Rhino contains
In addition, Rhino has implemented JavaAdapters, which allows JavaScript to implement any Java interface or extend any Java class with a JavaScript object. See the enum.js example for more information.
Numerous books and tutorials on JavaScript are available.
Version 1.3 and greater are ECMA conformant.
Operators == and !=
Version 1.2 only uses strict equality for the == and != operators. In version 1.3 and greater, == and != have the same meanings as ECMA. The operators === and !== use strict equality in all versions.
Boolean(new Boolean(false)) is false for all versions before 1.3. It is true (and thus ECMA conformant) for version 1.3 and greater.
Array.prototype.toString and Object.prototype.toString
Version 1.2 only returns array or object literal notation ("[1,2,3]" or "{a:1, b:2}" for example). In version 1.3 and greater these functions are ECMA conformant.
Array constructor
Array(i) for a number argument i constructs an array with a single element equal to i for version 1.2 only. Otherwise the ECMA conformant version is used (an array is constructed with no elements but with length property equal to i).
For version 1.2 only, the two arguments are not swapped if the first argument is less than the second one. All other versions are ECMA compliant.
For version 1.2 only, split performs the Perl4 special case when given
a single space character as an argument (skips leading whitespace, and
splits on whitespace). All other versions split on the space character
proper as specified by ECMA.
Embeddings that run untrusted JavaScript code must do two things to enable the security features. First, every Context that is created must be supplied an instance of an object that implements the SecuritySupport interface. This will provide Rhino the support functionality it needs to perform security-related tasks.
Second, the value of the property security.requireSecurityDomain should be changed to true in the resource bundle org.mozilla.javascript.resources.Security. The value of this property can be determined at runtime by calling the isSecurityDomainRequired method of Context. Setting this property to true requires that any calls that compile or evaluate JavaScript must supply a security domain object of any object type that will be used to identify JavaScript code. In a typical client embedding, this object might be a string with the URL of the server that supplied the script, or an object that contains a representation of the signers of a piece of code for certificate-based security policies.
When JavaScript code attempts a restricted action, the security domain can be retrieved in the following manner. The class context should be obtained from the security manager (see java.lang.SecurityManager.getClassContext()). Then, the class of the code that called to request the restricted action can be obtained by looking an appropriate index into the class context array. If the caller is JavaScript the class obtained may be one of two types. First, it may be the class of the interpreter if interpretive mode is in effect. Second, it may be a generated class if classfile generation is supported. An embedding can distinguish the two cases by calling isInterpreterClass() in the Context class. If it is the interpreter class, call the getInterpreterSecurityDomain() method of Context to obtain the security domain of the currently executing interpreted script or function. Otherwise, it must be a generated class, and an embedding can call getSecurityDomain() in the class implementing SecuritySupport. When the class was defined and loaded, the appropriate security domain was associated with it, and can be retrieved by calling this method. Once the security domain has been determined, an embedding can perform whatever checks are appropriate to determine whether access should be allowed.