зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Support for pre-registering nsIDocumentStateListeners before the editor is created.
This commit is contained in:
@ -676,8 +676,107 @@ nsEditorShell::LoadUrl(const PRUnichar *url)
return mContentAreaWebShell->LoadURL(url);
nsEditorShell::RegisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (!docListener)
// if we have an editor already, just pass this baby through.
if (mEditor)
nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryInterface(mEditor, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
return editor->AddDocumentStateListener(docListener);
// otherwise, keep it until we create an editor.
if (!mDocStateListeners)
rv = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(mDocStateListeners));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> iSupports = do_QueryInterface(docListener, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// note that this return value is really a PRBool, so be sure to use
// NS_SUCCEEDED or NS_FAILED to check it.
return mDocStateListeners->AppendElement(iSupports);
nsEditorShell::UnregisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener)
if (!docListener)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// if we have an editor already, just pass this baby through.
if (mEditor)
nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryInterface(mEditor, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
return editor->RemoveDocumentStateListener(docListener);
// otherwise, see if it exists in our list
if (!mDocStateListeners)
return (nsresult)PR_FALSE; // yeah, this sucks, but I'm emulating the behaviour of
// nsISupportsArray::RemoveElement()
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> iSupports = do_QueryInterface(docListener, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// note that this return value is really a PRBool, so be sure to use
// NS_SUCCEEDED or NS_FAILED to check it.
return mDocStateListeners->RemoveElement(iSupports);
// called after making an editor. Transfer the nsIDOcumentStateListeners
// that we have been stashing in mDocStateListeners to the editor.
if (!mDocStateListeners)
return NS_OK;
if (!mEditor)
return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; // called too early.
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryInterface(mEditor, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
PRUint32 numListeners;
while (NS_SUCCEEDED(mDocStateListeners->Count(&numListeners)) && numListeners > 0)
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> iSupports = getter_AddRefs(mDocStateListeners->ElementAt(0));
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocumentStateListener> docStateListener = do_QueryInterface(iSupports);
if (docStateListener)
// this checks for duplicates
rv = editor->AddDocumentStateListener(docStateListener);
// free the array
mDocStateListeners = 0;
return NS_OK;
nsEditorShell::PrepareDocumentForEditing(nsIURI *aUrl)
if (!mContentAreaWebShell)
@ -692,11 +791,16 @@ nsEditorShell::PrepareDocumentForEditing()
// and tell them that they are doing bad things
NS_WARNING("Multiple loads of the editor's document detected.");
// Note that if you registered doc state listeners before the second
// URL load, they don't get transferred to the new editor.
nsresult rv = DoEditorMode(mContentAreaWebShell);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// transfer the doc state listeners to the editor
rv = TransferDocumentStateListeners();
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// make the UI state maintainer
mStateMaintainer = new nsInterfaceState;
@ -719,6 +823,29 @@ nsEditorShell::PrepareDocumentForEditing()
rv = editor->AddDocumentStateListener(mStateMaintainer);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
#if 0
// get the URL of the page we are editing
// does not work currently, because file URL has /usr/local/bin crap in it.
char* pageURLString = nsnull;
if (aUrl)
nsFileURL pageURL(pageURLString);
nsFileSpec pageSpec(pageURL);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc;
if (domDoc)
nsCOMPtr<nsIDiskDocument> diskDoc = do_QueryInterface(domDoc);
if (diskDoc)
// Force initial focus to the content window -- HOW?
// mWebShellWin->SetFocus();
return NS_OK;
@ -2598,7 +2725,11 @@ nsEditorShell::OnEndDocumentLoad(nsIDocumentLoader* loader, nsIChannel* channel,
nsIDocumentLoaderObserver * aObserver)
#endif // NECKO
return PrepareDocumentForEditing();
#ifdef NECKO
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> aUrl;
return PrepareDocumentForEditing(aUrl);
@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ class nsEditorShell : public nsIEditorShell,
NS_IMETHOD SetContentWindow(nsIDOMWindow *win);
NS_IMETHOD SetWebShellWindow(nsIDOMWindow *win);
NS_IMETHOD LoadUrl(const PRUnichar *url);
NS_IMETHOD RegisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener);
NS_IMETHOD UnregisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener);
/* void NewWindow (); */
NS_IMETHOD NewWindow();
@ -284,10 +286,11 @@ class nsEditorShell : public nsIEditorShell,
NS_IMETHOD DoEditorMode(nsIWebShell *aWebShell);
NS_IMETHOD ExecuteScript(nsIScriptContext * aContext, const nsString& aScript);
NS_IMETHOD InstantiateEditor(nsIDOMDocument *aDoc, nsIPresShell *aPresShell);
NS_IMETHOD TransferDocumentStateListeners();
NS_IMETHOD RemoveOneProperty(const nsString& aProp, const nsString& aAttr);
void SetButtonImage(nsIDOMNode * aParentNode, PRInt32 aBtnNum, const nsString &aResName);
NS_IMETHOD CreateWindowWithURL(const char* urlStr);
NS_IMETHOD PrepareDocumentForEditing();
NS_IMETHOD PrepareDocumentForEditing(nsIURI *aUrl);
NS_IMETHOD DoFind(PRBool aFindNext);
// this returns an AddReffed nsIScriptContext. You must relase it.
@ -312,6 +315,10 @@ class nsEditorShell : public nsIEditorShell,
NS_IMETHOD DeleteSuggestedWordList();
nsStringArray mDictionaryList;
PRInt32 mDictionaryIndex;
// this is a holding pen for doc state listeners. They will be registered with
// the editor when that gets created.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> mDocStateListeners; // contents are nsISupports
#endif // nsEditorAppCore_h___
@ -676,8 +676,107 @@ nsEditorShell::LoadUrl(const PRUnichar *url)
return mContentAreaWebShell->LoadURL(url);
nsEditorShell::RegisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (!docListener)
// if we have an editor already, just pass this baby through.
if (mEditor)
nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryInterface(mEditor, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
return editor->AddDocumentStateListener(docListener);
// otherwise, keep it until we create an editor.
if (!mDocStateListeners)
rv = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(mDocStateListeners));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> iSupports = do_QueryInterface(docListener, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// note that this return value is really a PRBool, so be sure to use
// NS_SUCCEEDED or NS_FAILED to check it.
return mDocStateListeners->AppendElement(iSupports);
nsEditorShell::UnregisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener)
if (!docListener)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// if we have an editor already, just pass this baby through.
if (mEditor)
nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryInterface(mEditor, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
return editor->RemoveDocumentStateListener(docListener);
// otherwise, see if it exists in our list
if (!mDocStateListeners)
return (nsresult)PR_FALSE; // yeah, this sucks, but I'm emulating the behaviour of
// nsISupportsArray::RemoveElement()
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> iSupports = do_QueryInterface(docListener, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// note that this return value is really a PRBool, so be sure to use
// NS_SUCCEEDED or NS_FAILED to check it.
return mDocStateListeners->RemoveElement(iSupports);
// called after making an editor. Transfer the nsIDOcumentStateListeners
// that we have been stashing in mDocStateListeners to the editor.
if (!mDocStateListeners)
return NS_OK;
if (!mEditor)
return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; // called too early.
nsresult rv;
nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor = do_QueryInterface(mEditor, &rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
PRUint32 numListeners;
while (NS_SUCCEEDED(mDocStateListeners->Count(&numListeners)) && numListeners > 0)
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> iSupports = getter_AddRefs(mDocStateListeners->ElementAt(0));
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocumentStateListener> docStateListener = do_QueryInterface(iSupports);
if (docStateListener)
// this checks for duplicates
rv = editor->AddDocumentStateListener(docStateListener);
// free the array
mDocStateListeners = 0;
return NS_OK;
nsEditorShell::PrepareDocumentForEditing(nsIURI *aUrl)
if (!mContentAreaWebShell)
@ -692,11 +791,16 @@ nsEditorShell::PrepareDocumentForEditing()
// and tell them that they are doing bad things
NS_WARNING("Multiple loads of the editor's document detected.");
// Note that if you registered doc state listeners before the second
// URL load, they don't get transferred to the new editor.
nsresult rv = DoEditorMode(mContentAreaWebShell);
if (NS_FAILED(rv))
return rv;
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// transfer the doc state listeners to the editor
rv = TransferDocumentStateListeners();
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
// make the UI state maintainer
mStateMaintainer = new nsInterfaceState;
@ -719,6 +823,29 @@ nsEditorShell::PrepareDocumentForEditing()
rv = editor->AddDocumentStateListener(mStateMaintainer);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
#if 0
// get the URL of the page we are editing
// does not work currently, because file URL has /usr/local/bin crap in it.
char* pageURLString = nsnull;
if (aUrl)
nsFileURL pageURL(pageURLString);
nsFileSpec pageSpec(pageURL);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc;
if (domDoc)
nsCOMPtr<nsIDiskDocument> diskDoc = do_QueryInterface(domDoc);
if (diskDoc)
// Force initial focus to the content window -- HOW?
// mWebShellWin->SetFocus();
return NS_OK;
@ -2598,7 +2725,11 @@ nsEditorShell::OnEndDocumentLoad(nsIDocumentLoader* loader, nsIChannel* channel,
nsIDocumentLoaderObserver * aObserver)
#endif // NECKO
return PrepareDocumentForEditing();
#ifdef NECKO
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> aUrl;
return PrepareDocumentForEditing(aUrl);
@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ class nsEditorShell : public nsIEditorShell,
NS_IMETHOD SetContentWindow(nsIDOMWindow *win);
NS_IMETHOD SetWebShellWindow(nsIDOMWindow *win);
NS_IMETHOD LoadUrl(const PRUnichar *url);
NS_IMETHOD RegisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener);
NS_IMETHOD UnregisterDocumentStateListener(nsIDocumentStateListener *docListener);
/* void NewWindow (); */
NS_IMETHOD NewWindow();
@ -284,10 +286,11 @@ class nsEditorShell : public nsIEditorShell,
NS_IMETHOD DoEditorMode(nsIWebShell *aWebShell);
NS_IMETHOD ExecuteScript(nsIScriptContext * aContext, const nsString& aScript);
NS_IMETHOD InstantiateEditor(nsIDOMDocument *aDoc, nsIPresShell *aPresShell);
NS_IMETHOD TransferDocumentStateListeners();
NS_IMETHOD RemoveOneProperty(const nsString& aProp, const nsString& aAttr);
void SetButtonImage(nsIDOMNode * aParentNode, PRInt32 aBtnNum, const nsString &aResName);
NS_IMETHOD CreateWindowWithURL(const char* urlStr);
NS_IMETHOD PrepareDocumentForEditing();
NS_IMETHOD PrepareDocumentForEditing(nsIURI *aUrl);
NS_IMETHOD DoFind(PRBool aFindNext);
// this returns an AddReffed nsIScriptContext. You must relase it.
@ -312,6 +315,10 @@ class nsEditorShell : public nsIEditorShell,
NS_IMETHOD DeleteSuggestedWordList();
nsStringArray mDictionaryList;
PRInt32 mDictionaryIndex;
// this is a holding pen for doc state listeners. They will be registered with
// the editor when that gets created.
nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsArray> mDocStateListeners; // contents are nsISupports
#endif // nsEditorAppCore_h___
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