зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Parse warnings from build logs and generate a report.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use FileHandle;
use FileNameFind;
$tree = 'SeaMonkey';
$cvsroot = '/u/slamm/tt/cvsroot/mozilla';
@ignore = ( 'long long', '__cmsg_data' );
$ignore_pat = "(?:".join('|',@ignore).")";
$fh = new FileHandle "</u/slamm/tt/buildlog";
&gcc_parser($fh, $tree);
sub gcc_parser {
my ($fh, $tree) = @_;
my $dir = '';
my $find = new FileNameFind;
while (<$fh>) {
# Directory
if (/^gmake\[\d\]: Entering directory \`(.*)\'$/) {
($build_dir = $1) =~ s|.*/mozilla/||;
# Now only match lines with "warning:"
next unless /warning:/;
next if /$ignore_pat/o;
chomp; # Yum, yum
my ($filename, $line, undef, $warning_text) = split /:\s*/;
$filename =~ s/.*\///;
my $dir = find_dir($find, $build_dir, $filename);
my $file = "$dir/$filename";
unless (defined($warnings{"$file:$line"})) {
# Remember where in the build log the warning occured
$warnings{"$file:$line"} = {
first_seen_line => $.,
count => 0,
warning_text => $warning_text,
push @{$warnings_per_file{$file}}, $line;
last if $ii > 20;
sub find_dir {
my ($find, $dir, $filename) = @_;
my @dirs = $find->lookup($filename, candidate=>$dir);
if ($#dirs == -1) {
warn "No match for $filename ($dir).\n";
return "<no_match>";
} elsif ($#dirs == 0) {
return $dirs[0];
} else {
warn "Multiple match for $filename ($dir).\n";
return "<multiple_matches>";
sub dump_warning_data {
while (my ($file_and_line, $record) = each %warnings) {
print join ':',
print "\n";
sub build_blame {
use lib '../bonsai';
require 'utils.pl';
require 'cvsblame.pl';
while (($file, $lines) = each %warnings_per_file) {
my $rcs_filename = "$cvsroot/$file,v";
unless (-e $rcs_filename) {
warn "Unable to find $rcs_filename\n";
my $revision = &parse_cvs_file($rcs_filename);
@text = &extract_revision($revision);
for $line (@{$lines}) {
my $line_rev = $revision_map[$line-1];
my $who = $revision_author{$line_rev};
my $source_text = join '', @text[$line-3..$line+1];
chomp $source_text;
my $warn_rec = $warnings{"$file:$line"};
$warn_rec->{line_rev} = $line_rev;
$warn_rec->{source} = $source_text;
$warnings_by_who{$who}{$file}{$line} = $warn_rec;
$who_count{$who} += $warn_rec->{count};
sub print_warnings_as_html {
for $who (sort { $who_count{$b} <=> $who_count{$a}
|| $a cmp $b } keys %who_count) {
my $count = $who_count{$who};
my ($name, $email);
($name = $who) =~ s/%.*//;
($email = $who) =~ s/%/@/;
print "<font size='+1' face='Helvetica,Arial'><b>";
print "<a name='$name' href='mailto:$email'>$name</a>";
print " (1 warning)" if $count == 1;
print " ($count warnings)" if $count > 1;
print "</b></font>";
print "\n<ol>\n";
for $file (sort keys %{$warnings_by_who{$who}}) {
for $linenum (sort keys %{$warnings_by_who{$who}{$file}}) {
my $warn_rec = $warnings_by_who{$who}{$file}{$linenum};
my $warning = $warn_rec->{warning_text};
print "<li>";
# File link
print "<a target='_other' href='"
print "$file:$linenum";
print "</a> ";
print "<br>";
# Warning text
print "\u$warning";
# Build log link
my $log_line = $warn_rec->{first_seen_line};
print " (<a href='"
.build_url($tree, $log_line)
."' target='_other'>See build log</a>)";
print "<br>";
# Source code fragment
my ($keyword) = $warning =~ /\`([^\']*)\'/;
print "<table cellpadding=4><tr><td bgcolor='#ededed'>";
print "<pre><font size='-1'>";
my $source_text = $warn_rec->{source};
my @source_lines = split /\n/, $source_text;
my $line_index = $linenum - 2;
for $line (@source_lines) {
$line =~ s/&/&/g;
$line =~ s/</</g;
$line =~ s/>/>/g;
$line =~ s|$keyword|<b>$keyword</b>|g;
print "<font color='red'>" if $line_index == $linenum;
print "$line_index $line<BR>";
print "</font>" if $line_index == $linenum;
print "</font>"; #</pre>";
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
print "</ol>\n";
sub build_url {
my ($tree, $linenum) = @_;
return "http://tinderbox.mozilla.org/showlog.cgi?tree=$tree"
sub file_url {
my ($file, $linenum) = @_;
return "http://cvs-mirror.mozilla.org/webtools/bonsai/cvsblame.cgi"
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