- automatically re-select the same testgroup when the user return to continue testing
- select the first subgroup that has not yet been tested in its entirety (defaults to first subgroup if all subgroups have been tested)
* test runs:
** update coverage stats dynamically when returning to run more tests
** replace index page with test run summary statistics
** provide more guidance to users after they submit test results
** considerable page load speed increases at entry points to testing by pushing stats calculations into AJAX which will load after the page loads
** basic test run reporting
- use onClick instead of onChange to track radio button state
- do some rudimentary checks of object existence to avoid calling instanceof which doesn't seem to work on Safari
- remove Navigation.js (moved to help text in templates)
- remove Percentages js (moved to help text in templates)
- add extra sanity check when repopulating form fields with FormPersist.js
- disable testgroup/subgroup select boxes -> interim step until test runs since we have no UI to change them yet
- add hideAll, and simple toggle functions to moo.fx
- use moo.fx js libraries to control collapsable divs for holding instructions and such which are nice to have around but we don't always want to see;
- start on admin tool (edit categories)
- more CSS cleanups
- javascript broken out into own directory;
- updated db schema to handle automated test results, along with associted Perl classes;
- reporting: searching and advanced searching functionality added;