зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/pjs.git
Speed up nsPermissionManager by using hashtables; decrease footprint by not using an array of permission_TypeStructs (bug 200697). Thanks to Michiel van Leeuwen <mvl@exedo.nl> for the patch. r=dwitte@stanford.edu; sr=alecf@flett.org
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,35 +36,68 @@
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
#include "nsPermissionManager.h"
#include "nsPermission.h"
#include "nsCRT.h"
#include "nsIGenericFactory.h"
#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
#include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindowInternal.h"
#include "nsIPrompt.h"
#include "nsNetUtil.h"
#include "nsILineInputStream.h"
#include "nsIPrefBranch.h"
#include "nsIPrefBranchInternal.h"
#include "nsIPrefService.h"
#include "nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h"
#include "prprf.h"
static NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(kPermissionsFileName, "cookperm.txt");
static const char kPermissionChangeNotification[] = PERM_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION;
typedef struct {
nsCString host;
nsVoidArray permissionList;
} permission_HostStruct;
// XXX how do we choose this number?
#include "plarena.h"
typedef struct {
PRUint32 type;
PRUint32 permission;
} permission_TypeStruct;
static PLArenaPool *gHostArena = nsnull;
// making sHostArena 512b for nice allocation
// growing is quite cheap
#define HOST_ARENA_SIZE 512
// equivalent to strdup() - does no error checking,
// we're assuming we're only called with a valid pointer
static char *
ArenaStrDup(const char* str, PLArenaPool* aArena)
void* mem;
const PRUint32 size = strlen(str) + 1;
PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE(mem, aArena, size);
if (mem)
memcpy(mem, str, size);
return NS_STATIC_CAST(char*, mem);
nsHostEntry::nsHostEntry(const char* aHost)
mHost = ArenaStrDup(aHost, gHostArena);
nsHostEntry::nsHostEntry(const nsHostEntry& toCopy)
mHost = ArenaStrDup(toCopy.mHost, gHostArena);
inline void
nsHostEntry::SetPermission(PRUint32 aType, PRUint32 aPermission)
mPermissions[aType] = (PRUint8)aPermission;
inline PRUint32
nsHostEntry::GetPermission(PRUint32 aType) const
return (PRUint32)mPermissions[aType];
inline PRBool
nsHostEntry::PermissionsAreEmpty() const
// Cast to PRUint32, to make this faster. Only 2 checks instead of 8
return (*NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const PRUint32*, &mPermissions[0])==0 &&
*NS_REINTERPRET_CAST(const PRUint32*, &mPermissions[4])==0 );
@ -73,70 +106,94 @@ class nsPermissionEnumerator : public nsISimpleEnumerator
nsPermissionEnumerator(const nsVoidArray &aPermissionList)
: mHostCount(aPermissionList.Count()),
nsPermissionEnumerator(const nsTHashtable<nsHostEntry> *aHostTable, const char* *aHostList, const PRUint32 aHostCount)
: mHostCount(aHostCount),
NS_IMETHOD GetNext(nsISupports **result);
NS_IMETHOD HasMoreElements(PRBool *aResult)
*aResult = mHostCount > mHostIndex;
*aResult = (mNextPermission != nsnull);
return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHOD GetNext(nsISupports **aResult)
*aResult = mNextPermission;
if (!mNextPermission)
return NS_OK;
virtual ~nsPermissionEnumerator()
delete[] mHostList;
void Prefetch();
PRInt32 mHostCount;
PRInt32 mHostIndex;
PRInt32 mTypeIndex;
const nsVoidArray &mPermissionList;
const nsTHashtable<nsHostEntry> *mHostTable;
const char* *mHostList;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPermission> mNextPermission;
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsPermissionEnumerator, nsISimpleEnumerator);
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(nsPermissionEnumerator, nsISimpleEnumerator)
nsPermissionEnumerator::GetNext(nsISupports **aResult)
// Sets mNextPermission to a new nsIPermission on success,
// to nsnull when no new permissions are present.
if (mHostIndex >= mHostCount) {
*aResult = nsnull;
// init to null, so we know when we've prefetched something
mNextPermission = nsnull;
permission_HostStruct *hostStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_HostStruct*, mPermissionList.ElementAt(mHostIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(hostStruct, "corrupt permission list");
// check we have something more to get
PRUint32 permission;
while (mHostIndex < mHostCount && !mNextPermission) {
// loop over the types to find it
nsHostEntry *entry = mHostTable->GetEntry(mHostList[mHostIndex]);
if (entry) {
// see if we've found it
permission = entry->GetPermission(mTypeIndex);
if (permission != nsIPermissionManager::UNKNOWN_ACTION) {
mNextPermission = new nsPermission(entry->GetHost(), mTypeIndex, permission);
permission_TypeStruct *typeStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_TypeStruct*, hostStruct->permissionList.ElementAt(mTypeIndex++));
if (mTypeIndex == hostStruct->permissionList.Count()) {
mTypeIndex = 0;
// increment mTypeIndex/mHostIndex as required
if (mTypeIndex == NUMBER_OF_TYPES) {
mTypeIndex = 0;
nsIPermission *permission =
new nsPermission(hostStruct->host, typeStruct->type, typeStruct->permission);
if (!permission) {
*aResult = nsnull;
*aResult = permission;
return NS_OK;
// nsPermissionManager Implementation
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS3(nsPermissionManager, nsIPermissionManager, nsIObserver, nsISupportsWeakReference);
static const char kPermissionsFileName[] = "cookperm.txt";
static const char kPermissionChangeNotification[] = PERM_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION;
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS3(nsPermissionManager, nsIPermissionManager, nsIObserver, nsISupportsWeakReference)
: mHostCount(0)
@ -149,10 +206,14 @@ nsresult nsPermissionManager::Init()
nsresult rv;
if (!mHostTable.Init()) {
// Cache the permissions file
rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(mPermissionsFile));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = mPermissionsFile->AppendNative(kPermissionsFileName);
rv = mPermissionsFile->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kPermissionsFileName));
// Ignore an error. That is not a problem. No cookperm.txt usually.
@ -192,68 +253,36 @@ nsPermissionManager::Add(nsIURI *aURI,
mChangedList = PR_TRUE;
return Write();
return NS_OK;
//Only add to memory, don't save. That's up to the caller.
nsPermissionManager::AddInternal(const nsACString &aHost,
nsPermissionManager::AddInternal(const nsAFlatCString &aHost,
PRUint32 aType,
PRUint32 aPermission)
// find existing entry for host
permission_HostStruct *hostStruct;
PRBool hostFound = PR_FALSE;
PRInt32 hostCount = mPermissionList.Count();
PRInt32 hostIndex;
for (hostIndex = 0; hostIndex < hostCount; ++hostIndex) {
hostStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_HostStruct*, mPermissionList.ElementAt(hostIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(hostStruct, "corrupt permission list");
if (aHost.Equals(hostStruct->host)) {
// host found in list
hostFound = PR_TRUE;
} else if (aHost < hostStruct->host) {
// Need to insert new entry here for alphabetized list
if (aType > NUMBER_OF_TYPES) {
if (!hostFound) {
// create a host structure for the host
hostStruct = new permission_HostStruct;
if (!hostStruct) {
hostStruct->host = aHost;
// Insert host structure into the list
if (hostIndex < hostCount) {
mPermissionList.InsertElementAt(hostStruct, hostIndex);
} else {
if (!gHostArena) {
gHostArena = new PLArenaPool;
if (!gHostArena)
PL_INIT_ARENA_POOL(gHostArena, "PermissionHostArena", HOST_ARENA_SIZE);
// See if host already has an entry for this type
permission_TypeStruct *typeStruct;
PRInt32 typeCount = hostStruct->permissionList.Count();
for (PRInt32 typeIndex=0; typeIndex < typeCount; ++typeIndex) {
typeStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_TypeStruct*, hostStruct->permissionList.ElementAt(typeIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(typeStruct, "corrupt permission list");
if (typeStruct->type == aType) {
// Type found. Modify the corresponding permission
typeStruct->permission = aPermission;
return NS_OK;
// When an entry already exists, AddEntry will return that, instead
// of adding a new one
nsHostEntry *entry = mHostTable.PutEntry(aHost.get());
if (!entry) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
// Create a type structure and attach it to the host structure
typeStruct = new permission_TypeStruct;
typeStruct->type = aType;
typeStruct->permission = aPermission;
if (entry->PermissionsAreEmpty()) {
entry->SetPermission(aType, aPermission);
return NS_OK;
@ -262,46 +291,25 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP
nsPermissionManager::Remove(const nsACString &aHost,
PRUint32 aType)
nsresult rv;
if (aType > NUMBER_OF_TYPES) {
// Find existing entry for host
permission_HostStruct *hostStruct;
nsHostEntry* entry = mHostTable.GetEntry(PromiseFlatCString(aHost).get());
if (entry) {
entry->SetPermission(aType, nsIPermissionManager::UNKNOWN_ACTION);
PRInt32 hostCount = mPermissionList.Count();
for (PRInt32 hostIndex = 0; hostIndex < hostCount; ++hostIndex) {
hostStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_HostStruct*, mPermissionList.ElementAt(hostIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(hostStruct, "corrupt permission list");
if (aHost.Equals(hostStruct->host)) {
// Host found in list, see if it has an entry for this type
permission_TypeStruct *typeStruct;
PRInt32 typeCount = hostStruct->permissionList.Count();
for (PRInt32 typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < typeCount; ++typeIndex) {
typeStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_TypeStruct*, hostStruct->permissionList.ElementAt(typeIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(typeStruct, "corrupt permission list");
if (typeStruct->type == aType) {
delete typeStruct;
// If no more types are present, remove the entry
if (typeCount == 0) {
delete hostStruct;
mChangedList = PR_TRUE;
// Notify Observers
return NS_OK;
// If no more types are present, remove the entry
if (entry->PermissionsAreEmpty()) {
//XXX Use RawRemove here, when bug 201034 is fixed
mChangedList = PR_TRUE;
// Notify Observers
return NS_OK;
@ -332,33 +340,17 @@ nsPermissionManager::TestPermission(nsIURI *aURI,
return NS_OK;
permission_HostStruct *hostStruct;
permission_TypeStruct *typeStruct;
if (aType > NUMBER_OF_TYPES) {
// find host name within list
PRInt32 hostCount = mPermissionList.Count();
PRUint32 offset = 0;
do {
nsDependentCSubstring hostTail(hostPort, offset, hostPort.Length() - offset);
for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < hostCount; ++i) {
hostStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_HostStruct*, mPermissionList.ElementAt(i));
NS_ASSERTION(hostStruct, "corrupt permission list");
if (hostStruct->host.Equals(hostTail)) {
// search for type in the permission list for this host
PRInt32 typeCount = hostStruct->permissionList.Count();
for (PRInt32 typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < typeCount; ++typeIndex) {
typeStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_TypeStruct*, hostStruct->permissionList.ElementAt(typeIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(typeStruct, "corrupt permission list");
if (typeStruct->type == aType) {
// type found. Obtain the corresponding permission
*aPermission = typeStruct->permission;
return NS_OK;
nsHostEntry *entry = mHostTable.GetEntry(hostPort.get() + offset);
if (entry) {
*aPermission = entry->GetPermission(aType);
if (*aPermission != nsIPermissionManager::UNKNOWN_ACTION)
offset = hostPort.FindChar('.', offset) + 1;
@ -371,12 +363,38 @@ nsPermissionManager::TestPermission(nsIURI *aURI,
return NS_OK;
// A little helper function to add the hostname to the list.
// The hostname comes from an arena, and so it won't go away
AddHostToList(nsHostEntry *entry, void *arg)
// arg is a double-ptr to an string entry in the hostList array,
// so we dereference it twice to assign the |const char*| string
// and once so we can increment the |const char**| array location
// ready for the next assignment.
const char*** elementPtr = NS_STATIC_CAST(const char***, arg);
**elementPtr = entry->GetKey();
NS_IMETHODIMP nsPermissionManager::GetEnumerator(nsISimpleEnumerator **aEnum)
*aEnum = nsnull;
// get the host list, to hand to the enumerator.
// the enumerator takes ownership of the list.
nsPermissionEnumerator* permissionEnum = new nsPermissionEnumerator(mPermissionList);
// create a new host list. enumerator takes ownership of it.
const char* *hostList = new const char*[mHostCount];
if (!hostList) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
// Make a copy of the pointer, so we can increase it without loosing
// the original pointer
const char** hostListCopy = hostList;
mHostTable.EnumerateEntries(AddHostToList, &hostListCopy);
nsPermissionEnumerator* permissionEnum = new nsPermissionEnumerator(&mHostTable, hostList, mHostCount);
if (!permissionEnum) {
*aEnum = nsnull;
@ -392,7 +410,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsPermissionManager::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject, const char *aT
// The profile is about to change.
// Dump current permission. This will be done by calling
// PERMISSION_RemoveAll which clears the memory-resident
// RemoveAllFromMemory which clears the memory-resident
// permission table. The reason the permission file does not
// need to be updated is because the file was updated every time
// the memory-resident table changed (i.e., whenever a new permission
@ -412,7 +430,7 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsPermissionManager::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject, const char *aT
// Re-get the permissions file
rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(mPermissionsFile));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
rv = mPermissionsFile->AppendNative(kPermissionsFileName);
rv = mPermissionsFile->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kPermissionsFileName));
@ -427,29 +445,18 @@ NS_IMETHODIMP nsPermissionManager::Observe(nsISupports *aSubject, const char *aT
permission_HostStruct *hostStruct;
permission_TypeStruct *typeStruct;
PRInt32 hostCount = mPermissionList.Count();
for (PRInt32 hostIndex = hostCount-1; hostIndex >= 0; --hostIndex) {
hostStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_HostStruct*, mPermissionList.ElementAt(hostIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(hostStruct, "corrupt permission list");
PRInt32 typeCount = hostStruct->permissionList.Count();
for (PRInt32 typeIndex = typeCount-1; typeIndex >= 0; --typeIndex) {
typeStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_TypeStruct*, hostStruct->permissionList.ElementAt(typeIndex));
delete typeStruct;
// no more types are present, remove the entry
delete hostStruct;
mHostCount = 0;
if (gHostArena) {
delete gHostArena;
gHostArena = nsnull;
mChangedList = PR_TRUE;
return NS_OK;
// broadcast a notification that a permission pref has changed
// broadcast a notification that a permission has changed
nsPermissionManager::NotifyObservers(const nsACString &aHost)
@ -489,6 +496,7 @@ nsPermissionManager::Read()
nsAutoString bufferUnicode;
nsCAutoString buffer;
nsASingleFragmentCString::char_iterator iter;
PRBool isMore = PR_TRUE;
while (isMore && NS_SUCCEEDED(lineInputStream->ReadLine(bufferUnicode, &isMore))) {
CopyUCS2toASCII(bufferUnicode, buffer);
@ -509,7 +517,10 @@ nsPermissionManager::Read()
nsDependentCSubstring host(buffer, hostIndex, permissionIndex - hostIndex - 1);
// nullstomp the trailing tab, to get a flat string
*(iter += permissionIndex - 1) = char(0);
nsDependentCString host(buffer.get() + hostIndex, iter);
for (;;) {
if (nextPermissionIndex == buffer.Length()+1) {
@ -552,6 +563,23 @@ nsPermissionManager::Read()
return NS_OK;
// A helper function that adds the pointer to the entry to the list.
// This is not threadsafe, and only safe if the consumer does not
// modify the list. It is only used in Write() where we are sure
// that nothing else changes the list while we are saving.
AddEntryToList(nsHostEntry *entry, void *arg)
// arg is a double-ptr to an entry in the hostList array,
// so we dereference it twice to assign the |nsHostEntry*|
// and once so we can increment the |nsHostEntry**| array location
// ready for the next assignment.
nsHostEntry*** elementPtr = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsHostEntry***, arg);
**elementPtr = entry;
@ -574,9 +602,6 @@ nsPermissionManager::Write()
rv = NS_NewBufferedOutputStream(getter_AddRefs(bufferedOutputStream), fileOutputStream, 4096);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
permission_HostStruct *hostStruct;
permission_TypeStruct *typeStruct;
static const char kHeader[] =
"# HTTP Permission File\n"
"# http://www.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html\n"
@ -592,33 +617,42 @@ nsPermissionManager::Write()
static const char kTrue[] = "T";
static const char kFalse[] = "F";
PRInt32 hostCount = mPermissionList.Count();
for (PRInt32 i = 0; i < hostCount; ++i) {
hostStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_HostStruct*, mPermissionList.ElementAt(i));
NS_ASSERTION(hostStruct, "corrupt permission list");
// create a new host list
nsHostEntry* *hostList = new nsHostEntry*[mHostCount];
if (!hostList) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
bufferedOutputStream->Write(hostStruct->host.get(), hostStruct->host.Length(), &rv);
// Make a copy of the pointer, so we can increase it without loosing
// the original pointer
nsHostEntry** hostListCopy = hostList;
mHostTable.EnumerateEntries(AddEntryToList, &hostListCopy);
PRUint32 typeCount = hostStruct->permissionList.Count();
for (PRUint32 typeIndex = 0; typeIndex < typeCount; ++typeIndex) {
typeStruct = NS_STATIC_CAST(permission_TypeStruct*, hostStruct->permissionList.ElementAt(typeIndex));
NS_ASSERTION(typeStruct, "corrupt permission list");
for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < mHostCount; ++i) {
nsHostEntry *entry = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsHostEntry*, hostList[i]);
NS_ASSERTION(entry, "corrupt permission list");
bufferedOutputStream->Write(kTab, sizeof(kTab) - 1, &rv);
bufferedOutputStream->Write(entry->GetHost().get(), entry->GetHost().Length(), &rv);
char typeString[5];
PRUint32 len = PR_snprintf(typeString, sizeof(typeString), "%u", typeStruct->type);
bufferedOutputStream->Write(typeString, len, &rv);
for (PRInt32 type = 0; type < NUMBER_OF_TYPES; ++type) {
PRUint32 permission = entry->GetPermission(type);
if (permission) {
bufferedOutputStream->Write(kTab, sizeof(kTab) - 1, &rv);
if (typeStruct->permission == nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION) {
bufferedOutputStream->Write(kTrue, sizeof(kTrue) - 1, &rv);
} else if (typeStruct->permission == nsIPermissionManager::DENY_ACTION) {
bufferedOutputStream->Write(kFalse, sizeof(kFalse) - 1, &rv);
char typeString[5];
PRUint32 len = PR_snprintf(typeString, sizeof(typeString), "%u", type);
bufferedOutputStream->Write(typeString, len, &rv);
if (permission == nsIPermissionManager::ALLOW_ACTION) {
bufferedOutputStream->Write(kTrue, sizeof(kTrue) - 1, &rv);
} else if (permission == nsIPermissionManager::DENY_ACTION) {
bufferedOutputStream->Write(kFalse, sizeof(kFalse) - 1, &rv);
bufferedOutputStream->Write(kNew, sizeof(kNew) - 1, &rv);
delete[] hostList;
mChangedList = PR_FALSE;
return NS_OK;
@ -44,12 +44,88 @@
#include "nsIObserverService.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsIIOService.h"
#include "nsVoidArray.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "nsTHashtable.h"
#include "nsString.h"
// This allow us 8 types of permissions, with 256 values for each
// permission. (Some types might want to prompt, block 3rd party etc)
// Note: When changing NUMBER_OF_TYPES, also update PermissionsAreEmpty()
// This should be a multiple of 4, to make PermissionsAreEmpty() fast
#define NUMBER_OF_TYPES (8)
class nsHostEntry : protected PLDHashEntryHdr
// Hash methods
typedef const char* KeyType;
typedef const char* KeyTypePointer;
inline nsHostEntry(const char* aHost);
inline nsHostEntry(const nsHostEntry& toCopy);
KeyType GetKey() const
return mHost;
KeyTypePointer GetKeyPointer() const
return mHost;
PRBool KeyEquals(KeyTypePointer aKey) const
return !strcmp(mHost, aKey);
static KeyTypePointer KeyToPointer(KeyType aKey)
return aKey;
static PLDHashNumber HashKey(KeyTypePointer aKey)
// PL_DHashStringKey doesn't use the table parameter, so we can safely
// pass nsnull
return PL_DHashStringKey(nsnull, aKey);
static PRBool AllowMemMove()
return PR_TRUE;
// Permissions methods
inline const nsDependentCString GetHost() const
return nsDependentCString(mHost);
// Callers must do boundary checks
void SetPermission(PRUint32 aType, PRUint32 aPermission);
PRUint32 GetPermission(PRUint32 aType) const;
PRBool PermissionsAreEmpty() const;
const char *mHost;
// This will contain the permissions for different types, in a bitmasked
// form. The type itself defines the position.
// One byte per permission. This is a small loss of memory (as 255 types
// of action per type is a lot, 16 would be enough), but will improve speed
// Bytemasking is around twice as fast (on one arch at least) than bitmasking
PRUint8 mPermissions[NUMBER_OF_TYPES];
class nsPermissionManager : public nsIPermissionManager,
public nsIObserver,
public nsSupportsWeakReference
@ -67,19 +143,21 @@ public:
nsresult AddInternal(const nsACString &aHost,
PRUint32 aType,
PRUint32 aPermission);
inline nsresult AddInternal(const nsAFlatCString &aHost,
PRUint32 aType,
PRUint32 aPermission);
nsresult Read();
nsresult Write();
nsresult NotifyObservers(const nsACString &aHost);
nsresult RemoveAllFromMemory();
inline nsVoidArray* GetHostList();
nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> mObserverService;
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mPermissionsFile;
nsVoidArray mPermissionList;
PRBool mChangedList;
nsTHashtable<nsHostEntry> mHostTable;
PRUint32 mHostCount;
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