Bug 419492 - talos needs to ensure that browser is closed at end of testing p=anodelman r=rcampbell

This commit is contained in:
anodelman@mozilla.com 2008-04-14 15:38:19 -07:00
Родитель 453bf95759
Коммит ee7de4c089
7 изменённых файлов: 189 добавлений и 148 удалений

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@ -123,9 +123,6 @@ def TerminateProcess(pid):
if ProcessesWithNameExist(str(pid)):
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
if ProcessesWithNameExist(str(pid)):
print 'WARNING: failed to terminate: %s' % (str(pid))
except OSError, (errno, strerror):
print 'WARNING: failed os.kill: %s : %s' % (errno, strerror)

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ def GetPidsByName(process_name):
matchingPids = []
command = ['ps -ac']
command = ['ps -Ac']
handle = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True)
# wait for the process to terminate
@ -88,6 +88,9 @@ def GetPidsByName(process_name):
# find all matching processes and add them to the list
for line in data:
#overlook the mac crashreporter daemon
if line.find("crashreporterd") >= 0:
if line.find(process_name) >= 0:
# splits by whitespace, the first one should be the pid
pid = int(line.split()[0])
@ -125,9 +128,6 @@ def TerminateProcess(pid):
if ProcessesWithNameExist(str(pid)):
os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
if ProcessesWithNameExist(str(pid)):
print 'WARNING: failed to terminate: %s' % (str(pid))
except OSError, (errno, strerror):
print 'WARNING: failed os.kill: %s : %s' % (errno, strerror)

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
import win32api
import win32file
import win32pdhutil
import win32pdh
import win32pipe
import msvcrt
@ -88,6 +89,8 @@ def ProcessesWithNameExist(*process_names):
for process_name in process_names:
# refresh list of processes
win32pdh.EnumObjects(None, None, 0, 1)
pids = win32pdhutil.FindPerformanceAttributesByName(process_name, counter="ID Process")
if len(pids) > 0:
return True

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@ -161,5 +161,4 @@ def InitializeNewProfile(firefox_path, profile_dir, init_url):
print match
res = 0
print "ERROR: no metrics"
return res

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@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ socket.setdefaulttimeout(480)
import getopt
import utils
from utils import talosError
import post_file
import ttest
@ -312,10 +313,12 @@ def test_file(filename):
utils.stamped_msg(title, "Started")
for test in tests:
utils.stamped_msg("Running test " + test, "Started")
res, browser_dump, counter_dump = ttest.runTest(browser_config, tests[test])
if not res:
browser_dump, counter_dump = ttest.runTest(browser_config, tests[test])
except talosError, e:
utils.stamped_msg("Failed " + test, "Stopped")
print 'FAIL: failure to complete test: ' + test
print 'FAIL: Busted: ' + test
print 'FAIL: ' + e.msg
utils.debug("Received test results: " + " ".join(browser_dump))
results[test] = [browser_dump, counter_dump]

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@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import time
import sys
import subprocess
import utils
from utils import talosError
import ffprocess
import ffsetup
@ -81,6 +82,53 @@ RESULTS_TP_REGEX = re.compile('__start_tp_report(.*)__end_tp_report',
RESULTS_GENERIC = re.compile('(.*)', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
def checkBrowserAlive():
#is the browser actually up?
return (ffprocess.ProcessesWithNameExist("firefox") and not ffprocess.ProcessesWithNameExist("crashreporter", "talkback", "dwwin"))
def checkAllProcesses():
#is anything browser related active?
return ffprocess.ProcessesWithNameExist("firefox", "crashreporter", "talkback", "dwwin")
def cleanupProcesses():
#kill any remaining firefox processes
ffprocess.TerminateAllProcesses("firefox", "crashreporter", "dwwin", "talkback")
#check if anything is left behind
if checkAllProcesses():
#this is for windows machines. when attempting to send kill messages to win processes the OS
# always gives the process a chance to close cleanly before terminating it, this takes longer
# and we need to give it a little extra time to complete
if checkAllProcesses():
raise talosError("failed to cleanup")
def createProfile(browser_config):
if browser_config["profile_path"] != {}:
# Create the new profile
temp_dir, profile_dir = ffsetup.CreateTempProfileDir(browser_config['profile_path'],
utils.debug("created profile")
# no profile path was set in the config, set the profile_dir to an empty string.
profile_dir = ""
return profile_dir, temp_dir
def initializeProfile(profile_dir, browser_config):
if browser_config["profile_path"] != {}:
if not (ffsetup.InitializeNewProfile(browser_config['firefox'], profile_dir, browser_config['init_url'])):
raise talosError("failed to initialize browser")
if checkAllProcesses():
raise talosError("browser failed to close after being initialized")
def cleanupProfile(dir, browser_config):
# Delete the temp profile directory Make it writeable first,
# because every once in a while Firefox seems to drop a read-only
# file into it.
if browser_config["profile_path"] != {}:
def runTest(browser_config, test_config):
@ -92,7 +140,6 @@ def runTest(browser_config, test_config):
res = 0
utils.debug("operating with platform_type : " + platform_type)
counters = test_config[platform_type + 'counters']
resolution = test_config['resolution']
@ -100,142 +147,128 @@ def runTest(browser_config, test_config):
all_counter_results = []
# add any provided directories to the installed firefox
for dir in browser_config['dirs']:
ffsetup.InstallInBrowser(browser_config['firefox'], browser_config['dirs'][dir])
if browser_config["profile_path"] != {}:
# Create the new profile
temp_dir, profile_dir = ffsetup.CreateTempProfileDir(browser_config['profile_path'],
utils.debug("created profile")
# Run Firefox once with new profile so initializing it doesn't cause
# a performance hit, and the second Firefox that gets created is properly
# terminated.
if checkAllProcesses():
utils.debug("firefox already running before testing started (unclean system)")
raise talosError("system not clean")
res = ffsetup.InitializeNewProfile(browser_config['firefox'], profile_dir, browser_config['init_url'])
if not res:
print "FAIL: couldn't initialize firefox"
return (res, all_browser_results, all_counter_results)
res = 0
# no profile path was set in the config, set the profile_dir to an empty string.
profile_dir = ""
# add any provided directories to the installed firefox
for dir in browser_config['dirs']:
ffsetup.InstallInBrowser(browser_config['firefox'], browser_config['dirs'][dir])
utils.debug("initialized firefox")
profile_dir, temp_dir = createProfile(browser_config)
initializeProfile(profile_dir, browser_config)
for i in range(test_config['cycles']):
# Run the test
browser_results = ""
if 'timeout' in test_config:
timeout = test_config['timeout']
timeout = 28800 # 8 hours
total_time = 0
output = ''
url = test_config['url']
if 'url_mod' in test_config:
url += eval(test_config['url_mod'])
command_line = ffprocess.GenerateFirefoxCommandLine(browser_config['firefox'], profile_dir, url)
utils.debug("command line: " + command_line)
process = subprocess.Popen(command_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True, bufsize=0, env=os.environ)
handle = process.stdout
#give firefox a chance to open
# this could mean that we are losing the first couple of data points as the tests starts, but if we don't provide
# some time for the browser to start we have trouble connecting the CounterManager to it
utils.debug("initialized firefox")
#set up the counters for this test
cm = CounterManager("firefox", counters)
counter_results = {}
for counter in counters:
counter_results[counter] = []
busted = False
while total_time < timeout:
# Sleep for [resolution] seconds
total_time += resolution
for i in range(test_config['cycles']):
# check to see if the previous cycle is still hanging around
if (i > 0) and checkAllProcesses():
raise talosError("previous cycle still running")
# Run the test
browser_results = ""
if 'timeout' in test_config:
timeout = test_config['timeout']
timeout = 28800 # 8 hours
total_time = 0
output = ''
url = test_config['url']
if 'url_mod' in test_config:
url += eval(test_config['url_mod'])
command_line = ffprocess.GenerateFirefoxCommandLine(browser_config['firefox'], profile_dir, url)
# Get the output from all the possible counters
for count_type in counters:
val = cm.getCounterValue(count_type)
utils.debug("command line: " + command_line)
if (val):
process = subprocess.Popen(command_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, shell=True, bufsize=0, env=os.environ)
handle = process.stdout
# Check to see if page load times were outputted
(bytes, current_output) = ffprocess.NonBlockingReadProcessOutput(handle)
output += current_output
match = RESULTS_GENERIC.search(current_output)
if match:
if match.group(1):
match = RESULTS_REGEX.search(output)
if match:
browser_results += match.group(1)
utils.debug("Matched basic results: " + browser_results)
res = 1
#TODO: this a stop gap until all of the tests start outputting the same format
match = RESULTS_TP_REGEX.search(output)
if match:
browser_results += match.group(1)
utils.debug("Matched tp results: " + browser_results)
res = 1
match = RESULTS_REGEX_FAIL.search(output)
if match:
browser_results += match.group(1)
utils.debug("Matched fail results: " + browser_results)
print "FAIL: " + match.group(1)
#give firefox a chance to open
# this could mean that we are losing the first couple of data points as the tests starts, but if we don't provide
# some time for the browser to start we have trouble connecting the CounterManager to it
#set up the counters for this test
if counters:
cm = CounterManager("firefox", counters)
counter_results = {}
for counter in counters:
counter_results[counter] = []
#ensure that the browser is still running
#check at intervals of 60 - this is just to cut down on load
#use the busted check to ensure that we aren't catching a bad time slice where the browser has
# completed the test and closed but we haven't picked up the result yet
if busted:
print "FAIL: browser crash"
if (total_time % 60 == 0):
if ffprocess.ProcessesWithNameExist("crashreporter", "talkback", "dwwin") or not ffprocess.ProcessesWithNameExist("firefox"):
busted = True
busted = False
while total_time < timeout:
# Sleep for [resolution] seconds
total_time += resolution
if total_time >= timeout:
print "FAIL: timeout from test"
# Get the output from all the possible counters
for count_type in counters:
val = cm.getCounterValue(count_type)
#stop the counter manager since this test is complete
if (val):
utils.debug("Completed test with: " + browser_results)
#kill any remaining firefox processes
ffprocess.TerminateAllProcesses("firefox", "crashreporter", "dwwin", "talkback")
#check if anything is left behind
if ffprocess.ProcessesWithNameExist("crashreporter", "firefox", "dwwin", "talkback"):
#this is for windows machines. when attempting to send kill messages to win processes the OS
# always gives the process a chance to close cleanly before terminating it, this takes longer
# and we need to give it a little extra time to complete
if ffprocess.ProcessesWithNameExist("crashreporter", "firefox", "dwwin", "talkback"):
print "FAIL: couldn't remove existing firefox processes for clean up"
# Check to see if page load times were outputted
(bytes, current_output) = ffprocess.NonBlockingReadProcessOutput(handle)
output += current_output
match = RESULTS_GENERIC.search(current_output)
if match:
if match.group(1):
match = RESULTS_REGEX.search(output)
if match:
browser_results += match.group(1)
utils.debug("Matched basic results: " + browser_results)
#TODO: this a stop gap until all of the tests start outputting the same format
match = RESULTS_TP_REGEX.search(output)
if match:
browser_results += match.group(1)
utils.debug("Matched tp results: " + browser_results)
match = RESULTS_REGEX_FAIL.search(output)
if match:
browser_results += match.group(1)
utils.debug("Matched fail results: " + browser_results)
raise talosError(match.group(1))
#ensure that the browser is still running
#check at intervals of 60 - this is just to cut down on load
#use the busted check to ensure that we aren't catching a bad time slice where the browser has
# completed the test and closed but we haven't picked up the result yet
if busted:
raise talosError("browser crash")
if (total_time % 60 == 0):
if not checkBrowserAlive():
busted = True
# Delete the temp profile directory Make it writeable first,
# because every once in a while Firefox seems to drop a read-only
# file into it.
if total_time >= timeout:
raise talosError("timeout exceeded")
#stop the counter manager since this test is complete
if counters:
return (res, all_browser_results, all_counter_results)
utils.debug("Completed test with: " + browser_results)
cleanupProfile(temp_dir, browser_config)
return (all_browser_results, all_counter_results)
if vars().has_key('temp_dir'):
cleanupProfile(temp_dir, browser_config)
except talosError, te:
utils.debug("cleanup error: " + te.msg)
utils.debug("unknown error during cleanup")

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@ -92,3 +92,9 @@ def restoreEnvironmentVars():
global saved_environment
for var in saved_environment:
os.environ[var] = saved_environment[var]
class talosError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
self.msg = msg
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.msg)