зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 454647 - fix test_bug368835.xul tests so that TreeInvalidation returns consistent values for event data, r=marcoz, davidb
--HG-- rename : accessible/tests/mochitest/test_bug368835.xul => accessible/tests/mochitest/test_events_tree.xul
This commit is contained in:
@ -65,11 +65,11 @@ _TEST_FILES =\
test_aria_role_article.html \
test_aria_role_equation.html \
test_aria_token_attrs.html \
$(warning test_bug368835.xul temporarily disabled) \
test_bug420863.html \
test_cssattrs.html \
test_events_caretmove.html \
test_events_mutation.html \
test_events_tree.xul \
test_groupattrs.xul \
test_groupattrs.html \
test_name_markup.html \
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ _TEST_FILES =\
test_textboxes.html \
test_textboxes.xul \
testTextboxes.js \
treeview.js \
test_bug429285.html \
test_bug434464.html \
z_states_frame.html \
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ const nsIAccessibleValue = Components.interfaces.nsIAccessibleValue;
const nsIObserverService = Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService;
const nsIDOMDocument = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMDocument;
const nsIDOMEvent = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMEvent;
const nsIDOMHTMLDocument = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMHTMLDocument;
const nsIDOMNode = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNode;
const nsIDOMWindow = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow;
@ -163,6 +165,17 @@ function getNode(aNodeOrID)
return node;
* Constants indicates getAccessible doesn't fail if there is no accessible.
* Constants indicates getAccessible won't fail if accessible doesn't implement
* the requested interfaces.
* Return accessible for the given identifier (may be ID attribute or DOM
* element or accessible object).
@ -173,10 +186,10 @@ function getNode(aNodeOrID)
* to query it/them from obtained accessible
* @param aElmObj [out, optional] object to store DOM element which
* accessible is obtained for
* @param aDoNotFailIfNoAcc [in, optional] no error if the given identifier is
* not accessible
* @param aDoNotFailIf [in, optional] no error for special cases (see
* constants above)
function getAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID, aInterfaces, aElmObj, aDoNotFailIfNoAcc)
function getAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID, aInterfaces, aElmObj, aDoNotFailIf)
if (!aAccOrElmOrID)
@ -209,7 +222,7 @@ function getAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID, aInterfaces, aElmObj, aDoNotFailIfNoAcc)
if (!acc) {
if (!aDoNotFailIfNoAcc)
if (!(aDoNotFailIf & DONOTFAIL_IF_NO_ACC))
ok(false, "Can't get accessible for " + aAccOrElmOrID);
return null;
@ -224,7 +237,9 @@ function getAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID, aInterfaces, aElmObj, aDoNotFailIfNoAcc)
try {
} catch (e) {
ok(false, "Can't query " + aInterfaces[index] + " for " + aID);
ok(false, "Can't query " + aInterfaces[index] + " for " + aID);
return null;
@ -246,7 +261,8 @@ function getAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID, aInterfaces, aElmObj, aDoNotFailIfNoAcc)
function isAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID)
return getAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID, null, null, true) ? true : false;
return getAccessible(aAccOrElmOrID, null, null, DONOTFAIL_IF_NO_ACC) ?
true : false;
@ -315,7 +331,8 @@ function prettyName(aIdentifier)
if (aIdentifier instanceof nsIAccessible) {
var acc = getAccessible(aIdentifier, [nsIAccessNode]);
return getNodePrettyName(acc.DOMNode);
return getNodePrettyName(acc.DOMNode) + ", role: " +
if (aIdentifier instanceof nsIDOMNode)
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// Constants
const EVENT_REORDER = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_REORDER;
const EVENT_REORDER = nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_REORDER;
// General
@ -91,24 +92,35 @@ function unregisterA11yEventListener(aEventType, aEventHandler)
* // Generates accessible event or event sequence.
* invoke: function(){},
* // Invoker's check of handled event for correctness [optional].
* // [optional] Invoker's check of handled event for correctness.
* check: function(aEvent){},
* // Is called when event of registered type is handled.
* // [optional] Is called when event of registered type is handled.
* debugCheck: function(aEvent){},
* // DOM node event is generated for (the case when invoker generates
* // single event, see 'eventSeq' property).
* DOMNode getter() {},
* // [ignored if 'eventSeq' is defined] DOM node event is generated for
* // (used in the case when invoker expects single event).
* DOMNode getter: function() {},
* // Array of items defining events expected (or not expected, see
* // 'doNotExpectEvents' property) on invoker's action. Every item is array
* // with two elements, first element is event type, second element is
* // event target (DOM node).
* // 'doNotExpectEvents' property) on invoker's action.
* //
* // Every array item should be either
* // 1) an array consisted from two elements, the first element is DOM or
* // a11y event type, second element is event target (DOM node or
* // accessible).
* //
* // 2) object (invoker's checker object) like
* // var checker = {
* // type getter: function() {}, // DOM or a11y event type
* // target getter: function() {}, // DOM node or accessible
* // check: function(aEvent) {},
* // getID: function() {}
* // };
* eventSeq getter() {},
* // Boolean indicates if events specified by 'eventSeq' property shouldn't
* // be triggerd by invoker.
* // [optional, used together with 'eventSeq'] Boolean indicates if events
* // specified by 'eventSeq' property shouldn't be triggerd by invoker.
* doNotExpectEvents getter() {},
* // The ID of invoker.
@ -156,17 +168,16 @@ function eventQueue(aEventType)
var invoker = this.getInvoker();
if (invoker) {
var id = invoker.getID();
if (invoker.wasCaught) {
for (var jdx = 0; jdx < invoker.wasCaught.length; jdx++) {
var seq = this.mEventSeq;
var type = seq[jdx][0];
var typeStr = gAccRetrieval.getStringEventType(type);
for (var idx = 0; idx < invoker.wasCaught.length; idx++) {
var id = this.getEventID(idx);
var type = this.getEventType(idx);
var typeStr = (typeof type == "string") ?
type : gAccRetrieval.getStringEventType(type);
var msg = "test with ID = '" + id + "' failed. ";
if (invoker.doNotExpectEvents) {
var wasCaught = invoker.wasCaught[jdx];
var wasCaught = invoker.wasCaught[idx];
if (!testFailed)
testFailed = wasCaught;
@ -174,7 +185,7 @@ function eventQueue(aEventType)
msg + "There is unexpected " + typeStr + " event.");
} else {
var wasCaught = invoker.wasCaught[jdx];
var wasCaught = invoker.wasCaught[idx];
if (!testFailed)
testFailed = !wasCaught;
@ -184,8 +195,11 @@ function eventQueue(aEventType)
} else {
testFailed = true;
"test with ID = '" + id + "' failed. No events were registered.");
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
var id = this.getEventID(idx);
"test with ID = '" + id + "' failed. No events were registered.");
@ -237,35 +251,28 @@ function eventQueue(aEventType)
// Search through event sequence to ensure it doesn't contain handled
// event.
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
if (aEvent.eventType == this.mEventSeq[idx][0] &&
aEvent.DOMNode == this.mEventSeq[idx][1]) {
if (this.compareEvents(idx, aEvent))
invoker.wasCaught[idx] = true;
} else {
// We wait for events in order specified by eventSeq variable.
var idx = this.mEventSeqIdx + 1;
if (gA11yEventDumpID) { // debug stuff
var eventType = this.mEventSeq[idx][0];
var target = this.mEventSeq[idx][1];
var info = "Event queue processing. Event type: ";
info += gAccRetrieval.getStringEventType(eventType) + ". Target: ";
info += (target.localName ? target.localName : target);
if (target.nodeType == nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE &&
info += " '" + target.getAttribute("id") + "'";
var currType = this.getEventType(idx);
var currTarget = this.getEventTarget(idx);
var info = "Event queue processing. Expected event type: ";
info += (typeof currType == "string") ?
currType : eventTypeToString(currType);
info += ". Target: " + prettyName(currTarget);
if (aEvent.eventType == this.mEventSeq[idx][0] &&
aEvent.DOMNode == this.mEventSeq[idx][1]) {
if ("check" in invoker)
if (this.compareEvents(idx, aEvent)) {
this.checkEvent(idx, aEvent);
invoker.wasCaught[idx] = true;
if (idx == this.mEventSeq.length - 1) {
@ -300,21 +307,93 @@ function eventQueue(aEventType)
if (this.mEventSeq) {
aInvoker.wasCaught = new Array(this.mEventSeq.length);
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++)
addA11yEventListener(this.mEventSeq[idx][0], this);
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
var eventType = this.getEventType(idx);
if (typeof eventType == "string") // DOM event
document.addEventListener(eventType, this, true);
else // A11y event
addA11yEventListener(eventType, this);
this.clearEventHandler = function eventQueue_clearEventHandler()
if (this.mEventSeq) {
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++)
removeA11yEventListener(this.mEventSeq[idx][0], this);
for (var idx = 0; idx < this.mEventSeq.length; idx++) {
var eventType = this.getEventType(idx);
if (typeof eventType == "string") // DOM event
document.removeEventListener(eventType, this, true);
else // A11y event
removeA11yEventListener(eventType, this);
this.mEventSeq = null;
this.getEventType = function eventQueue_getEventType(aIdx)
var eventItem = this.mEventSeq[aIdx];
if ("type" in eventItem)
return eventItem.type;
return eventItem[0];
this.getEventTarget = function eventQueue_getEventTarget(aIdx)
var eventItem = this.mEventSeq[aIdx];
if ("target" in eventItem)
return eventItem.target;
return eventItem[1];
this.compareEvents = function eventQueue_compareEvents(aIdx, aEvent)
var eventType1 = this.getEventType(aIdx);
var eventType2 = (aEvent instanceof nsIDOMEvent) ?
aEvent.type : aEvent.eventType;
if (eventType1 != eventType2)
return false;
var target1 = this.getEventTarget(aIdx);
if (target1 instanceof nsIAccessible) {
var target2 = (aEvent instanceof nsIDOMEvent) ?
getAccessible(aEvent.target) : aEvent.accessible;
return target1 == target2;
var target2 = (aEvent instanceof nsIDOMEvent) ?
aEvent.target : aEvent.DOMNode;
return target1 == target2;
this.checkEvent = function eventQueue_checkEvent(aIdx, aEvent)
var eventItem = this.mEventSeq[aIdx];
if ("check" in eventItem)
var invoker = this.getInvoker();
if ("check" in invoker)
this.getEventID = function eventQueue_getEventID(aIdx)
var eventItem = this.mEventSeq[aIdx];
if ("getID" in eventItem)
return eventItem.getID();
var invoker = this.getInvoker();
return invoker.getID();
this.mDefEventType = aEventType;
this.mInvokers = new Array();
@ -356,13 +435,9 @@ var gA11yEventObserver =
parent = parent.parentNode;
if (parent != dumpElm) {
var type = gAccRetrieval.getStringEventType(event.eventType);
var info = "Event type: " + type + ". Target: ";
info += (target.localName ? target.localName : target);
if (target.nodeType == nsIDOMNode.ELEMENT_NODE &&
info += " '" + target.getAttribute("id") + "'";
var type = eventTypeToString(event.eventType);
var info = "Event type: " + type;
info += ". Target: " + prettyName(event.accessible);
if (listenersArray)
info += ". Listeners count: " + listenersArray.length;
@ -428,7 +503,11 @@ function dumpInfoToDOM(aInfo)
var dumpElm = document.getElementById(gA11yEventDumpID);
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.textContent = aInfo;
var containerTagName = document instanceof nsIDOMHTMLDocument ?
"div" : "description";
var container = document.createElement(containerTagName);
container.textContent = aInfo;
@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"
Bug 368835 - fire TreeViewChanged/TreeRowCountChanged events.
Bug 308564 - no accessibility events when data in a tree row changes.
<window xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
title="Mozilla Bug 368835">
<script type="application/javascript"
<script type="application/javascript"
src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js" />
<script type="application/javascript">
function inTreeView() { }
inTreeView.prototype =
mRowCount: 0,
mTree: null,
mData: {},
get rowCount() { return this.mRowCount; },
setTree: function(aTree) { this.mTree = aTree; },
getCellText: function(aRow, aCol)
var key = String(aRow) + aCol.id;
if (key in this.mData)
return this.mData[key];
return "hello";
getRowProperties: function(aIndex, aProperties) {},
getCellProperties: function(aIndex, aCol, aProperties) {},
getColumnProperties: function(aCol, aProperties) {},
getParentIndex: function(aRowIndex) { },
hasNextSibling: function(aRowIndex, aAfterIndex) { },
getLevel: function(aIndex) {},
getImageSrc: function(aRow, aCol) {},
getProgressMode: function(aRow, aCol) {},
getCellValue: function(aRow, aCol) {},
isContainer: function(aIndex) {},
isContainerOpen: function(aIndex) {},
isContainerEmpty: function(aIndex) {},
isSeparator: function(aIndex) {},
isSorted: function() {},
toggleOpenState: function(aIndex) {},
selectionChanged: function() {},
cycleHeader: function(aCol) {},
cycleCell: function(aRow, aCol) {},
isEditable: function(aRow, aCol) {},
isSelectable: function(aRow, aCol) {},
setCellValue: function(aRow, aCol, aValue) {},
setCellText: function(aRow, aCol, aValue) { },
performAction: function(aAction) {},
performActionOnRow: function(aAction, aRow) {},
performActionOnCell: function(aAction, aRow, aCol) {}
var gTreeViewChangedCount = 0;
var gTreeViewChanged = false;
function TreeViewChangedHandler(aEvent)
// We get two systems 'treeViewChanged' event when tree is initialized
// The third one is our when we change the tree view by
// nsITreeBoxObject::setTree.
if (gTreeViewChangedCount == 3) {
gTreeViewChanged = true;
// Tree view has been setted. We can continue tests for the tree.
window.setTimeout(doTest2, 500);
var gTreeRowCountChanged = false;
function TreeRowCountChangedHandler(aEvent)
gTreeRowCountChanged = true;
var index = aEvent.getData("index");
is(index, 0, "Wrong 'index' data of 'treeRowCountChanged' event.");
var count = aEvent.getData("count");
is(count, 1, "Wrong 'count' data of 'treeRowCountChanged' event.");
var gTreeColumnInvalidated = false;
var gTreeRowInvalidated = false;
var gTreeInvalidatedCount = 0;
function TreeInvalidatedHandler(aEvent)
switch (gTreeInvalidatedCount) {
case 1:
TreeInvalidatedHandlerHelper(aEvent, 0, 5, null, null,
case 2:
// XXX see bug 454647 TreeInvalidatedHandlerHelper(aEvent, null, null, 0, 0,
// "nsITreeBoxObject::invalidateColumn");
gTreeColumnInvalidated = true;
case 3:
// XXX see bug 454647 TreeInvalidatedHandlerHelper(aEvent, 1, 1, null, null,
// "nsITreeBoxObject::invalidateRow");
gTreeRowInvalidated = true;
function TreeInvalidatedHandlerHelper(aEvent, aStartRow, aEndRow,
aStartCol, aEndCol, aCauseMsg)
var startRow = aEvent.getData("startrow");
is(startRow, aStartRow,
"Wrong 'startrow' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aCauseMsg);
var endRow = aEvent.getData("endrow");
is(endRow, aEndRow,
"Wrong 'endrow' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aCauseMsg);
var startCol = aEvent.getData("startcolumn");
is(startCol, aStartCol,
"Wrong 'startcolumn' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aCauseMsg);
var endCol = aEvent.getData("endcolumn");
is(endCol, aEndCol,
"Wrong 'endcolumn' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aCauseMsg);
var gNameChangedOnTreeRowInvalidated = false;
var gNameChangedOnTreeColumnInvalidated = false;
var gA11yEventObserver = {
observe: function observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
if (aTopic != "accessible-event")
const nsIAccessibleEvent = Components.interfaces.nsIAccessibleEvent;
var event = aSubject.QueryInterface(nsIAccessibleEvent);
if (event.eventType != nsIAccessibleEvent.EVENT_NAME_CHANGE)
// We should get first six 'name changed' events on
// nsITreeBoxObject::invalidateColumn when we update 0th column
// containing six rows.
if (this.mCount == 6) {
gNameChangedOnTreeColumnInvalidated = true;
// Make sure 'name change' events have been fired on
// InvalidateColumn() before continue the test.
window.setTimeout(doTest3, 0);
else if (this.mCount == 7)
gNameChangedOnTreeRowInvalidated = true;
mCount: 0
function CheckEvents()
// If these fail then it doesn't mean actually events are not fired,
// possibly setTimeout was executed earlier than events have been fired.
// nsITreeBoxObject::view
"TreeViewChanged event should have been fired.");
// nsITreeBoxObject::rowCountChanged
"TreeRowCountChanged event should have been fired.");
// nsITreeBoxObject::invalidateColumn
"TreeInvalidated event should have been fired for InvalidateColumn().");
"Wrong NameChanged events number on tree column invalidation.");
// nsITreeBoxObject::invalidateRow
"TreeInvalidated event should have been fired for InvalidateRow().");
"Wrong NameChanged events number on tree row invalidation.");
// Remove DOM event listeners
TreeViewChangedHandler, true);
TreeRowCountChangedHandler, true);
TreeInvalidatedHandler, true);
// Remove a11y events listener
gObserverService.removeObserver(gA11yEventObserver, "accessible-event");
var gAccService = null;
var gObserverService = null;
var gTree = null;
var gTreeBox = null;
var gTreeView = null;
function doTest()
// Activate accessibility, otherwise events aren't fired.
gAccService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/accessibleRetrieval;1"].
// Add accessibility event listeners
gObserverService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
gObserverService.addObserver(gA11yEventObserver, "accessible-event",
// Add DOM event listeners
TreeViewChangedHandler, true);
TreeRowCountChangedHandler, true);
TreeInvalidatedHandler, true);
// Initialize the tree
gTree = document.getElementById("tree");
gTreeBox = gTree.treeBoxObject;
gView = new inTreeView();
gView.mRowCount = 5;
// Fire 'TreeViewChanged' event
gTreeBox.view = gView;
// Fire 'TreeRowCountChanged' changed
gTreeBox.rowCountChanged(0, 1);
// Wait for events.
window.setTimeout(CheckEvents, 1000);
function doTest2()
// Make sure accessibles for the tree is created because it makes
// sure accessible events will be fired.
var treeAcc = gAccService.getAccessibleFor(gTree);
// Makes sure tree children accessibles are created otherwise they won't
// be a couse of name changed events.
var children = treeAcc.children;
// Fire 'TreeInvalidated' event by InvalidateColumn()
var firstCol = gTree.columns.getFirstColumn();
for (var i = 0; i < gView.mRowCount; i++) {
var key = String(i) + firstCol.id;
gView.mData[key] = key + "_col";
function doTest3()
// Fire 'TreeInvalidated' event by InvalidateRow()
var colCount = gTree.columns.count;
for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
var key = "1" + gTree.columns.getColumnAt(i).id;
gView.mData[key] = key + "_row";
<hbox flex="1" style="overflow: auto;">
<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<a target="_blank"
title="Fire TreeViewChanged/TreeRowCountChanged events.">
Mozilla Bug 368835
<a target="_blank"
title="No accessibility events when data in a tree row changes.">
Mozilla Bug 308564
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
<tree id="tree" flex="1">
<treecol id="col" flex="1" primary="true" label="column"/>
<treecol id="scol" flex="1" label="column 2"/>
<treechildren id="treechildren"/>
@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"
Bug 368835 - fire TreeViewChanged/TreeRowCountChanged events.
Bug 308564 - no accessibility events when data in a tree row changes.
<window xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
title="DOM TreeViewChanged/TreeRowCountChanged and a11y name change events.">
<script type="application/javascript"
src="chrome://mochikit/content/MochiKit/packed.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="chrome://mochikit/content/a11y/accessible/treeview.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="chrome://mochikit/content/a11y/accessible/common.js" />
<script type="application/javascript"
src="chrome://mochikit/content/a11y/accessible/events.js" />
<script type="application/javascript">
// Invoker's checkers
* Check TreeRowCountChanged event.
function rowCountChangedChecker(aMsg, aIdx, aCount)
this.type = "TreeRowCountChanged";
this.target = gTree;
this.check = function check(aEvent)
var index = aEvent.getData("index");
is(index, aIdx, "Wrong 'index' data of 'treeRowCountChanged' event.");
var count = aEvent.getData("count");
is(count, aCount, "Wrong 'count' data of 'treeRowCountChanged' event.");
this.getID = function getID()
return aMsg + "TreeRowCountChanged";
* Check TreeInvalidated event.
function treeInvalidatedChecker(aMsg, aStartRow, aEndRow, aStartCol, aEndCol)
this.type = "TreeInvalidated";
this.target = gTree;
this.check = function check(aEvent)
var startRow = aEvent.getData("startrow");
is(startRow, aStartRow,
"Wrong 'startrow' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aMsg);
var endRow = aEvent.getData("endrow");
is(endRow, aEndRow,
"Wrong 'endrow' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aMsg);
var startCol = aEvent.getData("startcolumn");
is(startCol, aStartCol,
"Wrong 'startcolumn' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aMsg);
var endCol = aEvent.getData("endcolumn");
is(endCol, aEndCol,
"Wrong 'endcolumn' of 'treeInvalidated' event on " + aMsg);
this.getID = function getID()
return "TreeInvalidated on " + aMsg;
* Check name changed a11y event.
function nameChangeChecker(aMsg, aRow, aCol)
this.type = EVENT_NAME_CHANGE;
this.target getter = function()
var acc = getAccessible(gTree);
var tableAcc = getAccessible(acc, [nsIAccessibleTable], null,
if (tableAcc)
return tableAcc.cellRefAt(aRow, aCol);
return acc.getChildAt(aRow + 1);
this.getID = function getID()
return aMsg + "name changed";
// Invokers
* Set tree view and process TreeViewChanged handler.
function setTreeView()
this.invoke = function setTreeView_invoke()
gTreeBox.view = gView;
this.getID = function setTreeView_getID() { return "TreeViewChanged"; }
this.eventSeq = [["TreeViewChanged", gTree]];
* Insert row at 0 index and checks TreeRowCountChanged and TreeInvalidated
* event.
function insertRow()
this.invoke = function insertRow_invoke()
gTreeBox.rowCountChanged(0, 1);
this.eventSeq =
new rowCountChangedChecker("insertRow: ", 0, 1),
new treeInvalidatedChecker("insertRow", 0, 5, null, null)
* Invalidates first column and checks six name changed events for each
* treeitem plus TreeInvalidated event.
function invalidateColumn()
this.invoke = function()
// Make sure accessibles for the tree is created because it makes
// sure accessible events will be fired.
var treeAcc = getAccessible(gTree);
// Makes sure tree children accessibles are created otherwise they won't
// be a cause of name changed events.
var children = treeAcc.children;
// Fire 'TreeInvalidated' event by InvalidateColumn()
var firstCol = gTree.columns.getFirstColumn();
for (var i = 0; i < gView.mRowCount; i++) {
var key = String(i) + firstCol.id;
gView.mData[key] = key + "_col";
this.eventSeq =
new nameChangeChecker("invalidateColumn: ", 0, 0),
new nameChangeChecker("invalidateColumn: ", 1, 0),
new nameChangeChecker("invalidateColumn: ", 2, 0),
new nameChangeChecker("invalidateColumn: ", 3, 0),
new nameChangeChecker("invalidateColumn: ", 4, 0),
new nameChangeChecker("invalidateColumn: ", 5, 0),
new treeInvalidatedChecker("invalidateColumn", null, null, 0, 0)
* Invalidates second row and checks name changed event for first treeitem
* (note, there are two name changed events on linux due to different
* accessible tree for xul:tree element) plus TreeInvalidated event.
function invalidateRow()
this.invoke = function()
// Fire 'TreeInvalidated' event by InvalidateRow()
var colCount = gTree.columns.count;
for (var i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
var key = "1" + gTree.columns.getColumnAt(i).id;
gView.mData[key] = key + "_row";
this.eventSeq =
new nameChangeChecker("invalidateColumn: ", 1, 0),
new treeInvalidatedChecker("invalidateColumn", 1, 1, null, null)
// Test
var gTree = null;
var gTreeBox = null;
var gTreeView = null;
var gQueue = null;
// gA11yEventDumpID = "debug";
function doTest()
// Initialize the tree
gTree = document.getElementById("tree");
gTreeBox = gTree.treeBoxObject;
gView = new inTreeView();
gView.mRowCount = 5;
// Perform actions
gQueue = new eventQueue();
gQueue.push(new setTreeView());
gQueue.push(new insertRow());
gQueue.push(new invalidateColumn());
gQueue.push(new invalidateRow());
<hbox flex="1" style="overflow: auto;">
<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<a target="_blank"
title="Fire TreeViewChanged/TreeRowCountChanged events.">
Mozilla Bug 368835
<a target="_blank"
title="No accessibility events when data in a tree row changes.">
Mozilla Bug 308564
<p id="display"></p>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
<vbox id="debug"/>
<tree id="tree" flex="1">
<treecol id="col" flex="1" primary="true" label="column"/>
<treecol id="scol" flex="1" label="column 2"/>
<treechildren id="treechildren"/>
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
function inTreeView() { }
inTreeView.prototype =
mRowCount: 0,
mTree: null,
mData: {},
get rowCount()
return this.mRowCount;
setTree: function setTree(aTree)
this.mTree = aTree;
getCellText: function getCellText(aRow, aCol)
var key = String(aRow) + aCol.id;
if (key in this.mData)
return this.mData[key];
return "hello";
getRowProperties: function getRowProperties(aIndex, aProperties) {},
getCellProperties: function getCellProperties(aIndex, aCol, aProperties) {},
getColumnProperties: function getColumnProperties(aCol, aProperties) {},
getParentIndex: function getParentIndex(aRowIndex) { },
hasNextSibling: function hasNextSibling(aRowIndex, aAfterIndex) { },
getLevel: function getLevel(aIndex) {},
getImageSrc: function getImageSrc(aRow, aCol) {},
getProgressMode: function getProgressMode(aRow, aCol) {},
getCellValue: function getCellValue(aRow, aCol) {},
isContainer: function isContainer(aIndex) {},
isContainerOpen: function isContainerOpen(aIndex) {},
isContainerEmpty: function isContainerEmpty(aIndex) {},
isSeparator: function isSeparator(aIndex) {},
isSorted: function isSorted() {},
toggleOpenState: function toggleOpenState(aIndex) {},
selectionChanged: function selectionChanged() {},
cycleHeader: function cycleHeader(aCol) {},
cycleCell: function cycleCell(aRow, aCol) {},
isEditable: function isEditable(aRow, aCol) {},
isSelectable: function isSelectable(aRow, aCol) {},
setCellValue: function setCellValue(aRow, aCol, aValue) {},
setCellText: function setCellText(aRow, aCol, aValue) { },
performAction: function performAction(aAction) {},
performActionOnRow: function performActionOnRow(aAction, aRow) {},
performActionOnCell: function performActionOnCell(aAction, aRow, aCol) {}
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