M dist/netbeans/nbproject/project.properties
M examples/simple/src/main/java/simple/SimplePluglet.java
M examples/simple/src/main/web/index.html
M src/Pluglet.cpp
New release. Now with JavaScript to Pluglet calling.
M classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/Registry.java
M dist/build.xml
M examples/simple/src/main/java/simple/SimplePluglet.java
M examples/simple/src/main/web/index.html
M mozilla/Makefile.in
M mozilla/nppluglet.cpp
M mozilla/nppluglet.h
M mozilla/nsScriptablePeer.cpp
M netbeans/nbproject/build-impl.xml
M netbeans/nbproject/genfiles.properties
M netbeans/nbproject/project.properties
M netbeans/nbproject/project.xml
M src/Makefile.in
M src/Pluglet.cpp
M src/Pluglet.h
M src/PlugletEngine.cpp
M src/PlugletFactory.cpp
M src/Registry.cpp
M src/Registry.h
R mozilla/nsIPluglet.idl
- At this point, I can call from JavaScript and locate an arbitratily
named method on the Pluglet instance that conforms to the signature of
returning String, and taking 0 or more Strings as arguments.
M dist/build.xml
A dist/dummy-main/src/main/resources/plugin-prefs.js
M dist/netbeans/build.xml
M dist/netbeans/pluglet.properties
M dist/netbeans/nbproject/build-impl.xml
M dist/netbeans/nbproject/genfiles.properties
M dist/netbeans/nbproject/project.properties
M dist/netbeans/nbproject/project.xml
Repeatable project build.
A plugins/examples/jmfplayer/src/main/java/jmfplayer/JMFPlayer.java
A plugins/examples/jmfplayer/src/main/web/test01.html
R plugins/examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java
R plugins/examples/MediaPlayer/samples/test.html
R plugins/examples/MediaPlayer/samples/tilego3.avi
- Move mediaplayer example to jmfplayer
M plugins/examples/index.html
- Add mediaplayer example
M plugins/netbeans/build.xml
M plugins/netbeans/pluglet.properties
- require new property jdkhome.nospaces
M plugins/release/build.xml
- marching toward binary distribution
M plugins/netbeans/nbproject/build-impl.xml
M plugins/netbeans/nbproject/genfiles.properties
M plugins/netbeans/nbproject/project.properties
M plugins/netbeans/nbproject/project.xml
- IDE changes
A plugins/netbeans/.cvsignore
A plugins/netbeans/build.xml
A plugins/netbeans/manifest.mf
A plugins/netbeans/nbproject/.cvsignore
A plugins/netbeans/nbproject/build-impl.xml
A plugins/netbeans/nbproject/genfiles.properties
A plugins/netbeans/nbproject/project.properties
A plugins/netbeans/nbproject/project.xml
A plugins/netbeans/pluglet.properties
A plugins/release/build.xml
A plugins/examples/EmptyMainClass/EmptyMainClass.java
A plugins/examples/index.html
A plugins/examples/simple/src/main/java/simple/SimplePluglet.java
A plugins/examples/simple/src/main/web/index.html
M plugins/build.xml
M plugins/mozilla/nppluglet.cpp
- Towards a binar distribution of pluglets
M plugins/mozilla/Makefile.in
- Changes to build with objdir
M plugins/examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java
- Do not use * imports
M plugins/examples/MediaPlayer/build.xml
- distribute to objdir
M plugins/src/PlugletEngine.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletFactory.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletsDir.cpp
- Additional logging
- declare compile.source=1.5
M dom/build.xml
M plugins/build.xml
M plugins/examples/MediaPlayer/build.xml
M plugins/test/build.xml
M util/build.xml
- remove compile.source property, take it from top level build.properties
M plugins/mozilla/Makefile.in
- remove hard coded MS_SDK_HOME reference
M util/classes/org/mozilla/util/Log.java
- This class is the home to the LogStrings property for java supplement
M webclient/build-tests.xml
- copy properties file
- turn on logging
M webclient/build.xml
- remove compile.source property, take it from top level build.properties
- set a FILE_PATH_SEP property
- make run.test depend on prepare
- make run.test.browser depend on prepare
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/BookmarksImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CocoaBrowserControlCanvas.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/CurrentPageImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/EventRegistrationImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/HistoryImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/NavigationImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/PreferencesImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/RDFEnumeration.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/Win32BrowserControlCanvas.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/WindowControlImpl.java
M webclient/classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/impl/wrapper_native/WrapperFactoryImpl.java
- Define toString() for all the WCRunnable and Runnable impls.
M webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/WebclientTestCase.java
- Some logging.
A util/classes/org/mozilla/LogStrings.properties
A webclient/test/automated/src/classes/org/mozilla/webclient/TestLogStrings.properties
- LogStrings.properties files for tests and core impl
A logging.properties
- Logging settings for java supplement
is the path to the jar from which the pluglet is loaded.
SECTION: Changes
M classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletFactory.java
M classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletFactoryAdaptor.java
- Add new first argument to PlugletFactory.initialize(): the string that
is the path to the jar from which the pluglet is loaded.
M examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java
M test/test.java
- Account for new first argument
M src/PlugletFactory.cpp
- new JNI signature for initialize.
Declaring this directory memory clean.
M src/Pluglet.cpp
M src/Pluglet.h
- use do_GetService instead of servman->GetServiceByContractID
- do not keep a reference to plugletEngine as an ivar
M src/PlugletFactory.cpp
M src/PlugletFactory.h
- use nsnull instead of NULL
- do not keep a reference to plugletEngine as an ivar
- use PL_strdup and PL_strfree to duplicate and free strings
M src/PlugletsDir.cpp
- use PL_strdup and PL_strfree to duplicate and free strings
make a final pass to make sure we are not leaking memory. After that, I
want to clean up the build system, and the samples.
M build.xml
- Call make export in mozilla directory
- Fix clean target
M mozilla/Makefile.in
- Added export target
M classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletLoader.java
- avoid ambiguity by casting
+ CodeSource codesource = new CodeSource(url,(java.security.cert.Certificate []) null);
M examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java
- remove debug printfs
M mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.cpp
M mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.h
- remove debug printfs
- fix buffer allocation, refactor into its own method.
- Use NPN_Mem* methods for memory allocation.
- isolate lock access to private methods. Avoids locking when we
already own the lock, which would cause an assertion.
M mozilla/nppluglet.cpp
- in dtor, check for null mScriptablePeer ivar before accessing it.
M mozilla/nsScriptablePeer.cpp
- whitespace
M src/Pluglet.cpp
- get the plugletEngine from do_GetService().
M src/PlugletEngine.cpp
M src/PlugletFactory.cpp
M src/PlugletLoader.cpp
- remove debug printfs
M test/test.java
- added test finalize.
build.xml classes/org/mozilla/pluglet/PlugletLoader.java examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java mozilla/Makefile.in mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.cpp mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.h mozilla/nppluglet.cpp mozilla/nsScriptablePeer.cpp src/Pluglet.cpp src/PlugletEngine.cpp src/PlugletFactory.cpp src/PlugletLoader.cpp test/test.java
A mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.h
- Shim to allow the np4xplugin API to call pass stream data to pluglet
M mozilla/Makefile.in
- Add the shim to the source files
M mozilla/nppluglet.cpp
- implement the layer that calls the shim
M test/test.html
- Pass the plugin a src of its .java file.
M test/test.java
- additional debug printout inf
mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.cpp mozilla/npAPInsIInputStreamShim.h mozilla/Makefile.in mozilla/nppluglet.cpp test/test.html test/test.java
? simple
? examples/MediaPlayer/build
? examples/MediaPlayer/build.properties
? examples/MediaPlayer/build.properties.sample
? test/build
M examples/MediaPlayer/JMPlayer.java
M examples/MediaPlayer/build.xml
M examples/MediaPlayer/samples/test.html
M mozilla/nppluglet.cpp
M mozilla/nppluglet.h
loading: it depends on jvm.dll, which was not on my path. I had to add
%JDKHOME%\jre\bin\client to my path and now it loaded. Thanks to shaver
and plasticmillion on #developers for the tip to use depends.exe, the
Dependency Walker. What a nice tool.
Of course, there is now a crash after it loads, which will be my next
step after this checkin.
A plugins/src/iPlugletEngine.idl
A plugins/src/iPlugletManager.idl
- make IDL files for our external interfaces.
M plugins/src/Makefile.in
- move PlugletEngine.cpp to the top of the list.
M plugins/src/PlugletEngine.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletEngine.h
- big changes here. Make this a proper generic XPCOM component.
- use the iPlugletManager interface, and the nsICategoryManager
to make sure we get called at startup.
M plugins/src/Pluglet.cpp
M plugins/src/Pluglet.h
M plugins/src/PlugletFactory.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletFactory.h
M plugins/src/PlugletInputStream.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletInputStream.h
M plugins/src/PlugletLoader.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletManager.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletPeer.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletStreamInfo.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletStreamListener.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletViewWindows.cpp
M plugins/src/PlugletsDir.cpp
M plugins/src/Registry.cpp
- remove static method PlugletEngine::GetJNIEnv, in favor of instance
method and use of nsIServiceManager.
M makefiles
- remove plugins/Makefile, this'll be replaced by ant
- add jni Makefile
R plugins/makefile.win
R plugins/jni/makefile.win
R plugins/src/makefile.win
- obsolete.
M plugins/jni/Makefile.in
- new includes and such
M plugins/jni/org_mozilla_pluglet_mozilla_PlugletOutputStream.cpp
- cast to const char *.