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Bug 636677 - Don't create a new nsICryptoHMAC object for each HMAC verification. r=rnewman a=blocking-fennec
This commit is contained in:
@ -475,7 +475,8 @@ JPAKEClient.prototype = {
this._crypto_key = aes256Key.value;
this._hmac_key = Utils.makeHMACKey(Utils.safeAtoB(hmac256Key.value));
let hmac_key = Utils.makeHMACKey(Utils.safeAtoB(hmac256Key.value));
this._hmac_hasher = Utils.makeHMACHasher(Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA256, hmac_key);
@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ JPAKEClient.prototype = {
try {
iv = Svc.Crypto.generateRandomIV();
ciphertext = Svc.Crypto.encrypt(this._data, this._crypto_key, iv);
hmac = Utils.sha256HMAC(ciphertext, this._hmac_key);
hmac = Utils.bytesAsHex(Utils.digestUTF8(ciphertext, this._hmac_hasher));
} catch (ex) {
this._log.error("Failed to encrypt data.");
@ -545,7 +546,8 @@ JPAKEClient.prototype = {
let step3 = this._incoming.payload;
try {
let hmac = Utils.sha256HMAC(step3.ciphertext, this._hmac_key);
let hmac = Utils.bytesAsHex(
Utils.digestUTF8(step3.ciphertext, this._hmac_hasher));
if (hmac != step3.hmac)
throw "HMAC validation failed!";
} catch (ex) {
@ -190,11 +190,11 @@ CryptoWrapper.prototype = {
_logName: "Record.CryptoWrapper",
ciphertextHMAC: function ciphertextHMAC(keyBundle) {
let hmacKey = keyBundle.hmacKeyObject;
if (!hmacKey)
throw "Cannot compute HMAC with null key.";
return Utils.sha256HMAC(this.ciphertext, hmacKey);
let hasher = keyBundle.sha256HMACHasher;
if (!hasher)
throw "Cannot compute HMAC without an HMAC key.";
return Utils.bytesAsHex(Utils.digestUTF8(this.ciphertext, hasher));
@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ CryptoWrapper.prototype = {
* Optional key bundle overrides the collection key lookup.
encrypt: function encrypt(keyBundle) {
keyBundle = keyBundle || CollectionKeys.keyForCollection(this.collection);
if (!keyBundle)
throw new Error("Key bundle is null for " + this.uri.spec);
@ -221,7 +220,6 @@ CryptoWrapper.prototype = {
// Optional key bundle.
decrypt: function decrypt(keyBundle) {
if (!this.ciphertext) {
throw "No ciphertext: nothing to decrypt?";
@ -238,14 +236,14 @@ CryptoWrapper.prototype = {
// Handle invalid data here. Elsewhere we assume that cleartext is an object.
let json_result = JSON.parse(Svc.Crypto.decrypt(this.ciphertext,
keyBundle.encryptionKey, this.IV));
let cleartext = Svc.Crypto.decrypt(this.ciphertext,
keyBundle.encryptionKey, this.IV);
let json_result = JSON.parse(cleartext);
if (json_result && (json_result instanceof Object)) {
this.cleartext = json_result;
this.ciphertext = null;
else {
this.ciphertext = null;
} else {
throw "Decryption failed: result is <" + json_result + ">, not an object.";
@ -536,15 +534,14 @@ function KeyBundle(realm, collectionName, keyStr) {
throw "KeyBundle given non-string key.";
Identity.call(this, realm, collectionName, keyStr);
this._hmac = null;
this._encrypt = null;
// Cache the key object.
this._hmacObj = null;
KeyBundle.prototype = {
__proto__: Identity.prototype,
_encrypt: null,
_hmac: null,
_hmacObj: null,
_sha256HMACHasher: null,
equals: function equals(bundle) {
return bundle &&
@ -570,12 +567,18 @@ KeyBundle.prototype = {
set hmacKey(value) {
this._hmac = value;
this._hmacObj = value ? Utils.makeHMACKey(value) : null;
this._sha256HMACHasher = value ? Utils.makeHMACHasher(
Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA256, this._hmacObj) : null;
get hmacKeyObject() {
return this._hmacObj;
get sha256HMACHasher() {
return this._sha256HMACHasher;
function BulkKeyBundle(realm, collectionName) {
let log = Log4Moz.repository.getLogger("BulkKeyBundle");
@ -612,8 +615,8 @@ BulkKeyBundle.prototype = {
else {
throw "Invalid keypair";
function SyncKeyBundle(realm, collectionName, syncKey) {
@ -640,6 +643,7 @@ SyncKeyBundle.prototype = {
this._hmac = null;
this._hmacObj = null;
this._encrypt = null;
this._sha256HMACHasher = null;
@ -666,7 +670,13 @@ SyncKeyBundle.prototype = {
return this._hmacObj;
get sha256HMACHasher() {
if (!this._sha256HMACHasher)
return this._sha256HMACHasher;
* If we've got a string, hash it into keys and store them.
@ -687,6 +697,8 @@ SyncKeyBundle.prototype = {
// Individual sets: cheaper than calling parent setter.
this._hmac = hmac;
this._hmacObj = Utils.makeHMACKey(hmac);
this._sha256HMACHasher = Utils.makeHMACHasher(
Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA256, this._hmacObj);
@ -588,27 +588,49 @@ let Utils = {
throw 'checkStatus failed';
digest: function digest(message, hasher) {
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let data = converter.convertToByteArray(message, {});
* UTF8-encode a message and hash it with the given hasher. Returns a
* string containing bytes. The hasher is reset if it's an HMAC hasher.
digestUTF8: function digestUTF8(message, hasher) {
let data = this._utf8Converter.convertToByteArray(message, {});
hasher.update(data, data.length);
return hasher.finish(false);
let result = hasher.finish(false);
if (hasher instanceof Ci.nsICryptoHMAC) {
return result;
* Treat the given message as a bytes string and hash it with the given
* hasher. Returns a string containing bytes. The hasher is reset if it's
* an HMAC hasher.
digestBytes: function digestBytes(message, hasher) {
// No UTF-8 encoding for you, sunshine.
let bytes = [b.charCodeAt() for each (b in message)];
hasher.update(bytes, bytes.length);
let result = hasher.finish(false);
if (hasher instanceof Ci.nsICryptoHMAC) {
return result;
bytesAsHex: function bytesAsHex(bytes) {
// Convert each hashed byte into 2-hex strings then combine them
return [("0" + byte.charCodeAt().toString(16)).slice(-2)
for each (byte in bytes)].join("");
let hex = "";
for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
hex += ("0" + bytes[i].charCodeAt().toString(16)).slice(-2);
return hex;
_sha256: function _sha256(message) {
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].
return Utils.digest(message, hasher);
return Utils.digestUTF8(message, hasher);
sha256: function sha256(message) {
@ -623,7 +645,7 @@ let Utils = {
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].
return Utils.digest(message, hasher);
return Utils.digestUTF8(message, hasher);
sha1: function sha1(message) {
@ -634,6 +656,10 @@ let Utils = {
return Utils.encodeBase32(Utils._sha1(message));
sha1Base64: function (message) {
return btoa(Utils._sha1(message));
* Produce an HMAC key object from a key string.
@ -642,61 +668,33 @@ let Utils = {
* Produce an HMAC hasher.
* Produce an HMAC hasher and initialize it with the given HMAC key.
makeHMACHasher: function makeHMACHasher() {
return Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hmac;1"]
sha1Base64: function (message) {
return btoa(Utils._sha1(message));
makeHMACHasher: function makeHMACHasher(type, key) {
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hmac;1"]
hasher.init(type, key);
return hasher;
* Generate a sha1 HMAC for a message, not UTF-8 encoded,
* and a given nsIKeyObject.
* Optionally provide an existing hasher, which will be
* initialized and reused.
* Some HMAC convenience functions for tests and backwards compatibility:
* sha1HMACBytes: hashes byte string, returns bytes string
* sha256HMAC: hashes UTF-8 encoded string, returns hex string
* sha256HMACBytes: hashes byte string, returns bytes string
sha1HMACBytes: function sha1HMACBytes(message, key, hasher) {
let h = hasher || this.makeHMACHasher();
h.init(h.SHA1, key);
// No UTF-8 encoding for you, sunshine.
let bytes = [b.charCodeAt() for each (b in message)];
h.update(bytes, bytes.length);
return h.finish(false);
sha1HMACBytes: function sha1HMACBytes(message, key) {
let h = Utils.makeHMACHasher(Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA1, key);
return Utils.digestBytes(message, h);
* Generate a sha256 HMAC for a string message and a given nsIKeyObject.
* Optionally provide an existing hasher, which will be
* initialized and reused.
* Returns hex output.
sha256HMAC: function sha256HMAC(message, key, hasher) {
let h = hasher || this.makeHMACHasher();
h.init(h.SHA256, key);
return Utils.bytesAsHex(Utils.digest(message, h));
sha256HMAC: function sha256HMAC(message, key) {
let h = Utils.makeHMACHasher(Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA256, key);
return Utils.bytesAsHex(Utils.digestUTF8(message, h));
* Generate a sha256 HMAC for a string message, not UTF-8 encoded,
* and a given nsIKeyObject.
* Optionally provide an existing hasher, which will be
* initialized and reused.
sha256HMACBytes: function sha256HMACBytes(message, key, hasher) {
let h = hasher || this.makeHMACHasher();
h.init(h.SHA256, key);
// No UTF-8 encoding for you, sunshine.
let bytes = [b.charCodeAt() for each (b in message)];
h.update(bytes, bytes.length);
return h.finish(false);
sha256HMACBytes: function sha256HMACBytes(message, key) {
let h = Utils.makeHMACHasher(Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA256, key);
return Utils.digestBytes(message, h);
@ -704,13 +702,13 @@ let Utils = {
hkdfExpand: function hkdfExpand(prk, info, len) {
const BLOCKSIZE = 256 / 8;
let h = Utils.makeHMACHasher();
let h = Utils.makeHMACHasher(Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA256,
let T = "";
let Tn = "";
let iterations = Math.ceil(len/BLOCKSIZE);
for (let i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
Tn = Utils.sha256HMACBytes(Tn + info + String.fromCharCode(i + 1),
Utils.makeHMACKey(prk), h);
Tn = Utils.digestBytes(Tn + info + String.fromCharCode(i + 1), h);
T += Tn;
return T.slice(0, len);
@ -736,7 +734,6 @@ let Utils = {
* can encode as you wish.
pbkdf2Generate : function pbkdf2Generate(P, S, c, dkLen) {
// We don't have a default in the algo itself, as NSS does.
// Use the constant.
if (!dkLen)
@ -745,7 +742,7 @@ let Utils = {
/* For HMAC-SHA-1 */
const HLEN = 20;
function F(PK, S, c, i, h) {
function F(S, c, i, h) {
function XOR(a, b, isA) {
if (a.length != b.length) {
@ -774,9 +771,9 @@ let Utils = {
I[2] = String.fromCharCode((i >> 8) & 0xff);
I[3] = String.fromCharCode(i & 0xff);
U[0] = Utils.sha1HMACBytes(S + I.join(''), PK, h);
U[0] = Utils.digestBytes(S + I.join(''), h);
for (let j = 1; j < c; j++) {
U[j] = Utils.sha1HMACBytes(U[j - 1], PK, h);
U[j] = Utils.digestBytes(U[j - 1], h);
ret = U[0];
@ -791,12 +788,11 @@ let Utils = {
let r = dkLen - ((l - 1) * HLEN);
// Reuse the key and the hasher. Remaking them 4096 times is 'spensive.
let PK = Utils.makeHMACKey(P);
let h = Utils.makeHMACHasher();
let h = Utils.makeHMACHasher(Ci.nsICryptoHMAC.SHA1, Utils.makeHMACKey(P));
T = [];
for (let i = 0; i < l;) {
T[i] = F(PK, S, c, ++i, h);
T[i] = F(S, c, ++i, h);
let ret = '';
@ -1153,10 +1149,7 @@ let Utils = {
let fos = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/safe-file-output-stream;1"]
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
let is = converter.convertToInputStream(out);
let is = this._utf8Converter.convertToInputStream(out);
NetUtil.asyncCopy(is, fos, function (result) {
if (typeof callback == "function") {
@ -1289,11 +1282,8 @@ let Utils = {
encodeUTF8: function(str) {
try {
var unicodeConverter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
unicodeConverter.charset = "UTF-8";
str = unicodeConverter.ConvertFromUnicode(str);
return str + unicodeConverter.Finish();
str = this._utf8Converter.ConvertFromUnicode(str);
return str + this._utf8Converter.Finish();
} catch(ex) {
return null;
@ -1301,11 +1291,8 @@ let Utils = {
decodeUTF8: function(str) {
try {
var unicodeConverter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
unicodeConverter.charset = "UTF-8";
str = unicodeConverter.ConvertToUnicode(str);
return str + unicodeConverter.Finish();
str = this._utf8Converter.ConvertToUnicode(str);
return str + this._utf8Converter.Finish();
} catch(ex) {
return null;
@ -1645,6 +1632,12 @@ let FakeSvc = {
isFake: true
Utils.lazy2(Utils, "_utf8Converter", function() {
let converter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
converter.charset = "UTF-8";
return converter;
* Commonly-used services
@ -187,10 +187,13 @@ function FakeCryptoService() {
delete Svc.Crypto; // get rid of the getter first
Svc.Crypto = this;
Utils.sha256HMAC = this.sha256HMAC;
CryptoWrapper.prototype.ciphertextHMAC = this.ciphertextHMAC;
FakeCryptoService.prototype = {
sha256HMAC: function(message, key) {
sha256HMAC: function Utils_sha256HMAC(message, hasher) {
message = message.substr(0, 64);
while (message.length < 64) {
message += " ";
@ -198,6 +201,10 @@ FakeCryptoService.prototype = {
return message;
ciphertextHMAC: function CryptoWrapper_ciphertextHMAC(keyBundle) {
return Utils.sha256HMAC(this.ciphertext);
encrypt: function(aClearText, aSymmetricKey, aIV) {
return aClearText;
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ _("Make sure sha256 hmac works with various messages and keys");
function run_test() {
let key1 = Svc.KeyFactory.keyFromString(Ci.nsIKeyObject.HMAC, "key1");
let key2 = Svc.KeyFactory.keyFromString(Ci.nsIKeyObject.HMAC, "key2");
let key1 = Utils.makeHMACKey("key1");
let key2 = Utils.makeHMACKey("key2");
let mes1 = "message 1";
let mes2 = "message 2";
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