This commit is contained in: 1998-09-18 01:38:51 +00:00
Родитель d668f0e06c
Коммит e96c1f68df
2 изменённых файлов: 38 добавлений и 0 удалений

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@ -802,6 +802,44 @@ void CEditView::SetDocPosition( int inLocation, Int32 inX, Int32 inY, Boolean in
CHTMLView::SetDocPosition( inLocation, inX, inY, inScrollEvenIfVisible );
// ¥ EstablishPort
// This is the same as CHTMLView's EstablishPort, but without the call to
// SetGDevice. We draw into a stack-based offscreen GWorld, and changing
// the current device under it did bad things (like caused the window to
// redraw all black).
Boolean portSet = false;
GWorldPtr gworld = NULL;
// if the current drawable, is an offscreen one, be sure to set it
if ( mCurrentDrawable != NULL )
gworld = mCurrentDrawable->GetDrawableOffscreen();
if ( gworld != NULL )
portSet = true;
if ( UQDGlobals::GetCurrentPort() != (GrafPtr) mGWorld )
SetGWorld ( gworld, NULL );
mOffscreenDrawable->mClipChanged = true;
// make sure to restore the main device
// SetGDevice ( GetMainDevice() );
portSet = LView::EstablishPort();
return portSet;
If we are hilighted as the pane being dragged "into", we want to first hide the hilite
before drawing then draw it back. This is because we have an offscreen view which

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