if (!DoMatch(cx, vp, str, g, MatchCallback, arg, MATCH_ARGS))
if (!DoMatch(cx, vp, str, *rep, MatchCallback, arg, MATCH_ARGS))
return false;
/* When not global, DoMatch will leave |RegExp.exec()| in *vp. */
if (g.re()->global())
if (rep->re().global())
return true;
@ -1885,15 +1920,16 @@ str_search(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
RegExpGuard g(cx);
if (!g.init(argc, vp))
return false;
if (g.tryFlatMatch(str, false, 1, argc)) {
if (const FlatMatch *fm = g.tryFlatMatch(str, 1, argc)) {
return true;
if (!g.normalizeRegExp(false, 1, argc, vp))
const RegExpPair *rep = g.normalizeRegExp(false, 1, argc, vp);
if (!rep)
return false;
size_t i = 0;
if (!g.re()->execute(cx, str, &i, true, vp))
if (!rep->re().execute(cx, str, &i, true, vp))
return false;
if (vp->isTrue())
@ -2056,8 +2092,8 @@ FindReplaceLength(JSContext *cx, ReplaceData &rdata, size_t *sizep)
/* Push match index and input string. */
sp++->setInt32(statics.get(0, 0));
sp[0].setInt32(statics.get(0, 0));
if (!Invoke(cx, rdata.args, 0))
return false;
@ -2151,16 +2187,11 @@ ReplaceCallback(JSContext *cx, size_t count, void *p)
static bool
BuildFlatReplacement(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, JSString *repstr,
const RegExpGuard &g, Value *vp)
const FlatMatch &fm, Value *vp)
if (g.match == -1) {
return true;
JSRopeBuilder builder(cx);
size_t match = g.match; /* Avoid signed/unsigned warnings. */
size_t matchEnd = match + g.patlen;
size_t match = fm.match(); /* Avoid signed/unsigned warnings. */
size_t matchEnd = match + fm.patternLength();
if (textstr->isTopNode()) {
@ -2186,8 +2217,8 @@ BuildFlatReplacement(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, JSString *repstr,
JSString *leftSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, str, 0, match - pos);
if (!leftSide ||
!builder.append(cx, leftSide) ||
!builder.append(cx, repstr)) {
!builder.append(leftSide) ||
!builder.append(repstr)) {
return false;
@ -2199,11 +2230,11 @@ BuildFlatReplacement(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, JSString *repstr,
if (strEnd > matchEnd) {
JSString *rightSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, str, matchEnd - pos,
strEnd - matchEnd);
if (!rightSide || !builder.append(cx, rightSide))
if (!rightSide || !builder.append(rightSide))
return false;
} else {
if (!builder.append(cx, str))
if (!builder.append(str))
return false;
pos += str->length();
@ -2212,12 +2243,12 @@ BuildFlatReplacement(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, JSString *repstr,
JSString *leftSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, textstr, 0, match);
if (!leftSide)
return false;
JSString *rightSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, textstr, match + g.patlen,
textstr->length() - match - g.patlen);
JSString *rightSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, textstr, match + fm.patternLength(),
textstr->length() - match - fm.patternLength());
if (!rightSide ||
!builder.append(cx, leftSide) ||
!builder.append(cx, repstr) ||
!builder.append(cx, rightSide)) {
!builder.append(leftSide) ||
!builder.append(repstr) ||
!builder.append(rightSide)) {
return false;
@ -2226,6 +2257,172 @@ BuildFlatReplacement(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, JSString *repstr,
return true;
* Perform a linear-scan dollar substitution on the replacement text,
* constructing a result string that looks like:
* newstring = string[:matchStart] + dollarSub(replaceValue) + string[matchLimit:]
static inline bool
BuildDollarReplacement(JSContext *cx, JSString *textstr, JSString *repstr,
const jschar *firstDollar, const FlatMatch &fm, Value *vp)
JS_ASSERT(repstr->chars() <= firstDollar && firstDollar < repstr->chars() + repstr->length());
size_t matchStart = fm.match();
size_t matchLimit = matchStart + fm.patternLength();
JSCharBuffer newReplaceChars(cx);
* Most probably:
* len(newstr) >= len(orig) - len(match) + len(replacement)
* Note that dollar vars _could_ make the resulting text smaller than this.
if (!newReplaceChars.reserve(textstr->length() - fm.patternLength() + repstr->length()))
return false;
/* Move the pre-dollar chunk in bulk. */
JS_ALWAYS_TRUE(newReplaceChars.append(repstr->chars(), firstDollar));
/* Move the rest char-by-char, interpreting dollars as we encounter them. */
#define ENSURE(__cond) if (!(__cond)) return false;
const jschar *repstrLimit = repstr->chars() + repstr->length();
for (const jschar *it = firstDollar; it < repstrLimit; ++it) {
if (*it != '$' || it == repstrLimit - 1) {
switch (*(it + 1)) {
case '$': /* Eat one of the dollars. */
case '&':
ENSURE(newReplaceChars.append(textstr->chars() + matchStart,
textstr->chars() + matchLimit));
case '`':
ENSURE(newReplaceChars.append(textstr->chars(), textstr->chars() + matchStart));
case '\'':
ENSURE(newReplaceChars.append(textstr->chars() + matchLimit,
textstr->chars() + textstr->length()));
default: /* The dollar we saw was not special (no matter what its mother told it). */
++it; /* We always eat an extra char in the above switch. */
JSString *leftSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, textstr, 0, matchStart);
JSString *newReplace = js_NewStringFromCharBuffer(cx, newReplaceChars);
JS_ASSERT(textstr->length() >= matchLimit);
JSString *rightSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, textstr, matchLimit,
textstr->length() - matchLimit);
JSRopeBuilder builder(cx);
ENSURE(builder.append(leftSide) &&
builder.append(newReplace) &&
#undef ENSURE
return true;
static inline bool
str_replace_regexp(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp, ReplaceData &rdata)
const RegExpPair *rep = rdata.g.normalizeRegExp(true, 2, argc, vp);
if (!rep)
return false;
rdata.index = 0;
rdata.leftIndex = 0;
rdata.calledBack = false;
if (!DoMatch(cx, vp, rdata.str, *rep, ReplaceCallback, &rdata, REPLACE_ARGS))
return false;
if (!rdata.calledBack) {
/* Didn't match, so the string is unmodified. */
return true;
JSSubString sub;
if (!rdata.cb.append(sub.chars, sub.length))
return false;
JSString *retstr = js_NewStringFromCharBuffer(cx, rdata.cb);
if (!retstr)
return false;
return true;
static inline bool
str_replace_flat_lambda(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp, ReplaceData &rdata,
const FlatMatch &fm)
JS_ASSERT(fm.match() >= 0);
JSString *matchStr = js_NewDependentString(cx, rdata.str, fm.match(), fm.patternLength());
if (!matchStr)
return false;
/* lambda(matchStr, matchStart, textstr) */
static const uint32 lambdaArgc = 3;
if (!cx->stack().pushInvokeArgs(cx, lambdaArgc, rdata.args))
return false;
CallArgs &args = rdata.args;
Value *sp = args.argv();
if (!Invoke(cx, rdata.args, 0))
return false;
JSString *repstr = js_ValueToString(cx, args.rval());
if (!repstr)
return false;
JSString *leftSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, rdata.str, 0, fm.match());
if (!leftSide)
return false;
size_t matchLimit = fm.match() + fm.patternLength();
JSString *rightSide = js_NewDependentString(cx, rdata.str, matchLimit,
rdata.str->length() - matchLimit);
if (!rightSide)
return false;
JSRopeBuilder builder(cx);
if (!(builder.append(leftSide) &&
builder.append(repstr) &&
builder.append(rightSide))) {
return false;
return true;
js::str_replace(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
@ -2253,37 +2450,39 @@ js::str_replace(JSContext *cx, uintN argc, Value *vp)
if (!rdata.g.init(argc, vp))
return false;
if (!rdata.dollar && !rdata.lambda &&
rdata.g.tryFlatMatch(rdata.str, true, 2, argc)) {
return BuildFlatReplacement(cx, rdata.str, rdata.repstr, rdata.g, vp);
* Unlike its |String.prototype| brethren, |replace| doesn't convert
* its input to a regular expression. (Even if it contains metachars.)
* However, if the user invokes our (non-standard) |flags| argument
* extension then we revert to creating a regular expression. Note that
* this is observable behavior through the side-effect mutation of the
* |RegExp| statics.
const FlatMatch *fm = rdata.g.tryFlatMatch(rdata.str, 2, argc, false);
if (!fm) {
JS_ASSERT_IF(!rdata.g.hasRegExpPair(), argc > 2);
return str_replace_regexp(cx, argc, vp, rdata);
if (!rdata.g.normalizeRegExp(true, 2, argc, vp))
return false;
rdata.index = 0;
rdata.leftIndex = 0;
rdata.calledBack = false;
if (!DoMatch(cx, vp, rdata.str, rdata.g, ReplaceCallback, &rdata, REPLACE_ARGS))
return false;
if (!rdata.calledBack) {
/* Didn't match, so the string is unmodified. */
if (fm->match() < 0) {
return true;
JSSubString sub;
if (!rdata.cb.append(sub.chars, sub.length))
return false;
if (rdata.lambda)
return str_replace_flat_lambda(cx, argc, vp, rdata, *fm);
JSString *retstr = js_NewStringFromCharBuffer(cx, rdata.cb);
if (!retstr)
return false;
* Note: we could optimize the text.length == pattern.length case if we wanted,
* even in the presence of dollar metachars.
if (rdata.dollar)
return BuildDollarReplacement(cx, rdata.str, rdata.repstr, rdata.dollar, *fm, vp);
return true;
return BuildFlatReplacement(cx, rdata.str, rdata.repstr, *fm, vp);