Changed the way password validation works. We now keep a

crypt'd version of the password in the database, and check against
that.  (This is silly, because we're also keeping the plaintext
version there, but I have plans...)  Stop passing the plaintext
password around as a cookie; instead, we have a cookie that references
a record in a new database table, logincookies.

IMPORTANT: if updating from an older version of Bugzilla, you must run
the following commands to keep things working:

 echo "alter table profiles add column cryptpassword varchar(64);" | mysql bugs
 echo "update profiles set cryptpassword = encrypt(password,substring(rand(),3, 4));" | mysql bugs
This commit is contained in: 1998-09-02 18:54:54 +00:00
Родитель 49b606e47a
Коммит d570212b2b
7 изменённых файлов: 16 добавлений и 332 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
# -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
source "globals.tcl"
proc url_decode {buf} {
regsub -all {\\(.)} $buf {\1} buf ; regsub -all {\\} $buf {\\\\} buf ;
regsub -all { } $buf {\ } buf ; regsub -all {\+} $buf {\ } buf ;
regsub -all {\$} $buf {\$} buf ; regsub -all \n $buf {\n} buf ;
regsub -all {;} $buf {\;} buf ; regsub -all {\[} $buf {\[} buf ;
regsub -all \" $buf \\\" buf ; regsub ^\{ $buf \\\{ buf ;
regsub -all -nocase {%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])} $buf {[format %c 0x\1]} buf
eval return \"$buf\"
proc url_quote {var} {
regsub -all { } "$var" {%20} var
regsub -all {=} "$var" {%3d} var
regsub -all "\n" "$var" {%0a} var
return $var
proc lookup { a key } {
global $a
set ref [format %s(%s) $a $key]
if { [ info exists $ref] } {
eval return \$$ref
} else {
return ""
proc ProcessFormFields {buffer} {
catch {unset FORM}
catch {unset MFORM}
set remaining $buffer
while {![cequal $remaining ""]} {
if {![regexp {^([^&]*)&(.*)$} $remaining foo item remaining]} {
set item $remaining
set remaining ""
if {![regexp {^([^=]*)=(.*)$} $item foo name value]} {
set name $item
set value ""
set value [url_decode $value]
if {![cequal $value ""]} {
append FORM($name) $value
lappend MFORM($name) $value
} else {
set isnull($name) 1
if {[info exists isnull]} {
foreach name [array names isnull] {
if {![info exists FORM($name)]} {
set FORM($name) ""
set MFORM($name) ""
proc FormData { field } {
global FORM
return $FORM($field)
if { [info exists env(REQUEST_METHOD) ] } {
if { $env(REQUEST_METHOD) == "GET" } {
set buffer [lookup env QUERY_STRING]
} else { set buffer [ read stdin $env(CONTENT_LENGTH) ] }
ProcessFormFields $buffer
proc html_quote { var } {
regsub -all {&} "$var" {\&amp;} var
regsub -all {<} "$var" {\&lt;} var
regsub -all {>} "$var" {\&gt;} var
return $var
proc value_quote { var } {
regsub -all {&} "$var" {\&amp;} var
regsub -all {"} "$var" {\&quot;} var
regsub -all {<} "$var" {\&lt;} var
regsub -all {>} "$var" {\&gt;} var
return $var
proc value_unquote { var } {
regsub -all {&quot;} $var "\"" var
regsub -all {&lt;} $var "<" var
regsub -all {&gt;} $var ">" var
regsub -all {&amp;} $var {\&} var
return $var
foreach pair [ split [lookup env HTTP_COOKIE] ";" ] {
set pair [string trim $pair]
set eq [string first = $pair ]
if {$eq == -1} {
set COOKIE($pair) ""
} else {
set COOKIE([string range $pair 0 [expr $eq - 1]]) [string range $pair [expr $eq + 1] end]
proc navigation_header {} {
global COOKIE FORM next_bug
set buglist [lookup COOKIE BUGLIST]
if { $buglist != "" } {
set bugs [split $buglist :]
set cur [ lsearch -exact $bugs $FORM(id) ]
puts "<B>Bug List:</B> ([expr $cur + 1] of [llength $bugs])"
puts "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=[lindex $bugs 0]\">First</A>"
puts "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=[lindex $bugs [expr [ llength $bugs ] - 1]]\">Last</A>"
if { $cur > 0 } {
puts "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=[lindex $bugs [expr $cur - 1]]\">Prev</A>"
} else {
puts "<I><FONT COLOR=\#777777>Prev</FONT></I>"
if { $cur < [expr [ llength $bugs ] - 1] } {
set next_bug [lindex $bugs [expr $cur + 1]]
puts "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$next_bug\">Next</A>"
} else {
puts "<I><FONT COLOR=\#777777>Next</FONT></I>"
puts "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF=\"query.cgi\">Query page</A>"
puts "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF=\"enter_bug.cgi\">Enter new bug</A>"
proc make_options { src default {isregexp 0} } {
set last "" ; set popup "" ; set found 0
foreach item $src {
if {$item == "-blank-" || $item != $last} {
if { $item == "-blank-" } { set item "" }
set last $item
if {$isregexp ? [regexp $default $item] : [cequal $default $item]} {
append popup "<OPTION SELECTED VALUE=\"$item\">$item"
set found 1
} else {
append popup "<OPTION VALUE=\"$item\">$item"
if {!$found && $default != ""} {
append popup "<OPTION SELECTED>$default"
return $popup
proc PasswordForLogin {login} {
SendSQL "select password from profiles where login_name = '[SqlQuote $login]'"
return [FetchSQLData]
proc confirm_login {{nexturl ""}} {
# puts "Content-type: text/plain\n"
global FORM COOKIE argv0
if { [info exists FORM(Bugzilla_login)] &&
[info exists FORM(Bugzilla_password)] } {
if {![regexp {^[^@, ]*@[^@, ]*\.[^@, ]*$} $FORM(Bugzilla_login)]} {
puts "Content-type: text/html\n"
puts "<H1>Invalid e-mail address entered.</H1>"
puts "The e-mail address you entered"
puts "(<b>$FORM(Bugzilla_login)</b>) didn't match our minimal"
puts "syntax checking for a legal email address. A legal address"
puts "must contain exactly one '@', and at least one '.' after"
puts "the @, and may not contain any commas or spaces."
puts "<p>Please click <b>back</b> and try again."
set realpwd [PasswordForLogin $FORM(Bugzilla_login)]
if {[info exists FORM(PleaseMailAPassword)]} {
if {[cequal $realpwd ""]} {
set realpwd [InsertNewUser $FORM(Bugzilla_login)]
set template "From: bugzilla-daemon
To: %s
Subject: Your bugzilla password.
To use the wonders of bugzilla, you can use the following:
E-mail address: %s
Password: %s
To change your password, go to:
[Param urlbase]changepassword.cgi
(Your bugzilla and CVS password, if any, are not currently synchronized.
Top hackers are working around the clock to fix this, as you read this.)
set msg [format $template $FORM(Bugzilla_login) \
$FORM(Bugzilla_login) $realpwd]
exec /usr/lib/sendmail -t << $msg
puts "Content-type: text/html\n"
puts "<H1>Password has been emailed.</H1>"
puts "The password for the e-mail address"
puts "$FORM(Bugzilla_login) has been e-mailed to that address."
puts "<p>When the e-mail arrives, you can click <b>Back</b>"
puts "and enter your password in the form there."
if {[cequal $realpwd ""] || ![cequal $realpwd $FORM(Bugzilla_password)]} {
puts "Content-type: text/html\n"
puts "<H1>Login failed.</H1>"
puts "The username or password you entered is not valid. Please"
puts "click <b>back</b> and try again."
set COOKIE(Bugzilla_login) $FORM(Bugzilla_login)
set COOKIE(Bugzilla_password) $FORM(Bugzilla_password)
puts "Set-Cookie: Bugzilla_login=$COOKIE(Bugzilla_login) ; path=/; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-2029 00:00:00 GMT"
puts "Set-Cookie: Bugzilla_password=$COOKIE(Bugzilla_password) ; path=/; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-2029 00:00:00 GMT"
set realpwd {}
if { [info exists COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)] && [info exists COOKIE(Bugzilla_password)] } {
set realpwd [PasswordForLogin $COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)]
if {[cequal $realpwd ""] || ![cequal $realpwd $COOKIE(Bugzilla_password)]} {
puts "Content-type: text/html\n"
puts "<H1>Please log in.</H1>"
puts "I need a legitimate e-mail address and password to continue."
if {[cequal $nexturl ""]} {
regexp {[^/]*$} $argv0 nexturl
set method POST
if {[info exists env(REQUEST_METHOD)]} {
set method $env(REQUEST_METHOD)
puts "
<FORM action=$nexturl method=$method>
<td align=right><b>E-mail address:</b></td>
<td><input size=35 name=Bugzilla_login></td>
<td align=right><b>Password:</b></td>
<td><input type=password size=35 name=Bugzilla_password></td>
foreach i [array names FORM] {
if {[regexp {^Bugzilla_} $i]} {
puts "<input type=hidden name=$i value=\"[value_quote $FORM($i)]\">"
puts "
<input type=submit value=Login name=GoAheadAndLogIn><hr>
If you don't have a password, or have forgotten it, then please fill in the
e-mail address above and click
here:<input type=submit value=\"E-mail me a password\"
proc PutHeader {title h1 {h2 ""}} {
puts "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE></HEAD>";
puts "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\"";
puts "LINK=\"#0000EE\" VLINK=\"#551A8B\" ALINK=\"#FF0000\">";
puts [Param bannerhtml]
puts " <TR>\n";
puts " <TD>\n";
puts " <FONT SIZE=\"+3\"><B><NOBR>$h1</NOBR></B></FONT>\n";
puts " <B>$h2</B>\n";
puts " </TD></TR>\n";
puts " </TABLE>\n";
puts " </TD>\n";
puts " <TD>\n";
puts [Param blurbhtml]
puts "</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";

Просмотреть файл

@ -66,7 +66,11 @@ Please click <b>Back</b> and try again."
puts "Content-type: text/html\n"
SendSQL "update profiles set password='$pwd' where login_name='[SqlQuote $COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)]'"
SendSQL "select encrypt('$pwd')"
set encrypted [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0]
SendSQL "update profiles set password='$pwd',cryptpassword='$encrypted' where login_name='[SqlQuote $COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)]'"
SendSQL "update logincookies set cryptpassword = '$encrypted' where cookie = $COOKIE(Bugzilla_logincookie)"
puts "<H1>OK, done.</H1>
Your new password has been set.

Просмотреть файл

@ -49,14 +49,6 @@ proc ConnectToDatabase {} {
# Useful for my stand-alone debugging
proc DebugConnect {} {
global COOKIE
set COOKIE(Bugzilla_login) terry
set COOKIE(Bugzilla_password) terry
proc SendSQL { str } {
# puts $str
@ -71,7 +63,12 @@ proc SendSQL { str } {
proc MoreSQLData {} {
global mysqlhandle
set result [mysqlresult $mysqlhandle "rows?"]
return [expr ![cequal $result ""] && $result > 0]
if {![cequal $result ""]} {
if {$result > 0} {
return 1
return 0
proc FetchSQLData {} {
@ -286,7 +283,7 @@ proc InsertNewUser {username} {
loop i 0 8 {
append pwd [cindex "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" [random 26]]
SendSQL "insert into profiles (login_name, password) values ('[SqlQuote $username]', '$pwd')"
SendSQL "insert into profiles (login_name, password, cryptpassword) values ('[SqlQuote $username]', '$pwd', encrypt('$pwd'))"
return $pwd

Просмотреть файл

Просмотреть файл

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ create table profiles (
userid mediumint not null auto_increment primary key,
login_name varchar(255) not null,
password varchar(16),
cryptpassword varchar(64),
realname varchar(255),

Просмотреть файл

@ -234,11 +234,9 @@ if {[info exists COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)]} {
if {[cequal $COOKIE(Bugzilla_login) [Param maintainer]]} {
puts "<a href=editparams.cgi>Edit Bugzilla operating parameters</a><br>"
puts "
<a href=relogin.cgi>Log in as someone besides <b>$COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)</b></a><br>
<a href=changepassword.cgi>Change my password.</a><br>"
puts "<a href=relogin.cgi>Log in as someone besides <b>$COOKIE(Bugzilla_login)</b></a><br>"
puts "<a href=changepassword.cgi>Change your password.</a><br>"
puts "<a href=\"enter_bug.cgi\">Create a new bug.</a><br>"
}]} {

Просмотреть файл

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ source CGI.tcl
puts "Set-Cookie: Bugzilla_login= ; path=/; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-80 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: Bugzilla_logincookie= ; path=/; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-80 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: Bugzilla_password= ; path=/; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-80 00:00:00 GMT
Content-type: text/html