/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ #include "nspr.h" #include "prlog.h" #include "nsIDocumentLoaderObserver.h" #include "nsDocLoader.h" #include "nsCURILoader.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsXPIDLString.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsCom.h" // XXX ick ick ick #include "nsIContentViewerContainer.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsIPresContext.h" #include "nsIStringBundle.h" #include "nslog.h" NS_IMPL_LOG(nsDocLoaderLog) #define PRINTF NS_LOG_PRINTF(nsDocLoaderLog) #define FLUSH NS_LOG_FLUSH(nsDocLoaderLog) static NS_DEFINE_CID(kStringBundleServiceCID, NS_STRINGBUNDLESERVICE_CID); // // Log module for nsIDocumentLoader logging... // // To enable logging (see prlog.h for full details): // // set NSPR_LOG_MODULES=nsDocLoaderLog:5 // set NSPR_LOG_FILE=nspr.log // // this enables PR_LOG_DEBUG level information and places all output in // the file nspr.log // #define gDocLoaderLog nsDocLoaderLog #if defined(DEBUG) void GetURIStringFromChannel(nsIRequest *aRequest, nsXPIDLCString &aStr) { nsCOMPtr channel; nsCOMPtr uri; nsresult rv = NS_OK; channel = do_QueryInterface(aRequest, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && uri) rv = uri->GetSpec(getter_Copies(aStr)); else aStr = "???"; } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* Define IIDs... */ static NS_DEFINE_IID(kIDocumentIID, NS_IDOCUMENT_IID); static NS_DEFINE_IID(kIContentViewerContainerIID, NS_ICONTENTVIEWERCONTAINER_IID); struct nsChannelInfo { nsChannelInfo(nsIChannel *key) : mKey(key), mCurrentProgress(0), mMaxProgress(0) { key->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(mURI)); } void* mKey; nsCOMPtr mURI; PRInt32 mCurrentProgress; PRInt32 mMaxProgress; }; nsDocLoaderImpl::nsDocLoaderImpl() { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); mContainer = nsnull; mParent = nsnull; mIsLoadingDocument = PR_FALSE; ClearInternalProgress(); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: created.\n", this)); } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::SetDocLoaderParent(nsDocLoaderImpl *aParent) { mParent = aParent; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::Init() { nsresult rv; rv = NS_NewLoadGroup(getter_AddRefs(mLoadGroup), this); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: load group %x.\n", this, mLoadGroup.get())); rv = NS_NewISupportsArray(getter_AddRefs(mChildList)); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::ClearParentDocLoader() { SetDocLoaderParent(nsnull); return NS_OK; } nsDocLoaderImpl::~nsDocLoaderImpl() { /* |ClearWeakReferences()| here is intended to prevent people holding weak references from re-entering this destructor since |QueryReferent()| will |AddRef()| me, and the subsequent |Release()| will try to destroy me. At this point there should be only weak references remaining (otherwise, we wouldn't be getting destroyed). An alternative would be incrementing our refcount (consider it a compressed flag saying "Don't re-destroy."). I haven't yet decided which is better. [scc] */ ClearWeakReferences(); Destroy(); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: deleted.\n", this)); PRUint32 count=0; mChildList->Count(&count); // if the doc loader still has children...we need to enumerate the children and make // them null out their back ptr to the parent doc loader if (count > 0) { for (PRUint32 i=0; i loader; loader = getter_AddRefs(NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIDocumentLoader*, mChildList->ElementAt(i))); if (loader) loader->ClearParentDocLoader(); } mChildList->Clear(); } } /* * Implementation of ISupports methods... */ NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ADDREF(nsDocLoaderImpl) NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_RELEASE(nsDocLoaderImpl) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsDocLoaderImpl) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIStreamObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIStreamObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDocumentLoader) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupportsWeakReference) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIWebProgress) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIProgressEventSink) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIInterfaceRequestor) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIHTTPEventSink) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISecurityEventSink) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END /* * Implementation of nsIInterfaceRequestor methods... */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::GetInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aSink) { nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aSink); if(aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsILoadGroup))) { *aSink = mLoadGroup; NS_IF_ADDREF((nsISupports*)*aSink); rv = NS_OK; } else { rv = QueryInterface(aIID, aSink); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::CreateDocumentLoader(nsIDocumentLoader** anInstance) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsDocLoaderImpl * newLoader = new nsDocLoaderImpl(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(newLoader, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); NS_ADDREF(newLoader); newLoader->Init(); // Initialize now that we have a reference rv = newLoader->SetDocLoaderParent(this); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // // XXX this method incorrectly returns a bool // rv = mChildList->AppendElement((nsIDocumentLoader*)newLoader) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } rv = newLoader->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDocumentLoader), (void **) anInstance); NS_RELEASE(newLoader); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::Stop(void) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; PRUint32 count, i; PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: Stop() called\n", this)); rv = mChildList->Count(&count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; for (i=0; iElementAt(i)); if (loader) { (void) loader->Stop(); NS_RELEASE(loader); } } rv = mLoadGroup->Cancel(NS_BINDING_ABORTED); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::IsBusy(PRBool * aResult) { nsresult rv; // // A document loader is busy if either: // // 1. It is currently loading a document (ie. one or more URIs) // 2. One of it's child document loaders is busy... // *aResult = PR_FALSE; /* Is this document loader busy? */ if (mIsLoadingDocument) { rv = mLoadGroup->IsPending(aResult); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } /* Otherwise, check its child document loaders... */ if (!*aResult) { PRUint32 count, i; rv = mChildList->Count(&count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; for (i=0; iElementAt(i)); if (loader) { (void) loader->IsBusy(aResult); NS_RELEASE(loader); if (*aResult) break; } } } return NS_OK; } /* * Do not hold refs to the objects in the observer lists. Observers * are expected to remove themselves upon their destruction if they * have not removed themselves previously */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::AddObserver(nsIDocumentLoaderObserver* aObserver) { nsresult rv; if (mDocObservers.IndexOf(aObserver) == -1) { // // XXX this method incorrectly returns a bool // rv = mDocObservers.AppendElement(aObserver) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } else { // The observer is already in the list... rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::RemoveObserver(nsIDocumentLoaderObserver* aObserver) { if (PR_TRUE == mDocObservers.RemoveElement(aObserver)) { return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::SetContainer(nsISupports* aContainer) { // This is a weak reference... mContainer = aContainer; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::GetContainer(nsISupports** aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); *aResult = mContainer; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aResult); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::GetLoadGroup(nsILoadGroup** aResult) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (nsnull == aResult) { rv = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } else { *aResult = mLoadGroup; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aResult); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::GetContentViewerContainer(nsISupports* aDocumentID, nsIContentViewerContainer** aResult) { nsISupports* base = aDocumentID; nsIDocument* doc; nsresult rv; rv = base->QueryInterface(kIDocumentIID, (void**)&doc); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsIPresShell* pres; pres = doc->GetShellAt(0); if (nsnull != pres) { nsIPresContext* presContext; rv = pres->GetPresContext(&presContext); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && nsnull != presContext) { nsISupports* supp; rv = presContext->GetContainer(&supp); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && nsnull != supp) { rv = supp->QueryInterface(kIContentViewerContainerIID, (void**)aResult); NS_RELEASE(supp); } NS_RELEASE(presContext); } NS_RELEASE(pres); } NS_RELEASE(doc); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::Destroy() { Stop(); // Remove the document loader from the parent list of loaders... if (mParent) { mParent->RemoveChildGroup(this); mParent = nsnull; } ClearChannelInfoList(); mDocumentChannel = null_nsCOMPtr(); mLoadGroup->SetGroupObserver(nsnull); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::OnStartRequest(nsIChannel *aChannel, nsISupports *aCtxt) { // called each time a channel is added to the group. nsresult rv; if (!mIsLoadingDocument) { PRUint32 loadAttribs = 0; aChannel->GetLoadAttributes(&loadAttribs); if (loadAttribs & nsIChannel::LOAD_DOCUMENT_URI) { mIsLoadingDocument = PR_TRUE; ClearInternalProgress(); // only clear our progress if we are starting a new load.... } } // // Only fire an OnStartDocumentLoad(...) if the document loader // has initiated a load... Otherwise, this notification has // resulted from a channel being added to the load group. // if (mIsLoadingDocument) { PRUint32 count; rv = mLoadGroup->GetActiveCount(&count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // // Create a new ChannelInfo for the channel that is starting to // load... // AddChannelInfo(aChannel); if (1 == count) { // This channel is associated with the entire document... mDocumentChannel = aChannel; mLoadGroup->SetDefaultLoadChannel(mDocumentChannel); // Update the progress status state mProgressStateFlags = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_START; doStartDocumentLoad(); FireOnStartDocumentLoad(this, aChannel); } else { doStartURLLoad(aChannel); FireOnStartURLLoad(this, aChannel); } } else { ClearChannelInfoList(); doStartURLLoad(aChannel); FireOnStartURLLoad(this, aChannel); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::OnStopRequest(nsIChannel *aChannel, nsISupports *aCtxt, nsresult aStatus, const PRUnichar *aMsg) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // // Only fire the OnEndDocumentLoad(...) if the document loader // has initiated a load... // if (mIsLoadingDocument) { PRUint32 count; // // Set the Maximum progress to the same value as the current progress. // Since the URI has finished loading, all the data is there. Also, // this will allow a more accurate estimation of the max progress (in case // the old value was unknown ie. -1) // nsChannelInfo *info; info = GetChannelInfo(aChannel); if (info) { PRInt32 oldMax = info->mMaxProgress; info->mMaxProgress = info->mCurrentProgress; // // If a channel whose content-length was previously unknown has just // finished loading, then use this new data to try to calculate a // mMaxSelfProgress... // if ((oldMax < 0) && (mMaxSelfProgress < 0)) { CalculateMaxProgress(&mMaxSelfProgress); } } // // Fire the OnStateChange(...) notification for stop request // doStopURLLoad(aChannel, aStatus); FireOnEndURLLoad(this, aChannel, aStatus); rv = mLoadGroup->GetActiveCount(&count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // // The load group for this DocumentLoader is idle... // if (0 == count) { DocLoaderIsEmpty(aStatus); } } else { doStopURLLoad(aChannel, aStatus); FireOnEndURLLoad(this, aChannel, aStatus); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::RemoveChildGroup(nsDocLoaderImpl* aLoader) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mChildList->RemoveElement((nsIDocumentLoader*)aLoader); } return rv; } void nsDocLoaderImpl::DocLoaderIsEmpty(nsresult aStatus) { if (mIsLoadingDocument) { PRBool busy = PR_FALSE; /* In the unimagineably rude circumstance that onload event handlers triggered by this function actually kill the window ... ok, it's not unimagineable; it's happened ... this deathgrip keeps this object alive long enough to survive this function call. */ nsCOMPtr kungFuDeathGrip(this); IsBusy(&busy); if (!busy) { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: Is now idle...\n", this)); nsCOMPtr docChannel(mDocumentChannel); mDocumentChannel = null_nsCOMPtr(); mIsLoadingDocument = PR_FALSE; // Update the progress status state - the document is done mProgressStateFlags = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_STOP; nsresult loadGroupStatus = NS_OK; mLoadGroup->GetStatus(&loadGroupStatus); // // New code to break the circular reference between // the load group and the docloader... // mLoadGroup->SetDefaultLoadChannel(nsnull); // // Do nothing after firing the OnEndDocumentLoad(...). The document // loader may be loading a *new* document - if LoadDocument() // was called from a handler! // doStopDocumentLoad(docChannel, loadGroupStatus); FireOnEndDocumentLoad(this, docChannel, loadGroupStatus); if (mParent) { mParent->DocLoaderIsEmpty(loadGroupStatus); } } } } void nsDocLoaderImpl::doStartDocumentLoad(void) { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(mDocumentChannel, buffer); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnStateChange for start document load (...)." "\tURI: %s \n", this, (const char *) buffer)); #endif /* DEBUG */ // Fire an OnStatus(...) notification STATE_START. This indicates // that the document represented by mDocumentChannel has started to // load... FireOnStateChange(this, mDocumentChannel, nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_START | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_DOCUMENT | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_REQUEST | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_NETWORK, NS_OK); } void nsDocLoaderImpl::doStartURLLoad(nsIChannel *aChannel) { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aChannel, buffer); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnStateChange start url load (...)." "\tURI: %s\n", this, (const char *) buffer)); #endif /* DEBUG */ FireOnStateChange(this, aChannel, nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_START | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_REQUEST, NS_OK); } void nsDocLoaderImpl::doStopURLLoad(nsIChannel *aChannel, nsresult aStatus) { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aChannel, buffer); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnStateChange for end url load (...)." "\tURI: %s status=%x\n", this, (const char *) buffer, aStatus)); #endif /* DEBUG */ FireOnStateChange(this, aChannel, nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_STOP | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_REQUEST, aStatus); } void nsDocLoaderImpl::doStopDocumentLoad(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsresult aStatus) { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aChannel, buffer); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnStateChange for end document load (...)." "\tURI: %s Status=%x\n", this, (const char *) buffer, aStatus)); #endif /* DEBUG */ // // Fire an OnStatusChange(...) notification indicating the the // current document has finished loading... // FireOnStateChange(this, aChannel, nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_STOP | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_DOCUMENT | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_NETWORK, aStatus); } void nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStartDocumentLoad(nsDocLoaderImpl* aLoadInitiator, nsIChannel *aDocChannel) { PRInt32 count; nsCOMPtr uri; aDocChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aDocChannel, buffer); if (aLoadInitiator == this) { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnStartDocumentLoad(...).\tURI: %s\n", this, (const char *) buffer)); } else { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: -- Propagating OnStartDocumentLoad(...)." "DocLoader:%p URI:%s\n", this, aLoadInitiator, (const char *) buffer)); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * First notify any observers that the document load has begun... * * Operate the elements from back to front so that if items get * get removed from the list it won't affect our iteration */ count = mDocObservers.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIDocumentLoaderObserver *observer; observer = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIDocumentLoaderObserver*, mDocObservers.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(observer, "NULL observer found in list."); if (! observer) { continue; } observer->OnStartDocumentLoad(aLoadInitiator, uri, mCommand); } /* * Finally notify the parent... */ if (mParent) { mParent->FireOnStartDocumentLoad(aLoadInitiator, aDocChannel); } } void nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnEndDocumentLoad(nsDocLoaderImpl* aLoadInitiator, nsIChannel *aDocChannel, nsresult aStatus) { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aDocChannel, buffer); if (aLoadInitiator == this) { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnEndDocumentLoad(...)" "\tURI: %s Status: %x\n", this, (const char *) buffer, aStatus)); } else { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: -- Propagating OnEndDocumentLoad(...)." "DocLoader:%p URI:%s\n", this, aLoadInitiator, (const char *)buffer)); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * First notify any observers that the document load has finished... * * Operate the elements from back to front so that if items get * get removed from the list it won't affect our iteration */ PRInt32 count; count = mDocObservers.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIDocumentLoaderObserver *observer; observer = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIDocumentLoaderObserver*, mDocObservers.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(observer, "NULL observer found in list."); if (! observer) { continue; } observer->OnEndDocumentLoad(aLoadInitiator, aDocChannel, aStatus); } /* * Next notify the parent... */ if (mParent) { mParent->FireOnEndDocumentLoad(aLoadInitiator, aDocChannel, aStatus); } } void nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStartURLLoad(nsDocLoaderImpl* aLoadInitiator, nsIChannel* aChannel) { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aChannel, buffer); if (aLoadInitiator == this) { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnStartURLLoad(...)" "\tURI: %s\n", this, (const char *) buffer)); } else { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: -- Propagating OnStartURLLoad(...)." "DocLoader:%p URI:%s\n", this, aLoadInitiator, (const char *) buffer)); } #endif /* DEBUG */ PRInt32 count; /* * First notify any observers that the URL load has begun... * * Operate the elements from back to front so that if items get * get removed from the list it won't affect our iteration */ count = mDocObservers.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIDocumentLoaderObserver *observer; observer = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIDocumentLoaderObserver*, mDocObservers.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(observer, "NULL observer found in list."); if (! observer) { continue; } observer->OnStartURLLoad(aLoadInitiator, aChannel); } /* * Finally notify the parent... */ if (mParent) { mParent->FireOnStartURLLoad(aLoadInitiator, aChannel); } } void nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnEndURLLoad(nsDocLoaderImpl* aLoadInitiator, nsIChannel* aChannel, nsresult aStatus) { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aChannel, buffer); if (aLoadInitiator == this) { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: ++ Firing OnEndURLLoad(...)" "\tURI: %s Status: %x\n", this, (const char *) buffer, aStatus)); } else { PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: -- Propagating OnEndURLLoad(...)." "DocLoader:%p URI:%s\n", this, aLoadInitiator, (const char *) buffer)); } #endif /* DEBUG */ PRInt32 count; /* * First notify any observers that the URL load has completed... * * Operate the elements from back to front so that if items get * get removed from the list it won't affect our iteration */ count = mDocObservers.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIDocumentLoaderObserver *observer; observer = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIDocumentLoaderObserver*, mDocObservers.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(observer, "NULL observer found in list."); if (! observer) { continue; } observer->OnEndURLLoad(aLoadInitiator, aChannel, aStatus); } /* * Finally notify the parent... */ if (mParent) { mParent->FireOnEndURLLoad(aLoadInitiator, aChannel, aStatus); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following section contains support for nsIWebProgress and related stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get web progress returns our web progress listener or if // we don't have one, it will look up the doc loader hierarchy // to see if one of our parent doc loaders has one. nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::GetParentWebProgressListener(nsDocLoaderImpl * aDocLoader, nsIWebProgressListener ** aWebProgress) { // if we got here, there is no web progress to return *aWebProgress = nsnull; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::AddProgressListener(nsIWebProgressListener *aListener) { nsresult rv; if (mListenerList.IndexOf(aListener) == -1) { // XXX this method incorrectly returns a bool rv = mListenerList.AppendElement(aListener) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } else { // The listener is already in the list... rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::RemoveProgressListener(nsIWebProgressListener *aListener) { nsresult rv; // XXX this method incorrectly returns a bool rv = mListenerList.RemoveElement(aListener) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; return rv; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::GetProgressStatusFlags(PRInt32 *aProgressStateFlags) { *aProgressStateFlags = mProgressStateFlags; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::GetCurSelfProgress(PRInt32 *aCurSelfProgress) { *aCurSelfProgress = mCurrentSelfProgress; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::GetMaxSelfProgress(PRInt32 *aMaxSelfProgress) { *aMaxSelfProgress = mMaxSelfProgress; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::GetCurTotalProgress(PRInt32 *aCurTotalProgress) { *aCurTotalProgress = mCurrentTotalProgress; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::GetMaxTotalProgress(PRInt32 *aMaxTotalProgress) { PRUint32 count = 0; nsresult rv = NS_OK; PRInt32 invididualProgress, newMaxTotal; newMaxTotal = 0; rv = mChildList->Count(&count); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr webProgress; nsCOMPtr docloader; for (PRUint32 i=0; iElementAt(i)); if (docloader) { // Cast is safe since all children are nsDocLoaderImpl too ((nsDocLoaderImpl *) docloader.get())->GetMaxTotalProgress(&invididualProgress); } if (invididualProgress < 0) // if one of the elements doesn't know it's size // then none of them do { newMaxTotal = -1; break; } else newMaxTotal += invididualProgress; } if (mMaxSelfProgress >= 0 && newMaxTotal >= 0) { *aMaxTotalProgress = newMaxTotal + mMaxSelfProgress; } else { *aMaxTotalProgress = -1; } return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The following section contains support for nsIEventProgressSink which is used to // pass progress and status between the actual channel and the doc loader. The doc loader // then turns around and makes the right web progress calls based on this information. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::OnProgress(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsISupports* ctxt, PRUint32 aProgress, PRUint32 aProgressMax) { nsChannelInfo *info; PRInt32 progressDelta = 0; // // Update the ChannelInfo entry with the new progress data // info = GetChannelInfo(aChannel); if (info) { if ((0 == info->mCurrentProgress) && (0 == info->mMaxProgress)) { // // This is the first progress notification for the entry. If // (aMaxProgress > 0) then the content-length of the data is known, // so update mMaxSelfProgress... Otherwise, set it to -1 to indicate // that the content-length is no longer known. // if (aProgressMax != (PRUint32)-1) { mMaxSelfProgress += aProgressMax; info->mMaxProgress = aProgressMax; } else { mMaxSelfProgress = -1; info->mMaxProgress = -1; } // Send a STATE_TRANSFERRING notification for the request. PRInt32 flags; flags = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_TRANSFERRING | nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_REQUEST; // // Move the WebProgress into the STATE_TRANSFERRING state if necessary... // if (mProgressStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_START) { mProgressStateFlags = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_TRANSFERRING; // Send STATE_TRANSFERRING for the document too... flags |= nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_DOCUMENT; } FireOnStateChange(this, aChannel, flags, NS_OK); } // Update the current progress count... progressDelta = aProgress - info->mCurrentProgress; mCurrentSelfProgress += progressDelta; info->mCurrentProgress = aProgress; } // // The channel is not part of the load group, so ignore its progress // information... // else { #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aChannel, buffer); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p OOPS - No Channel Info for: %s\n", this, (const char *)buffer)); #endif /* DEBUG */ return NS_OK; } // // Fire progress notifications out to any registered nsIWebProgressListeners // FireOnProgressChange(this, aChannel, aProgress, aProgressMax, progressDelta, mCurrentTotalProgress, mMaxTotalProgress); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::OnStatus(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsISupports* ctxt, nsresult aStatus, const PRUnichar* aStatusArg) { // // Fire progress notifications out to any registered nsIWebProgressListeners // if (aStatus) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr sbs = do_GetService(kStringBundleServiceCID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsXPIDLString msg; rv = sbs->FormatStatusMessage(aStatus, aStatusArg, getter_Copies(msg)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; FireOnStatusChange(this, aChannel, aStatus, msg); } return NS_OK; } void nsDocLoaderImpl::ClearInternalProgress() { ClearChannelInfoList(); mCurrentSelfProgress = mMaxSelfProgress = 0; mCurrentTotalProgress = mMaxTotalProgress = 0; mProgressStateFlags = nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_STOP; } void nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnProgressChange(nsDocLoaderImpl *aLoadInitiator, nsIChannel *aChannel, PRInt32 aProgress, PRInt32 aProgressMax, PRInt32 aProgressDelta, PRInt32 aTotalProgress, PRInt32 aMaxTotalProgress) { PRInt32 count; if (mIsLoadingDocument) { mCurrentTotalProgress += aProgressDelta; GetMaxTotalProgress(&mMaxTotalProgress); aTotalProgress = mCurrentTotalProgress; aMaxTotalProgress = mMaxTotalProgress; } #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aChannel, buffer); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: Progress (%s): curSelf: %d maxSelf: %d curTotal: %d maxTotal %d\n", this, (const char *)buffer, aProgress, aProgressMax, aTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress)); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * First notify any listeners of the new progress info... * * Operate the elements from back to front so that if items get * get removed from the list it won't affect our iteration */ count = mListenerList.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIWebProgressListener *listener; listener = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIWebProgressListener*, mListenerList.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(listener, "NULL listener found in list."); if (! listener) { continue; } listener->OnProgressChange(aLoadInitiator,aChannel, aProgress, aProgressMax, aTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress); } // Pass the notification up to the parent... if (mParent) { mParent->FireOnProgressChange(aLoadInitiator, aChannel, aProgress, aProgressMax, aProgressDelta, aTotalProgress, aMaxTotalProgress); } } void nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStateChange(nsIWebProgress *aProgress, nsIRequest *aRequest, PRInt32 aStateFlags, nsresult aStatus) { PRInt32 count; // // Remove the STATE_IS_NETWORK bit if necessary. // // The rule is to remove this bit, if the notification has been passed // up from a child WebProgress, and the current WebProgress is already // active... // if (mIsLoadingDocument && (aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_NETWORK) && (this != aProgress)) { aStateFlags &= ~nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_NETWORK; } #if defined(DEBUG) nsXPIDLCString buffer; GetURIStringFromChannel(aRequest, buffer); PR_LOG(gDocLoaderLog, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("DocLoader:%p: Status (%s): code: %x\n", this, (const char *)buffer, aStateFlags)); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * First notify any listeners of the new state info... * * Operate the elements from back to front so that if items get * get removed from the list it won't affect our iteration */ count = mListenerList.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIWebProgressListener *listener; listener = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIWebProgressListener*, mListenerList.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(listener, "NULL listener found in list."); if (! listener) { continue; } listener->OnStateChange(aProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus); } // Pass the notification up to the parent... if (mParent) { mParent->FireOnStateChange(aProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest, nsIURI *aUri) { PRInt32 count; count = mListenerList.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIWebProgressListener *listener; listener = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIWebProgressListener*, mListenerList.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(listener, "NULL listener found in list."); if (! listener) { continue; } listener->OnLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aUri); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStatusChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest, nsresult aStatus, const PRUnichar* aMessage) { PRInt32 count; count = mListenerList.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIWebProgressListener *listener; listener = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIWebProgressListener*, mListenerList.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(listener, "NULL listener found in list."); if (! listener) { continue; } listener->OnStatusChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStatus, aMessage); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::AddChannelInfo(nsIChannel *aChannel) { nsresult rv; PRUint32 loadAttribs=nsIChannel::LOAD_NORMAL; // // Only create a ChannelInfo entry if the channel is *not* being loaded // in the background... // rv = aChannel->GetLoadAttributes(&loadAttribs); if (!(nsIChannel::LOAD_BACKGROUND & loadAttribs)) { nsChannelInfo *info; info = new nsChannelInfo(aChannel); if (info) { // XXX this method incorrectly returns a bool rv = mChannelInfoList.AppendElement(info) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } else { rv = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { rv = NS_OK; } return rv; } nsChannelInfo * nsDocLoaderImpl::GetChannelInfo(nsIChannel *aChannel) { nsChannelInfo *info; PRInt32 i, count; count = mChannelInfoList.Count(); for(i=0; imKey) { return info; } } return nsnull; } nsresult nsDocLoaderImpl::ClearChannelInfoList(void) { nsChannelInfo *info; PRInt32 i, count; count = mChannelInfoList.Count(); for(i=0; imCurrentProgress; if (max >= 0) { if (info->mMaxProgress < info->mCurrentProgress) { max = -1; } else { max += info->mMaxProgress; } } } *aMax = max; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::OnHeadersAvailable(nsISupports * aContext) { // right now I don't think we need to do anything special for this case... return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::OnRedirect(nsISupports * aContext, nsIURI * aNewLocation) { // we have a problem in that this method doesn't give us enough information about // the url being redirected. We need to know if the url is the document url or some other // part of the document (like an image). Proper implementation requires this, otherwise // we end up setting the url bar location to a redirected image url when we didn't want to. // for now, we'll make the implementation empty. return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsDocLoaderImpl::OnSecurityChange(nsISupports * aContext, PRInt32 state) { // // Fire progress notifications out to any registered nsIWebProgressListeners. // nsCOMPtr request = do_QueryInterface(aContext); nsIWebProgress* webProgress = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIWebProgress*, this); PRInt32 count = mListenerList.Count(); while (count > 0) { nsIWebProgressListener *listener; listener = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIWebProgressListener*, mListenerList.ElementAt(--count)); NS_ASSERTION(listener, "NULL listener found in list."); if (! listener) { continue; } listener->OnSecurityChange(webProgress, request, state); } // Pass the notification up to the parent... if (mParent) { mParent->OnSecurityChange(aContext, state); } return NS_OK; } #if 0 void nsDocLoaderImpl::DumpChannelInfo() { nsChannelInfo *info; PRInt32 i, count; PRInt32 current=0, max=0; PRINTF("==== DocLoader=%x\n", this); count = mChannelInfoList.Count(); for(i=0; imURI) { rv = info->mURI->GetSpec(getter_Copies(buffer)); } PRINTF(" [%d] current=%d max=%d [%s]\n", i, info->mCurrentProgress, info->mMaxProgress, (const char *)buffer); #endif /* DEBUG */ current += info->mCurrentProgress; if (max >= 0) { if (info->mMaxProgress < info->mCurrentProgress) { max = -1; } else { max += info->mMaxProgress; } } } PRINTF("\nCurrent=%d Total=%d\n====\n", current, max); } #endif /* 0 */