# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Tinderbox build tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Reading the log backwards saves time when we only want the tail. use Backwards; # # Global variabls and functions for tinderbox # # # Global variables # # From load_data() $ignore_builds = {}; # From get_build_name_index() $build_name_index = {}; $build_names = []; $name_count = 0; # Frome get_build_time_index() $build_time_index = {}; $build_time_times = []; $mindate_time_count = 0; # time_count that corresponds to the mindate $time_count = 0; $build_table = []; $who_list = []; @note_array = (); $gzip = '/usr/local/bin/gzip'; $data_dir='data'; 1; sub lock{ } sub unlock{ } sub print_time { my ($t) = @_; my ($minute,$hour,$mday,$mon); (undef,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,undef) = localtime($t); sprintf("%02d/%02d %02d:%02d",$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$minute); } sub url_encode { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ s/\%/\%25/g; $s =~ s/\=/\%3d/g; $s =~ s/\?/\%3f/g; $s =~ s/ /\%20/g; $s =~ s/\n/\%0a/g; $s =~ s/\r//g; $s =~ s/\"/\%22/g; $s =~ s/\'/\%27/g; $s =~ s/\|/\%7c/g; $s =~ s/\&/\%26/g; return $s; } sub url_decode { my ($value) = @_; $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; return $value; } sub value_encode { my ($s) = @_; $s =~ s@&@&@g; $s =~ s@<@<@g; $s =~ s@>@>@g; $s =~ s@\"@"@g; return $s; } sub tb_load_data { $tree = $form{'tree'}; return undef unless $tree; require "$tree/treedata.pl" if -r "$tree/treedata.pl"; $ignore_builds = {}; require "$tree/ignorebuilds.pl" if -r "$tree/ignorebuilds.pl"; $td = {}; $td->{name} = $tree; $td->{num} = 0; $td->{cvs_module} = $cvs_module; $td->{cvs_branch} = $cvs_branch; $td->{ignore_builds} = $ignore_builds; $cvs_root = '/m/src' if $cvs_root eq ''; $td->{cvs_root} = $cvs_root; $build_list = &load_buildlog($td); &get_build_name_index($build_list); &get_build_time_index($build_list); &load_who($td, $who_list); &make_build_table($td, $build_list); $td->{bloaty} = load_bloaty($td); return $td; } sub tb_loadquickparseinfo { my ($tree, $build, $times, $includeStatusOfBuilding) = (@_); local $_; $maxdate = time; require "$tree/ignorebuilds.pl" if -r "$tree/ignorebuilds.pl"; my $bw = Backwards->new("$tree/build.dat") or die; my $latest_time = 0; my $tooearly = 0; while( $_ = $bw->readline ) { chop; my ($buildtime, $buildname, $buildstatus) = (split /\|/)[1,2,4]; if ($includeStatusOfBuilding or $buildstatus =~ /^success|busted|testfailed$/) { # Ignore stuff in the future. next if $buildtime > $maxdate; $latest_time = $buildtime if $buildtime > $latest_time; # Ignore stuff more than 12 hours old if ($buildtime < $latest_time - 12*60*60) { # Hack: A build may give a bogus time. To compensate, we will # not stop until we hit 20 consecutive lines that are too early. last if $tooearly++ > 20; next; } $tooearly = 0; next if exists $ignore_builds->{$buildname}; next if exists $build->{$buildname} and $times->{$buildname} >= $buildtime; $build->{$buildname} = $buildstatus; $times->{$buildname} = $buildtime; } } } sub tb_last_status { my ($build_index) = @_; for (my $tt=0; $tt < $time_count; $tt++) { my $br = $build_table->[$tt][$build_index]; next unless defined $br and $br->{buildstatus}; next unless $br->{buildstatus} =~ /^(success|busted|testfailed)$/; return $br->{buildstatus}; } return 'building'; } sub tb_check_password { if ($form{password} eq '' and defined $cookie_jar{tinderbox_password}) { $form{password} = $cookie_jar{tinderbox_password}; } my $correct = ''; if (open(REAL, '; close REAL; $correct =~ s/\s+$//; # Strip trailing whitespace. } $form{password} =~ s/\s+$//; # Strip trailing whitespace. if ($form{password} ne '') { open(TRAPDOOR, "../bonsai/data/trapdoor $form{'password'} |") or die "Can't run trapdoor func!"; my $encoded = ; close TRAPDOOR; $encoded =~ s/\s+$//; # Strip trailing whitespace. if ($encoded eq $correct) { if ($form{rememberpassword} ne '') { print "Set-Cookie: tinderbox_password=$form{'password'} ;" ." path=/ ; expires = Sun, 1-Mar-2020 00:00:00 GMT\n"; } return; } } require 'header.pl'; print "Content-type: text/html\n"; print "Set-Cookie: tinderbox_password= ; path=/ ; " ." expires = Sun, 1-Mar-2020 00:00:00 GMT\n"; print "\n"; EmitHtmlHeader("What's the magic word?", "You need to know the magic word to use this page."); if ($form{password} ne '') { print "Invalid password; try again.
"; } print q(
If correct, remember password as a cookie
); while (my ($key,$value) = each %form) { next if $key eq "password" or $key eq "rememberpassword"; my $enc = value_encode($value); print "\n"; } print "
\n"; exit; } sub tb_find_build_record { my ($tree, $logfile) = @_; local $_; my $log_entry = ''; my ($bw) = Backwards->new("$tree/build.dat") or die; while( $_ = $bw->readline ) { $log_entry = $_ if /$logfile/; } chomp($log_entry); # Skip the logfile in the parse since it is already known. my ($mailtime, $buildtime, $buildname, $errorparser, $buildstatus, $binaryname) = (split /\|/, $log_entry)[0..4,6]; $buildrec = { mailtime => $mailtime, buildtime => $buildtime, buildname => $buildname, errorparser => $errorparser, buildstatus => $buildstatus, logfile => $logfile, binaryname => $binaryname, td => undef }; return $buildrec; } sub tb_build_static { # Build tinderbox static pages $ENV{QUERY_STRING}="tree=$tree&static=1"; $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}="GET"; system './showbuilds.cgi >/dev/null&'; } # end of public functions #============================================================ sub load_buildlog { my ($treedata) = $_[0]; # In general you always want to make "$_" a local # if it is used. That way it is restored upon return. local $_; my $build_list = []; if (not defined $maxdate) { $maxdate = time(); } if (not defined $mindate) { $mindate = $maxdate - 24*60*60; } my ($bw) = Backwards->new("$treedata->{name}/build.dat") or die; my $tooearly = 0; while( $_ = $bw->readline ) { chomp; my ($mailtime, $buildtime, $buildname, $errorparser, $buildstatus, $logfile, $binaryname) = split /\|/; # Ignore stuff in the future. next if $buildtime > $maxdate; # Ignore stuff in the past (but get a 2 hours of extra data) if ($buildtime < $mindate - 2*60*60) { # Occasionally, a build might show up with a bogus time. So, # we won't judge ourselves as having hit the end until we # hit a full 20 lines in a row that are too early. last if $tooearly++ > 20; next; } $tooearly = 0; if ($form{noignore} or not $treedata->{ignore_builds}->{$buildname}) { my $buildrec = { mailtime => $mailtime, buildtime => $buildtime, buildname => $buildname, errorparser => $errorparser, buildstatus => $buildstatus, logfile => $logfile, binaryname => $binaryname, td => $treedata }; push @{$build_list}, $buildrec; } } return $build_list; } # Load data about who checked in when # File format: | # sub load_who { my ($treedata, $who_list) = @_; local $_; open(WHOLOG, "<$treedata->{name}/who.dat"); while () { chomp; my ($checkin_time, $email) = split /\|/; # Find the time slice where this checkin belongs. for (my $ii = $time_count - 1; $ii >= 0; $ii--) { if ($checkin_time <= $build_time_times->[$ii]) { $who_list->[$ii+1]->{$email} = 1; last; } } } # Ignore the last one # #if ($time_count > 0) { # $who_list->[$time_count] = {}; #} } # Load data about code bloat # File format: ||| # sub load_bloaty { my $treedata = $_[0]; local $_; my $bloaty = {}; my ($bloat_baseline, $leaks_baseline) = (0,0); open(BLOATLOG, "<$treedata->{name}/bloat.dat"); while () { chomp; my ($logfile, $leaks, $bloat) = split /\|/; # Allow 1k of noise my $leaks_cmp = int(($leaks - $leaks_baseline) / 1000); my $bloat_cmp = int(($bloat - $bloat_baseline) / 1000); # If there was a rise or drop, set a new baseline $leaks_baseline = $leaks unless $leaks_cmp == 0; $bloat_baseline = $bloat unless $bloat_cmp == 0; $bloaty->{$logfile} = [ $leaks, $bloat, $leaks_cmp, $bloat_cmp ]; } return $bloaty; } sub get_build_name_index { my ($build_list) = @_; # Get all the unique build names. # foreach my $build_record (@{$build_list}) { $build_name_index->{$build_record->{buildname}} = 1; } my $ii = 0; foreach my $name (sort keys %{$build_name_index}) { $build_names->[$ii] = $name; $build_name_index->{$name} = $ii; $ii++; } $name_count = $#{$build_names} + 1; } sub get_build_time_index { my ($build_list) = @_; # Get all the unique build names. # foreach my $br (@{$build_list}) { $build_time_index->{$br->{buildtime}} = 1; } my $ii = 0; foreach my $time (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{$build_time_index}) { $build_time_times->[$ii] = $time; $build_time_index->{$time} = $ii; $mindate_time_count = $ii if $time >= $mindate; $ii++; } $time_count = $#{$build_time_times} + 1; } sub make_build_table { my ($treedata, $build_list) = @_; my ($ti, $bi, $ti1, $br); # Create the build table # for (my $ii=0; $ii < $time_count; $ii++){ $build_table->[$ii] = []; } # Populate the build table with build data # foreach $br (reverse @{$build_list}) { $ti = $build_time_index->{$br->{buildtime}}; $bi = $build_name_index->{$br->{buildname}}; $build_table->[$ti][$bi] = $br; } &load_notes($treedata); for ($bi = $name_count - 1; $bi >= 0; $bi--) { for ($ti = $time_count - 1; $ti >= 0; $ti--) { if (defined($br = $build_table->[$ti][$bi]) and not defined($br->{rowspan})) { # If the cell immediately after us is defined, then we # can have a previousbuildtime. if (defined($br1 = $build_table->[$ti+1][$bi])) { $br->{previousbuildtime} = $br1->{buildtime}; } $ti1 = $ti-1; while ($ti1 >= 0 and not defined $build_table->[$ti1][$bi]) { $build_table->[$ti1][$bi] = -1; $ti1--; } $br->{rowspan} = $ti - $ti1; unless ($br->{rowspan} == 1) { $build_table->[$ti1+1][$bi] = $br; $build_table->[$ti][$bi] = -1; } } } } } sub load_notes { my $treedata = $_[0]; open(NOTES,"<$treedata->{name}/notes.txt") or print "

warning: Couldn't open $treedata->{name}/notes.txt

\n"; while () { chop; my ($nbuildtime,$nbuildname,$nwho,$nnow,$nenc_note) = split /\|/; my $ti = $build_time_index->{$nbuildtime}; my $bi = $build_name_index->{$nbuildname}; if (defined $ti and defined $bi) { $build_table->[$ti][$bi]->{hasnote} = 1; unless (defined $build_table->[$ti][$bi]->{noteid}) { $build_table->[$ti][$bi]->{noteid} = $#note_array + 1; } $noteid = $build_table->[$ti][$bi]->{noteid}; $now_str = &print_time($nnow); $note = &url_decode($nenc_note); $note_array[$noteid] = '' unless $note_array[$noteid]; $note_array[$noteid] = "
        ."$nwho - $now_str]\n$note\n
" .$note_array[$noteid]; } } close NOTES; }