зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Removed abstract methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -81,10 +81,9 @@
(deftag static)
(deftag constructor)
(deftag operator)
(deftag abstract)
(deftag virtual)
(deftag final)
(deftype member-modifier (tag none static constructor operator abstract virtual final))
(deftype member-modifier (tag none static constructor operator virtual final))
(deftype override-modifier (tag none true false undefined))
@ -396,13 +395,13 @@
(final boolean))
(defrecord instance-method
(code (union instance (tag abstract))) ;Method code
(code instance) ;Method code
(signature signature)
(final boolean))
(defrecord instance-accessor
(type class :opt-const)
(code (union instance (tag abstract))) ;Getter or setter function code
(code instance) ;Getter or setter function code
(final boolean))
@ -1156,12 +1155,8 @@
(:narrow instance-method
(return (new method-closure this m)))
(:narrow instance-accessor
(const code (union instance (tag abstract)) (& code m))
(case code
(:narrow instance
(return ((& call (resolve-alias code)) this (new argument-list (vector-of object) (list-set-of named-argument)) (& env code) phase)))
(:select (tag abstract)
(throw property-access-error))))))
(const code instance (& code m))
(return ((& call (resolve-alias code)) this (new argument-list (vector-of object) (list-set-of named-argument)) (& env code) phase)))))
(define (read-static-member (m static-member-opt) (phase phase)) object-opt
@ -1290,12 +1285,8 @@
(throw property-access-error))
(:narrow instance-accessor
(const coerced-value object (assignment-conversion new-value (&opt type m)))
(const code (union instance (tag abstract)) (& code m))
(case code
(:narrow instance
(exec ((& call (resolve-alias code)) this (new argument-list (vector coerced-value) (list-set-of named-argument)) (& env code) phase)))
(:select (tag abstract)
(throw property-access-error)))
(const code instance (& code m))
(exec ((& call (resolve-alias code)) this (new argument-list (vector coerced-value) (list-set-of named-argument)) (& env code) phase))
(return ok))))
@ -3168,9 +3159,6 @@
(rule :nonexpression-attribute ((validate (-> (environment) void)) (eval (-> (environment phase) attribute)))
(production :nonexpression-attribute (abstract) nonexpression-attribute-abstract
((validate (env :unused)))
((eval (env :unused) (phase :unused)) (return (new compound-attribute (list-set-of namespace) false false abstract none false false))))
(production :nonexpression-attribute (final) nonexpression-attribute-final
((validate (env :unused)))
((eval (env :unused) (phase :unused)) (return (new compound-attribute (list-set-of namespace) false false final none false false))))
@ -3402,16 +3390,12 @@
"In this case, ignore the error and leave the value of the variable " (:tag inaccessible) " until it is defined at run time."))))
(<- deferred-validators (append deferred-validators (vector deferred-static-validate)))
(action<- (kind :variable-binding 0) static))
(:narrow (tag abstract virtual final)
(:narrow (tag virtual final)
(const c class (assert-in (nth env 0) class))
(function (eval-initial-value) object-opt
(return ((eval :variable-initialisation) env run)))
(var m (union instance-variable instance-accessor))
(case member-mod
(:select (tag abstract)
(rwhen (has-initialiser :variable-initialisation)
(throw syntax-error))
(<- m (new instance-accessor :uninit abstract false)))
(:select (tag virtual)
(<- m (new instance-variable :uninit eval-initial-value immutable false)))
(:select (tag final)
@ -3461,13 +3445,11 @@
(&= value v coerced-value)))
(:select (tag instance))))))
(rule (:variable-initialisation :beta) ((has-initialiser boolean) (validate (-> (context environment) void)) (eval (-> (environment phase) object-opt)))
(rule (:variable-initialisation :beta) ((validate (-> (context environment) void)) (eval (-> (environment phase) object-opt)))
(production (:variable-initialisation :beta) () variable-initialisation-none
(has-initialiser false)
((validate (cxt :unused) (env :unused)))
((eval (env :unused) (phase :unused)) (return none)))
(production (:variable-initialisation :beta) (= (:variable-initialiser :beta)) variable-initialisation-variable-initialiser
(has-initialiser true)
((validate cxt env) ((validate :variable-initialiser) cxt env))
((eval env phase) (return ((eval :variable-initialiser) env phase)))))
@ -3497,7 +3479,7 @@
((validate cxt env) ((validate :type-expression) cxt env))
((eval env) (return ((eval :type-expression) env)))))
;(production (:typed-identifier :beta) ((:type-expression :beta) :identifier) typed-identifier-type-and-identifier)
(%print-actions ("Validation" name type-present immutable kind multiname has-initialiser validate) ("Evaluation" eval))
(%print-actions ("Validation" name type-present immutable kind multiname validate) ("Evaluation" eval))
(%heading 2 "Simple Variable Definition")
@ -3561,7 +3543,7 @@
(rwhen (and prototype (or (not-in kind (tag normal)) (in member-mod (tag constructor))))
(throw definition-error))
(var compile-this (tag none inaccessible) none)
(when (or prototype (in member-mod (tag constructor abstract virtual final)))
(when (or prototype (in member-mod (tag constructor virtual final)))
(<- compile-this inaccessible))
(const compile-frame function-frame (new function-frame (list-set-of static-binding) (list-set-of static-binding) plural compile-this prototype))
(const compile-env environment (cons compile-frame env))
@ -3611,7 +3593,7 @@
(<- f (instantiate-open-instance (assert-in f open-instance) env)))
(const v variable (new variable function-class f true))
(exec (define-static-member env name (& namespaces a) (& override-mod a) (& explicit a) read-write v)))
(:narrow (tag abstract virtual final)
(:narrow (tag virtual final)
(:select (tag constructor operator)
@ -3712,7 +3694,7 @@
(throw definition-error))
(<- final false))
(:select (tag final) (<- final true))
(:select (tag constructor operator abstract virtual) (throw definition-error)))
(:select (tag constructor operator virtual) (throw definition-error)))
(const private-namespace namespace (new namespace "private"))
(const dynamic boolean (or (& dynamic a) (& dynamic superclass)))
(const c class (new class (list-set-of static-binding) (list-set-of static-binding) (list-set-of instance-binding) (list-set-of instance-binding)
@ -3855,10 +3837,8 @@
(// "Note that " (:global resolve-alias) " is not called when getting the " (:label instance env) " field.")
(return ((& call (resolve-alias a)) this args (& env a) phase)))
(:narrow method-closure
(const code (union (tag abstract) instance) (& code (& method a)))
(case code
(:narrow instance (return (call-object (& this a) code args phase)))
(:select (tag abstract) (throw property-access-error))))))
(const code instance (& code (& method a)))
(return (call-object (& this a) code args phase)))))
(define (construct-object (this object) (a object) (args argument-list) (phase phase)) object
(case a
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