# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Tinderbox build tool.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
use strict;
# Reading the log backwards saves time when we only want the tail.
use Backwards;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Tie::IxHash;
use FileHandle;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
require 'header.pl';
# Global variabls and functions for tinderbox
# Constants
# Global variables
# Variables set from Makefile
$::default_cvsroot = "@CVSROOT@";
$::tree_dir = 'trees';
$::static_rel_path = '../../';
if ( ! -d "$::tree_dir/." ) {
$::tree_dir = ".";
$::static_rel_path = "../";
@::global_tree_list = ();
undef @::global_tree_list;
%::global_treedata = undef;
# Always set nowdate to the current time.
$::nowdate = time();
# Show 12 hours by default
$::default_hours = 12;
# Globals used by bonsai & viewvc
# $::query_module
# $::query_branch
# $::query_branchtype
# $::query_branch_head
# $::query_date_min
# $::query_date_max
# $::query_logexpr
# Limit total data shown at once to 1 week (168 hours)
my $max_hours = 168;
# Set this to show real end times for builds instead of just using
# the start of the next build as the end time.
my $display_accurate_build_end_times = 1;
# Format version of treedata.pl
# Use Tie::IxHash to keep order of treedata variables
tie %::default_treedata => 'Tie::IxHash',
treedata_version => 3,
who_days => 14,
use_bonsai => 1,
use_viewvc => 0,
cvs_module => '',
cvs_branch => '',
cvs_root => '',
bonsai_tree => '',
bonsai_dir => '',
bonsai_url => '',
bonsai_dbdriver => '',
bonsai_dbhost => '',
bonsai_dbport => '',
bonsai_dbname => '',
bonsai_dbuser => '',
bonsai_dbpasswd => '',
registry_url => '',
viewvc_url => '',
viewvc_repository => '',
viewvc_dbdriver => '',
viewvc_dbhost => '',
viewvc_dbport => '',
viewvc_dbname => '',
viewvc_dbuser => '',
viewvc_dbpasswd => '';
sub trick_taint{
my $in = shift;
return undef if !defined($in);
$in =~ /(.*)/;
return $1;
sub make_tree_list {
return @::global_tree_list if defined(@::global_tree_list);
foreach my $t (<$::tree_dir/*>) {
$t =~ s@^$::tree_dir/@@;
if (-d "$::tree_dir/$t" && -f "$::tree_dir/$t/treedata.pl") {
push @::global_tree_list, $t;
return @::global_tree_list;
sub validate_tree($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
my @treelist = &make_tree_list();
$tree = undef if (!grep {$tree eq $_} @treelist);
return $tree;
sub require_only_one_tree {
my ($tree) = (@_);
$tree = &validate_tree($tree);
&show_tree_selector, exit if !defined($tree);
return $tree;
sub show_tree_selector {
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "
print "Select one of the following trees: |
print "\n";
print " \n";
my @list = &make_tree_list();
foreach (@list) {
print "- $_\n";
print "
print "";
print "";
print "Create a new tree or administer one of the following trees: |
print "\n";
print " \n";
foreach (@list) {
print "- $_\n";
print "
sub lock_datafile {
my ($file) = @_;
my $lock_fh = new FileHandle ">>$file"
or die "Couldn't open semaphore file, $file: $!";
# Get an exclusive lock with a non-blocking request
unless (flock($lock_fh, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) {
die "Lock unavailable: $!";
return $lock_fh;
sub unlock_datafile {
my ($lock_fh) = @_;
flock $lock_fh, LOCK_UN; # Free the lock
close $lock_fh;
sub print_time {
my ($t) = @_;
my ($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year);
($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,undef) = localtime($t);
sprintf("%d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$minute,$sec);
# is_today( $time )
# Takes a Unix time_t and returns true if it represents a time that has
# the same 'day of year' and 'year' as today. Returns true if no arguments
# were given.
sub is_today {
my ($tt) = @_;
my $today = 1;
if ( $tt ) {
my $tt_year = (localtime($tt))[5];
my $tt_yday = (localtime($tt))[7];
my $now_year = (localtime())[5];
my $now_yday = (localtime())[7];
if ( ($tt_year ne $now_year) or ($tt_yday ne $now_yday) ) {
$today = 0;
return $today;
# both_are_today( $time1, $time2 )
# Tests both $time1 and $time2 to see if either are not today. Returns true
# in that case and false otherwise.
sub both_are_today {
my ($t11, $t22) = @_;
return 0 if ! is_today($t11);
return 0 if ! is_today($t22);
return 1;
# get_local_hms( $time, $qualify )
# Converts a Unix time_t value into a date using format HH:MM. If $qualify
# is true, it qualifies the date by prepending mm/DD. Returns the resulting
# string.
sub get_local_hms {
my ($t, $need_to_qualify) = @_;
my (undef,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,undef) = localtime($t);
my $formatted_date = sprintf("%02d:%02d",$hour,$minute);
if ($need_to_qualify) {
$formatted_date = sprintf("%d/%02d/%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday) . " " . $formatted_date;
return $formatted_date;
# get_time_difference( $time1, $time2 )
# Calculates a human-readable difference in time between two Unix time_t
# values. Returns the resulting string.
sub get_time_difference {
my ($t11, $t22) = @_;
$t11 = 0 if !$t11;
$t22 = 0 if !$t22;
# Flip $t11 and $t22 if $t22 isn't later than $t11.
if ( $t11 gt $t22 ) {
my $temp = $t11;
$t11 = $t22;
$t22 = $temp;
my $time_diff = $t22 - $t11;
# @time_slots is an array that we will keep our time difference in.
# 0 => seconds
# 1 => minutes
# 2 => hours
# 3 => days
my @time_slots;
# Zero out the array.
for my $ii ( 0 .. 3 ) {
$time_slots[$ii] = 0;
# What's in $time_diff is the difference in seconds. Modulo 60 to get a
# number of seconds within a minute.
$time_slots[0] = $time_diff % 60;
$time_diff = $time_diff / 60;
# Now what's left in $time_diff is the difference in minutes. Modulo 60 to
# get a number of minutes within an hour.
$time_slots[1] = $time_diff % 60;
$time_diff = $time_diff / 60;
# Now what's left in $time_diff is the difference in hours. Modulo 24 to get
# a number of hours within a day.
$time_slots[2] = $time_diff % 24;
$time_diff = $time_diff / 24;
# Now what's left in $time_diff are the number of days. Floor it to get rid
# of any fractional left from previous maths.
$time_slots[3] = floor($time_diff);
# format_time_difference( @time_slots )
# Called by get_time_difference(), takes its @time_slots arrary and parses it
# into human-readable text. Returns the resulting string.
sub format_time_difference {
my @time_slots = @_;
# As above, @time_slots is an array that holds our time difference.
# 0 => seconds
# 1 => minutes
# 2 => hours
# 3 => days
my @formatted;
if ( $time_slots[3] eq 1 ) {
push(@formatted, "1 day");
} elsif ( $time_slots[3] gt 1 ) {
push(@formatted, $time_slots[3] . " days");
if ( $time_slots[2] eq 1 ) {
push(@formatted, "1 hour");
} elsif ( $time_slots[2] gt 1 ) {
push(@formatted, $time_slots[2] . " hours");
if ( $time_slots[1] eq 1 ) {
push(@formatted, "1 minute");
} elsif ( $time_slots[1] gt 1 ) {
push(@formatted, $time_slots[1] . " minutes");
# I love that we can track seconds and let the world know, but the unit is
# too small to be of utility right now. Sticking this code in an always-
# false conditional in case we want to turn this on in the future.
if ( 0 ) {
if ( $time_slots[0] eq 1 ) {
push(@formatted, "1 second");
} elsif ( $time_slots[0] gt 1 ) {
push(@formatted, $time_slots[0] . " seconds");
my $formatted_diff;
if ( scalar(@formatted) gt 0 ) {
$formatted_diff = join(', ', @formatted);
} else {
$formatted_diff = "no time";
return $formatted_diff;
# This should really adhere to:
# http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm
sub url_encode {
my ($s) = @_;
# First change all percent signs since later encodings use them as escapes.
$s =~ s/\%/\%25/g;
$s =~ s/\=/\%3d/g;
$s =~ s/\?/\%3f/g;
$s =~ s/ /\%20/g;
$s =~ s/\n/\%0a/g;
$s =~ s/\r//g;
$s =~ s/\"/\%22/g;
$s =~ s/\'/\%27/g;
$s =~ s/\|/\%7c/g;
$s =~ s/\&/\%26/g;
$s =~ s/\+/\%2b/g;
return $s;
sub url_decode {
my ($value) = @_;
$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
return $value;
sub value_encode {
my ($s) = @_;
$s =~ s@&@&@g;
$s =~ s@<@<@g;
$s =~ s@>@>@g;
$s =~ s@\"@"@g;
return $s;
# Quotify a string, suitable for output as form values
sub value_quote {
my ($var) = (@_);
return "" if (!defined($var));
$var =~ s/\&/\&/g;
$var =~ s/\</g;
$var =~ s/>/\>/g;
$var =~ s/\"/\"/g;
$var =~ s/\n/\
$var =~ s/\r/\
return $var;
# Only allow characters suitable for invoking a shell process
sub shell_escape {
my ($file) = @_;
$file =~ tr/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\_\+\=\.\,]//;
return $file;
# Trim whitespace from front and back.
sub trim {
($_) = (@_);
return $_;
sub tb_load_treedata($) {
my ($tree) = @_;
# Load $tree/treedata.pl into global tree hash
# The assumption here is that the treedata.pl represents
# static server-side data that will not change while
# the scripts are being run.
if (!defined($::global_treedata->{$tree})) {
for my $key (keys %::default_treedata) {
${$TreeConfig::{$key}} = undef;
package TreeConfig;
do "$::tree_dir/$tree/treedata.pl"
if -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/treedata.pl";
package main;
for my $key (keys %::default_treedata) {
if (defined(${$TreeConfig::{$key}})) {
$::global_treedata->{$tree}->{$key} = ${$TreeConfig::{$key}};
if (!defined($::global_treedata->{$tree})) {
print STDERR "Cannot gather tree configuration for " .
&shell_escape($tree) . "\n";
sub tb_load_ignorebuilds($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
my $ignore_builds = {};
undef $TreeConfig::ignore_builds;
package TreeConfig;
do "$::tree_dir/$tree/ignorebuilds.pl"
if -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/ignorebuilds.pl";
package main;
$ignore_builds = $TreeConfig::ignore_builds
if (defined($TreeConfig::ignore_builds));
undef $TreeConfig::ignore_builds;
return $ignore_builds;
sub tb_load_scrapebuilds($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
my $scrape_builds = {};
undef $TreeConfig::scrape_builds;
package TreeConfig;
do "$::tree_dir/$tree/scrapebuilds.pl"
if -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/scrapebuilds.pl";
package main;
$scrape_builds = $TreeConfig::scrape_builds
if (defined($TreeConfig::scrape_builds));
undef $TreeConfig::scrape_builds;
return $scrape_builds;
sub tb_load_warningbuilds($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
my $warning_builds = {};
undef $TreeConfig::warning_builds;
package TreeConfig;
do "$::tree_dir/$tree/warningbuilds.pl"
if -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/warningbuilds.pl";
package main;
$warning_builds = $TreeConfig::warning_builds
if (defined($TreeConfig::warning_builds));
undef $TreeConfig::warning_builds;
return $warning_builds;
sub tb_load_rules($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
my $rules = '';
undef $TreeConfig::rules_message;
package TreeConfig;
do "$::tree_dir/$tree/rules.pl"
if -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/rules.pl";
package main;
$rules = $TreeConfig::rules_message
if (defined($TreeConfig::rules_message));
undef $TreeConfig::rules_message;
return $rules;
sub tb_load_sheriff($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
my $sheriff = undef;
undef $TreeConfig::current_sheriff;
package TreeConfig;
do "$::tree_dir/$tree/sheriff.pl"
if -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/sheriff.pl";
package main;
$sheriff = $TreeConfig::current_sheriff
if (defined($TreeConfig::current_sheriff));
undef $TreeConfig::current_sheriff;
return $sheriff;
sub tb_load_status($) {
my ($tree) = (@_);
my $status = undef;
undef $TreeConfig::status_message;
package TreeConfig;
do "$::tree_dir/$tree/status.pl"
if -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/status.pl";
package main;
$status = $TreeConfig::status_message
if (defined($TreeConfig::status_message));
undef $TreeConfig::status_message;
return $status;
sub tb_load_data($) {
my ($form_ref) = @_;
my $tree = $form_ref->{tree};
return undef unless $tree;
my $td = {};
$td->{name} = $tree;
$td->{num} = 0;
$td->{cvs_module} = $::global_treedata->{$tree}->{cvs_module};
$td->{cvs_branch} = $::global_treedata->{$tree}->{cvs_branch};
$td->{ignore_builds} = &tb_load_ignorebuilds($tree);
$td->{scrape_builds} = &tb_load_scrapebuilds($tree);
$td->{warning_builds} = &tb_load_warningbuilds($tree);
$td->{cvs_root} = $::global_treedata->{$tree}->{cvs_root};
my $hours = $form_ref->{hours} || $::default_hours;
$td->{maxdate} = $form_ref->{maxdate};
if (!defined($td->{maxdate}) || $td->{maxdate} <= 0) {
$td->{maxdate} = $::nowdate;
# Mindate must be within $max_hours of maxdate
$td->{mindate} = $form_ref->{mindate};
if (!defined($td->{mindate})) {
$td->{mindate} = $td->{maxdate} - $hours*60*60;
} elsif ($td->{mindate} < $td->{maxdate} - $max_hours*60*60) {
$td->{mindate} = $td->{maxdate} - $max_hours*60*60;
$td->{mindate} = 0 if ($td->{mindate} < 0);
my $build_list = &load_buildlog($td, $form_ref);
&get_build_name_index(\$td, $build_list);
&get_build_time_index(\$td, $build_list);
$td->{build_table} = &make_build_table(\$td, $build_list);
$td->{scrape} = &load_scrape($td);
$td->{warnings} = &load_warnings($td);
return $td;
sub tb_loadquickparseinfo {
my ($tree, $maxdate, $qdref, $includeStatusOfBuilding) = (@_);
local $_;
my $maxdate = $::nowdate if !defined($maxdate);
return if (! -d "$::tree_dir/$tree" || ! -r "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat");
my $ignore_builds = &tb_load_ignorebuilds($tree);
my $bw = Backwards->new("$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat") or die;
my $latest_time = 0;
my $tooearly = 0;
while( $_ = $bw->readline ) {
my ($buildtime, $buildname, $buildstatus, $binaryurl) = (split /\|/)[1,2,4,6];
if ($includeStatusOfBuilding or
$buildstatus =~ /^success|busted|testfailed$/) {
# Ignore stuff in the future.
next if $buildtime > $maxdate;
$latest_time = $buildtime if $buildtime > $latest_time;
# Ignore stuff more than 12 hours old
if ($buildtime < $latest_time - 12*60*60) {
# Hack: A build may give a bogus time. To compensate, we will
# not stop until we hit 20 consecutive lines that are too early.
# XXX bug 225735: This is the wrong way of doing things. When a
# flood of backed up mail from one machine comes in, it can easily
# be more than 20. We should be looking at the mail receipt time
# to decide when we're done rather than the build time.
last if $tooearly++ > 20;
$tooearly = 0;
next if exists $ignore_builds->{$buildname};
next if exists $qdref->{$buildname}->{buildstatus}
and $qdref->{$buildname}->{buildtime} >= $buildtime;
$qdref->{$buildname}->{buildstatus} = $buildstatus;
$qdref->{$buildname}->{buildtime} = $buildtime;
$qdref->{$buildname}->{binaryurl} = $binaryurl;
sub tb_last_status($$) {
my ($td, $build_index) = @_;
for (my $tt=0; $tt < $td->{time_count}; $tt++) {
my $br = $td->{build_table}->[$tt][$build_index];
next unless defined $br and $br != -1 and $br->{buildstatus};
next unless $br->{buildstatus} =~ /^(success|busted|testfailed)$/;
return $br->{buildstatus};
return 'building';
sub tb_check_password($$) {
my ($form_ref, $cj_ref) = (@_);
my %form = %{$form_ref};
my %cookie_jar = %{$cj_ref};
if ($form{password} eq '' and defined $cookie_jar{tinderbox_password}) {
$form{password} = $cookie_jar{tinderbox_password};
my $correct = '';
if (open(REAL, "<", "$::data_dir/passwd")) {
$correct = ;
close REAL;
$correct =~ s/\s+$//; # Strip trailing whitespace.
$form{password} =~ s/\s+$//; # Strip trailing whitespace.
if ($form{password} ne '') {
my $encoded = md5_hex($form{password});
$encoded =~ s/\s+$//; # Strip trailing whitespace.
if ($encoded eq $correct) {
if ($form{rememberpassword} ne '') {
print "Set-Cookie: tinderbox_password=$form{'password'} ;"
." path=/ ; expires = Sun, 1-Mar-2020 00:00:00 GMT\n";
# Force a return here to test w/o a password.
# return;
require 'header.pl';
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "Set-Cookie: tinderbox_password= ; path=/ ; "
." Expires = Sun, 1-Mar-2020 00:00:00 GMT\n";
print "\n";
EmitHtmlHeader("What's the magic word?",
"You need to know the magic word to use this page.");
if ($form{password} ne '') {
print "Invalid password; try again.
print q(
sub tb_find_build_record {
my ($tree, $logfile) = @_;
local $_;
my $log_entry = '';
my ($bw) = Backwards->new("$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat") or die;
while( $_ = $bw->readline ) {
$log_entry = $_ if /$logfile/;
# Skip the logfile in the parse since it is already known.
my ($endtime, $buildtime, $buildname, $errorparser,
$buildstatus, $binaryurl) = (split /\|/, $log_entry)[0..4,6];
my $buildrec = {
endtime => $endtime,
buildtime => $buildtime,
buildname => $buildname,
errorparser => $errorparser,
buildstatus => $buildstatus,
logfile => $logfile,
binaryurl => $binaryurl,
td => undef
return $buildrec;
sub write_treedata() {
my ($file, $treedata) = @_;
open( F, ">", "$file") or die ("$file: $!\n");
for my $var (keys %$treedata) {
my $value;
if ("$var" eq "treedata_version" || "$var" eq "who_days" ||
"$var" eq "use_bonsai" || "$var" eq "use_viewvc") {
$value = $treedata->{$var};
} else {
$value = "\'$treedata->{$var}\'";
print F "\$${var}=$value;\n";
print F "1;\n";
close( F );
sub tb_trim_logs($$$$) {
my ($tree, $days, $verbose, $do_html) = (@_);
# Do nothing if incomplete params are given
return if (!defined($days) || !defined($tree) || !defined($verbose) ||
my $min_date = time - (60*60*24 * $days);
# Nuke the old log files
my $i = 0;
my $tblocks;
opendir( D, &shell_escape("$::tree_dir/$tree") );
while( my $fn = readdir( D ) ){
if( $fn =~ /\.(?:gz|brief\.html)$/ ||
$fn =~ m/^warn.*?\.html$/){
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,
$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$tree/$fn");
if( $mtime && ($mtime < $min_date) ){
print "$fn\n" if ($verbose > 1);
$tblocks += $blocks;
unlink( "$::tree_dir/$tree/$fn" );
closedir( D );
my $k = $tblocks*512/1024;
if ($verbose) {
print "
" if ($do_html);
print "$i Logfiles ( $k K bytes ) removed";
print "
" if ($do_html);
print "\n";
# Trim build.dat
my $builds_removed = 0;
open(BD, "<", "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat");
open(NBD, ">", "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat.new");
while( ){
my ($endtime,$buildtime,$buildname) = split( /\|/ );
if( $buildtime >= $min_date ){
print NBD $_;
else {
close( BD );
close( NBD );
unlink( "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat.old" );
rename( "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat", "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat.old" );
rename( "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat.new", "$::tree_dir/$tree/build.dat" );
# Trim scrape.dat & warnings.dat
for my $file ("scrape.dat", "warnings.dat") {
open(BD, "<", "$::tree_dir/$tree/$file");
open(NBD, ">", "$::tree_dir/$tree/$file.new");
while () {
my ($logfile, $junk) = split (/\|/);
my ($buildtime, $processtime, $pid) = split (/\./, $logfile);
if ($buildtime >= $min_date) {
print NBD $_;
rename("$::tree_dir/$tree/$file", "$::tree_dir/$tree/$file.old");
rename("$::tree_dir/$tree/$file.new", "$::tree_dir/$tree/$file");
return $builds_removed;
# end of public functions
sub load_buildlog($$) {
my ($treedata, $form_ref) = (@_);
# In general you always want to make "$_" a local
# if it is used. That way it is restored upon return.
local $_;
my $build_list = [];
my ($bw) = Backwards->new("$::tree_dir/$treedata->{name}/build.dat") or die;
my $tooearly = 0;
my $internal_build_list;
LOOP: while( $_ = $bw->readline ) {
my ($endtime, $buildtime, $buildname,
$errorparser, $buildstatus, $logfile, $binaryurl) = split /\|/;
# Ignore stuff in the future.
next if $buildtime > $treedata->{maxdate};
# Ignore stuff in the past (but get a 2 hours of extra data)
if ($buildtime < $treedata->{mindate} - 2*60*60) {
# Occasionally, a build might show up with a bogus time. So,
# we won't judge ourselves as having hit the end until we
# hit a full 20 lines in a row that are too early.
# XXX bug 225735: This is the wrong way of doing things. When a
# flood of backed up mail from one machine comes in, it can easily
# be more than 20. We should be looking at the mail receipt time
# to decide when we're done rather than the build time.
last if $tooearly++ > 20;
$tooearly = 0;
if ($form_ref->{noignore} or not $treedata->{ignore_builds}->{$buildname}) {
# Latest record in build.dat for this (buildtime, buildname) tuple wins.
if ( $internal_build_list->{$buildtime}->{$buildname} ) {
next LOOP;
} else {
$internal_build_list->{$buildtime}->{$buildname} = 1;
my $buildrec = {
endtime => $endtime,
buildtime => $buildtime,
buildname => $buildname,
errorparser => $errorparser,
buildstatus => $buildstatus,
logfile => $logfile,
binaryurl => $binaryurl,
td => $treedata
push @{$build_list}, $buildrec;
return $build_list;
# Load data about who checked in when
# File format: |
sub load_who {
my ($td_ref) = @_;
local $_;
my $who_list = [];
open(WHOLOG, "<", "$::tree_dir/${$td_ref}->{name}/who.dat");
while () {
my ($checkin_time, $email) = split /\|/;
# Find the time slice where this checkin belongs.
for (my $ii = ${$td_ref}->{time_count} - 1; $ii >= 0; $ii--) {
if ($checkin_time < ${$td_ref}->{build_time_times}->[$ii]) {
$who_list->[$ii+1]->{$email} = 1;
# Ignore the last one
#if (${$td_ref}->{time_count} > 0) {
# $who_list->[${$td_ref}->{time_count}] = {};
# Return results
${$td_ref}->{who_list} = $who_list;
# Load data about scrape data.
# File format: |||...
sub load_scrape {
my $treedata = $_[0];
local $_;
my $mindate = $treedata->{mindate};
my $maxdate = $treedata->{maxdate};
my $scrape = {};
open(SCRAPELOG, "<", "$::tree_dir/$treedata->{name}/scrape.dat");
while () {
my @list = split /\|/;
my $logfile = @list[0];
my ($buildtime, $processtime, $pid, $extension) = split(/\./, $logfile);
if (($buildtime < $mindate) || ($buildtime > $maxdate)) {
$scrape->{$logfile} = [ @list ];
return $scrape;
# Load data about build warnings
# File format: |
sub load_warnings {
my $treedata = $_[0];
local $_;
my $warnings = {};
open(WARNINGLOG, "<", "$::tree_dir/$treedata->{name}/warnings.dat");
while () {
my ($logfile, $warning_count) = split /\|/;
$warnings->{$logfile} = $warning_count;
return $warnings;
sub get_build_name_index {
my ($td_ref, $build_list) = @_;
my $build_name_index = {};
my $build_names = [];
my $name_count = 0;
# Get all the unique build names.
foreach my $build_record (@{$build_list}) {
$build_name_index->{$build_record->{buildname}} = 1;
my $ii = 0;
foreach my $name (sort keys %{$build_name_index}) {
$build_names->[$ii] = $name;
$build_name_index->{$name} = $ii;
$name_count = $#{$build_names} + 1;
# Return results
${$td_ref}->{build_name_index} = $build_name_index;
${$td_ref}->{build_names} = $build_names;
${$td_ref}->{name_count} = $name_count;
sub get_build_time_index {
my ($td_ref, $build_list) = @_;
my $build_time_index = {};
my $build_time_times = [];
my $mindate_time_count = 0; # time_count that corresponds to the mindate
my $time_count = 0;
# Get all the unique build names.
foreach my $br (@{$build_list}) {
$build_time_index->{$br->{buildtime}} = 1;
if ($display_accurate_build_end_times) {
$build_time_index->{$br->{endtime}} = 1;
my $ii = 0;
foreach my $time (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %{$build_time_index}) {
$build_time_times->[$ii] = $time;
$build_time_index->{$time} = $ii;
$mindate_time_count = $ii if $time >= ${$td_ref}->{mindate};
$time_count = $#{$build_time_times} + 1;
# Return results
${$td_ref}->{build_time_times} = $build_time_times;
${$td_ref}->{build_time_index} = $build_time_index;
${$td_ref}->{mindate_time_count} = $mindate_time_count;
${$td_ref}->{time_count} = $time_count;
sub make_build_table {
my ($td_ref, $build_list) = @_;
my ($ti, $bi, $ti1, $br, $br1);
my $build_table = [];
# Create the build table
for (my $ii=0; $ii < ${$td_ref}->{time_count}; $ii++){
$build_table->[$ii] = [];
# Populate the build table with build data
foreach $br (reverse @{$build_list}) {
$ti = ${$td_ref}->{build_time_index}->{$br->{buildtime}};
$bi = ${$td_ref}->{build_name_index}->{$br->{buildname}};
$build_table->[$ti][$bi] = $br;
# Notes need to be loaded here before the build_table is modified below
&load_notes($td_ref, \$build_table);
for ($bi = ${$td_ref}->{name_count} - 1; $bi >= 0; $bi--) {
for ($ti = ${$td_ref}->{time_count} - 1; $ti >= 0; $ti--) {
if (defined($br = $build_table->[$ti][$bi])
and $br != -1
and not defined($br->{'rowspan'})) {
# Find the next-defined cell after us. We may run all the
# way to the end of the page and not find a defined cell.
# That's okay.
$ti1 = $ti+1;
while ($ti1 < ${$td_ref}->{time_count} and
not defined $build_table->[$ti1][$bi]) {
if (defined($br1 = $build_table->[$ti1][$bi])) {
$br->{previousbuildtime} = $br1->{buildtime};
$ti1 = $ti-1;
if ($br->{buildstatus} eq 'building' or
not $display_accurate_build_end_times) {
# If the current record represents a system that's
# still building, we'll use the old style and let the
# build window "slide" up to the next defined build record.
while ( $ti1 >= 0 and
not defined $build_table->[$ti1][$bi] ) {
$build_table->[$ti1][$bi] = -1;
} else {
# If the current record has a non 'building' status,
# we stop the build window at its "endtime".
while ( $ti1 >= 0
and not defined $build_table->[$ti1][$bi]
and ${$td_ref}->{build_time_times}->[$ti1] <
$br->{endtime} ) {
$build_table->[$ti1][$bi] = -1;
$br->{rowspan} = $ti - $ti1;
unless ($br->{rowspan} == 1) {
$build_table->[$ti1+1][$bi] = $br;
$build_table->[$ti][$bi] = -1;
# After we've filled out $build_table with all of the applicable build
# records, we can do another pass over the table and fill in all the other
# pieces with null records to pretty up our output. Ain't that fanciful.
# When we're not using the optional "show real end times" feature, this
# section of code is a no-op. Every cell will be defined, either with a
# real $br or being set to -1.
for ($bi = ${$td_ref}->{name_count} - 1; $bi >= 0; $bi--) {
for ($ti = ${$td_ref}->{time_count} - 1; $ti >= 0; $ti--) {
if (not defined($build_table->[$ti][$bi])) {
my $ti1 = $ti;
while ( $ti1 >= 0 and not defined $build_table->[$ti1][$bi] ) {
$build_table->[$ti1][$bi] = -1;
my $null_record_br = {};
$null_record_br->{buildstatus} = "null";
$null_record_br->{rowspan} = $ti - $ti1;
$build_table->[$ti1+1][$bi] = $null_record_br;
# Return results
${$td_ref}->{build_table} = $build_table;
sub load_notes(\$\$) {
my ($td_ref, $bt_ref) = (@_);
my @note_array = ();
open(NOTES, "<", "$::tree_dir/${$td_ref}->{name}/notes.txt")
or print "warning: Couldn't open ${$td_ref}->{name}/notes.txt
while () {
my ($nbuildtime,$nbuildname,$nwho,$nnow,$nenc_note) = split /\|/;
my $ti = ${$td_ref}->{build_time_index}->{$nbuildtime};
my $bi = ${$td_ref}->{build_name_index}->{$nbuildname};
if (defined $ti and defined $bi) {
${$bt_ref}->[$ti][$bi]->{hasnote} = 1;
unless (defined ${$bt_ref}->[$ti][$bi]->{noteid}) {
${$bt_ref}->[$ti][$bi]->{noteid} = $#note_array + 1;
my $noteid = ${$bt_ref}->[$ti][$bi]->{noteid};
my $now_str = &print_time($nnow);
my $note = &url_decode($nenc_note);
$note_array[$noteid] = '' unless $note_array[$noteid];
$note_array[$noteid] = "\n["
."$nwho - $now_str]\n$note\n
close NOTES;
# Return results
${$td_ref}->{note_array} = \@note_array;
sub split_cgi_args {
my (@args, $pair, $key, $value, $s, %form);
$s .= $_ while (<>);
else {
$s =~ tr/+/ /;
@args= split(/\&/, $s );
for $pair (@args) {
($key, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
$key =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$form{$key} = $value;
# Sanitize form values
# The hours field is passed from cgi to cgi so make sure that
# it contains a proper value if defined
if (defined($form{'hours'})) {
if ($form{'hours'} > $max_hours) {
$form{'hours'} = $max_hours;
} elsif ($form{'hours'} <= 0) {
$form{'hours'} = $::default_hours;
return %form;
sub split_cookie_args {
# extract the cookies from the HTTP_COOKIE environment
my %cookie_jar = split('[;=] *',$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'});
return %cookie_jar;
sub make_cgi_args {
my (%form) = (@_);
my ($k,$v,$ret);
for $k (sort keys %form){
$ret .= ($ret eq "" ? '?' : '&');
$v = $form{$k};
$ret .= &url_encode($k);
$ret .= '=';
$ret .= &url_encode($v);
return $ret;
my @weekdays = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
my @months = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
sub toGMTString {
my ($seconds) = $_[0];
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)
= gmtime($seconds);
$year += 1900;
sprintf('%s, %02d-%s-%d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT',