diff --git a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLCSSUtils.cpp b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLCSSUtils.cpp
index 6cee18abeed..0e086971dfc 100644
--- a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLCSSUtils.cpp
+++ b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLCSSUtils.cpp
@@ -74,24 +74,6 @@ void ProcessBValue(nsAReadableString * aInputString, nsAWritableString & aOutput
-void ProcessIValue(nsAReadableString * aInputString, nsAWritableString & aOutputString,
- const char * aDefaultValueString,
- const char * aPrependString, const char* aAppendString)
- if (aInputString) {
- if (aInputString->Equals(NS_LITERAL_STRING("-moz-editor-invert-value"))) {
- aOutputString.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("normal"));
- }
- else {
- aOutputString.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("italic"));
- }
- }
- else {
- aOutputString.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING("italic"));
- }
void ProcessDefaultValue(nsAReadableString * aInputString, nsAWritableString & aOutputString,
const char * aDefaultValueString,
@@ -223,7 +205,7 @@ const nsHTMLCSSUtils::CSSEquivTable boldEquivTable[] = {
const nsHTMLCSSUtils::CSSEquivTable italicEquivTable[] = {
- { nsHTMLCSSUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_font_style, ProcessIValue, nsnull, nsnull, nsnull, PR_TRUE },
+ { nsHTMLCSSUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_font_style, ProcessDefaultValue, "italic", nsnull, nsnull, PR_TRUE },
{ nsHTMLCSSUtils::eCSSEditableProperty_NONE, 0 }
@@ -661,8 +643,7 @@ nsHTMLCSSUtils::RemoveCSSInlineStyle(nsIDOMNode *aNode, nsIAtom *aProperty, nsAR
nsHTMLCSSUtils::IsCSSInvertable(nsIAtom *aProperty, const nsAReadableString *aAttribute)
- return PRBool(nsIEditProperty::b == aProperty
- || nsIEditProperty::i == aProperty);
+ return PRBool(nsIEditProperty::b == aProperty);
// Get the default browser background color if we need it for GetCSSBackgroundColorState
diff --git a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.h b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.h
index 82d5a847632..70f35957b95 100644
--- a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.h
+++ b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditor.h
@@ -719,8 +719,6 @@ protected:
PRBool *aAll,
nsAWritableString *outValue);
- nsresult RemoveElementIfUselessSpan(nsIDOMElement * aElement);
// Data members
diff --git a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditorStyle.cpp b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditorStyle.cpp
index d7a7545886f..bd0d0919e03 100644
--- a/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditorStyle.cpp
+++ b/editor/libeditor/html/nsHTMLEditorStyle.cpp
@@ -334,11 +334,7 @@ nsHTMLEditor::SetInlinePropertyOnTextNode( nsIDOMCharacterData *aTextNode,
PRBool bHasProp;
nsCOMPtr styleNode;
IsTextPropertySetByContent(node, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue, bHasProp, getter_AddRefs(styleNode));
- if (bHasProp &&
- !(aValue && aValue->Equals(NS_LITERAL_STRING("-moz-editor-invert-value"))))
- {
- return NS_OK;
- }
+ if (bHasProp) return NS_OK;
// do we need to split the text node?
PRUint32 textLen;
@@ -424,32 +420,10 @@ nsHTMLEditor::SetInlinePropertyOnNode( nsIDOMNode *aNode,
// children of the aNode
res = RemoveStyleInside(tmp, aProperty, aAttribute, PR_TRUE);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
- nsCOMPtr parentNode;
- res = tmp->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(parentNode));
+ PRInt32 count;
+ // then we add the css styles corresponding to the HTML style request
+ res = mHTMLCSSUtils->SetCSSEquivalentToHTMLStyle(element, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue, &count);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
- PRBool isSet = PR_FALSE;
- if (parentNode) {
- // let's check if the parent element already has the style we want
- nsAutoString parentValue;
- mHTMLCSSUtils->IsCSSEquivalentToHTMLInlineStyleSet(parentNode, aProperty, aAttribute,
- isSet, parentValue,
- }
- if (isSet && !(aValue && aValue->Equals(NS_LITERAL_STRING("-moz-editor-invert-value")))) {
- // the parent has the style we want to apply and we are not trying to remove this style
- // from the selection
- res = mHTMLCSSUtils->RemoveCSSEquivalentToHTMLStyle(element,
- aProperty,
- aAttribute,
- aValue);
- if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
- res = RemoveElementIfUselessSpan(element);
- }
- else {
- PRInt32 count;
- // add the css styles corresponding to the HTML style request
- res = mHTMLCSSUtils->SetCSSEquivalentToHTMLStyle(element, aProperty, aAttribute, aValue, &count);
- }
return res;
@@ -721,9 +695,21 @@ nsresult nsHTMLEditor::RemoveStyleInside(nsIDOMNode *aNode,
- nsCOMPtr element = do_QueryInterface(aNode);
- res = RemoveElementIfUselessSpan(element);
+ // remove the node if it is a span, if its style attribute is empty or absent,
+ // and if it does not have a class nor an id
+ nsCOMPtr elem = do_QueryInterface(aNode);
+ nsAutoString styleVal;
+ PRBool isStyleSet;
+ res = GetAttributeValue(elem, NS_LITERAL_STRING("style"), styleVal, &isStyleSet);
if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
+ if (NodeIsType(aNode, nsIEditProperty::span) && (!isStyleSet || (0 == styleVal.Length()))) {
+ PRBool hasClassOrId ;
+ res = mHTMLCSSUtils->HasClassOrID(elem, hasClassOrId);
+ if (!hasClassOrId) {
+ res = RemoveContainer(aNode);
+ if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
+ }
+ }
@@ -1836,30 +1822,3 @@ nsHTMLEditor::IsCSSEnabled(PRBool *aIsSet)
return NS_OK;
-nsHTMLEditor::RemoveElementIfUselessSpan(nsIDOMElement * aElement)
- nsCOMPtr node = do_QueryInterface(aElement);
- // early way out if node is not a span element
- if (!NodeIsType(node, nsIEditProperty::span)) {
- return NS_OK;
- }
- // remove the node if it is a span, if its style attribute is empty or absent,
- // and if it does not have a class nor an id
- nsAutoString styleVal;
- PRBool isStyleSet;
- nsresult res = GetAttributeValue(aElement, NS_LITERAL_STRING("style"), styleVal, &isStyleSet);
- if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
- if (!isStyleSet || (0 == styleVal.Length())) {
- PRBool hasClassOrId ;
- res = mHTMLCSSUtils->HasClassOrID(aElement, hasClassOrId);
- if (NS_FAILED(res)) return res;
- if (!hasClassOrId) {
- res = RemoveContainer(node);
- }
- }
- return res;