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Fixing the testcase to actually be a testcase, not a diff.... Not part of build
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,178 +1,35 @@
Index: view/public/nsIViewManager.h
RCS file: /home/rocallahan/mozilla-cvs-mirror/mozilla/view/public/nsIViewManager.h,v
retrieving revision 3.88
diff -u -t -p -1 -2 -r3.88 nsIViewManager.h
--- view/public/nsIViewManager.h 20 Jan 2005 03:39:07 -0000 3.88
+++ view/public/nsIViewManager.h 1 Feb 2005 23:57:55 -0000
@@ -281,24 +281,25 @@ public:
* Set the region to which a view's descendants are clipped. The view
* itself is not clipped to this region; this allows for effects
* where part of the view is drawn outside the clip region (e.g.,
* its borders and background). The view manager generates the
* appropriate dirty regions.
* @param aView view to set clipping for
* @param aRegion
* if null then no clipping is required. In this case all descendant
* views (but not descendants through placeholder edges) must have their
* bounds inside the bounds of this view
* if non-null, then we will clip this view's descendant views
+ * --- including descendants through placeholder edges ---
* to the region. The region's bounds must be within the bounds of
* this view. The descendant views' bounds need not be inside the bounds
* of this view (because we're going to clip them anyway).
* XXX Currently we only support regions consisting of a single rectangle.
NS_IMETHOD SetViewChildClipRegion(nsIView *aView, const nsRegion *aRegion) = 0;
* Set the visibility of a view.
* The view manager generates the appropriate dirty regions.
* @param aView view to change visibility state of
Index: view/src/nsView.cpp
RCS file: /home/rocallahan/mozilla-cvs-mirror/mozilla/view/src/nsView.cpp,v
retrieving revision 3.210
diff -u -t -p -1 -2 -r3.210 nsView.cpp
--- view/src/nsView.cpp 27 Jan 2005 20:49:46 -0000 3.210
+++ view/src/nsView.cpp 2 Feb 2005 00:11:57 -0000
@@ -907,26 +907,31 @@ static PRBool ApplyClipRect(const nsView
// aView's origin
offset += offsetFromParent;
if (parentView->GetClipChildrenToBounds(aFollowPlaceholders)) {
// Get the parent's clip rect (which is just the dimensions in this
// case) into the initial aView's coordinates
nsRect clipRect = parentView->GetDimensions();
clipRect -= offset;
PRBool overlap = aRect->IntersectRect(clipRect, *aRect);
if (!overlap) {
+ // The child-clipping rect is applied to all *content* children.
+ // So we apply it if we're in the placeholder-following pass, or
+ // if we're in the first pass and we haven't detected any
+ // placeholders yet, in which case this geometric ancestor is also
+ // a content ancestor.
const nsRect* r = parentView->GetClipChildrenToRect();
- if (r && !aFollowPlaceholders) {
+ if (r && (!foundPlaceholders || aFollowPlaceholders)) {
// Get the parent's clip rect into the initial aView's coordinates
nsRect clipRect = *r;
clipRect -= offset;
PRBool overlap = aRect->IntersectRect(clipRect, *aRect);
if (!overlap) {
aView = parentView;
lastViewIsFloating = parentIsFloating;
Index: layout/generic/nsContainerFrame.cpp
RCS file: /home/rocallahan/mozilla-cvs-mirror/mozilla/layout/generic/nsContainerFrame.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.223
diff -u -t -p -1 -2 -r1.223 nsContainerFrame.cpp
--- layout/generic/nsContainerFrame.cpp 27 Jan 2005 20:49:46 -0000 1.223
+++ layout/generic/nsContainerFrame.cpp 2 Feb 2005 00:10:22 -0000
@@ -630,30 +630,29 @@ SyncFrameViewGeometryDependentProperties
&& (kidState & NS_FRAME_OUTSIDE_CHILDREN) != 0)) {
viewHasTransparentContent = PR_TRUE;
// If the frame has visible content that overflows the content area, then we
// need the view marked as having transparent content
// There are two types of clipping:
// - 'clip' which only applies to absolutely positioned elements, and is
// relative to the element's border edge. 'clip' applies to the entire
// element
- // - 'overflow-clip' which only applies to block-level elements and replaced
- // elements that have 'overflow' set to 'hidden'. 'overflow-clip' is relative
- // to the content area and applies to content only (not border or background).
- // Note that out-of-flow frames like floated or absolutely positioned frames
- // are block-level, but we can't rely on the 'display' value being set correctly
- // in the style context...
+ // - 'overflow:-moz-hidden-unscrollable' which only applies to
+ // block-level elements and replaced elements. Note
+ // that out-of-flow frames like floated or absolutely positioned
+ // frames are block-level, but we can't rely on the 'display' value
+ // being set correctly in the style context...
PRBool isBlockLevel = display->IsBlockLevel() || (kidState & NS_FRAME_OUT_OF_FLOW);
PRBool hasClip = display->IsAbsolutelyPositioned() && (display->mClipFlags & NS_STYLE_CLIP_RECT);
PRBool hasOverflowClip = isBlockLevel && (display->mOverflowX == NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_CLIP);
if (hasClip || hasOverflowClip) {
nsSize frameSize = aFrame->GetSize();
nsRect clipRect;
if (hasClip) {
// Start with the 'auto' values and then factor in user specified values
clipRect.SetRect(0, 0, frameSize.width, frameSize.height);
if (display->mClipFlags & NS_STYLE_CLIP_RECT) {
@@ -668,26 +667,24 @@ SyncFrameViewGeometryDependentProperties
if (0 == (NS_STYLE_CLIP_BOTTOM_AUTO & display->mClipFlags)) {
clipRect.height = display->mClip.height;
if (hasOverflowClip) {
const nsStyleBorder* borderStyle = aStyleContext->GetStyleBorder();
const nsStylePadding* paddingStyle = aStyleContext->GetStylePadding();
nsMargin border, padding;
- // XXX We don't support the 'overflow-clip' property yet so just use the
- // content area (which is the default value) as the clip shape
nsRect overflowClipRect(0, 0, frameSize.width, frameSize.height);
// XXX We need to handle percentage padding
if (paddingStyle->GetPadding(padding)) {
if (hasClip) {
// If both 'clip' and 'overflow-clip' apply then use the intersection
// of the two
clipRect.IntersectRect(clipRect, overflowClipRect);
@@ -882,29 +879,29 @@ nsContainerFrame::FrameNeedsView(nsIFram
} else if (display->IsAbsolutelyPositioned()) {
return PR_TRUE;
if (sc->GetPseudoType() == nsCSSAnonBoxes::scrolledContent) {
return PR_TRUE;
if (aFrame->GetType() == nsLayoutAtoms::objectFrame) {
return PR_TRUE;
- // See if the frame is block-level and has 'overflow' set to 'hidden'. If
- // so, then we need to give it a view so clipping
- // of any child views works correctly. Note that if it's floated it is also
- // block-level, but we can't trust that the style context 'display' value is
- // set correctly
+ // See if the frame is block-level and has 'overflow' set to
+ // '-moz-hidden-unscrollable'. If so, then we need to give it a view
+ // so clipping of any child views works correctly. Note that if it's
+ // floated it is also block-level, but we can't trust that the style
+ // context 'display' value is set correctly.
if ((display->IsBlockLevel() || display->IsFloating()) &&
(display->mOverflowX == NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_CLIP)) {
// XXX Check for the frame being a block frame and only force a view
// in that case, because adding a view for box frames seems to cause
// problems for XUL...
nsIAtom* frameType = aFrame->GetType();
if ((frameType == nsLayoutAtoms::blockFrame) ||
(frameType == nsLayoutAtoms::areaFrame)) {
return PR_TRUE;
<style type="text/css">
.green {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: green;
.red {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
margin-top: 100px;
margin-left: 100px;
background-color: red;
.clip {
clip: rect(0px 100px 100px 0px);
.positioned {
position: fixed;
You should see a 100x100 green square below. If you see any red, the test
has failed. This test is checking to make sure clip is applying to all
<div class="clip green positioned">
<div class="red"></div>
<div class="red positioned"></div>
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