/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications * Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998 * Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ #include "nsLineLayout.h" #include "nsInlineReflow.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsIStyleContext.h" #include "nsIPresContext.h" #include "nsIFontMetrics.h" nsTextRun::nsTextRun() { mNext = nsnull; } nsTextRun::~nsTextRun() { } void nsTextRun::List(FILE* out, PRInt32 aIndent) { PRInt32 i; for (i = aIndent; --i >= 0; ) fputs(" ", out); PRInt32 n = mArray.Count(); fprintf(out, "%p: count=%d <", this, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { nsIFrame* text = (nsIFrame*) mArray.ElementAt(i); nsAutoString tmp; text->GetFrameName(tmp); fputs(tmp, out); printf(" "); } fputs(">\n", out); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- nsLineLayout::nsLineLayout(nsIPresContext& aPresContext, nsISpaceManager* aSpaceManager) : mPresContext(aPresContext) { mSpaceManager = aSpaceManager; mListPositionOutside = PR_FALSE; mLineNumber = 0; mColumn = 0; mUnderstandsWhiteSpace = PR_FALSE; mEndsInWhiteSpace = PR_TRUE; mTextRuns = nsnull; ResetTextRuns(); } nsLineLayout::~nsLineLayout() { nsTextRun::DeleteTextRuns(mTextRuns); } void nsLineLayout::ResetTextRuns() { nsTextRun::DeleteTextRuns(mTextRuns); mTextRuns = nsnull; mTextRunP = &mTextRuns; mNewTextRun = nsnull; } nsTextRun* nsLineLayout::TakeTextRuns() { nsTextRun* result = mTextRuns; mTextRuns = nsnull; ResetTextRuns(); return result; } void nsLineLayout::EndTextRun() { mNewTextRun = nsnull; } nsresult nsLineLayout::AddText(nsIFrame* aTextFrame) { if (nsnull == mNewTextRun) { mNewTextRun = new nsTextRun(); if (nsnull == mNewTextRun) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } *mTextRunP = mNewTextRun; mTextRunP = &mNewTextRun->mNext; } mNewTextRun->mArray.AppendElement(aTextFrame); return NS_OK;/* XXX */ } nsTextRun* nsLineLayout::FindTextRunFor(nsIFrame* aFrame) { // Only the first-in-flows are present in the text run list so // backup from the argument frame to its first-in-flow. for (;;) { nsIFrame* prevInFlow; aFrame->GetPrevInFlow(prevInFlow); if (nsnull == prevInFlow) { break; } aFrame = prevInFlow; } // Now look for the frame in each run nsTextRun* run = mReflowTextRuns; while (nsnull != run) { PRInt32 ix = run->mArray.IndexOf(aFrame); if (ix >= 0) { return run; } run = run->mNext; } return nsnull; } nsIFrame* nsLineLayout::FindNextText(nsIFrame* aFrame) { // Only the first-in-flows are present in the text run list so // backup from the argument frame to its first-in-flow. for (;;) { nsIFrame* prevInFlow; aFrame->GetPrevInFlow(prevInFlow); if (nsnull == prevInFlow) { break; } aFrame = prevInFlow; } // Now look for the frame that follows aFrame's first-in-flow nsTextRun* run = mReflowTextRuns; while (nsnull != run) { PRInt32 ix = run->mArray.IndexOf(aFrame); if (ix >= 0) { if (ix < run->mArray.Count() - 1) { return (nsIFrame*) run->mArray[ix + 1]; } } run = run->mNext; } return nsnull; } PRBool nsLineLayout::IsNextWordFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { if (0 != mWordFrames.Count()) { nsIFrame* next = (nsIFrame*) mWordFrames[0]; return next == aFrame; } return PR_FALSE; } PRBool nsLineLayout::IsLastWordFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { PRInt32 n = mWordFrames.Count(); if (0 != n) { nsIFrame* next = (nsIFrame*) mWordFrames[0]; return (next == aFrame) && (1 == n); } return PR_FALSE; } void nsLineLayout::ForgetWordFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) { NS_ASSERTION((void*)aFrame == mWordFrames[0], "forget-word-frame"); if (0 != mWordFrames.Count()) { mWordFrames.RemoveElementAt(0); } } // XXX move this somewhere else!!! PRBool nsLineLayout::TreatFrameAsBlock(const nsStyleDisplay* aDisplay, const nsStylePosition* aPosition) { if (NS_STYLE_POSITION_ABSOLUTE == aPosition->mPosition) { return PR_FALSE; } if (NS_STYLE_FLOAT_NONE != aDisplay->mFloats) { return PR_FALSE; } switch (aDisplay->mDisplay) { case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_BLOCK: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_RUN_IN: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_COMPACT: case NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE: return PR_TRUE; } return PR_FALSE; } void nsLineLayout::UpdateInlines(nscoord aX, nscoord aY, nscoord aWidth, nscoord aHeight, PRBool aIsLeftFloater) { PRInt32 i, n = mInlineStack.Count(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { nsInlineReflow* ir = (nsInlineReflow*) mInlineStack[i]; ir->UpdateBand(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aIsLeftFloater); // After the first inline is updated the remainder are relative to // their parent therefore zap the x,y coordinates. // XXX border/padding adjustments need to be re-applied for inlines aX = 0; aY = 0; } }