- fix bug where eventType was incorrectly getting accessed as a const char *
M webclient/src_moz/AjaxListener.cpp
- Create a Java DOM instance from the Ajax response.
M webclient/test/manual/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/test/TestBrowser.java
- Resurrect the DOMViewer. Make it show the tree for ajax responses.
- add event masks for Ajax
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/PageInfoListener.java
- Document map values for ajax events
M webclient/src_moz/AjaxListener.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/AjaxListener.h
- Flesh out implementation as much as the underlying browser allows.
For mozilla, this means start, end, and error.
M webclient/src_moz/EmbedProgress.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/EmbedProgress.h
- move the initialization of the AjaxListener into SetEventRegistration().
- Expose NativeBrowserControl * getter
- Make RequestToURIString public
M webclient/src_share/jni_util.cpp
M webclient/src_share/jni_util.h
- new map keys: readyState, responseText, responseXML
- new event masks START_AJAX, END_AJAX, ERROR_AJAX
M webclient/test/manual/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/test/TestBrowser.java
- print map values for AJAX cases.
a cue from Doron Rosenberg in #developers and looked at the Eclipse ATF
project's XHRObserver.java.
This was my first look at java code that uses the java xpcom bridge, and
I'm very impressed. Once I get webclient 2.0 done, I'll definately
rewrite as much as possible of the mozilla implementation using the java
xpcom bridge. For now, I'm going to continue to crank with my
"on-demand hand coded JNI C++" approach. I think I can get results
pretty quickly with this. For example, just yesterday I learned that
the regular nsIWebProgressListener doesn't get notifications on Ajax
requests, and now I see a way to do it (thanks to Doron).
Here is the work in progress.
A webclient/src_moz/AjaxListener.cpp
A webclient/src_moz/AjaxListener.h
M logging.properties
- set "ALL" for MCP level
M dist/mcp-test/src/test/java/cardemo/CarDemoTest.java
- Cause an Ajax transaction to happen
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/mcp/MCP.java
- log messages for outgoing HTTP requests
M webclient/src_moz/EmbedProgress.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/EmbedProgress.h
- Leverage new AjaxListener class
M webclient/src_moz/Makefile.in
- add xmlextras, to include nsIXMLHttpRequest.
- remove Robot from this class. Moved into MCP
M dom/classes/org/mozilla/dom/DocumentImpl.java
M dom/jni/org_mozilla_dom_DocumentImpl.cpp
- implement getDocumentURI().
M dom/classes/org/mozilla/dom/util/DOMTreeDumper.java
- added findElementWithName().
R webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/DOMTreeModel.java
A dom/classes/org/mozilla/dom/util/DOMTreeModel.java
R webclient/test/manual/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/test/DOMTreeNotifier.java
A dom/classes/org/mozilla/dom/util/DOMTreeNotifier.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/DOMAccessPanel.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/DOMViewerFrame.java
M webclient/test/manual/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/test/DOMViewerFrame.java
- Move these over from test browser package
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/mcp/MCP.java
- added useful new public methods
- absorbed functionality of Robot.
R webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/DOMTreeDumper.java
R webclient/test/manual/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/test/DOMTreeDumper.java
- For some reason, there were several copies of this file.
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CurrentPageImpl.java
- Use newly implemented getDocumentURI() for logging.
- Underpinnings for "clickElementWithId"
M dom/jni/Makefile.in
- depend on layout, for nsIBoxObject. Thanks smaug.
M dom/jni/javaDOMGlobals.h
- copy over WC_ITOA macro
M dom/jni/org_mozilla_dom_ElementImpl.cpp
- add support for special attributes screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY
M webclient/build-tests.xml
- compile the CarDemoTest
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/mcp/MCP.java
- add getElementInCurrentPageById()
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/DOMTest.java
- exercise new features in dom ElementImpl.
- Do not exclude Bookmarks, Prefs, and Profile from core source
M dist/mcp-test/src/test/java/cardemo/CarDemoTest.java
- sleep for 10 seconds after the initial load
M dist/netbeans/build.xml
- add the ability to compile the core source of the webclient library,
should the user want to modify it.
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/mcp/MCP.java
- Correctly cause blockingLoad to block until the load completes.
- Added copy.core.src target
M netbeans/build.xml
- added complie.core.src target
M netbeans/nbproject/build-impl.xml
M netbeans/nbproject/genfiles.properties
M netbeans/nbproject/project.properties
- autogenerate changes
M netbeans/nbproject/project.xml
- rename source roots
A mcp-test/src/main/java/cardemo/CarDemo.java
A mcp-test/src/test/java/cardemo/CarDemoTest.java
- include automated test to use MCP to test the Ajax cardemo
- Add ability to debug a singe junit test
M webclient/build.xml
A webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/mcp/MCP.java
A webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/mcp/MCPLogStrings.properties
- add mcp package
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/WebclientTestCase.java
- add getter for outputFileRoot.
A non-ide/README
A non-ide/build.properties.sample
A non-ide/build.xml
A non-ide/logging.properties
A non-ide/project.properties
- Add non-ide build file.
M dist/build.xml
M dist/netbeans/build.xml
A dist/netbeans/logging.properties
M dist/netbeans/webclient.properties
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/WebclientTestCase.java
Make it so the automated tests run from netbeans.
M build.xml
A netbeans/build.xml
A netbeans/manifest.mf
A netbeans/webclient.properties
A netbeans/nbproject/build-impl.xml
A netbeans/nbproject/build.properties
A netbeans/nbproject/genfiles.properties
A netbeans/nbproject/project.properties
A netbeans/nbproject/project.xml
- the default dist will include a netbeans project that builds the test
browser and runs the unit tests.
- Add new method copyCurrentSelectionHtmlToSystemClipboard().
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CurrentPageImpl.java
- Full support for text and html copy
M test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/CurrentPageTest.java
- Exercise HTML copy.
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CurrentPageImpl.java
M test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/CurrentPageTest.java
- Get the test case working.
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CurrentPageImpl.java
+void addStringToTransferable(String mimeType, String text) {
This method is called from native code when a Transferable is being
inspected for the DataFlavors it supports.
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/WorkDialog.java
- Whitespace
M webclient/src_moz/EmbedWindow.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/EmbedWindow.h
- copy code from nsPrimitiveHelpers to aid in the extraction of text
from the nsITransferable
- Flesh out GetText(), SendTextToJava() methods.
M webclient/src_moz/Makefile.in
- Additional dependencies for nsPrimitiveHelpers copy.
Use the nsIClipboardDragDropHooks mechanism to manually copy over data
from the nsITransferable to java, so that java can manualy fabricate a
Transferable instance and put it on the clipboard.
M src_moz/CurrentPageImpl.cpp
- Pass the java instance to EmbedWindow::CopySelection().
M src_moz/EmbedWindow.cpp
M src_moz/EmbedWindow.h
- Modify CopySelection to take the java object instance
- Make this implement nsIClipboardDragDropHooks. Use the
nsICommandManager to get informed of the copy event.
- Implement ::OnCopyOrDrag() to copy the data from the nsITransferable
over to Java.
M src_moz/Makefile.in
- declare dependency on commandhandler
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/WrapperFactoryImpl.java
M webclient/src_moz/CurrentPageImpl.cpp
M webclient/src_moz/Makefile.in
- Remove bookmarks because bookmarks is not in XULRunner
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/CurrentPageTest.java
- Disable testCopyCurrentSelectionToSystemClipboard. Need to try with
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/NavigationTest.java
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/WebclientTestCase.java
- Account for build dir change
M webclient/test/manual/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/test/TestBrowser.java
- enable copy button.
M dom/jni/Makefile.in
M dom/jni/javaDOMGlobals.cpp
M dom/src/Makefile.in
M webclient/build-tests.xml
M webclient/build.xml
M webclient/src_ie/Makefile.in
M webclient/src_moz/Makefile.in
M webclient/src_moz/gtk/Makefile.in
M webclient/src_moz/motif/gtkmozilla.h
M webclient/src_share/Makefile.in
- Enable building with an objdir. Much more civilized. Thanks very
much to Bradley Smedberg.
- re-enable all tests, but CurrentPageTest is currently hanging.
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/EventRegistrationImpl.java
- Use new "runUntilEventOfType" method to prevent deadlock when creating a new
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/NativeEventThread.java
- extract doEventLoopOnce() method from run()
- create new method runUntilEventOfType().
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/WindowControlImpl.java
- convert anonymous inner class for WCRunnable.nativeRealize into
non-anonymous inner class of WindowControlImpl
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/WindowCreatorTest.java
- Make sure to realize the new window on the main thread.
- use log level INFO
M webclient/build-tests.xml
- comment out broken tests. Currently: WindowCreatorTest, CurrentPageTest
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/WebclientTestCase.java
- Log INFO for tearDown()
- Use JDK 1.5 ConcurrentLinkedQueue to enable moving the enqueue and
dequeue operations out of the synchronized block.
- Use a the new "result" property on WCRunnable to convey the result
from the run() back to the caller.
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/WCRunnable.java
- Make this an abstract class and add a read/write property called
- declare compile.source=1.5
M dom/build.xml
M plugins/build.xml
M plugins/examples/MediaPlayer/build.xml
M plugins/test/build.xml
M util/build.xml
- remove compile.source property, take it from top level build.properties
M plugins/mozilla/Makefile.in
- remove hard coded MS_SDK_HOME reference
M util/classes/org/mozilla/util/Log.java
- This class is the home to the LogStrings property for java supplement
M webclient/build-tests.xml
- copy properties file
- turn on logging
M webclient/build.xml
- remove compile.source property, take it from top level build.properties
- set a FILE_PATH_SEP property
- make run.test depend on prepare
- make run.test.browser depend on prepare
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/BookmarksImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CocoaBrowserControlCanvas.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CurrentPageImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/EventRegistrationImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/HistoryImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/NavigationImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/PreferencesImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/RDFEnumeration.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/Win32BrowserControlCanvas.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/WindowControlImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/WrapperFactoryImpl.java
- Define toString() for all the WCRunnable and Runnable impls.
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/WebclientTestCase.java
- Some logging.
A util/classes/org/mozilla/LogStrings.properties
A webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/TestLogStrings.properties
- LogStrings.properties files for tests and core impl
A logging.properties
- Logging settings for java supplement
- don't extract dom2.jar. It's in the JDK now.
M classes/org/mozilla/dom/AttrImpl.java
M classes/org/mozilla/dom/DOMImplementationImpl.java
M classes/org/mozilla/dom/DocumentImpl.java
M classes/org/mozilla/dom/ElementImpl.java
M classes/org/mozilla/dom/EntityImpl.java
M classes/org/mozilla/dom/NodeImpl.java
M classes/org/mozilla/dom/TextImpl.java
- conform to dom in JDK 1.6 (Dom level 3)
is the path to the jar from which the pluglet is loaded.
SECTION: Changes
M classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletFactory.java
M classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletFactoryAdaptor.java
- Add new first argument to PlugletFactory.initialize(): the string that
is the path to the jar from which the pluglet is loaded.
M examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java
M test/test.java
- Account for new first argument
M src/PlugletFactory.cpp
- new JNI signature for initialize.
Declaring this directory memory clean.
M src/Pluglet.cpp
M src/Pluglet.h
- use do_GetService instead of servman->GetServiceByContractID
- do not keep a reference to plugletEngine as an ivar
M src/PlugletFactory.cpp
M src/PlugletFactory.h
- use nsnull instead of NULL
- do not keep a reference to plugletEngine as an ivar
- use PL_strdup and PL_strfree to duplicate and free strings
M src/PlugletsDir.cpp
- use PL_strdup and PL_strfree to duplicate and free strings
make a final pass to make sure we are not leaking memory. After that, I
want to clean up the build system, and the samples.
M build.xml
- Call make export in mozilla directory
- Fix clean target
M mozilla/Makefile.in
- Added export target
M classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletLoader.java
- avoid ambiguity by casting
+ CodeSource codesource = new CodeSource(url,(java.security.cert.Certificate []) null);
M examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java
- remove debug printfs
M mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.cpp
M mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.h
- remove debug printfs
- fix buffer allocation, refactor into its own method.
- Use NPN_Mem* methods for memory allocation.
- isolate lock access to private methods. Avoids locking when we
already own the lock, which would cause an assertion.
M mozilla/nppluglet.cpp
- in dtor, check for null mScriptablePeer ivar before accessing it.
M mozilla/nsScriptablePeer.cpp
- whitespace
M src/Pluglet.cpp
- get the plugletEngine from do_GetService().
M src/PlugletEngine.cpp
M src/PlugletFactory.cpp
M src/PlugletLoader.cpp
- remove debug printfs
M test/test.java
- added test finalize.
build.xml classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletLoader.java examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java mozilla/Makefile.in mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.cpp mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.h mozilla/nppluglet.cpp mozilla/nsScriptablePeer.cpp src/Pluglet.cpp src/PlugletEngine.cpp src/PlugletFactory.cpp src/PlugletLoader.cpp test/test.java