Bug 128377, Generalize Turbo Code

r=law, sr=alecf, r=ssu, sr=slogan a=asa
This commit is contained in:
jelwell%netscape.com 2002-03-21 23:14:14 +00:00
Родитель fa8d1c231c
Коммит eda882886e
4 изменённых файлов: 157 добавлений и 54 удалений

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@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ struct MessageWindow {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowsHooks> winHooksService ( do_GetService( NS_IWINDOWSHOOKS_CONTRACTID, &rv ) );
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) )
nsCOMPtr<nsIAppShellService> appShell = do_GetService( "@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1", &rv );
if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) {

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
var winhooksService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/winhooks;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsHooks);
if (winhooksService) {
parent.isTurboEnabled = winhooksService.isStartupTurboEnabled();
parent.isTurboEnabled = winhooksService.isOptionEnabled("-turbo");
document.getElementById("enableTurbo").checked = parent.isTurboEnabled;
@ -111,9 +111,9 @@
var winhooksService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/winhooks;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowsHooks);
if (winhooksService && parent.isTurboEnabled != -1) {
if (parent.isTurboEnabled)
var appShell = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1'].getService();
appShell = appShell.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIAppShellService );
var nativeAppSupport = null;

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@ -173,23 +173,24 @@ interface nsIWindowsHooks : nsISupports {
boolean checkSettings( in nsIDOMWindowInternal aParent );
* Returns true if the "(appname) QuickLaunch" value is in the
* Returns true if command is in the "(appname) QuickLaunch" value in the
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run
* key (indicating that the app will preload when Windows starts).
* key.
boolean isStartupTurboEnabled();
boolean isOptionEnabled(in string option);
* Adds the "(appname) QuickLaunch" value to the key mentioned above,
* with data "(path\to\app.exe) -turbo", if not done already.
* Adds the option to the "(appname) QuickLaunch" value to the key mentioned above,
* with data "(path\to\app.exe) option", if not done already.
void startupTurboEnable();
void startupAddOption(in string option);
* Removes the "(appname) QuickLaunch" value from the key mentioned above,
* if not done already.
* Removes the commnand from the "(appname) QuickLaunch" value from
* the key mentioned above, if not done already. And deletes the
* "(appname) QuickLaunch" value entirely if there are no options left
void startupTurboDisable();
void startupRemoveOption(in string option);
* Accepts an element, either an HTML img element or an element with

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
* Contributor(s):
* Bill Law <law@netscape.com>
* Syd Logan <syd@netscape.com> added turbo mode stuff
* Joe Elwell <jelwell@netscape.com>
* Håkan Waara <hwaara@chello.se>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
@ -76,6 +77,8 @@
#include "nsIFileStream.h"
#include "nsFileSpec.h"
#define RUNKEY "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"
// Objects that describe the Windows registry entries that we need to tweak.
static ProtocolRegistryEntry
http( "http" ),
@ -646,55 +649,154 @@ nsWindowsHooks::SetRegistry() {
// nsIWindowsHooks.idl for documentation
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsHooks::IsStartupTurboEnabled(PRBool *_retval)
*_retval = PR_FALSE;
HKEY key;
LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key );
if ( result == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
result = ::RegQueryValueEx( key, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
::RegCloseKey( key );
if ( result == ERROR_SUCCESS )
*_retval = PR_TRUE;
* Name: IsOptionEnabled
* Arguments:
* PRUnichar* option - the option line switch we check to see if it is in the registry key
* Return Value:
* PRBool* _retval - PR_TRUE if option is already in the registry key, otherwise PR_FALSE
* Description:
* This function merely checks if the passed in string exists in the (appname) Quick Launch Key or not.
* Author:
* Joseph Elwell 3/1/2002
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsHooks::IsOptionEnabled(const char* option, PRBool *_retval) {
NS_ASSERTION(option, "nsWindowsHooks::IsOptionEnabled requires something like \"-turbo\"");
*_retval = PR_FALSE;
nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting();
if (cargs.Find(option, PR_TRUE) != kNotFound)
*_retval = PR_TRUE;
return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsHooks::StartupTurboEnable()
PRBool startupFound;
IsStartupTurboEnabled( &startupFound );
if ( startupFound == PR_TRUE )
return NS_OK; // already enabled, no need to do this
HKEY hKey;
LONG res = ::RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hKey, NULL );
if ( res != ERROR_SUCCESS )
return NS_OK;
char fileName[_MAX_PATH];
int rv = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, fileName, sizeof fileName );
if ( rv ) {
strcat( fileName, " -turbo" );
::RegSetValueEx( hKey, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, 0, REG_SZ, ( LPBYTE )fileName, strlen( fileName ) );
::RegCloseKey( hKey );
return NS_OK;
* Name: grabArgs
* Arguments:
* char* optionline - the full optionline as read from the (appname) Quick Launch registry key
* Return Value:
* char** args - A pointer to the arguments (string in optionline)
* passed to the executable in the (appname) Quick Launch registry key
* Description:
* This function seperates out the arguments from the optinline string
* Returning a pointer into the first arguments buffer.
* This function is used only locally, and is meant to reduce code size and readability.
* Author:
* Joseph Elwell 3/1/2002
void grabArgs(char* optionline, char** args) {
nsCRT::strtok(optionline, "\"", &optionline);
if (optionline != NULL)
*args = nsCRT::strtok(optionline, "\"", &optionline);
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsHooks::StartupTurboDisable()
* Name: StartupAddOption
* Arguments:
* PRUnichar* option - the option line switch we want to add to the registry key
* Return Value: none
* Description:
* This function adds the given option line argument to the (appname) Quick Launch registry key
* Author:
* Joseph Elwell 3/1/2002
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsHooks::StartupAddOption(const char* option) {
NS_ASSERTION(option, "nsWindowsHooks::StartupAddOption requires something like \"-turbo\"");
PRBool retval;
IsOptionEnabled(option, &retval);
if (retval) return NS_OK; //already in there
nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting();
nsCAutoString newsetting;
if (!cargs.IsEmpty())
char* args;
// exploiting the fact that nsString's storage is also a char* buffer.
// NS_CONST_CAST is safe here because nsCRT::strtok will only modify
// the existing buffer
grabArgs(NS_CONST_CAST(char *, cargs.get()), &args);
if (args != NULL)
// check for the old style registry key that doesnot quote its executable
IsOptionEnabled("-turbo", &retval);
if (retval)
newsetting.Append(" -turbo");
newsetting.Append(' ');
startup.setting = newsetting;
* Name: StartupRemoveOption
* Arguments:
* PRUnichar* option - the option line switch we want to remove from the registry key
* Return Value: none.
* Description:
* This function removes the given option from the (appname) Quick Launch Key.
* And deletes the key entirely if no options are left.
* Author:
* Joseph Elwell 3/1/2002
NS_IMETHODIMP nsWindowsHooks::StartupRemoveOption(const char* option) {
NS_ASSERTION(option, "nsWindowsHooks::StartupRemoveOption requires something like \"-turbo\"");
PRBool startupFound;
IsStartupTurboEnabled( &startupFound );
IsOptionEnabled(option, &startupFound );
if ( !startupFound )
return NS_OK; // already disabled, no need to do this
return NS_OK; // already disabled, no need to do anything
HKEY hKey;
LONG res = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey );
if ( res != ERROR_SUCCESS )
return NS_OK;
res = ::RegDeleteValue( hKey, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY );
::RegCloseKey( hKey );
nsCString cargs = startup.currentSetting();
char* args;
// exploiting the fact that nsString's storage is also a char* buffer.
// NS_CONST_CAST is safe here because nsCRT::strtok will only modify
// the existing buffer
grabArgs(NS_CONST_CAST(char *, cargs.get()), &args);
nsCAutoString launchcommand;
if (args)
PRInt32 optionlocation = launchcommand.Find(option, PR_TRUE);
// modify by one to get rid of the space we prepended in StartupAddOption
if (optionlocation != kNotFound)
launchcommand.Cut(optionlocation - 1, nsCRT::strlen(option) + 1);
if (launchcommand.IsEmpty())
nsCAutoString ufileName;
startup.setting = ufileName;
return NS_OK;