appearance during printing.
Now returns value of file upload element in nsHTMLInputElement::GetValue.
Added :file-textstyle and :file-buttonstyle pseudo style's to ua.css.
Modified nsButtonControlFrame::PaintButton to accept a rectangle describing the
position and size of the button to paint.
Modified nsFileControlFrame::Paint to resolve :file-buttonstyle and :file-textstyle to
paint the file upload's button and text field using settings in ua.css
Added nsFileControlFrame::HasWidget utility method.
Added nsFormControlHelper::GetInputElementValue to get the current value of an input element
from the DOM.
Modified nsTextControlFrame::GetProperty to use nsFormControlHelper::GetInputElementValue
Modified nsTextControlFrame::PaintTextControl to accept a rectangle describing the position
and size of the text control to paint.
Modified nsTextControl::PaintTextControlBackground to include a rectangle describing the
position and size of the text control background to paint.
Implemented SetProperty/GetProperty methods for FileControlFrame
Added nsGenericHTMLElement::GetPrimaryFrame check for nsnull for doc return type.
nsHTMLInputElement.cpp replace NS_OK == with NS_SUCCEEDED in GetValue and SetValue
Added GetName and GetValue utility methods to nsFormControlHelper
modified nsButtonControlFrame::PaintButton to take the label to paint as an extra parameter.
This allows it to be callable from the nsFileControlFrame code to render the button.