зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
bug 187957: implement nsIFile.normalize for windows and os/2, r=darin sr=dougt
This commit is contained in:
@ -784,6 +784,137 @@ nsLocalFile::AppendNativeInternal(const nsAFlatCString &node, PRBool multipleCom
// XXX See bug 187957 comment 18 for possible problems with this implementation.
if (mWorkingPath.IsEmpty())
return NS_OK;
// work in unicode for ease
nsAutoString path;
NS_CopyNativeToUnicode(mWorkingPath, path);
// find the index of the root backslash for the path. Everything before
// this is considered fully normalized and cannot be ascended beyond
// using ".." For a local drive this is the first slash (e.g. "c:\").
// For a UNC path it is the slash following the share name
// (e.g. "\\server\share\").
PRInt32 rootIdx = 2; // default to local drive
if (path.First() == '\\') // if a share then calculate the rootIdx
rootIdx = path.FindChar('\\', 2); // skip \\ in front of the server
if (rootIdx == kNotFound)
return NS_OK; // already normalized
rootIdx = path.FindChar('\\', rootIdx+1);
if (rootIdx == kNotFound)
return NS_OK; // already normalized
else if (path.CharAt(rootIdx) != '\\')
// The path has been specified relative to the current working directory
// for that drive. To normalize it, the current working directory for
// that drive needs to be inserted before the supplied relative path
// which will provide an absolute path (and the rootIdx will still be 2).
char cwd[MAX_PATH];
char * pcwd = cwd;
int drive = toupper(path.First()) - 'A' + 1;
if (!_getdcwd(drive, pcwd, MAX_PATH))
pcwd = _getdcwd(drive, 0, 0);
if (!pcwd)
nsAutoString currentDir;
NS_CopyNativeToUnicode(nsDependentCString(pcwd), currentDir);
if (pcwd != cwd)
if (currentDir.Last() == '\\')
path.Replace(0, 2, currentDir);
path.Replace(0, 2, currentDir + NS_LITERAL_STRING("\\"));
NS_POSTCONDITION(0 < rootIdx && rootIdx < (PRInt32)path.Length(), "rootIdx is invalid");
NS_POSTCONDITION(path.CharAt(rootIdx) == '\\', "rootIdx is invalid");
// if there is nothing following the root path then it is already normalized
if (rootIdx + 1 == (PRInt32)path.Length())
return NS_OK;
// assign the root
nsAutoString normal;
const PRUnichar * pathBuffer = path.get(); // simplify access to the buffer
normal.SetCapacity(path.Length()); // it won't ever grow longer
normal.Assign(pathBuffer, rootIdx);
// Normalize the path components. The actions taken are:
// "\\" condense to single backslash
// "." remove from path
// ".." up a directory
// "..." remove from path (any number of dots > 2)
// The last form is something that Windows 95 and 98 supported and
// is a shortcut for changing up multiple directories. Windows XP
// and ilk ignore it in a path, as is done here.
PRInt32 len, begin, end = rootIdx;
while (end < (PRInt32)path.Length())
// find the current segment (text between the backslashes) to
// be examined, this will set the following variables:
// begin == index of first char in segment
// end == index 1 char after last char in segment
// len == length of segment
begin = end + 1;
end = path.FindChar('\\', begin);
if (end == kNotFound)
end = path.Length();
len = end - begin;
// ignore double backslashes
if (len == 0)
// len != 0, and interesting paths always begin with a dot
if (pathBuffer[begin] == '.')
// ignore single dots
if (len == 1)
// handle multiple dots
if (len >= 2 && pathBuffer[begin+1] == '.')
// back up a path component on double dot
if (len == 2)
PRInt32 prev = normal.RFindChar('\\');
if (prev >= rootIdx)
// length is > 2 and the first two characters are dots.
// if the rest of the string is dots, then ignore it.
int idx = len - 1;
for (; idx >= 2; --idx)
if (pathBuffer[begin+idx] != '.')
// this is true if the loop above didn't break
// and all characters in this segment are dots.
if (idx < 2)
// add the current component to the path, including the preceding backslash
normal.Append(pathBuffer + begin - 1, len + 1);
NS_CopyUnicodeToNative(normal, mWorkingPath);
return NS_OK;
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