- automatically re-select the same testgroup when the user return to continue testing
- select the first subgroup that has not yet been tested in its entirety (defaults to first subgroup if all subgroups have been tested)
- Fix test run report coverage display for catch-all test runs
- also fixed test run result searches to properly limit by the time period specified by the test run
* test runs:
** update coverage stats dynamically when returning to run more tests
** replace index page with test run summary statistics
** provide more guidance to users after they submit test results
** considerable page load speed increases at entry points to testing by pushing stats calculations into AJAX which will load after the page loads
** basic test run reporting
* various search improvements:
** use id for searching and filtering
** allow users to search for their own results
** allow searching by vetted
** allow searching by test run
** fix search by comment
** show default limit of 15
- associate branches directly with testcases, subgroups, and testgroups
- existing Litmus installs will need to run the migration/update_branch_relationships.pl script to update their installs
- fix fidelity of testcase, subgroup, and testgroup listings so that entities th
at don't belong to groupings are still displayed
- standardize how we call 'onchange' js functions to avoid capitalization errors that were plaguing us before
- enable differential sorting in FormWidget listings
- display regression bug ID in simple view of testcase
- display enabled/community enabled status in simple testcase view for admin users
- display testcases in testcase/subgroup sort order when printing
- validate view testcase forms prior to submission
- use JSON filters to limit view testcase results
- add enabled toggle for entity form widgets where appropriate