This commit is contained in: 2000-02-17 23:27:17 +00:00
Родитель 79a31a4d59
Коммит ecb8e1a76d
1 изменённых файлов: 110 добавлений и 19 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ use FileHandle;
# )
sub usage {
warn "usage: <tree_directory>\n";
warn "usage: <tree/logfile>\n";
# This is for gunzip (should add a configure script to handle this).
@ -87,9 +87,16 @@ $debug = 1, shift @ARGV if $ARGV[0] eq '--debug';
# Load tinderbox build data.
# (So we can find the last successful build for the tree of intestest.)
$tree = shift @ARGV;
$log_file = shift @ARGV;
# tinderbox/ uses many shameful globals
&usage, die "Logfile does not exist, $log_file\n" unless -e $log_file;
($tree, $log_file) = split '/', $log_file;
$form{tree} = $tree;
&usage, die "Tree does not exist, $tree\n" unless -d $tree;
require '';
require "$tree/";
@ -98,6 +105,12 @@ $source_root = 'mozilla';
# ===================================================================
# Warnings to ignore
@mac_ignore = (
'function has no prototype',
'inline function call .* not inlined',
'variable / argument .* is not used in function',
@ignore = (
'location of the previous definition',
'\' was hidden',
@ -133,23 +146,32 @@ $source_root = 'mozilla';
# paths to files.
print STDERR "Building hash of file names...";
($file_bases, $file_fullpaths) = build_file_hash($cvs_root, $tree);
#($file_bases, $file_fullpaths) = build_file_hash($cvs_root, $tree);
$file_bases = {};
$file_fullpaths = {};
print STDERR "done.\n";
# Find the build we want and generate warnings for it
for $br (last_successful_builds($tree)) {
next unless $br->{buildname} =~ /^$warning_buildnames_pat$/;
my $log_file = "$br->{logfile}";
$br = find_build_record($tree,$log_file);
%warnings = ();
%warnings_by_who = ();
%who_count = ();
$total_warnings_count = 0;
$total_ignored_count = 0;
# Parse the build log for warnings
warn "Parsing build log, $log_file\n";
warn "Parsing $br->{buildname}, $log_file\n";
$fh = new FileHandle "gunzip -c $tree/$log_file |"
or die "Unable to open $tree/$log_file\n";
&gcc_parser($fh, $cvs_root, $tree, $log_file, $file_bases, $file_fullpaths);
if ($br->{errorparser} eq 'unix') {
gcc_parser($fh, $cvs_root, $tree, $log_file, $file_bases, $file_fullpaths);
} elsif ($br->{errorparser} eq 'mac') {
mac_parser($fh, $cvs_root, $tree, $log_file, $file_bases, $file_fullpaths);
# Attach blame to all the warnings
@ -186,7 +208,7 @@ for $br (last_successful_builds($tree)) {
my $file_to_link = $warn_file;
$file_to_link =~ s|^$tree/||;
symlink($file_to_link, "$tree/warnings.html");
#XXXsymlink($file_to_link, "$tree/warnings.html");
# Add an entry to the warning log
@ -195,8 +217,6 @@ for $br (last_successful_builds($tree)) {
print $fh "$log_file|$total_unignored_warnings\n";
# end of main
# ===================================================================
@ -270,26 +290,26 @@ sub find_cvs_files {
$fullpath{"$dir/$file"} = 1;
sub last_successful_builds {
sub find_build_record {
my $tree = shift;
my $log_file = shift;
my @build_records = ();
my $br;
$maxdate = time;
$mindate = $maxdate - 5*60*60; # Go back 5 hours
print STDERR "Loading build data...";
print STDERR "done\n";
for (my $ii=1; $ii <= $name_count; $ii++) {
for (my $tt=1; $tt <= $time_count; $tt++) {
if (defined($br = $build_table->[$tt][$ii])
and $br->{buildstatus} eq 'success') {
push @build_records, $br;
and $br->{logfile} eq $log_file) {
return $br;
} } }
return @build_records;
return undef;
sub gcc_parser {
@ -372,6 +392,77 @@ sub gcc_parser {
warn "debug> $. lines read\n" if $debug;
sub mac_parser {
my ($fh, $cvs_root, $tree, $log_file, $file_bases, $file_fullnames) = @_;
my $build_dir = '';
my $ignore_pat = "(?:".join('|',@mac_ignore).")";
PARSE_TOP: while (<$fh>) {
# Now only match lines with "warning:"
next unless /^Warning :/;
#print STDERR "Found a warning: $_";
chomp; # Yum, yum
warn "debug> $_\n" if $debug;
my ($filename, $line, $warning_text);
(undef, $warning_text) = split /:\s*/, $_, 2;
$_ = <$fh>;
while (not /^\S+ line \d+/) {
next PARSE_TOP if /^\S*$/;
$warning_text .= " $_";
$_ = <$fh>;
($filename, undef, $line, undef) = split;
# Look up the file name to determine the directory
my $dir = '';
unless(defined($dir = $file_bases->{$filename})) {
$dir = '[no_match]';
my $file = "$dir/$filename";
# Remember line of first occurrence in the build log
unless (defined $warnings{$file}{$line}) {
$warnings{$file}{$line}->{first_seen_line} = $.;
$warnings{$file}{$line}->{ignorecount} = 0;
$ignore_it = 0;
$ignore_it = 1 if $warning_text =~ /^$ignore_pat$/o;
if (0) { # unless ($ignore_it) {
# Now check if the warning should be ignored based on directory
for $ignore_rec (@ignore_dir) {
next unless $dir =~ /^$ignore_rec->{dir}/;
next unless /$ignore_rec->{warning}/;
$ignore_it = 1;
if ($ignore_it) {
# Do not re-add this warning if it has been seen before
for my $rec (@{ $warnings{$file}{$line}->{list} }) {
next PARSE_TOP if $rec->{warning_text} eq $warning_text;
# Remember where in the build log the warning occured
push @{ $warnings{$file}{$line}->{list} }, {
log_file => $log_file,
warning_text => $warning_text,
ignore => $ignore_it,
warn "debug> $. lines read\n" if $debug;
sub build_blame {
my ($cvs_root) = @_;