зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Fix for bugzilla bug 54079, bugscape bug 2331. builtinURLs.js: renamed vars to avoid conflicts, fixed it not to rely on the SinkObserver being called each time (this was only called for the first window), and to throw rather than returning "".
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,119 +1,159 @@
// the rdf service
var RDF;
var titleArc;
var contentArc;
var ds;
var state;
var loaded;
var gRDFService;
var gTitleArc;
var gContentArc;
var gBuiltinUrlsDataSource;
var gDataSourceState;
var gDataSourceLoaded;
var gSinkObserverRegistered;
var SinkObserver =
onBeginLoad: function( aSink) {
state = (state | 1);
//dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onBeginLoad: " + aSink + ", state=" + state + "\n");
gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 1);
debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onBeginLoad: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
onInterrupt: function( aSink) {
state = (state | 2);
//dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onInterrupt: " + aSink + ", state=" + state + "\n");
gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 2);
debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onInterrupt: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
onResume: function( aSink) {
state = (state & ~2);
//dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onResume: " + aSink + ", state=" + state + "\n");
gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState & ~2);
debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onResume: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
onEndLoad: function( aSink) {
state = (state | 4);
loaded = (state == 5);
//dump("\n-> onEndLoad: " + aSink + ", state=" + state + ", loaded=" + loaded + "\n");
gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 4);
gDataSourceLoaded = (gDataSourceState == 5);
debug_dump("\n-> onEndLoad: " + aSink + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + ", gDataSourceLoaded=" + gDataSourceLoaded + "\n");
if (!loaded) {
dump("\n-> builtin URLs not loaded!\n");
if (!gDataSourceLoaded) {
debug_dump("\n-> builtin URLs not loaded!\n");
ds = aSink.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
titleArc = RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#title");
contentArc = RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#content");
gBuiltinUrlsDataSource = aSink.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
debug_dump("Got gBuiltinUrlsDataSource " + gBuiltinUrlsDataSource + " with gTitleArc " + gTitleArc + " and gContentArc " + gContentArc + "\n");
onError: function( aSink, aStatus, aErrMsg) {
state = (state | 8);
dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onError: " + aSink + ", status=" + aStatus +
", errMsg=" + aErrMsg + ", state=" + state + "\n");
gDataSourceState = (gDataSourceState | 8);
debug_dump("\n-> SinkObserver:onError: " + aSink + ", status=" + aStatus +
", errMsg=" + aErrMsg + ", gDataSourceState=" + gDataSourceState + "\n");
function debug_dump(msg)
function debug_dump(msg)
function loadDS()
//dump("\n-->loadDS() called <--\n");
if (ds && loaded) {
//dump("\n-->loadDS(): ds=" + ds + ", loaded=" + loaded + ", returning! <--\n");
debug_dump("\n-->loadDS() called for " + window.document + " <--\n");
if (gBuiltinUrlsDataSource && gDataSourceLoaded) {
debug_dump("\n-->loadDS(): gBuiltinUrlsDataSource=" + gBuiltinUrlsDataSource + ", gDataSourceLoaded=" + gDataSourceLoaded + ", returning! <--\n");
if (gSinkObserverRegistered)
debug_dump("Already registered SinkObserver in loadDS()\n");
// initialize
RDF = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1'].getService();
RDF = RDF.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
gRDFService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1'].getService();
gRDFService = gRDFService.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
if (!RDF) {
dump("\n-->loadDS(): RDF service is null!\n");
if (!gRDFService) {
debug_dump("\n-->loadDS(): gRDFService service is null!\n");
var ds_uri = "chrome://global/locale/builtinURLs.rdf";
var url_ds = RDF.GetDataSource(ds_uri); // return nsIRDFDataSource
if (!url_ds) {
dump("\n >>Can't get " + ds_uri + "<-\n");
var rdfXMLSink = url_ds.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink );
if (rdfXMLSink) {
ds = null;
state = 0x0; // init.
loaded = false;
gTitleArc = gRDFService.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#title");
gContentArc = gRDFService.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#content");
var ds_uri = "chrome://global/locale/builtinURLs.rdf";
var url_ds = gRDFService.GetDataSource(ds_uri); // return nsIRDFDataSource
if (!url_ds) {
debug_dump("\n >>Can't get " + ds_uri + "<-\n");
if (url_ds.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).loaded)
var ds_uri = "chrome://global/locale/builtinURLs.rdf";
gBuiltinUrlsDataSource = gRDFService.GetDataSource(ds_uri); // return nsIRDFDataSource
gDataSourceLoaded = (gBuiltinUrlsDataSource != null);
var rdfXMLSink = url_ds.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink );
if (rdfXMLSink) {
gBuiltinUrlsDataSource = null;
gDataSourceState = 0x0; // init.
gDataSourceLoaded = false;
gSinkObserverRegistered = true;
debug_dump("rdfXMLSink is null\n");
function xlateURL(key)
//dump("\n>> xlateURL(" + key + "): ds=" + ds + ", loaded=" + loaded);
if (!ds || !loaded) {
dump("\n xlateURL(): data source is not loaded! Try again later! \n");
return "";
debug_dump("\n>> xlateURL(" + key + "): gBuiltinUrlsDataSource=" + gBuiltinUrlsDataSource + ", gDataSourceLoaded=" + gDataSourceLoaded + "\n");
if (!gBuiltinUrlsDataSource || !gDataSourceLoaded) {
throw("urn translation data source not loaded");
// get data
var srcNode = RDF.GetResource(key);
var titleTarget = ds.GetTarget(srcNode, titleArc, true);
var srcNode = gRDFService.GetResource(key);
var titleTarget = gBuiltinUrlsDataSource.GetTarget(srcNode, gTitleArc, true);
if (titleTarget) {
titleTarget =
dump("\n-> " + key + "::title=" + titleTarget.Value);
debug_dump("\n-> " + key + "::title=" + titleTarget.Value);
else {
dump("\n title target=" + titleTarget + "\n");
debug_dump("\n title target=" + titleTarget + "\n");
var contentTarget = ds.GetTarget(srcNode, contentArc, true);
var contentTarget = gBuiltinUrlsDataSource.GetTarget(srcNode, gContentArc, true);
if (contentTarget) {
contentTarget =
dump("\n-> " + key + "::content=" + contentTarget.Value + "\n");
debug_dump("\n-> " + key + "::content=" + contentTarget.Value + "\n");
return contentTarget.Value;
else {
dump("\n content target=" + contentTarget + "\n");
debug_dump("\n content target=" + contentTarget + "\n");
throw("urn not found in datasource");
// not reached
return "";
function loadXURL(key)
debug_dump("loadXURL call with " + key + "\n");
window._content.location.href = xlateURL(key);
@ -268,31 +268,32 @@ function openTopWin( url )
but if we do this we need to have the option for chrome controls because goClickThrobber()
needs to use this function with chrome controls */
/* also, do we want to limit the number of help windows that can be spawned? */
dump("SetPrefToCurrentPage("+ url +") \n ");
// dump("SetPrefToCurrentPage("+ url +")\n");
if ((url == null) || (url == "")) return;
// xlate the URL if necessary
if (url.indexOf("urn:") == 0)
url = xlateURL(url); // does RDF urn expansion
// avoid loading "", since this loads a directory listing
if (url == "") {
dump("openTopWin told to load an empty URL, so loading about:blank instead\n");
url = "about:blank";
var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/datasource;1?name=window-mediator'].getService();
var windowManagerInterface = windowManager.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
var topWindowOfType = windowManagerInterface.getMostRecentWindow( "navigator:browser" );
if ( topWindowOfType )
dump("setting page: " + topWindowOfType._content.location.href + "\n");
// urn:
var pos = url.indexOf("urn:");
dump("\n ** openTopWin, url=" + url + ", pos=" + pos + "\n");
if (pos == 0) {
topWindowOfType._content.location.href = xlateURL(url);
topWindowOfType._content.location.href = url;
topWindowOfType._content.location.href = url;
dump(" No browser window. Should be disabling this button \n");
window.openDialog( getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", url );
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