зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Bug 601667 - Web Console toolbar styling, part 1; f=mihai.sucan,ddahl r=l10n,sdwilsh,dao,kdangoor, a=blocking2.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -3193,43 +3193,62 @@ HeadsUpDisplay.prototype = {
makeFilterToolbar: function HUD_makeFilterToolbar()
let buttons = ["Network", "CSSParser", "Exception", "Error",
"Info", "Warn", "Log",];
const pageButtons = [
{ prefKey: "network", name: "PageNet" },
{ prefKey: "cssparser", name: "PageCSS" },
{ prefKey: "exception", name: "PageJS" }
const consoleButtons = [
{ prefKey: "error", name: "ConsoleErrors" },
{ prefKey: "warn", name: "ConsoleWarnings" },
{ prefKey: "info", name: "ConsoleInfo" },
{ prefKey: "log", name: "ConsoleLog" }
const BUTTONS = [
name: "PageNet",
category: "net",
severities: [
{ name: "ConsoleErrors", prefKey: "network" },
{ name: "ConsoleLog", prefKey: "networkinfo" }
name: "PageCSS",
category: "css",
severities: [
{ name: "ConsoleErrors", prefKey: "csserror" },
{ name: "ConsoleWarnings", prefKey: "cssparser" }
name: "PageJS",
category: "js",
severities: [
{ name: "ConsoleErrors", prefKey: "exception" },
{ name: "ConsoleWarnings", prefKey: "jswarn" }
name: "PageWebDeveloper",
category: "webdev",
severities: [
{ name: "ConsoleErrors", prefKey: "error" },
{ name: "ConsoleWarnings", prefKey: "warn" },
{ name: "ConsoleInfo", prefKey: "info" },
{ name: "ConsoleLog", prefKey: "log" }
let toolbar = this.makeXULNode("toolbar");
toolbar.setAttribute("class", "hud-console-filter-toolbar");
toolbar.setAttribute("mode", "text");
toolbar.setAttribute("mode", "full");
let pageCategoryTitle = this.getStr("categoryPage");
this.addButtonCategory(toolbar, pageCategoryTitle, pageButtons);
let separator = this.makeXULNode("separator");
separator.setAttribute("orient", "vertical");
let consoleCategoryTitle = this.getStr("categoryConsole");
this.addButtonCategory(toolbar, consoleCategoryTitle, consoleButtons);
for (let i = 0; i < BUTTONS.length; i++) {
this.makeFilterButton(toolbar, BUTTONS[i]);
return toolbar;
* Creates the context menu on the console, which contains the "clear
* console" functionality.
* Creates the context menu on the console.
* @param nsIDOMNode aOutputNode
* The console output DOM node.
@ -3267,79 +3286,109 @@ HeadsUpDisplay.prototype = {
selectAllItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "HUDConsoleUI.command(this);");
let clearItem = this.makeXULNode("menuitem");
clearItem.setAttribute("label", this.getStr("clearConsoleCmd.label"));
clearItem.setAttribute("hudId", this.hudId);
clearItem.setAttribute("buttonType", "clear");
clearItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "HUDConsoleUI.command(this);");
aConsoleWrapper.setAttribute("context", id);
makeButton: function HUD_makeButton(aName, aPrefKey, aType)
* Creates one of the filter buttons on the toolbar.
* @param nsIDOMNode aParent
* The node to which the filter button should be appended.
* @param object aDescriptor
* A descriptor that contains info about the button. Contains "name",
* "category", and "prefKey" properties, and optionally a "severities"
* property.
* @return void
makeFilterButton: function HUD_makeFilterButton(aParent, aDescriptor)
var self = this;
let prefKey = aPrefKey;
let toolbarButton = this.makeXULNode("toolbarbutton");
let btn;
if (aType == "checkbox") {
btn = this.makeXULNode("checkbox");
btn.setAttribute("type", aType);
} else {
btn = this.makeXULNode("toolbarbutton");
let toggleFilter = HeadsUpDisplayUICommands.toggleFilter;
toolbarButton.addEventListener("click", toggleFilter, false);
let name = aDescriptor.name;
toolbarButton.setAttribute("type", "menu-button");
toolbarButton.setAttribute("label", this.getStr("btn" + name));
toolbarButton.setAttribute("tooltip", this.getStr("tip" + name));
toolbarButton.setAttribute("category", aDescriptor.category);
toolbarButton.setAttribute("hudId", this.hudId);
let menuPopup = this.makeXULNode("menupopup");
let allChecked = true;
for (let i = 0; i < aDescriptor.severities.length; i++) {
let severity = aDescriptor.severities[i];
let menuItem = this.makeXULNode("menuitem");
menuItem.setAttribute("label", this.getStr("btn" + severity.name));
menuItem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
menuItem.setAttribute("autocheck", "false");
menuItem.setAttribute("hudId", this.hudId);
let prefKey = severity.prefKey;
menuItem.setAttribute("prefKey", prefKey);
let checked = this.filterPrefs[prefKey];
menuItem.setAttribute("checked", checked);
if (!checked) {
allChecked = false;
menuItem.addEventListener("command", toggleFilter, false);
btn.setAttribute("hudId", this.hudId);
btn.setAttribute("buttonType", prefKey);
btn.setAttribute("class", "hud-filter-btn");
let key = "btn" + aName;
btn.setAttribute("label", this.getStr(key));
key = "tip" + aName;
btn.setAttribute("tooltip", this.getStr(key));
if (aType == "checkbox") {
btn.setAttribute("checked", this.filterPrefs[prefKey]);
function toggle(btn) {
btn.setAttribute("oncommand", "HUDConsoleUI.toggleFilter(this);");
else {
var command = "HUDConsoleUI.command(this)";
btn.setAttribute("oncommand", command);
return btn;
toolbarButton.setAttribute("checked", allChecked);
* Appends a category title and a series of buttons to the filter bar.
* Creates the close button on the toolbar.
* @param nsIDOMNode aToolbar
* The DOM node to which to add the category.
* @param string aTitle
* The title for the category.
* @param Array aButtons
* The buttons, specified as objects with "name" and "prefKey"
* properties.
* @returns nsIDOMNode
* @param nsIDOMNode aParent
* The toolbar to attach the close button to.
* @return void
addButtonCategory: function(aToolbar, aTitle, aButtons) {
let lbl = this.makeXULNode("label");
lbl.setAttribute("class", "hud-filter-cat");
lbl.setAttribute("value", aTitle);
for (let i = 0; i < aButtons.length; i++) {
let btn = aButtons[i];
aToolbar.appendChild(this.makeButton(btn.name, btn.prefKey, "checkbox"));
makeCloseButton: function HUD_makeCloseButton(aToolbar)
function HUD_closeButton_onCommand() {
let tab = this.ownerDocument.defaultView.gBrowser.selectedTab;
let closeButton = this.makeXULNode("toolbarbutton");
closeButton.addEventListener("command", HUD_closeButton_onCommand, false);
* Creates the "Clear Console" button.
* @param nsIDOMNode aParent
* The toolbar to attach the "Clear Console" button to.
* @param string aHUDId
* The ID of the console.
* @return void
makeClearConsoleButton: function HUD_makeClearConsoleButton(aToolbar)
let hudId = this.hudId;
function HUD_clearButton_onCommand() {
let clearButton = this.makeXULNode("toolbarbutton");
clearButton.setAttribute("label", this.getStr("btnClear"));
clearButton.addEventListener("command", HUD_clearButton_onCommand, false);
createHUD: function HUD_createHUD()
@ -4573,12 +4622,6 @@ JSTermFirefoxMixin.prototype = {
inputNode.setAttribute("rows", "1");
let closeButton = this.xulElementFactory("button");
closeButton.setAttribute("class", "jsterm-close-button");
closeButton.addEventListener("command", HeadsUpDisplayUICommands.toggleHUD,
if (this.existingConsoleNode == undefined) {
// create elements
let term = this.xulElementFactory("vbox");
@ -4904,27 +4947,84 @@ HeadsUpDisplayUICommands = {
toggleFilter: function UIC_toggleFilter(aButton) {
var filter = aButton.getAttribute("buttonType");
var hudId = aButton.getAttribute("hudId");
var state = HUDService.getFilterState(hudId, filter);
if (state) {
HUDService.setFilterState(hudId, filter, false);
aButton.setAttribute("checked", false);
else {
HUDService.setFilterState(hudId, filter, true);
aButton.setAttribute("checked", true);
* The event handler that is called whenever a user switches a filter on or
* off.
* @param nsIDOMEvent aEvent
* The event that triggered the filter change.
* @return boolean
toggleFilter: function UIC_toggleFilter(aEvent) {
let hudId = this.getAttribute("hudId");
switch (this.tagName) {
case "toolbarbutton": {
let originalTarget = aEvent.originalTarget;
let classes = originalTarget.classList;
if (originalTarget.localName !== "toolbarbutton") {
// Oddly enough, the click event is sent to the menu button when
// selecting a menu item with the mouse. Detect this case and bail
// out.
if (!classes.contains("toolbarbutton-menubutton-button") &&
originalTarget.getAttribute("type") === "menu-button") {
// This is a filter button with a drop-down. The user clicked the
// drop-down, so do nothing. (The menu will automatically appear
// without our intervention.)
let state = this.getAttribute("checked") !== "true";
this.setAttribute("checked", state);
// This is a filter button with a drop-down, and the user clicked the
// main part of the button. Go through all the severities and toggle
// their associated filters.
let menuItems = this.querySelectorAll("menuitem");
for (let i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
menuItems[i].setAttribute("checked", state);
let prefKey = menuItems[i].getAttribute("prefKey");
HUDService.setFilterState(hudId, prefKey, state);
case "menuitem": {
let state = this.getAttribute("checked") !== "true";
this.setAttribute("checked", state);
let prefKey = this.getAttribute("prefKey");
HUDService.setFilterState(hudId, prefKey, state);
// Adjust the state of the button appropriately.
let menuPopup = this.parentNode;
let allChecked = true;
let menuItem = menuPopup.firstChild;
while (menuItem) {
if (menuItem.getAttribute("checked") !== "true") {
allChecked = false;
menuItem = menuItem.nextSibling;
let toolbarButton = menuPopup.parentNode;
toolbarButton.setAttribute("checked", allChecked);
return true;
command: function UIC_command(aButton) {
var filter = aButton.getAttribute("buttonType");
var hudId = aButton.getAttribute("hudId");
switch (filter) {
case "clear":
case "selectAll":
let outputNode = HUDService.getOutputNodeById(hudId);
let chromeWindow = outputNode.ownerDocument.defaultView;
@ -4951,8 +5051,11 @@ const GLOBAL_STORAGE_INDEX_ID = "GLOBAL_CONSOLE";
const PREFS_BRANCH_PREF = "devtools.hud.display.filter";
const PREFS_PREFIX = "devtools.hud.display.filter.";
const PREFS = { network: PREFS_PREFIX + "network",
networkinfo: PREFS_PREFIX + "networkinfo",
csserror: PREFS_PREFIX + "csserror",
cssparser: PREFS_PREFIX + "cssparser",
exception: PREFS_PREFIX + "exception",
jswarn: PREFS_PREFIX + "jswarn",
error: PREFS_PREFIX + "error",
info: PREFS_PREFIX + "info",
warn: PREFS_PREFIX + "warn",
@ -4993,8 +5096,11 @@ function ConsoleStorage()
if (filterPrefs) {
defaultDisplayPrefs = {
network: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.network) ? true: false),
networkinfo: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.networkinfo) ? true: false),
csserror: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.csserror) ? true: false),
cssparser: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.cssparser) ? true: false),
exception: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.exception) ? true: false),
jswarn: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.jswarn) ? true: false),
error: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.error) ? true: false),
info: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.info) ? true: false),
warn: (prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.warn) ? true: false),
@ -5006,8 +5112,11 @@ function ConsoleStorage()
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS_BRANCH_PREF, false);
// default prefs for each HeadsUpDisplay
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.network, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.networkinfo, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.csserror, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.cssparser, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.exception, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.jswarn, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.error, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.info, true);
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.warn, true);
@ -5016,8 +5125,11 @@ function ConsoleStorage()
defaultDisplayPrefs = {
network: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.network),
networkinfo: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.networkinfo),
csserror: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.csserror),
cssparser: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.cssparser),
exception: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.exception),
jswarn: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.jswarn),
error: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.error),
info: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.info),
warn: prefs.getBoolPref(PREFS.warn),
@ -5033,8 +5145,12 @@ ConsoleStorage.prototype = {
function CS_updateDefaultDisplayPrefs(aPrefsObject) {
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.network, (aPrefsObject.network ? true : false));
(aPrefsObject.networkinfo ? true : false));
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.csserror, (aPrefsObject.csserror ? true : false));
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.cssparser, (aPrefsObject.cssparser ? true : false));
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.exception, (aPrefsObject.exception ? true : false));
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.jswarn, (aPrefsObject.jswarn ? true : false));
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.error, (aPrefsObject.error ? true : false));
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.info, (aPrefsObject.info ? true : false));
prefs.setBoolPref(PREFS.warn, (aPrefsObject.warn ? true : false));
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ _BROWSER_TEST_FILES = \
browser_webconsole_bug_580001_closing_after_completion.js \
browser_webconsole_bug_580400_groups.js \
browser_webconsole_bug_588730_text_node_insertion.js \
browser_webconsole_bug_601667_filter_buttons.js \
browser_webconsole_bug_597136_external_script_errors.js \
browser_webconsole_bug_597136_network_requests_from_chrome.js \
browser_webconsole_completion.js \
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ function testCloseButton() {
executeSoon(function() {
let closeButton = hudBox.querySelector(".jsterm-close-button");
let closeButton = hudBox.querySelector(".webconsole-close-button");
ok(closeButton != null, "we have the close button");
// XXX: ASSERTION: ###!!! ASSERTION: XPConnect is being called on a scope without a 'Components' property!: 'Error', file /home/ddahl/code/moz/mozilla-central/mozilla-central/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcwrappednativescope.cpp, line 795
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
// Tests that the filter button UI logic works correctly.
const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/";
function test() {
browser.addEventListener("load", testFilterButtons, true);
function testFilterButtons() {
browser.removeEventListener("load", testFilterButtons, true);
hudId = HUDService.displaysIndex()[0];
hudBox = HUDService.hudReferences[hudId].HUDBox;
function testMenuFilterButton(aCategory) {
let selector = ".webconsole-filter-button[category=\"" + aCategory + "\"]";
let button = hudBox.querySelector(selector);
ok(button, "we have the \"" + aCategory + "\" button");
let firstMenuItem = button.querySelector("menuitem");
ok(firstMenuItem, "we have the first menu item for the \"" + aCategory +
"\" button");
// Turn all the filters off, if they were on.
let menuItem = firstMenuItem;
while (menuItem != null) {
if (isChecked(menuItem)) {
menuItem = menuItem.nextSibling;
// Turn all the filters on; make sure the button gets checked.
menuItem = firstMenuItem;
let prefKey;
while (menuItem) {
prefKey = menuItem.getAttribute("prefKey");
ok(isChecked(menuItem), "menu item " + prefKey + " for category " +
aCategory + " is checked after clicking it");
ok(HUDService.filterPrefs[hudId][prefKey], prefKey + " messages are " +
"on after clicking the appropriate menu item");
menuItem = menuItem.nextSibling;
ok(isChecked(button), "the button for category " + aCategory + " is " +
"checked after turning on all its menu items");
// Turn one filter off; make sure the button is no longer checked.
prefKey = firstMenuItem.getAttribute("prefKey");
ok(!isChecked(firstMenuItem), "the first menu item for category " +
aCategory + " is no longer checked after clicking it");
ok(!HUDService.filterPrefs[hudId][prefKey], prefKey + " messages are " +
"turned off after clicking the appropriate menu item");
ok(!isChecked(button), "the button for category " + aCategory + " is no " +
"longer checked after turning off its first menu item");
// Turn all the filters on by clicking the main part of the button.
let anonymousNodes = document.getAnonymousNodes(button);
let subbutton;
for (let i = 0; i < anonymousNodes.length; i++) {
let node = anonymousNodes[i];
if (node.classList.contains("toolbarbutton-menubutton-button")) {
subbutton = node;
ok(subbutton, "we have the subbutton for category " + aCategory);
ok(isChecked(button), "the button for category " + aCategory + " is " +
"checked after clicking its main part");
menuItem = firstMenuItem;
while (menuItem) {
let prefKey = menuItem.getAttribute("prefKey");
ok(isChecked(menuItem), "menu item " + prefKey + " for category " +
aCategory + " is checked after clicking the button");
ok(HUDService.filterPrefs[hudId][prefKey], prefKey + " messages are " +
"on after clicking the button");
menuItem = menuItem.nextSibling; i++;
// Turn all the filters off by clicking the main part of the button.
ok(!isChecked(subbutton), "the button for category " + aCategory + " is " +
"no longer checked after clicking it");
menuItem = firstMenuItem;
while (menuItem) {
let prefKey = menuItem.getAttribute("prefKey");
ok(!isChecked(menuItem), "menu item " + prefKey + " for category " +
aCategory + " is no longer checked after clicking the button");
ok(!HUDService.filterPrefs[hudId][prefKey], prefKey + " messages are " +
"off after clicking the button");
menuItem = menuItem.nextSibling;
// Turn all the filters on again by clicking the button.
function clickButton(aNode) {
EventUtils.sendMouseEvent({ type: "click" }, aNode);
function chooseMenuItem(aNode) {
let event = document.createEvent("XULCommandEvent");
event.initCommandEvent("command", true, true, window, 0, false, false, false,
false, null);
function isChecked(aNode) {
return aNode.getAttribute("checked") === "true";
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