#!/usr/bin/perl # ex: set tabstop=4 expandtab : # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is this file as it was released on # September 12, 2001. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Michel C. C. Buijsman. # Portions created by Michel C. C. Buijsman are Copyright (C) 2001 # Michel C. C. Buijsman. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Michel Buijsman (Original Author) # Peter Annema # Chris Seawood # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the # terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the # "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable # instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your # version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and not to # allow others to use your version of this file under the MPL, # indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and # replace them with the notice and other provisions required by # the GPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient # may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the # GPL. # Usage (Linux only for now): # # Do your normal Mozilla build, preferably a clobber one since # that tends to give you more accurate .deps/*.pp files. # # cd objdir # requires-cleanup.pl > req.diff # # The objdir is the directory where you ran |make| to build Mozilla # use strict; use IO::Handle; my @files = rfind(".", "\\.pp\$"); my $curdir = ""; my %req; foreach my $file ( @files ) { $file =~ m#^(.*?)/\.deps#; if ( $curdir ne $1 ) { domakefile(\%req,$curdir) if $curdir; undef %req; $curdir = $1; } # Find and store all dist/include/ my $content; open FILE, "<$file" or die "can't open file: $!"; $content .= $_ while ( ); close FILE; $content =~ s/\s+/\n/g; foreach my $line ( split /\n/, $content ) { $req{$2} = 1 if ( $line =~ m#(../)*dist/include/(.*)/.*?.h# ); } } domakefile(\%req,$curdir); sub domakefile { my $req = shift; my $dir = shift; # find the Makefile.in by scanning Makefile for the srcdir my $srcdir; open MAKE, "<$dir/Makefile" or die "Couldn't find file 'Makefile' in $dir"; while ( ) { if ( m#^\s*srcdir\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*# ) { $srcdir = $1; last; } } close MAKE; $srcdir or die "No srcdir found in file $dir/Makefile"; open MAKE, "<$curdir/$srcdir/Makefile.in" or die "Couldn't find file 'Makefile.in' in $curdir/$srcdir"; my @lastLines; # buffer to store last three lines in (to emulate diff -B3) my $i; my $j = 3; my $lastLine = ""; my $modified = 0; my @requiresLines = (); # array to contain REQUIRES line(s) we're removing while ( ) { $lastLine = $lastLine.$_; if ( $lastLine =~ m#^REQUIRES\s*=\s*.*\\$# ) { # The REQUIRES line ended with a \ which means it's continued on the next line $requiresLines[$#requiresLines+1] = $_; $lastLine =~ s/\\$//; chomp($lastLine); } elsif ( $lastLine =~ m#(REQUIRES\s*=\s*)(.*)$# ) { $requiresLines[$#requiresLines+1] = $_; $lastLine = ""; my $requires = $1; my $modules = $2; my @reqs = split /\s+/, $modules; my $line = ""; if ( $reqs[$#reqs] ne '$(NULL)' ) { $reqs[$#reqs + 1] = '$(NULL)'; } for ( my $index = 0; $index < $#reqs; $index++ ) { my $item = $reqs[$index]; if ( $item =~ m#^\$\(.*\)$# ) { # always copy "$(XXX)" # keep it } elsif ( $req->{$item} ) { # copy if the module was referenced in .deps # keep it delete($req{$item}); # this filters duplicate entries } else { splice(@reqs, $index, 1); # if it's not in .deps, don't write it out $modified = 1; } } if ( $modified == 0 ) { last; } foreach my $index ( 0 .. $#reqs ) { if ( $index == 0 ) { $reqs[$index] = "REQUIRES\t= ".$reqs[$index]; } else { $reqs[$index] = "\t\t ".$reqs[$index]; } if ( $index < $#reqs ) { $reqs[$index] = $reqs[$index]." \\\n"; } else { $reqs[$index] = $reqs[$index]."\n"; } } # And here's the start of making it look like a cvs diff -u # I chose this approach because it allows a final manual editing pass over # the generated diff before actually modifying the Makefile.ins. We may want # to replace this at some point with direct editing. # Instead of replicating the diff algorithm, this code just removes all of # the old REQUIRES and emits the new REQUIRES, use cvs diff to see the # actual changes. print "Index: $dir/Makefile.in\n"; print "===================================================================\n"; print "--- $dir/Makefile.in\t2001/01/01 00:00:00\n"; print "+++ $dir/Makefile.in\t2001/01/01 00:00:00\n"; print "@@ -".($i-2).",".(7+$#requiresLines)." +".($i-2).",".(7+$#reqs)." @@\n"; while ( $j ) { print " ".$lastLines[($i - $j--) % 3]; } foreach my $i ( @requiresLines ) { print "-".$i; } foreach my $i ( @reqs ) { print "+".$i; } while ( ) { if ( $j++ == 3 ) { last; } print " "; print $_; } last; } else { if ( $lastLine =~ m#^\s*MODULE\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$# ) { # If it's on the MODULE line, no need for it on the REQUIRES line. # XXX if a MODULE line appears after a REQUIRES line we'll not reach this delete($req->{$1}); } $lastLines[$i++ % 3] = $_; $lastLine = ""; } } close MAKE; } exit(0); sub rfind($,$) { my ($dirname, $regexp) = @_; my (@dirlist, @filelist, @sublist, $file, $dir); # Create lists of current files and subdirectories my $SDIR = new IO::Handle; opendir($SDIR, "$dirname") || die "opendir($dirname): $!\n"; while ($file = readdir($SDIR)) { next if ($file eq "." || $file eq ".."); if ( -d "$dirname/$file" ) { push @dirlist, "$file"; } else { push @filelist, "$dirname/$file" if ($file =~ m/$regexp/); } } closedir($SDIR); # Call rfind recursively foreach $dir (@dirlist) { #print "rfind(\"$dirname/$dir\") \n"; @sublist = rfind("$dirname/$dir", $regexp); foreach $file (@sublist) { push @filelist, $file; } } return @filelist; }