30380, blockquote should be block (also from Daniel),
6079, URLs surrounded by quotes *and* angle brackets (from Ben Bucksch,
translate test into perl (so it will eventually be runnable on mac)
and fix up some old tests (me).
which fixed the bogus extra newline problem, and caused the tree to
go orange since the test still had the extra newline; but now he's
apparently reverted that fix, so the extra newline is back and
the tree is orange again. This should make it go green. a=trudelle
20087 - [PDT+] Fixed by synchronizing the stacks,
in parser and content sink when FORM behaved as a container.
25202 - Fixed a context-mismatch that was caused while
handling illegal contents in TABLE.
25658 - Tweaked CanOmit() to be a little picky on omitting
misplaced-content in TABLE.
24885 - Removed ADDRESS from being P tag's kid. ( per spec. )
25880, 21008 - Handling NOTAGS in HEAD.
25749 - SOUND tag is now a non-container and can be
contained by flow-entities. ( per spec. )
22913 - Fixed by not allowing BLOCKQUOTE to be a child of
PRE ( as per spec. )
r=vidur - For changes in content sink.
Did some performace work in nsHTMLTokenizer and nsHTMLTokens.
GIST: Avoiding excessive use of ::strlen() and ::memcpy(). Limiting
RecordTrailingContent() usage.
Now, instead of inserting text nodes containing whitespace and newlines
into the content tree, the editor adds a fake attribute "_moz_dirty"
to every node it creates, and relies upon the output system to format
any node with that attribute (and, of course, not output the attribute).
24112 - Fixed the orderding of THEAD, TBODY, and TFOOT
24673 - Fixed the crash my not letting P to contain TABLE ( per spec. )
18308 - Ignoring newlines above BODY
18928 - Fixed by forcing a BODY to open, irrespective of FRAMESET document, if
'text' is present in the document.
23791 - Made ; in entities optional.
24006 - Fixed by setting the alternate end-comment to be '>'.
24275 - Buffering newlines/whitespace only when it's absolutely necessary.
24462 - Fixed by making NOBR a block closure.
21917 - Being careful about ignoring newlines/whitespace for body content.
24204 - Fixed by opening up BODY for INPUT ( quirks )
Also did a minor change in CNavDTD::DidBuildModel();