- implement FileLocator class that can locate special system directories
- make preferences use this to locate user-prefs.xml file in Documents and Settings\Application Data\Manticore
- implement Browse... button in Browser display pref panel, rooted on My Documents (using File Locator)
- create default user-prefs.xml file (empty) which is copied to user profile directory on first launch or when data is corrupted.
- create new directory for storing defaults. (defaults/)
- Add deployment project to solution file.
Make preferences dialog work (PrefPanel class for preference panel switching, loading of preferences, saving of preferences, initial Browser Display panel)
- more preferences dialog work - making a preferences panel class for
handling of loading data from preferences and saving it again.
- preferences category tree generation from XML
- general tidy up.
- making Quit work properly so that we can shut down cleanly.