Bug 577213 firefox 4 beta 1 gives bad error message when run on Mac OS X 10.4
r=josh r=bsmedberg
2010-07-07 11:55:03 +03:00 |
Benjamin Smedberg
Don't register appinfo twice in test_bug497578, required by XPCOM registration changes in bug 568691.
2010-06-28 14:47:39 -04:00 |
Benjamin Smedberg
Bug 568691 - Convert existing JS components to use NSGetFactory and add manifest files for them. In a followup we will link the .manifest files together at packaging time. This patch was developed on Linux: Windows and Mac may require additional changes.
rename : toolkit/components/filepicker/src/nsFilePicker.js.in => toolkit/components/filepicker/src/nsFilePicker.js
2010-06-22 12:59:15 -04:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 562795: Fix update tests to ignore application extensions. r=dtownsend
2010-06-18 08:54:22 -07:00 |
Mark Smith
Bug 563159 - updater fails because application exe is still running. r=rstrong
2010-06-16 07:21:24 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 570066 - Update UI dialogue box in Firefox disappeared before Firefox could be updated. r=dtownsend
2010-06-15 15:13:47 -07:00 |
Robert Sayre
Merge mozilla-central to tracemonkey.
2010-06-06 11:28:04 -04:00 |
Robert Sayre
Merge mozilla-central to tracemonkey.
2010-06-05 19:13:45 -04:00 |
Jason Orendorff
Bug 533592, part 1 - Remove uses of and support for xpcnativewrappers=no/yes in manifests. (The default has been yes for some time and we will now only have that behavior.) r=mrbkap.
extra : rebase_source : 996d2abecb15f44293abd470a28a3fe2706e130e
2010-05-27 12:33:54 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 566267 - Simplify app update mochitest-chrome tests (rename files). r=dtownsend
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0021_check_noBillboard_noLicense_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0011_check_basic.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0022_check_noBillboard_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0012_check_basic_license.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0011_check_billboard_noLicense_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0021_check_billboard.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0012_check_billboard_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0022_check_billboard_license.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0041_available_noBillboard_noLicense_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0031_available_basic.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0042_available_noBillboard_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0032_available_basic_license.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0031_available_billboard_noLicense_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0041_available_billboard.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0032_available_billboard_noAddons.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0042_available_billboard_license.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0112_neverButton_noBillboard.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0111_neverButton_basic.xul
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0111_neverButton_billboard.xul => toolkit/mozapps/update/test/chrome/test_0112_neverButton_billboard.xul
2010-05-22 16:18:35 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 567054 - Cc and Ci are not defined in updates.js. r=dtownsend
2010-05-22 14:11:03 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 566807 - Workaround Bug 566787 when checking for incompatible add-ons. r=dtownsend
2010-05-22 14:10:45 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 562151 - allow post-update helper application on mac. r=rstrong
2010-05-22 14:10:31 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
no bug - whitespace fix to force another build to kick off
(transplanted from b219912edfec87b80b97b44b6831868c7b1dcf31)
extra : transplant_source : %B2%19%91.%DF%EC%87%B8%0B%97%B4Kh1%86%8C%7B%1D%CF1
2010-06-05 01:19:35 -07:00 |
Masatoshi Kimura
Bug 567497 - "Files executed via download manager cause Win7 compatibility mode to permanently apply to firefox.exe and not downloaded file" [r=ted]
(transplanted from 63b89b3114614929b80a358163a2d1ae9feea91b)
extra : transplant_source : c%B8%9B1%14aI%29%B8%0A5%81c%A2%D1%AE%9F%EE%A9%1B
2010-05-24 09:55:00 -04:00 |
Michael Kohler
Bug 506041 Part 2: Correct misspellings in source code
2010-05-13 14:19:50 +02:00 |
Dave Townsend
Bug 555942: Name of AddonsManager.getAddons() is misleading/inconsistent. r=robstrong
2010-04-26 10:49:19 -07:00 |
Dave Townsend
Bug 552732: Update the app update service to work with the new API. r=robstrong
2010-04-14 09:54:52 -07:00 |
Dave Townsend
Backout new add-ons manager due to Ts regression on OSX 10.5
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_bug404024.xml => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/data/test_bug404024.xml
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_bug417606.xml => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/data/test_bug417606.xml
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/data/test_bug424262.xml => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/data/test_bug424262.xml
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug404024.js => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/test_bug404024.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug417606.js => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/test_bug417606.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug424262.js => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/test_bug424262.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug449027.js => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/test_bug449027.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug455906.js => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/test_bug455906.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug514327_3.js => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/test_bug514327_3.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_bug541420.js => toolkit/mozapps/extensions/test/unit/test_bug541420.js
2010-05-01 11:04:44 -07:00 |
Dave Townsend
Bug 555942: Name of AddonsManager.getAddons() is misleading/inconsistent. r=robstrong
2010-04-26 10:49:19 -07:00 |
Dave Townsend
Bug 552732: Update the app update service to work with the new API. r=robstrong
2010-04-14 09:54:52 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 539717 - update is paused, can't unpause. r=dtownsend
2010-04-20 12:42:12 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Test only fix - Bug 553763 - [SeaMonkey 2.1] mochitest-chrome: bug 530872 update ui tests time out. r=me
2010-04-06 19:49:46 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Typo fix for Bug 552617. r=me
2010-04-06 19:49:34 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 552617 - A paused update can't be resumed when closing the window using a window manager control. r=dolske
2010-03-25 21:37:19 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 554561 - Failed partial not handled properly in UI. r=dtownsend
2010-03-25 21:37:06 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 545707 - Software update reports transfer speed in bytes per second. r=dolske
2010-03-17 16:12:41 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 549969 - Add ability to save xml attributes from update xml that app update doesn't care about. r=dolske
2010-03-17 16:12:30 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 551283 - Suspicious and possibly unused code in updates.js updateListener.onProgress. r=dolske
2010-03-17 16:12:20 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 548061 - Billboard should handle 404 (other errors?) for billboard better. r=dolske
2010-03-17 16:12:12 -07:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 480178 - Billboard should extend to available space and the update UI should be the same width for all locales. Patch 3 - string changes. r=dtownsend, ui-r=faaborg
2010-03-11 20:38:31 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 480178 - Billboard should extend to available space and the update UI should be the same width for all locales. Patch 1 - main changes without pinstripe changes. r=dtownsend, ui-r=faaborg
2010-03-11 20:37:45 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
5. string cleanup for app update ui - Bug 530872. r=dtownsend
2010-03-03 10:57:19 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
4. mochitest chrome tests for app update - Bug 530872. r=dtownsend
2010-03-03 10:57:09 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
3. ui changes to support mochitest chrome tests - Bug 530872. r=dtownsend
2010-03-03 10:56:59 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
2. updated xpcshell tests - Bug 530872. r=dolske
2010-03-03 10:56:47 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
1. main patch - Bug 530872 - app.update.url params / update.xml cleanup and addition of a custom string property for apps. r=dtownsend
2010-03-03 10:56:33 -08:00 |
Mitchell Field
bug 542222 - Reduce recursion in makefiles r=ted.mielczarek r=robert.bugzilla
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/public/nsIUpdateService.idl => toolkit/mozapps/update/nsIUpdateService.idl
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/public/nsIUpdateTimerManager.idl => toolkit/mozapps/update/nsIUpdateTimerManager.idl
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/nsUpdateService.js.in => toolkit/mozapps/update/nsUpdateService.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/nsUpdateServiceStub.js => toolkit/mozapps/update/nsUpdateServiceStub.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/nsUpdateTimerManager.js => toolkit/mozapps/update/nsUpdateTimerManager.js
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/Makefile.in => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/Makefile.in
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/archivereader.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/archivereader.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/archivereader.h => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/archivereader.h
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/bspatch.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/bspatch.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/bspatch.h => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/bspatch.h
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/launchchild_osx.mm => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/launchchild_osx.mm
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/macbuild/Contents/Info.plist => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/macbuild/Contents/Info.plist
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/macbuild/Contents/PkgInfo => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/macbuild/Contents/PkgInfo
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.in => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.in
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/classes.nib => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/classes.nib
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/info.nib => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/info.nib
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/keyedobjects.nib => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/keyedobjects.nib
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/updater.icns => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/macbuild/Contents/Resources/updater.icns
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/module.ver => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/module.ver
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/progressui.h => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/progressui.h
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/progressui_gtk.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/progressui_gtk.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/progressui_null.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/progressui_null.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/progressui_osx.mm => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/progressui_osx.mm
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/progressui_win.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/progressui_win.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/resource.h => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/resource.h
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater.exe.manifest => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater.exe.manifest
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater.ico => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater.ico
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater.png => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater.png
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater.rc => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater.rc
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater_wince.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater_wince.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater_wince.h => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater_wince.h
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater_wince.rc => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater_wince.rc
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/updater_winmo.rc => toolkit/mozapps/update/updater/updater_winmo.rc
2010-01-26 07:11:00 -05:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 536547 - followup to fix log message
2010-01-31 15:59:09 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 543312 - Remove the dependency on nsTryToClose.js from app update's ui. r=dietrich
2010-01-31 15:15:48 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 536547 - 3.5.6 is downloading the same version for an update. This prevents resuming the download for an update with the same app version with the same build id.. r=dolske
2010-01-31 15:15:30 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 540356 - Enforce a sane minimum interval of 60 seconds for app.update.timer and provide mechanism for tests to have a minimum interval of 500 ms. r=dolske
2010-01-31 15:15:13 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Backing out logging changed from Bug 538533 due to scoping issues. r=me
2010-01-16 14:28:09 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 538533 - If a complete update fails the update prompt should state the error and offer a link to download the update. r=dtownsend
2010-01-15 22:48:21 -08:00 |
Brad Lassey
bug 533542 - don't build readstrings.cpp in source dir r=ted
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/errors.h => toolkit/mozapps/readstrings/errors.h
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/readstrings.cpp => toolkit/mozapps/readstrings/readstrings.cpp
rename : toolkit/mozapps/update/src/updater/readstrings.h => toolkit/mozapps/readstrings/readstrings.h
2010-01-12 10:47:04 -05:00 |
Phil Ringnalda
Bug 536327 - Remove never human readable NSHumanReadableCopyright strings, r=josh,mano
2009-12-21 20:36:56 -08:00 |
Phil Ringnalda
Bug 536124 - Update browser/toolkit copyright dates to 2010, r=gavin
2009-12-21 20:32:45 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 529942 - Remove nsIApplicationUpdateService2 on trunk. r=dtownsend
2009-12-18 14:02:08 -08:00 |
Robert Strong
Bug 534090 - do not use background notification for major updates (was PMU 3.0->3.5 major update has been really poor). r=dtownsend, ui-r=beltzner
2009-12-14 21:43:54 -08:00 |
John Daniels
Bug 525819 - Make do_timeout take a callback function, not a string to eval. r=jwalden
extra : rebase_source : 6fbaac51eabe95fcfaf4706feb9fd8a28ba4dfbf
2009-11-24 11:58:42 -08:00 |