to the xpconnect echo interface. This will help fix bug 17736. This includes
using nsITimer which is a pretty messed up xpcom interface w/o a factory.
- Added dump() to xpcshell to make it compatible with browsers debug
output method.
- reformat beard's leak fix to follow 80 column rule.
- Add a missing dont_AddRef to avoid a leak in some debug code.
object - There's no clear documentation of the result, but the source
code unambiguously calls 'js_obj_toSource', which inserts the extra '()'
under the version1_2 flag, so I believe this is the correct result.
- Fix for bug 13419 - xpconnect calls wrapped JS objects on wrong JSContext.
Added code to use the nsThreadJSContextStack in order to call wrapped
JS object on the JSContext that is current for the running thread.
We've made the rule that xpconnect only supports one JSRuntime. We
partially enforce that here by enforcing that the JSContext on which
we will run code hails from the same JSRuntime as the JSContext on
which the wrapper for the JS code was built.
Because it is perfectly legal for the nsThreadJSContextStack to be empty
if a wrapped JS object is being called from code other than a DOM event,
this system will lazily create a JSContext for the current thread and
maintain it in TLS. This JSContext is used as necessary. If it uses such
a JSContext that was not already on the nsThreadJSContextStack then the
system will temporarily push that JSContext onto the nsThreadJSContextStack
during the course of the function call being performed. This is all managed
my a new auto class: AutoPushCompatibleJSContext. This is used in the two
places where wrapped JS code is called from native code.
[the two places where this system is invoked are currently disabled due to
the fact that the DOM code makes bad assumptions about the JSContext on
which DOM objects can be accessed. We are working to fix that and then this
code will be enabled.]
users when we do things like fix bug 14460. As soon as we make more of the
idl declarations of methods leadingLowercase then we will have
LeadingUppercase calls from JS breaking at runtime. It is expected that this
will especially be a problem for coders working with the same interfaces
from both C++ and JS (since from C++ an interface has LeadingUpper methods and
the *same* interface seen from JS has leadingLowecase names). This code
(as suggested by shaver) will print out an informative error message when
it detects the misuse. This is currently enabled for DEBUG builds only.
- Copy code from xpcshell to TestXPC to use the JSRuntimeSerivce.
- Check to see if a wrapped JS object has a QueryInterface property before
trying to call that method. This is a speed optimization. It also and makes
norris happy because his perrenial breakpoint in jsReportErrorNumber is not
getting hit (even though the old code was safe).
code review and fixes ( He needs this cuz he has no
knowledge of exact number of properties before new-style enumerating them.
- Patch up jsdbgapi.c a bit -- it needs to use OBJ_GET_ATTRIBUTES and new APIs
to do a better job describing properties to a debugger.
- Add JSMSG_CANT_DESCRIBE_PROPS for bogus non-native error case in jsdbgapi.c.
- Fix "Inappropriate" => "invalid" in JSMSG_BAD_ARRAY_LENGTH message.
Primarily fixes to properly handle nsIXPCSecurityManager vetos of
xpconnect activities.
- The code was not propagating security manager vetos of native wrapping up
through xpconnect internals. So, xpconnect was erroneously masking the
security exception with its own 'failed to convert param' exception.
This effects the signatures of nsXPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsedWrapper
and nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetNewOrUsedClass.
- This propagation also helps with the problem that sometimes interfaces
are not set as [scriptable] and we did not make that clear as the source
of xpconnect's failure to convert a param in calling a method. Now this
specific class of exceptions is indicated in the JS exception object when
this happens.
- Added an explicit call to js_ForceGC on shutdown of xpcshell to aid in
avoiding 'false positives' in leak detection
- Return JS_FALSE rather than JS_TRUE when an exception is thrown in
xpcjsid to make the jsengine notices the exception.
- Move #includes that others added in xpcmodule.cpp to xpcprivate.h in
order to maintain the include conventions of this module.
- Avoid throwing an exception if it represents a security manager veto
and the security manager set an exception already.
- Replace uses of nsCOMTypeInfo<> added by scc with NS_GET_IID macros.
- Fixed a methodname misspelling because reviewers care about stuff
like that :)
Re: another getClassLoader exception
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 22:01:24 -0400
Andrew Wason <>
To: (Norris Boyd)
Howard Lin <>
1 , 2
At 05:03 PM 10/18/99 -0700, Norris Boyd wrote:
>Are you still seeing this problem?
Yes. I just did a CVS update to get the latest stuff and we still have
this problem.
I wrote a standalone sample program that duplicates the problem. Run
JSSupport and you should get this exception:
defineClass org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c2
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
at java.lang.ClassLoader.resolveClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.resolveClass(
at JSSupport$MySecuritySupport.defineClass(
at org.mozilla.javascript.optimizer.Codegen.compile(,
Compiled Code)
at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compile(
at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compile(
at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compileReader(
at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.evaluateReader(
at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.evaluateString(
at JSSupport.<init>(
at JSSupport.main(
>Andrew Wason wrote:
> > At 04:54 PM 10/12/99 -0700, Norris Boyd wrote:
> > >I just checked in changes so that the class calling ScriptRuntime (c5
> in your
> > >case) will load the class itself using the normal Java classloading
> mechanism
> > >rather than an explicit call to the class loader. I pushed the bits up
> to the
> > >ftp site, but it takes a bit to propagate.
> >
> > I get this exception now (debugging statements are from my code):
> >
> > SecuritySupport.defineClass org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c5
> > DataClassLoader.loadClass org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c5
> > DataClassLoader.loadClass org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c4
> > using default loader com.softcom.realjava.PluginClassLoader@da9486a0
> > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/mozilla/javascript/gen/c4
> > at java.lang.ClassLoader.resolveClass0(Native Method)
> > at java.lang.ClassLoader.resolveClass(
> > at
> >
> com.softcom.realjava.plugins.RealJavaScript$RealJavaScriptSecuritySupport$Da
> > taClassLoader.loadClass(
> > at
> >
> com.softcom.realjava.plugins.RealJavaScript$
> > fineClass(
> > at org.mozilla.javascript.optimizer.Codegen.compile(,
> > Compiled Code)
> > at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compile(
> > at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compile(
> > at org.mozilla.javascript.Context.compileReader(
> >
> > So when c5 is being loaded by my SecuritySupport, it also needs to load c4.
> > I decompiled org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c5 and it's constant pool
> > references CLASS org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c4, so c5 is dependent on c4
> > being loadable. Is the problem that c5 is being loaded before the
> > optimizer has defined c4?
> >
> > I get the above exception for some classes and not others. It seems
> > consistent that I always get it for classes with dependencies on other
> > optimizer classes that haven't been generated yet.
> >
> > Andrew
> >
> > --
> > Andrew Wason
> > SoftCom, Inc.
> >
Andrew Wason
SoftCom, Inc.
Java Source File (text/java)