зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
@ -75,21 +75,35 @@ This is a quick guide for installing the tinderbox server.
all mail through the handemail.pl script.
Assuming that you're using sendmail, add the following line to /etc/aliases
tinderbox-daemon: "|/var/www/html/tinderbox/handlemail.pl /var/www/html/tinderbox"
tinderbox-daemon: "|/var/www/html/tinderbox/handlemail.pl"
If sendmail uses smrsh, you may need to create a symlink under /etc/smrsh.
ln -sf /var/www/html/tinderbox/handlemail.pl /etc/smrsh/handlemail.pl
As the tinderbox user, add a cron job to call 'processbuild.pl'.
For example,
*/5 * * * * /var/www/html/tinderbox/processbuild.pl
This will cause the tinderbox mail to be processed every five minutes and
to mail the root user if any errors occur.
Generate an admin password to be used to setup new trees
sudo make -C mozilla/webtools/tinderbox genpasswd
Restart apache and go to http://tinderbox.company.com/tinderbox/ .
Click on 'Create new tree' and enter the information for your
new tinderbox tree.
Pull the tinderbox client source and start sending build reports
to tinderbox-daemon@<tinderbox.server>
(cd /builds/cvs && cvs -z3 co mozilla/tools/tinderbox )
If you are migrating from an older tinderbox installation, you may need
to run ./checksetup.pl to make sure that your trees are using the
correct treedata.pl format.
@ -20,13 +20,11 @@
# Contributor(s):
use FileHandle;
use File::Copy 'move';
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use lib "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
require 'tbglobals.pl';
@ -59,7 +57,8 @@ exit 0 if (!$use_bonsai && !$use_viewvc);
# Only allow one process at a time to re-write "who.dat".
my $lock = lock_datafile($tree);
my $lockfile = "$tree/buildwho.sem";
my $lock = lock_datafile($lockfile);
if ($use_bonsai) {
# Setup global variables for bonsai query
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ if ($use_bonsai) {
# End of main
sub usage() {
@ -96,26 +95,6 @@ sub usage() {
exit 1;
sub lock_datafile {
my ($tree) = @_;
my $lock_fh = new FileHandle ">>$tree/buildwho.sem"
or die "Couldn't open semaphore file!";
# Get an exclusive lock with a non-blocking request
unless (flock($lock_fh, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) {
die "buildwho.pl: Lock unavailable: $!";
return $lock_fh;
sub unlock_datafile {
my ($lock_fh) = @_;
flock $lock_fh, LOCK_UN; # Free the lock
close $lock_fh;
sub build_who {
my ($tree) = @_;
$query_date_min = time - (60 * 60 * 24 * $days);
@ -20,13 +20,19 @@
# Contributor(s):
use lib "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
require 'tbglobals.pl';
$tinderboxdir = "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
$err = system("cat | $tinderboxdir/processbuild.pl");
chdir $tinderboxdir or die "Couldn't chdir to $tinderboxdir";
if( $err ) {
die "processbuild.pl returned an error\n";
$time = time();
open(OUT, ">$data_dir/tbx.$time.$$") or die ("Could not open data file, tbx.$time.$$\n");
while (<STDIN>) {
print OUT $_;
@ -22,112 +22,161 @@
use Compress::Zlib;
use Compress::Bzip2;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Local;
use lib "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
require 'tbglobals.pl'; # for $gzip
#use strict;
umask 002;
# setuid globals
$tinderboxdir = "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
chdir $tinderboxdir || die "Couldn't chdir to $tinderboxdir";
# globals
my ($only_check_mail);
my @changed_trees=();
my %scraped_trees;
my $debug = 0;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--check-mail') {
$only_check_mail = 1;
shift @ARGV;
chdir $tinderboxdir or die "Couldn't chdir to $tinderboxdir";
# parse args
GetOptions("check-mail" => \$only_check_mail) or die ("Error parsing args.");
# Acquire a lock first so that we don't step on ourselves
my $lockfile = "$data_dir/processbuild.sem";
my $lock = &lock_datafile($lockfile);
opendir(DIR, $data_dir) or die("Can't opendir($data_dir): $!");
my @datafiles =
sort(grep { /^tbx\.\d+\.\d+$/ && -f "$data_dir/$_" } readdir(DIR));
print "Files: @datafiles\n" if ($debug && $#datafiles > 0);
for my $file (@datafiles) {
# If datafile is given on the commandline, use it. Otherwise, read from STDIN
$mail_file = shift;
if (!defined($mail_file)) {
$mail_file = "data/tbx.$$";
open(DF, ">", $mail_file) || die "could not open $mail_file";
print DF $_;
%tinderbox = ();
# Scan the logfile once to get mail header and build variables
open(LOG, "<", $mail_file) or die "Can't open $!";
parse_mail_header(*LOG, \%MAIL_HEADER);
parse_log_variables(*LOG, \%tinderbox);
close LOG;
# If the mail does not contain any tinderbox header info, just drop it.
@tbkeys = keys %tinderbox;
if ($#tbkeys == -1) {
unlink $mail_file;
exit 0;
# Make sure variables are defined correctly
check_required_variables(\%tinderbox, \%MAIL_HEADER);
die "Mail variables passed the test\n" if $only_check_mail;
# Write data to "build.dat"
$tinderbox{logfile} = "$tinderbox{builddate}.$$.gz";
# Compress the build log and put it in the tree
compress_log_file(\%tinderbox, $mail_file)
unless $tinderbox{status} =~ /building/;
unlink $mail_file;
# Who data
$err = system("./buildwho.pl", "$tinderbox{tree}");
if ($err) {
die "buildwho.pl returned an error\n";
# Warnings
# Compare the name with $warning_buildnames_pat which is defined in
# $tinderbox{tree}/treedata.pl if at all.
require "$tinderbox{tree}/treedata.pl" if -r "$tinderbox{tree}/treedata.pl";
if (defined $warning_buildnames_pat
and $tinderbox{build} =~ /^$warning_buildnames_pat$/
and $tinderbox{status} ne 'failed') {
$err = system("./warnings.pl", "$tinderbox{tree}/$tinderbox{logfile}");
die "warnings.pl returned an error\n" if ($err);
# Scrape data
# Look for build name in scrapedata.pl.
require "$tinderbox{tree}/scrapebuilds.pl" if -r "$tinderbox{tree}/scrapebuilds.pl";
if ($scrape_builds->{$tinderbox{build}}
and $tinderbox{status} ne 'building') {
$err = system("./scrape.pl", "$tinderbox{tree}", "$tinderbox{logfile}");
die "scrape.pl returned an error\n" if ($err);
# Static pages
# For Sidebar flash and tinderbox panels.
my $rel_path = '';
require 'showbuilds.pl';
$tree = $tinderbox{tree};
for my $t (@changed_trees) {
$tree = $t;
print "Tree: $t\n" if ($debug);
# Static pages - For Sidebar flash and tinderbox panels.
$rel_path = '';
# Who data
$err = system("./buildwho.pl", "$t");
if ($err) {
warn "buildwho.pl returned an error on file $mail_file\n";
# end of main
sub process_mailfile($) {
my ($mail_file) = @_;
my $err = 0;
print "process_mailfile($mail_file)\n" if ($debug);
%tinderbox = ();
# Scan the logfile once to get mail header and build variables
print "Parsing: begin\n" if ($debug);
unless (open(LOG, "<", $mail_file)) {
warn "Can't open $mail_file: $!";
parse_mail_header(*LOG, \%MAIL_HEADER);
parse_log_variables(*LOG, \%tinderbox);
close LOG;
print "Parsing: end\n" if ($debug);
# If the mail does not contain any tinderbox header info, just drop it.
@tbkeys = keys %tinderbox;
if ($#tbkeys == -1) {
print "Dropping spam mail: $mail_file\n" if ($debug);
unlink $mail_file;
# Make sure variables are defined correctly
return if (&check_required_variables(\%tinderbox, \%MAIL_HEADER));
if ($only_check_mail) {
warn "Mail variables passed the test\n";
# Write data to "build.dat"
print "Write build.dat: $tinderbox{build}\n" if ($debug);
$tinderbox{logfile} = "$tinderbox{builddate}.$$.gz";
# Add tree to changed trees list to later rebuild who.dat
if (!grep(/$tinderbox{tree}/, @changed_trees)) {
push @changed_trees, $tinderbox{tree};
# Compress the build log and put it in the tree
print "Compress\n" if ($debug);
if ($tinderbox{status} =~ /building/) {
unlink $mail_file;
print "process_mailfile($mail_file) Building: END\n" if ($debug);
} else {
return if (&compress_log_file(\%tinderbox, $mail_file));
# Warnings
# Compare the name with $warning_buildnames_pat which is defined in
# $tinderbox{tree}/treedata.pl if at all.
print "Warnings($tinderbox{tree}/$tinderbox{logfile})\n" if ($debug);
undef $warning_buildnames_pat;
open(TD, "$tinderbox{tree}/treedata.pl");
while ($line=<TD>) {
if ($line =~ m/^\$warning_build_names_pat\s*=.*;$/) {
if (defined $warning_buildnames_pat
and $tinderbox{build} =~ /^$warning_buildnames_pat$/
and $tinderbox{status} ne 'failed') {
$err = system("./warnings.pl", "$tinderbox{tree}/$tinderbox{logfile}");
warn "warnings.pl($tinderbox{tree}/$tinderbox{logfile} returned an error\n" if ($err);
undef $warning_buildnames_pat;
# Scrape data
# Look for build name in scrapedata.pl.
print "Scrape($tinderbox{tree},$tinderbox{logfile})\n" if ($debug);
undef $scrape_builds;
require "$tinderbox{tree}/scrapebuilds.pl"
if -r "$tinderbox{tree}/scrapebuilds.pl";
# required files are only loaded once so preserve scraped_builds value
if (defined($scrape_builds)) {
$scraped_trees{$tinderbox{tree}} = $scrape_builds;
$sb = $scraped_trees{$tinderbox{tree}};
if (defined($sb) and $sb->{$tinderbox{build}}) {
$err = system("./scrape.pl", "$tinderbox{tree}", "$tinderbox{logfile}");
warn "scrape.pl($tinderbox{tree},$tinderbox{logfile}) returned an error\n" if ($err);
print "process_mailfile($mail_file) END\n" if ($debug);
# This routine will scan through log looking for 'tinderbox:' variables
sub parse_log_variables {
@ -226,23 +275,40 @@ sub check_required_variables {
# Report errors
die $err_string unless $err_string eq '';
if ($err_string eq '') {
return 0;
} else {
warn $err_string;
return 1;
sub write_build_data {
my $tbx = $_[0];
$process_time = time;
open(BUILDDATA, ">>", "$tbx->{tree}/build.dat")
or die "can't open $! for writing";
my $lockfile = "$tbx->{tree}/builddat.sem";
my $lock = &lock_datafile($lockfile);
unless (open(BUILDDATA, ">>", "$tbx->{tree}/build.dat")) {
warn "can't open $tbx->{tree}/build.dat for writing: $!";
print BUILDDATA "$process_time|$tbx->{builddate}|$tbx->{build}|$tbx->{errorparser}|$tbx->{status}|$tbx->{logfile}|$tbx->{binaryurl}\n";
sub compress_log_file {
my ($tbx, $maillog) = @_;
local *LOG2;
my $err = 0;
open(LOG2, "<", $maillog) or die "cant open $!";
open(LOG2, "<", $maillog) or $err++;
if ($err) {
warn "Can't open $maillog: $!";
return 1;
# Skip past the the RFC822.HEADER
@ -251,8 +317,12 @@ sub compress_log_file {
last if /^$/;
my $gz = gzopen("$tbx->{tree}/$tbx->{logfile}","wb") or
die "gzopen($tbx->{tree}/$tbx->{logfile}): $!\n";
my $logfile = "$tbx->{tree}/$tbx->{logfile}";
my $gz = gzopen($logfile,"wb") or $err++;
if ($err) {
warn "gzopen($logfile): $!\n";
return 1;
# If this log is compressed, we need to decode it and decompress
# it before storing its contents into ZIPLOG.
@ -270,16 +340,27 @@ sub compress_log_file {
my $decoded = "$tbx->{tree}/$tbx->{logfile}.uncomp";
if ($tbx->{logencoding} eq 'base64') {
eval "use MIME::Base64 ();";
open(DECODED, ">", $decoded)
or die "Can't open $decoded for writing: $!";
open(DECODED, ">", $decoded) or $err++;
if ($err) {
warn "Can't open $decoded for writing: $!";
unlink $logfile;
return 1;
while (<LOG2>) {
print DECODED MIME::Base64::decode($_);
close DECODED;
elsif ($tbx->{logencoding} eq 'uuencode') {
open(DECODED, ">", $decoded)
or die "Can't open $decoded for writing: $!";
open(DECODED, ">", $decoded) or $err++;
if ($err) {
unlink $logfile;
return 1;
while (<LOG2>) {
print DECODED unpack("u*", $_);
@ -289,16 +370,30 @@ sub compress_log_file {
# Decompress the log using the logcompression variable to determine
# the type of compression used.
if ($tbx->{logcompression} eq 'gzip') {
my $comp_gz = gzopen($decoded, "rb") or
die ("$decoded: $!\n");
my $comp_gz = gzopen($decoded, "rb") or $err++;
if ($err) {
warn ("$decoded: $!\n");
unlink $logfile;
unlink $decoded;
return 1;
my ($bytesread, $line);
while (($bytesread = $comp_gz->gzread($line)) > 0) {
} elsif ($tbx->{logcompression} eq 'bzip2') {
my $comp_bz = bzopen($decoded, "rb") or
die ("$decoded: $!\n");
my $comp_bz = bzopen($decoded, "rb") or $err++;
if ($err) {
warn ("$decoded: $!\n");
unlink $logfile;
unlink $decoded;
return 1;
my ($bytesread, $line);
while (($bytesread = $comp_bz->bzread($line)) > 0) {
@ -317,4 +412,6 @@ sub compress_log_file {
close LOG2;
unlink $maillog;
return 0;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ sub usage {
use Compress::Zlib;
use lib "@TINDERBOX_DIR@";
require "tbglobals.pl";
my $debug = 0;
@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ unless ($#ARGV == 1) {
($tree, $logfile) = @ARGV;
print "scrape.pl($tree, $logfile)\n" if ($debug);
$tree = &trick_taint($tree);
$logfile = &trick_taint($logfile);
@ -63,9 +66,13 @@ if (!defined(@scrape_data)) {
# Save the scrape data to 'scrape.dat'
my $lockfile = "$tree/scrape.sem";
my $lock = &lock_datafile($lockfile);
open(SCRAPE, ">>", "$tree/scrape.dat") or die "Unable to open $tree/scrape.dat";
print SCRAPE "$logfile|".join('|', @scrape_data)."\n";
close SCRAPE;
#print "scrape_data = ";
#my $i;
@ -96,8 +103,7 @@ sub find_scrape_data {
# No longer use ; to create separate lines.
#@line = split(';', $_);
$line[0] = $gzline;
push(@rv, @line);
push(@rv, $gzline);
return @rv;
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
use Backwards;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Tie::IxHash;
use FileHandle;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
# Global variabls and functions for tinderbox
@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ sub trick_taint{
sub make_tree_list {
my @result;
while(<*>) {
if( -d $_ && $_ ne 'data' && $_ ne 'CVS' && -f "$_/treedata.pl") {
if( -d $_ && $_ ne "$data_dir" && $_ ne 'CVS' && -f "$_/treedata.pl") {
push @result, $_;
@ -126,10 +128,24 @@ sub require_only_one_tree {
&show_tree_selector, exit if $t eq '';
sub lock{
sub lock_datafile {
my ($file) = @_;
my $lock_fh = new FileHandle ">>$file"
or die "Couldn't open semaphore file, $file: $!";
# Get an exclusive lock with a non-blocking request
unless (flock($lock_fh, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) {
die "Lock unavailable: $!";
return $lock_fh;
sub unlock{
sub unlock_datafile {
my ($lock_fh) = @_;
flock $lock_fh, LOCK_UN; # Free the lock
close $lock_fh;
sub print_time {
@ -203,10 +203,14 @@ my $total_unignored_warnings = $total_warnings_count - $total_ignored_count;
if ($total_unignored_warnings > 0) {
# Add an entry to the warning log
my $lockfile = "$tree/warnings.sem";
my $lock = &lock_datafile($lockfile);
my $warn_log = "$tree/warnings.dat";
$fh->open($warn_log, ">>") or die "Unable to open $warn_log: $!\n";
print $fh "$log_file|$total_unignored_warnings\n";
# end of main
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