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Bug 696849 - Add test cases observing cross-domain XHR in chrome code; r=bz
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,14 +6,20 @@
var server;
var sSame;
var sOther;
const BUGID = "676059";
const OTHERBUGID = "696849";
const pSame = 4444;
const pOther = 4445;
function createXHR(async, method, path)
var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"]
xhr.open(method, "http://localhost:4444" + path, async);
xhr.open(method, "http://localhost:" + pSame + path, async);
return xhr;
@ -33,16 +39,29 @@ function checkResults(xhr, method, status)
function run_test() {
// start server
server = new nsHttpServer();
// start servers
sSame = new nsHttpServer();
// same-origin redirects
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect301", bug676059redirect301);
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect302", bug676059redirect302);
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect303", bug676059redirect303);
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect307", bug676059redirect307);
server.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect301", bug676059redirect301);
server.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect302", bug676059redirect302);
server.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect303", bug676059redirect303);
server.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-redirect307", bug676059redirect307);
server.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-target", bug676059target);
// cross-origin redirects
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + OTHERBUGID + "-redirect301", bug696849redirect301);
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + OTHERBUGID + "-redirect302", bug696849redirect302);
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + OTHERBUGID + "-redirect303", bug696849redirect303);
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + OTHERBUGID + "-redirect307", bug696849redirect307);
// same-origin target
sSame.registerPathHandler("/bug" + BUGID + "-target", echoMethod);
// cross-origin target
sOther = new nsHttpServer();
sOther.registerPathHandler("/bug" + OTHERBUGID + "-target", echoMethod);
// format: redirectType, methodToSend, redirectedMethod, finalStatus
// redirectType sets the URI the initial request goes to
@ -52,7 +71,8 @@ function run_test() {
// Note that unsafe methods should not follow the redirect automatically
// Of the methods below, DELETE, POST and PUT are unsafe
// same-origin variant
var tests = [
// 301: rewrite just POST
[301, "DELETE", "GET", 200], // but see bug 598304
@ -84,6 +104,9 @@ function run_test() {
[307, "PROPFIND", "PROPFIND", 200],
// cross-origin variant
var othertests = tests; // for now these have identical results
var xhr;
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
@ -93,35 +116,80 @@ function run_test() {
checkResults(xhr, tests[i][2], tests[i][3]);
for (var i = 0; i < othertests.length; ++i) {
dump("Testing " + othertests[i] + " (cross-origin)\n");
xhr = createXHR(false, othertests[i][1], "/bug" + OTHERBUGID + "-redirect" + othertests[i][0]);
checkResults(xhr, othertests[i][2], tests[i][3]);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect301
function redirect(metadata, response, status, port, bugid) {
// set a proper reason string to avoid confusion when looking at the
// HTTP messages
var reason;
if (status == 301) {
reason = "Moved Permanently";
else if (status == 302) {
reason = "Found";
else if (status == 303) {
reason = "See Other";
else if (status == 307) {
reason = "Temporary Redirect";
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, status, reason);
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:" + port + "/bug" + bugid + "-target");
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect301
function bug676059redirect301(metadata, response) {
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 301, "Moved Permanently");
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:4444/bug" + BUGID + "-target");
redirect(metadata, response, 301, pSame, BUGID);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect302
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug696849-redirect301
function bug696849redirect301(metadata, response) {
redirect(metadata, response, 301, pOther, OTHERBUGID);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect302
function bug676059redirect302(metadata, response) {
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 302, "Found");
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:4444/bug" + BUGID + "-target");
redirect(metadata, response, 302, pSame, BUGID);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect303
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug696849-redirect302
function bug696849redirect302(metadata, response) {
redirect(metadata, response, 302, pOther, OTHERBUGID);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect303
function bug676059redirect303(metadata, response) {
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 303, "See Other");
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:4444/bug" + BUGID + "-target");
redirect(metadata, response, 303, pSame, BUGID);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect307
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug696849-redirect303
function bug696849redirect303(metadata, response) {
redirect(metadata, response, 303, pOther, OTHERBUGID);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-redirect307
function bug676059redirect307(metadata, response) {
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 307, "Temporary Redirect");
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:4444/bug" + BUGID + "-target");
redirect(metadata, response, 307, pSame, BUGID);
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug676059-target
function bug676059target(metadata, response) {
// PATH HANDLER FOR /bug696849-redirect307
function bug696849redirect307(metadata, response) {
redirect(metadata, response, 307, pOther, OTHERBUGID);
// Echo the request method in "X-Received-Method" header field
function echoMethod(metadata, response) {
response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK");
response.setHeader("X-Received-Method", metadata.method);
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