Bug 648364 - Remove dead code. r=rnewman

This commit is contained in:
Philipp von Weitershausen 2011-05-19 18:09:02 -07:00
Родитель dd0e93f304
Коммит d919c3b5fe
6 изменённых файлов: 4 добавлений и 228 удалений

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@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ AuthMgr.prototype = {
function AsyncResource(uri) {
this._log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger(this._logName);
this._log.level =
this.uri = uri;
this._headers = {};
this._onComplete = Utils.bind2(this, this._onComplete);
@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ BadCertListener.prototype = {
// Silently ignore?
let log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Service.CertListener");
log.level =
log.debug("Invalid HTTPS certificate encountered, ignoring!");
return true;

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@ -458,32 +458,6 @@ let Utils = {
return ex && ex.indexOf && (ex.indexOf(hmacFail) == 0);
checkStatus: function Weave_checkStatus(code, msg, ranges) {
if (!ranges)
ranges = [[200,300]];
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
var rng = ranges[i];
if (typeof(rng) == "object" && code >= rng[0] && code < rng[1])
return true;
else if (typeof(rng) == "number" && code == rng) {
return true;
if (msg) {
let log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("Service.Util");
log.error(msg + " Error code: " + code);
return false;
ensureStatus: function Weave_ensureStatus(args) {
if (!Utils.checkStatus.apply(Utils, arguments))
throw 'checkStatus failed';
* UTF8-encode a message and hash it with the given hasher. Returns a
* string containing bytes. The hasher is reset if it's an HMAC hasher.
@ -928,30 +902,6 @@ let Utils = {
return url;
xpath: function Weave_xpath(xmlDoc, xpathString) {
let root = xmlDoc.ownerDocument == null ?
xmlDoc.documentElement : xmlDoc.ownerDocument.documentElement;
let nsResolver = xmlDoc.createNSResolver(root);
return xmlDoc.evaluate(xpathString, xmlDoc, nsResolver,
Ci.nsIDOMXPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
getTmp: function Weave_getTmp(name) {
let tmp = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
if (!tmp.exists())
if (name)
return tmp;
* Load a json object from disk
@ -1212,38 +1162,6 @@ let Utils = {
return over ? atob(b64.substr(0, len - over)) : atob(b64);
* Calculate the strength of a passphrase provided by the user
* according to the NIST algorithm (NIST 800-63 Appendix A.1).
passphraseStrength: function passphraseStrength(value) {
let bits = 0;
// The entropy of the first character is taken to be 4 bits.
if (value.length)
bits = 4;
// The entropy of the next 7 characters are 2 bits per character.
if (value.length > 1)
bits += Math.min(value.length - 1, 7) * 2;
// For the 9th through the 20th character the entropy is taken to
// be 1.5 bits per character.
if (value.length > 8)
bits += Math.min(value.length - 8, 12) * 1.5;
// For characters 21 and above the entropy is taken to be 1 bit per character.
if (value.length > 20)
bits += value.length - 20;
// Bonus of 6 bits if we find non-alphabetic characters
if ([char.charCodeAt() for each (char in value.toLowerCase())]
.some(function(chr) chr < 97 || chr > 122))
bits += 6;
return bits;
* Create an array like the first but without elements of the second
@ -1292,17 +1210,6 @@ let Utils = {
return false;
__prefs: null,
get prefs() {
if (!this.__prefs) {
this.__prefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
this.__prefs = this.__prefs.getBranch(PREFS_BRANCH);
return this.__prefs;
* Helpers for making asynchronous calls within a synchronous API possible.
@ -1375,68 +1282,6 @@ let Utils = {
let FakeSvc = {
// Private Browsing
"@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1": {
autoStarted: false,
privateBrowsingEnabled: false
// Session Restore
"@mozilla.org/browser/sessionstore;1": {
setTabValue: function(tab, key, value) {
if (!tab.__SS_extdata)
tab.__SS_extdata = {};
tab.__SS_extData[key] = value;
getBrowserState: function() {
// Fennec should have only one window. Not more, not less.
let state = { windows: [{ tabs: [] }] };
let window = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
// Extract various pieces of tab data
window.Browser._tabs.forEach(function(tab) {
let tabState = { entries: [{}] };
let browser = tab.browser;
// Cases when we want to skip the tab. Could come up if we get
// state as a tab is opening or closing.
if (!browser || !browser.currentURI || !browser.sessionHistory)
let history = browser.sessionHistory;
if (history.count > 0) {
// We're only grabbing the current history entry for now.
let entry = history.getEntryAtIndex(history.index, false);
tabState.entries[0].url = entry.URI.spec;
// Like SessionStore really does it...
if (entry.title && entry.title != entry.url)
tabState.entries[0].title = entry.title;
// index is 1-based
tabState.index = 1;
// Get the image for the tab. Fennec doesn't quite work the same
// way as Firefox, so we'll just get this from the browser object.
tabState.attributes = { image: browser.mIconURL };
// Collect the extdata
if (tab.__SS_extdata) {
tabState.extData = {};
for (let key in tab.__SS_extdata)
tabState.extData[key] = tab.__SS_extdata[key];
// Add the tab to the window
return JSON.stringify(state);
// A fake service only used for testing
"@labs.mozilla.com/Fake/Thing;1": {
isFake: true
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(Utils, "_utf8Converter", function() {
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]

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@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ function run_test() {
"/quota-error": server_quota_error
Utils.prefs.setIntPref("network.numRetries", 1); // speed up test
Svc.Prefs.set("network.numRetries", 1); // speed up test
_("Resource object members");
let res = new Resource("http://localhost:8080/open");

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@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ function run_test() {
"/quota-error": server_quota_error
Utils.prefs.setIntPref("network.numRetries", 1); // speed up test
Svc.Prefs.set("network.numRetries", 1); // speed up test
let did401 = false;
Observers.add("weave:resource:status:401", function() did401 = true);

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@ -67,22 +67,6 @@ function run_test() {
do_check_eq(Utils.normalizePassphrase(" abcde-abcde-abcde-abcde "),
_("Passphrase strength calculated according to the NIST algorithm.");
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength(""), 0);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("a"), 4);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("ab"), 6);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abc"), 8);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abcdefgh"), 18);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abcdefghi"), 19.5);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abcdefghij"), 21);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abcdefghijklmnopqrst"), 36);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu"), 37);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), 42);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!"), 49);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("1"), 10);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("12"), 12);
do_check_eq(Utils.passphraseStrength("a1"), 12);
_("Normalizing username.");
do_check_eq(Utils.normalizeAccount(" QA1234+boo@mozilla.com "), "QA1234+boo@mozilla.com");
do_check_eq(Utils.normalizeAccount("QA1234+boo@mozilla.com"), "QA1234+boo@mozilla.com");

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@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// both the checkStatus and ensureStatus functions are tested
// here.
function run_test() {
function _test_checkStatus() {
let msg = "msg";
_("test with default range");
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(200, msg));
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(299, msg));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(199, msg));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(300, msg));
_("test with a number");
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(100, msg, [100]));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(200, msg, [100]));
_("test with two numbers");
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(100, msg, [100, 200]));
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(200, msg, [100, 200]));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(50, msg, [100, 200]));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(150, msg, [100, 200]));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(250, msg, [100, 200]));
_("test with a range and a number");
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(50, msg, [[50, 100], 100]));
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(75, msg, [[50, 100], 100]));
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(100, msg, [[50, 100], 100]));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(200, msg, [[50, 100], 100]));
_("test with a number and a range");
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(50, msg, [100, [50, 100]]));
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(75, msg, [100, [50, 100]]));
do_check_true(Utils.checkStatus(100, msg, [100, [50, 100]]));
do_check_false(Utils.checkStatus(200, msg, [100, [50, 100]]));
function _test_ensureStatus() {
_("test that ensureStatus throws exception when it should");
let except;
try {
Utils.ensureStatus(400, "msg", [200]);
} catch(e) {
except = e;