/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * This Original Code has been modified by IBM Corporation. Modifications made by IBM * described herein are Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corporation, 2000. * Modifications to Mozilla code or documentation identified per MPL Section 3.3 * * Date Modified by Description of modification * 04/20/2000 IBM Corp. OS/2 VisualAge build. */ #include "nsICSSLoader.h" #include "nsICSSLoaderObserver.h" #include "nsICSSParser.h" #include "nsICSSStyleSheet.h" #include "nsIParser.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIDOMNode.h" #include "nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsINameSpaceManager.h" #include "nsIStreamLoader.h" #include "nsIUnicharInputStream.h" #include "nsICharsetConverterManager.h" #include "nsIUnicodeDecoder.h" #include "nsICharsetAlias.h" #include "nsHashtable.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsVoidArray.h" #include "nsISupportsArray.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h" #include "nsITimelineService.h" #include "nsIHttpChannel.h" #include "nsHTMLAtoms.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL #include "nsIXULPrototypeCache.h" #endif #include "nsIDOMMediaList.h" #include "nsIDOMStyleSheet.h" static NS_DEFINE_CID(kCharsetConverterManagerCID, NS_ICHARSETCONVERTERMANAGER_CID); class CSSLoaderImpl; MOZ_DECL_CTOR_COUNTER(URLKey) class URLKey: public nsHashKey { public: URLKey(nsIURI* aURL) : nsHashKey(), mURL(aURL), mSpec(nsnull) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(URLKey); NS_ADDREF(mURL); mHashValue = 0; mURL->GetSpec((char **)&mSpec); if (mSpec) { mHashValue = nsCRT::HashCode(mSpec); } } URLKey(const URLKey& aKey) : nsHashKey(), mURL(aKey.mURL), mHashValue(aKey.mHashValue), mSpec(nsnull) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(URLKey); NS_ADDREF(mURL); if (aKey.mSpec) mSpec = nsCRT::strdup(aKey.mSpec); } virtual ~URLKey(void) { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(URLKey); NS_RELEASE(mURL); if (mSpec) nsCRT::free((char *)mSpec); mSpec = nsnull; } virtual PRUint32 HashCode(void) const { return mHashValue; } virtual PRBool Equals(const nsHashKey* aKey) const { URLKey* key = (URLKey*)aKey; #if 0 // bug 47846 PRBool equals = PR_FALSE; nsresult result = mURL->Equals(key->mURL, &equals); return (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && equals); #else return (nsCRT::strcasecmp(mSpec, key->mSpec) == 0); #endif } virtual nsHashKey *Clone(void) const { return new URLKey(*this); } nsIURI* mURL; PRUint32 mHashValue; const char* mSpec; }; class SheetLoadData : public nsIStreamLoaderObserver { public: virtual ~SheetLoadData(void); SheetLoadData(CSSLoaderImpl* aLoader, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, nsIContent* aOwner, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIParser* aParserToUnblock, PRBool aIsInline, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver); SheetLoadData(CSSLoaderImpl* aLoader, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, nsICSSStyleSheet* aParentSheet, PRInt32 aSheetIndex, nsICSSImportRule* aParentRule); SheetLoadData(CSSLoaderImpl* aLoader, nsIURI* aURL, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSISTREAMLOADEROBSERVER CSSLoaderImpl* mLoader; nsIURI* mURL; nsString mTitle; nsString mMedia; PRInt32 mDefaultNameSpaceID; PRInt32 mSheetIndex; nsIContent* mOwningElement; nsIParser* mParserToUnblock; PRBool mDidBlockParser; nsICSSStyleSheet* mParentSheet; nsICSSImportRule* mParentRule; SheetLoadData* mNext; SheetLoadData* mParentData; PRUint32 mPendingChildren; PRBool mIsInline; PRBool mIsAgent; PRBool mSyncLoad; nsICSSLoaderObserver* mObserver; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(SheetLoadData, nsIStreamLoaderObserver); MOZ_DECL_CTOR_COUNTER(PendingSheetData) struct PendingSheetData { PendingSheetData(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIContent* aElement, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) : mSheet(aSheet), mDocIndex(aDocIndex), mOwningElement(aElement), mNotify(PR_FALSE), mObserver(aObserver) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(PendingSheetData); NS_ADDREF(mSheet); NS_IF_ADDREF(mOwningElement); NS_IF_ADDREF(mObserver); } ~PendingSheetData(void) { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(PendingSheetData); NS_RELEASE(mSheet); NS_IF_RELEASE(mOwningElement); NS_IF_RELEASE(mObserver); } nsICSSStyleSheet* mSheet; PRInt32 mDocIndex; nsIContent* mOwningElement; PRBool mNotify; nsICSSLoaderObserver* mObserver; }; class CSSLoaderImpl: public nsICSSLoader { public: CSSLoaderImpl(void); virtual ~CSSLoaderImpl(void); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_IMETHOD Init(nsIDocument* aDocument); NS_IMETHOD DropDocumentReference(void); NS_IMETHOD SetCaseSensitive(PRBool aCaseSensitive); NS_IMETHOD SetQuirkMode(PRBool aQuirkMode); NS_IMETHOD SetPreferredSheet(const nsAReadableString& aTitle); NS_IMETHOD GetParserFor(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, nsICSSParser** aParser); NS_IMETHOD RecycleParser(nsICSSParser* aParser); NS_IMETHOD LoadInlineStyle(nsIContent* aElement, nsIUnicharInputStream* aIn, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, PRInt32 aIndex, nsIParser* aParserToUnblock, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver); NS_IMETHOD LoadStyleLink(nsIContent* aElement, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, PRInt32 aIndex, nsIParser* aParserToUnblock, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver); NS_IMETHOD LoadChildSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aParentSheet, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, PRInt32 aIndex, nsICSSImportRule* aRule); NS_IMETHOD LoadAgentSheet(nsIURI* aURL, nsICSSStyleSheet*& aSheet, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver); // local helper methods (public for access from statics) void Cleanup(URLKey& aKey, SheetLoadData* aLoadData); nsresult SheetComplete(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, SheetLoadData* aLoadData); nsresult ParseSheet(nsIUnicharInputStream* aIn, SheetLoadData* aLoadData, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSStyleSheet*& aSheet); void DidLoadStyle(nsIStreamLoader* aLoader, nsString* aStyleData, // takes ownership, will delete when done SheetLoadData* aLoadData, nsresult aStatus); nsresult SetMedia(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, const nsString& aMedia); nsresult PrepareSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia); nsresult AddPendingSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIContent* aElement, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver); PRBool IsAlternate(const nsString& aTitle); nsresult InsertSheetInDoc(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIContent* aElement, PRBool aNotify, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver); nsresult InsertChildSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, nsICSSStyleSheet* aParentSheet, PRInt32 aIndex); nsresult LoadSheet(URLKey& aKey, SheetLoadData* aData); nsIDocument* mDocument; // the document we live for PRBool mCaseSensitive; // is document CSS case sensitive PRBool mNavQuirkMode; // should CSS be in quirk mode nsString mPreferredSheet; // title of preferred sheet nsISupportsArray* mParsers; // array of CSS parsers nsHashtable mLoadedSheets; // url to first sheet fully loaded for URL nsHashtable mLoadingSheets; // all current loads // mParsingData is (almost?) always needed, so create with storage nsAutoVoidArray mParsingData; // array of data for sheets currently parsing nsVoidArray mPendingDocSheets; // loaded sheet waiting for doc insertion nsVoidArray mPendingAlternateSheets; // alternates waiting for load to start nsHashtable mSheetMapTable; // map to insertion index arrays // @charset support nsString mCharset; // the charset we are using NS_IMETHOD GetCharset(/*out*/nsAString &aCharsetDest) const; // PUBLIC NS_IMETHOD SetCharset(/*in*/ const nsAString &aCharsetSrc); // PUBLIC // public method for clients to set the charset if they know it // NOTE: the SetCharset method will always get the preferred // charset from the charset passed in unless it is the // emptystring, which causes the default charset (that of the // document, falling back to ISO-8869-1) to be set nsresult SetCharset(/*in*/ const char* aStyleSheetData, /*in*/ PRUint32 aDataLength); // sets the charset based upon the data passed in // - if the StyleSheetData is not empty and it has '@charset' // as the first substring, then use that // - otherwise return an error // stop loading all sheets NS_IMETHOD Stop(void); // stop loading one sheet NS_IMETHOD StopLoadingSheet(nsIURI* aURL); #ifdef NS_DEBUG PRBool mSyncCallback; #endif }; SheetLoadData::SheetLoadData(CSSLoaderImpl* aLoader, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, nsIContent* aOwner, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIParser* aParserToUnblock, PRBool aIsInline, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) : mLoader(aLoader), mURL(aURL), mTitle(aTitle), mMedia(aMedia), mDefaultNameSpaceID(aDefaultNameSpaceID), mSheetIndex(aDocIndex), mOwningElement(aOwner), mParserToUnblock(aParserToUnblock), mDidBlockParser(PR_FALSE), mParentSheet(nsnull), mParentRule(nsnull), mNext(nsnull), mParentData(nsnull), mPendingChildren(0), mIsInline(aIsInline), mIsAgent(PR_FALSE), mSyncLoad(PR_FALSE), mObserver(aObserver) { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); NS_ADDREF(mLoader); NS_ADDREF(mURL); NS_IF_ADDREF(mOwningElement); NS_IF_ADDREF(mParserToUnblock); NS_IF_ADDREF(mObserver); } SheetLoadData::SheetLoadData(CSSLoaderImpl* aLoader, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, nsICSSStyleSheet* aParentSheet, PRInt32 aSheetIndex, nsICSSImportRule* aParentRule) : mLoader(aLoader), mURL(aURL), mTitle(), mMedia(aMedia), mDefaultNameSpaceID(aDefaultNameSpaceID), mSheetIndex(aSheetIndex), mOwningElement(nsnull), mParserToUnblock(nsnull), mDidBlockParser(PR_FALSE), mParentSheet(aParentSheet), mParentRule(aParentRule), mNext(nsnull), mParentData(nsnull), mPendingChildren(0), mIsInline(PR_FALSE), mIsAgent(PR_FALSE), mSyncLoad(PR_FALSE), mObserver(nsnull) { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); NS_ADDREF(mLoader); NS_ADDREF(mURL); NS_ADDREF(mParentSheet); NS_ADDREF(mParentRule); } SheetLoadData::SheetLoadData(CSSLoaderImpl* aLoader, nsIURI* aURL, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) : mLoader(aLoader), mURL(aURL), mTitle(), mMedia(), mDefaultNameSpaceID(kNameSpaceID_Unknown), mSheetIndex(-1), mOwningElement(nsnull), mParserToUnblock(nsnull), mDidBlockParser(PR_FALSE), mParentSheet(nsnull), mParentRule(nsnull), mNext(nsnull), mParentData(nsnull), mPendingChildren(0), mIsInline(PR_FALSE), mIsAgent(PR_TRUE), mSyncLoad(PRBool(nsnull == aObserver)), mObserver(aObserver) { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); NS_ADDREF(mLoader); NS_ADDREF(mURL); NS_IF_ADDREF(mObserver); } SheetLoadData::~SheetLoadData(void) { NS_RELEASE(mLoader); NS_RELEASE(mURL); NS_IF_RELEASE(mOwningElement); NS_IF_RELEASE(mParserToUnblock); NS_IF_RELEASE(mParentSheet); NS_IF_RELEASE(mParentRule); NS_IF_RELEASE(mObserver); NS_IF_RELEASE(mNext); } CSSLoaderImpl::CSSLoaderImpl(void) { NS_INIT_REFCNT(); mDocument = nsnull; mCaseSensitive = PR_FALSE; mNavQuirkMode = PR_FALSE; mParsers = nsnull; SetCharset(NS_LITERAL_STRING("")); } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK ReleaseSheet(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure) { nsICSSStyleSheet* sheet = (nsICSSStyleSheet*)aData; NS_RELEASE(sheet); return PR_TRUE; } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK DeleteHashLoadData(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure) { SheetLoadData* data = (SheetLoadData*)aData; NS_RELEASE(data); return PR_TRUE; } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK DeletePendingData(void* aData, void* aClosure) { PendingSheetData* data = (PendingSheetData*)aData; delete data; return PR_TRUE; } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK DeleteLoadData(void* aData, void* aClosure) { SheetLoadData* data = (SheetLoadData*)aData; NS_RELEASE(data); return PR_TRUE; } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK DeleteSheetMap(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure) { nsAutoVoidArray* map = (nsAutoVoidArray*)aData; delete map; return PR_TRUE; } CSSLoaderImpl::~CSSLoaderImpl(void) { if (mLoadingSheets.Count() > 0) { Stop(); } NS_IF_RELEASE(mParsers); mLoadedSheets.Enumerate(ReleaseSheet); mLoadingSheets.Enumerate(DeleteHashLoadData); mPendingDocSheets.EnumerateForwards(DeletePendingData, nsnull); mPendingAlternateSheets.EnumerateForwards(DeleteLoadData, nsnull); mSheetMapTable.Enumerate(DeleteSheetMap); } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(CSSLoaderImpl, nsICSSLoader) NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::Init(nsIDocument* aDocument) { NS_ASSERTION(! mDocument, "already initialized"); if (! mDocument) { mDocument = aDocument; return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::DropDocumentReference(void) { mDocument = nsnull; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::SetCaseSensitive(PRBool aCaseSensitive) { mCaseSensitive = aCaseSensitive; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::SetQuirkMode(PRBool aQuirkMode) { mNavQuirkMode = aQuirkMode; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::SetPreferredSheet(const nsAReadableString& aTitle) { mPreferredSheet = aTitle; // start any pending alternates that aren't alternates anymore PRInt32 index = 0; while (index < mPendingAlternateSheets.Count()) { // count will change during loop SheetLoadData* data = (SheetLoadData*)mPendingAlternateSheets.ElementAt(index); if (! IsAlternate(data->mTitle)) { mPendingAlternateSheets.RemoveElementAt(index); URLKey key(data->mURL); LoadSheet(key, data); // this may steal pending alternates too } else { index++; } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::GetParserFor(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, nsICSSParser** aParser) { NS_ASSERTION(aParser, "null pointer"); if (! aParser) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsresult result = NS_OK; *aParser = nsnull; if (mParsers) { PRUint32 count = 0; mParsers->Count(&count); if (0 < count--) { *aParser = (nsICSSParser*)mParsers->ElementAt(count); mParsers->RemoveElementAt(count); } } if (! *aParser) { result = NS_NewCSSParser(aParser); } if (*aParser) { (*aParser)->SetCaseSensitive(mCaseSensitive); (*aParser)->SetQuirkMode(mNavQuirkMode); (*aParser)->SetCharset(mCharset); if (aSheet) { (*aParser)->SetStyleSheet(aSheet); } (*aParser)->SetChildLoader(this); } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::RecycleParser(nsICSSParser* aParser) { nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (aParser) { result = NS_OK; if (! mParsers) { result = NS_NewISupportsArray(&mParsers); } if (mParsers) { mParsers->AppendElement(aParser); } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP SheetLoadData::OnStreamComplete(nsIStreamLoader* aLoader, nsISupports* aContext, nsresult aStatus, PRUint32 aStringLen, const char* aString) { NS_TIMELINE_OUTDENT(); NS_TIMELINE_MARK_LOADER("SheetLoadData::OnStreamComplete(%s)", aLoader); nsresult result = NS_OK; nsString *strUnicodeBuffer = nsnull; if (aString && aStringLen>0) { /* * First determine the charset (if one is indicated) * 1) Check HTTP charset * 2) Check @charset rules * 3) Check "charset" attribute of the or * * If all these fail to give us a charset, fall back on our * default (document charset or ISO-8859-1 if we have no document * charset) */ nsAutoString strHTTPCharset; nsCOMPtr request; aLoader->GetRequest(getter_AddRefs(request)); nsCOMPtr httpChannel = do_QueryInterface(request); if (httpChannel) { nsXPIDLCString httpCharset; httpChannel->GetCharset(getter_Copies(httpCharset)); CopyASCIItoUCS2(httpCharset, strHTTPCharset); } result = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; if (! strHTTPCharset.IsEmpty()) { result = mLoader->SetCharset(strHTTPCharset); } if (NS_FAILED(result)) { // We have no charset or the HTTP charset is not recognized. // Try @charset rules result = mLoader->SetCharset(aString, aStringLen); } if (NS_FAILED(result)) { // Now try the charset on the or processing instruction // that loaded us nsCOMPtr element(do_QueryInterface(mOwningElement)); if (element) { nsAutoString linkCharset; element->GetCharset(linkCharset); if (! linkCharset.IsEmpty()) { result = mLoader->SetCharset(linkCharset); } } } if (NS_FAILED(result)) { // no useful data on charset. Just set to empty string, and let // SetCharset pick a sane default mLoader->SetCharset(NS_LITERAL_STRING("")); } { // now get the decoder nsCOMPtr ccm = do_GetService(kCharsetConverterManagerCID, &result); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && ccm) { nsString charset; mLoader->GetCharset(charset); nsIUnicodeDecoder *decoder = nsnull; ccm->GetUnicodeDecoder(&charset,&decoder); if (decoder) { PRInt32 unicodeLength=0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(decoder->GetMaxLength(aString,aStringLen,&unicodeLength))) { PRUnichar *unicodeString = nsnull; strUnicodeBuffer = new nsString; if (nsnull == strUnicodeBuffer) { result = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { // make space for the decoding strUnicodeBuffer->SetCapacity(unicodeLength); unicodeString = (PRUnichar *) strUnicodeBuffer->get(); result = decoder->Convert(aString, (PRInt32 *) &aStringLen, unicodeString, &unicodeLength); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { strUnicodeBuffer->SetLength(unicodeLength); } else { strUnicodeBuffer->SetLength(0); } } } NS_RELEASE(decoder); } } } } mLoader->DidLoadStyle(aLoader, strUnicodeBuffer, this, aStatus); // NOTE: passed ownership of strUnicodeBuffer to mLoader in the call, // so nulling it out for clarity / safety strUnicodeBuffer = nsnull; // We added a reference when the loader was created. This // release should destroy it. NS_RELEASE(aLoader); return result; } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK InsertPendingSheet(void* aPendingData, void* aLoader) { PendingSheetData* data = (PendingSheetData*)aPendingData; CSSLoaderImpl* loader = (CSSLoaderImpl*)aLoader; loader->InsertSheetInDoc(data->mSheet, data->mDocIndex, data->mOwningElement, data->mNotify, data->mObserver); delete data; return PR_TRUE; } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK AreAllPendingAlternateSheets(void* aPendingData, void* aLoader) { PendingSheetData* data = (PendingSheetData*)aPendingData; CSSLoaderImpl* loader = (CSSLoaderImpl*)aLoader; nsAutoString title; data->mSheet->GetTitle(title); if (loader->IsAlternate(title)) { return PR_TRUE; } return PR_FALSE; } void CSSLoaderImpl::Cleanup(URLKey& aKey, SheetLoadData* aLoadData) { // notify any parents that child is done SheetLoadData* data = aLoadData; do { if (data->mParentData) { if (0 == --(data->mParentData->mPendingChildren)) { // all children are done, handle parent NS_ASSERTION(data->mParentSheet, "bug"); if (! data->mSyncLoad) { SheetComplete(data->mParentSheet, data->mParentData); } } } data = data->mNext; } while (data); if (! aLoadData->mIsInline) { // inline sheets don't go in loading table SheetLoadData* oldData = (SheetLoadData*)mLoadingSheets.Remove(&aKey); NS_ASSERTION(oldData == aLoadData, "broken loading table"); } // release all parsers, but we only need to unblock one data = aLoadData; PRBool done = PR_FALSE; do { if (data->mParserToUnblock) { if (!done && data->mDidBlockParser) { done = PR_TRUE; data->mParserToUnblock->ContinueParsing(); // this may result in re-entrant calls to loader } // To reduce the risk of leaking a parser if we leak a SheetLoadData, // release the parser here. NS_RELEASE(data->mParserToUnblock); // assigns nsnull } data = data->mNext; } while (data); // if all loads complete, put pending sheets into doc if (0 == mLoadingSheets.Count()) { PRInt32 count = mPendingDocSheets.Count(); if (count) { if (! mPendingDocSheets.EnumerateForwards(AreAllPendingAlternateSheets, this)) { PendingSheetData* last = (PendingSheetData*)mPendingDocSheets.ElementAt(count - 1); last->mNotify = PR_TRUE; } mPendingDocSheets.EnumerateForwards(InsertPendingSheet, this); mPendingDocSheets.Clear(); } // start pending alternate loads while (mPendingAlternateSheets.Count()) { data = (SheetLoadData*)mPendingAlternateSheets.ElementAt(0); mPendingAlternateSheets.RemoveElementAt(0); URLKey key(data->mURL); LoadSheet(key, data); // this may pull other pending alternates (with same URL) } } NS_RELEASE(aLoadData); // delete data last, it may have last ref on loader... } #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL static PRBool IsChromeURI(nsIURI* aURI) { NS_ASSERTION(aURI, "bad caller"); PRBool isChrome = PR_FALSE; aURI->SchemeIs("chrome", &isChrome); return isChrome; } #endif nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::SheetComplete(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, SheetLoadData* aLoadData) { #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL if (IsChromeURI(aLoadData->mURL)) { nsCOMPtr cache(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/xul/xul-prototype-cache;1")); if (cache) { PRBool enabled; cache->GetEnabled(&enabled); if (enabled) { nsCOMPtr sheet; cache->GetStyleSheet(aLoadData->mURL, getter_AddRefs(sheet)); if (!sheet) { cache->PutStyleSheet(aSheet); aSheet->SetModified(PR_FALSE); // We're clean. } } } } #endif nsresult result = NS_OK; URLKey key(aLoadData->mURL); if (! aLoadData->mIsInline) { // don't remember inline sheets NS_ADDREF(aSheet); // add ref for table nsICSSStyleSheet* oldSheet = (nsICSSStyleSheet*)mLoadedSheets.Put(&key, aSheet); NS_IF_RELEASE(oldSheet); // relase predecessor (was dirty) } SheetLoadData* data = aLoadData; do { // add to parent sheet, parent doc or pending doc sheet list PrepareSheet(aSheet, data->mTitle, data->mMedia); if (data->mParentSheet) { // is child sheet InsertChildSheet(aSheet, data->mParentSheet, data->mSheetIndex); if (data->mParentRule) { // we have the @import rule that loaded this sheet data->mParentRule->SetSheet(aSheet); } } else if (data->mIsAgent) { // is agent sheet if (data->mObserver) { data->mObserver->StyleSheetLoaded(aSheet, PR_FALSE); } } else { // doc sheet if (data->mParserToUnblock) { // if blocking, insert it immediately InsertSheetInDoc(aSheet, data->mSheetIndex, data->mOwningElement, PR_TRUE, data->mObserver); } else { // otherwise wait until all are loaded (even inlines) AddPendingSheet(aSheet, data->mSheetIndex, data->mOwningElement, data->mObserver); } } data = data->mNext; if (data) { // clone sheet for next insertion nsICSSStyleSheet* clone = nsnull; result = aSheet->Clone(clone); NS_RELEASE(aSheet); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { aSheet = clone; } } else { NS_RELEASE(aSheet); } } while (data && aSheet); Cleanup(key, aLoadData); return result; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::ParseSheet(nsIUnicharInputStream* aIn, SheetLoadData* aLoadData, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSStyleSheet*& aSheet) { nsresult result; PRBool failed = PR_TRUE; aCompleted = PR_TRUE; aSheet = nsnull; result = NS_NewCSSStyleSheet(&aSheet, aLoadData->mURL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { nsCOMPtr parser; result = GetParserFor(aSheet, getter_AddRefs(parser)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { mParsingData.AppendElement(aLoadData); if (kNameSpaceID_Unknown != aLoadData->mDefaultNameSpaceID) { aSheet->SetDefaultNameSpaceID(aLoadData->mDefaultNameSpaceID); } result = parser->Parse(aIn, aLoadData->mURL, aSheet); // this may result in re-entrant load child sheet calls mParsingData.RemoveElementAt(mParsingData.Count() - 1); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { aSheet->SetModified(PR_FALSE); // make it clean from the load failed = PR_FALSE; if (0 == aLoadData->mPendingChildren) { // sheet isn't still loading children if (aLoadData->mIsInline) { aLoadData->mDidBlockParser = PR_FALSE; // don't need to unblock, we're done and won't block } SheetComplete(aSheet, aLoadData); } else { // else sheet is still waiting for children to load, last child will complete it aCompleted = PR_FALSE; } } RecycleParser(parser); } } if (failed) { URLKey key(aLoadData->mURL); Cleanup(key, aLoadData); } return result; } void CSSLoaderImpl::DidLoadStyle(nsIStreamLoader* aLoader, nsString* aStyleData, SheetLoadData* aLoadData, nsresult aStatus) { #ifdef NS_DEBUG NS_ASSERTION(! mSyncCallback, "getting synchronous callback from netlib"); #endif if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aStatus) && (aStyleData) && (0 < aStyleData->Length()) && (mDocument)) { nsresult result; nsIUnicharInputStream* uin = nsnull; // wrap the string with the CSS data up in a unicode input stream. result = NS_NewStringUnicharInputStream(&uin, aStyleData); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { // XXX We have no way of indicating failure. Silently fail? PRBool completed; nsICSSStyleSheet* sheet; result = ParseSheet(uin, aLoadData, completed, sheet); NS_IF_RELEASE(sheet); NS_IF_RELEASE(uin); } else { URLKey key(aLoadData->mURL); Cleanup(key, aLoadData); } } else { // load failed or document now gone, cleanup #ifdef DEBUG if (mDocument && NS_FAILED(aStatus)) { // still have doc, must have failed // Dump error message to console. nsXPIDLCString url; aLoadData->mURL->GetSpec(getter_Copies(url)); nsCAutoString errorMessage(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("CSSLoaderImpl::DidLoadStyle: Load of URL '") + nsDependentCString(url) + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("' failed. Error code: ")); errorMessage.AppendInt(NS_ERROR_GET_CODE(aStatus)); NS_WARNING(errorMessage.get()); } #endif URLKey key(aLoadData->mURL); Cleanup(key, aLoadData); } } typedef nsresult (*nsStringEnumFunc)(const nsString& aSubString, void *aData); static nsresult EnumerateMediaString(const nsString& aStringList, nsStringEnumFunc aFunc, void* aData) { nsresult status = NS_OK; nsAutoString stringList(aStringList); // copy to work buffer nsAutoString subStr; stringList.Append(kNullCh); // put an extra null at the end PRUnichar* start = (PRUnichar*)(const PRUnichar*)stringList.get(); PRUnichar* end = start; while (NS_SUCCEEDED(status) && (kNullCh != *start)) { PRBool quoted = PR_FALSE; while ((kNullCh != *start) && nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace(*start)) { // skip leading space start++; } if ((kApostrophe == *start) || (kQuote == *start)) { // quoted string PRUnichar quote = *start++; quoted = PR_TRUE; end = start; while (kNullCh != *end) { if (quote == *end) { // found closing quote *end++ = kNullCh; // end string here while ((kNullCh != *end) && (kComma != *end)) { // keep going until comma end++; } break; } end++; } } else { // non-quoted string or ended end = start; while ((kNullCh != *end) && (kComma != *end)) { // look for comma end++; } *end = kNullCh; // end string here } // truncate at first non letter, digit or hyphen PRUnichar* test = start; while (test <= end) { if ((PR_FALSE == nsCRT::IsAsciiAlpha(*test)) && (PR_FALSE == nsCRT::IsAsciiDigit(*test)) && (kMinus != *test)) { *test = kNullCh; break; } test++; } subStr = start; if (PR_FALSE == quoted) { subStr.CompressWhitespace(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE); } if (0 < subStr.Length()) { status = (*aFunc)(subStr, aData); } start = ++end; } return status; } static nsresult MediumEnumFunc(const nsString& aSubString, void* aData) { nsIAtom* medium = NS_NewAtom(aSubString); if (!medium) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ((nsICSSStyleSheet*)aData)->AppendMedium(medium); NS_RELEASE(medium); return NS_OK; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::SetMedia(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, const nsString& aMedia) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; aSheet->ClearMedia(); if (0 < aMedia.Length()) { rv = EnumerateMediaString(aMedia, MediumEnumFunc, aSheet); } return rv; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::PrepareSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia) { nsresult result = SetMedia(aSheet, aMedia); aSheet->SetTitle(aTitle); return result; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::AddPendingSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIContent* aElement, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) { PendingSheetData* data = new PendingSheetData(aSheet, aDocIndex, aElement, aObserver); if (data) { mPendingDocSheets.AppendElement(data); return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } PRBool CSSLoaderImpl::IsAlternate(const nsString& aTitle) { if (0 < aTitle.Length()) { return PRBool(! aTitle.EqualsIgnoreCase(mPreferredSheet)); } return PR_FALSE; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::InsertSheetInDoc(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIContent* aElement, PRBool aNotify, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) { if ((! mDocument) || (! aSheet)) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } if (nsnull != aElement) { nsIDOMNode* domNode = nsnull; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aElement->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMNode), (void**)&domNode))) { aSheet->SetOwningNode(domNode); NS_RELEASE(domNode); } nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement* element; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aElement->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIStyleSheetLinkingElement), (void**)&element))) { element->SetStyleSheet(aSheet); NS_RELEASE(element); } } nsAutoString title; aSheet->GetTitle(title); aSheet->SetEnabled(! IsAlternate(title)); nsVoidKey key(mDocument); nsAutoVoidArray* sheetMap = (nsAutoVoidArray*)mSheetMapTable.Get(&key); if (! sheetMap) { sheetMap = new nsAutoVoidArray(); if (sheetMap) { mSheetMapTable.Put(&key, sheetMap); } } if (sheetMap) { PRInt32 insertIndex = sheetMap->Count(); PRBool insertedSheet = PR_FALSE; while (0 <= --insertIndex) { PRInt32 targetIndex = NS_PTR_TO_INT32(sheetMap->ElementAt(insertIndex)); if (targetIndex < aDocIndex) { mDocument->InsertStyleSheetAt(aSheet, insertIndex + 1, aNotify); sheetMap->InsertElementAt((void*)aDocIndex, insertIndex + 1); insertedSheet = PR_TRUE; break; } } if (!insertedSheet) { // didn't insert yet mDocument->InsertStyleSheetAt(aSheet, 0, aNotify); sheetMap->InsertElementAt((void*)aDocIndex, 0); } if (nsnull != aObserver) { aObserver->StyleSheetLoaded(aSheet, aNotify); } return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::InsertChildSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aSheet, nsICSSStyleSheet* aParentSheet, PRInt32 aIndex) { if ((! aParentSheet) || (! aSheet)) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsVoidKey key(aParentSheet); nsAutoVoidArray* sheetMap = (nsAutoVoidArray*)mSheetMapTable.Get(&key); if (! sheetMap) { sheetMap = new nsAutoVoidArray(); if (sheetMap) { mSheetMapTable.Put(&key, sheetMap); } } if (sheetMap) { PRInt32 insertIndex = sheetMap->Count(); while (0 <= --insertIndex) { PRInt32 targetIndex = NS_PTR_TO_INT32(sheetMap->ElementAt(insertIndex)); if (targetIndex < aIndex) { aParentSheet->InsertStyleSheetAt(aSheet, insertIndex + 1); sheetMap->InsertElementAt((void*)aIndex, insertIndex + 1); aSheet = nsnull; break; } } if (nsnull != aSheet) { // didn't insert yet aParentSheet->InsertStyleSheetAt(aSheet, 0); sheetMap->InsertElementAt((void*)aIndex, 0); } return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::LoadSheet(URLKey& aKey, SheetLoadData* aData) { nsresult result = NS_OK; SheetLoadData* loadingData = (SheetLoadData*)mLoadingSheets.Get(&aKey); if (loadingData) { // already loading this sheet, glom on to the load while (loadingData->mNext) { loadingData = loadingData->mNext; } loadingData->mNext = aData; } else { // not loading, go load it if (aData->mSyncLoad) { // handle agent sheets synchronously nsIURI* urlClone; result = aKey.mURL->Clone(&urlClone); // dont give key URL to netlib, it gets munged if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { nsIInputStream* in; result = NS_OpenURI(&in, urlClone); NS_RELEASE(urlClone); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { // Translate the input using the argument character set id into unicode nsIUnicharInputStream* uin; result = NS_NewConverterStream(&uin, nsnull, in); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { mLoadingSheets.Put(&aKey, aData); PRBool completed; nsICSSStyleSheet* sheet; result = ParseSheet(uin, aData, completed, sheet); NS_ASSERTION(completed, "sync sheet load failed to complete"); NS_IF_RELEASE(sheet); NS_RELEASE(uin); } else { fputs("CSSLoader::LoadSheet - failed to get converter stream\n", stderr); } NS_RELEASE(in); } #ifdef DEBUG else { // Dump an error message to the console nsXPIDLCString url; aKey.mURL->GetSpec(getter_Copies(url)); nsCAutoString errorMessage(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("CSSLoaderImpl::LoadSheet: Load of URL '") + nsDependentCString(url) + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("' failed. Error code: ")); errorMessage.AppendInt(NS_ERROR_GET_CODE(result)); NS_WARNING(errorMessage.get()); } #endif } } else if (mDocument || aData->mIsAgent) { // we're still live, start an async load nsIStreamLoader* loader; nsIURI* urlClone; result = aKey.mURL->Clone(&urlClone); // dont give key URL to netlib, it gets munged if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { #ifdef NS_DEBUG mSyncCallback = PR_TRUE; #endif nsCOMPtr loadGroup; mDocument->GetDocumentLoadGroup(getter_AddRefs(loadGroup)); NS_ASSERTION(loadGroup, "A stylesheet was unable to locate a load group. This means the onload is going to fire too early!"); #ifdef MOZ_TIMELINE NS_TIMELINE_MARK_URI("Loading style sheet: %s", urlClone); NS_TIMELINE_INDENT(); #endif result = NS_NewStreamLoader(&loader, urlClone, aData, nsnull, loadGroup, nsnull, nsIChannel::LOAD_NORMAL); #ifdef NS_DEBUG mSyncCallback = PR_FALSE; #endif NS_RELEASE(urlClone); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { mLoadingSheets.Put(&aKey, aData); // grab any pending alternates that have this URL loadingData = aData; PRInt32 index = 0; while (index < mPendingAlternateSheets.Count()) { SheetLoadData* data = (SheetLoadData*)mPendingAlternateSheets.ElementAt(index); PRBool equals = PR_FALSE; result = aKey.mURL->Equals(data->mURL, &equals); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && equals) { mPendingAlternateSheets.RemoveElementAt(index); NS_IF_RELEASE(loadingData->mNext); loadingData->mNext = data; loadingData = data; } else { index++; } } } } } else { // document gone, no point in starting the load NS_RELEASE(aData); } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::LoadInlineStyle(nsIContent* aElement, nsIUnicharInputStream* aIn, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIParser* aParserToUnblock, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) { NS_ASSERTION(mDocument, "not initialized"); if (! mDocument) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } // XXX need to add code to cancel any pending sheets for element nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (aIn) { nsIURI* docURL; mDocument->GetBaseURL(docURL); SheetLoadData* data = new SheetLoadData(this, docURL, aTitle, aMedia, aDefaultNameSpaceID, aElement, aDocIndex, aParserToUnblock, PR_TRUE, aObserver); if (data == nsnull) { result = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { NS_ADDREF(data); nsICSSStyleSheet* sheet; result = ParseSheet(aIn, data, aCompleted, sheet); NS_IF_RELEASE(sheet); if ((! aCompleted) && (aParserToUnblock)) { data->mDidBlockParser = PR_TRUE; } } NS_RELEASE(docURL); } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::LoadStyleLink(nsIContent* aElement, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aTitle, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, PRInt32 aDocIndex, nsIParser* aParserToUnblock, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) { NS_ASSERTION(mDocument, "not initialized"); if (! mDocument) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } //-- Make sure this page is allowed to load this URL // If we are doing view-source, no need to check... PRBool isForViewSource = PR_FALSE; if (aParserToUnblock) { nsAutoString command; aParserToUnblock->GetCommand(command); isForViewSource = command.Equals(NS_LITERAL_STRING("view-source")); } if (!isForViewSource) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr secMan = do_GetService(NS_SCRIPTSECURITYMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsIURI* docURI; rv = mDocument->GetBaseURL(docURI); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !docURI) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; rv = secMan->CheckLoadURI(docURI, aURL, nsIScriptSecurityManager::ALLOW_CHROME); NS_IF_RELEASE(docURI); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } // XXX need to add code to cancel any pending sheets for element nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; aCompleted = PR_TRUE; if (aURL) { URLKey key(aURL); PRBool sheetModified = PR_FALSE; nsICSSStyleSheet* sheet = (nsICSSStyleSheet*)mLoadedSheets.Get(&key); #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL if (!sheet && IsChromeURI(aURL)) { nsCOMPtr cache(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/xul/xul-prototype-cache;1")); if (cache) { PRBool enabled; cache->GetEnabled(&enabled); if (enabled) { nsCOMPtr cachedSheet; cache->GetStyleSheet(aURL, getter_AddRefs(cachedSheet)); if (cachedSheet) sheet = cachedSheet; } } } #endif if (sheet && (NS_OK == sheet->IsModified(&sheetModified)) && sheetModified) { // if dirty, forget it sheet = nsnull; } if (sheet) { // already have one fully loaded and unmodified nsICSSStyleSheet* clone = nsnull; result = sheet->Clone(clone); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { PrepareSheet(clone, aTitle, aMedia); if (aParserToUnblock || (0 == mLoadingSheets.Count())) { // we either have a parser that needs the sheet now, or we aren't currently // busy. go ahead and put the sheet right into the doc. result = InsertSheetInDoc(clone, aDocIndex, aElement, PR_TRUE, aObserver); } else { // add to pending list result = AddPendingSheet(clone, aDocIndex, aElement, aObserver); } NS_RELEASE(clone); } } else { // need to load it SheetLoadData* data = new SheetLoadData(this, aURL, aTitle, aMedia, aDefaultNameSpaceID, aElement, aDocIndex, aParserToUnblock, PR_FALSE, aObserver); if (data == nsnull) { result = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { NS_ADDREF(data); if (IsAlternate(aTitle) && mLoadingSheets.Count() && (! mLoadingSheets.Get(&key)) && (! aParserToUnblock)) { // this is an alternate, and we're already loading others, but not loading this, defer it mPendingAlternateSheets.AppendElement(data); result = NS_OK; } else { if (aParserToUnblock) { data->mDidBlockParser = PR_TRUE; } result = LoadSheet(key, data); } } aCompleted = PR_FALSE; } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::LoadChildSheet(nsICSSStyleSheet* aParentSheet, nsIURI* aURL, const nsString& aMedia, PRInt32 aDefaultNameSpaceID, PRInt32 aIndex, nsICSSImportRule* aParentRule) { nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (aURL) { URLKey key(aURL); PRBool sheetModified = PR_FALSE; nsICSSStyleSheet* sheet = (nsICSSStyleSheet*)mLoadedSheets.Get(&key); #ifdef INCLUDE_XUL if (!sheet && IsChromeURI(aURL)) { nsCOMPtr cache(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/xul/xul-prototype-cache;1")); if (cache) { PRBool enabled; cache->GetEnabled(&enabled); if (enabled) { nsCOMPtr cachedSheet; cache->GetStyleSheet(aURL, getter_AddRefs(cachedSheet)); if (cachedSheet) sheet = cachedSheet; } } } #endif if (sheet && (NS_OK == sheet->IsModified(&sheetModified)) && sheetModified) { // if dirty, forget it sheet = nsnull; } if (sheet) { // already have one loaded and unmodified nsICSSStyleSheet* clone = nsnull; result = sheet->Clone(clone); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = SetMedia(clone, aMedia); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = InsertChildSheet(clone, aParentSheet, aIndex); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && aParentRule) { aParentRule->SetSheet(clone); } } NS_RELEASE(clone); } } else { SheetLoadData* data = new SheetLoadData(this, aURL, aMedia, aDefaultNameSpaceID, aParentSheet, aIndex, aParentRule); if (data == nsnull) { result = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { NS_ADDREF(data); PRInt32 count = mParsingData.Count(); if (count) { // still parsing the parent (expected for @import) // XXX assert that last parsing == parent sheet SheetLoadData* parentData = (SheetLoadData*)mParsingData.ElementAt(count - 1); data->mParentData = parentData; data->mIsAgent = parentData->mIsAgent; data->mSyncLoad = parentData->mSyncLoad; // verify that sheet doesn't have new child as a parent do { PRBool equals; result = parentData->mURL->Equals(aURL, &equals); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && equals) { // houston, we have a loop, blow off this child data->mParentData = nsnull; NS_RELEASE(data); return NS_OK; } parentData = parentData->mParentData; } while (parentData); (data->mParentData->mPendingChildren)++; } result = LoadSheet(key, data); } } } return result; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::LoadAgentSheet(nsIURI* aURL, nsICSSStyleSheet*& aSheet, PRBool& aCompleted, nsICSSLoaderObserver* aObserver) { nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (aURL) { // Get an input stream from the url nsIInputStream* in; nsIURI* urlClone; result = aURL->Clone(&urlClone); // dont give key URL to netlib, it gets munged if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { result = NS_OpenURI(&in, urlClone); NS_RELEASE(urlClone); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { // Translate the input, using our characterset, into unicode nsIUnicharInputStream* uin; result = NS_NewConverterStream(&uin, nsnull, in, 0, &mCharset); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { SheetLoadData* data = new SheetLoadData(this, aURL, aObserver); if (data == nsnull) { result = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { NS_ADDREF(data); URLKey key(aURL); if (aObserver == nsnull) { mLoadingSheets.Put(&key, data); result = ParseSheet(uin, data, aCompleted, aSheet); } else { result = LoadSheet(key, data); // this may steal pending alternates too aCompleted = PR_FALSE; } } NS_RELEASE(uin); } else { fputs("CSSLoader::LoadAgentSheet - failed to get converter stream\n", stderr); } NS_RELEASE(in); } #ifdef DEBUG else { // Dump an error message to the console nsXPIDLCString url; aURL->GetSpec(getter_Copies(url)); nsCAutoString errorMessage(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("CSSLoaderImpl::LoadAgentSheet: Load of URL '") + nsDependentCString(url) + NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("' failed. Error code: ")); errorMessage.AppendInt(NS_ERROR_GET_CODE(result)); NS_WARNING(errorMessage.get()); } #endif } } return result; } nsresult NS_NewCSSLoader(nsIDocument* aDocument, nsICSSLoader** aLoader) { CSSLoaderImpl* it = new CSSLoaderImpl(); if (it == nsnull) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } it->Init(aDocument); return it->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsICSSLoader), (void **)aLoader); } nsresult NS_NewCSSLoader(nsICSSLoader** aLoader) { CSSLoaderImpl* it = new CSSLoaderImpl(); if (it == nsnull) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } return it->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsICSSLoader), (void **)aLoader); } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::GetCharset(/*out*/nsAString &aCharsetDest) const { NS_ASSERTION(mCharset.Length() > 0, "CSSLoader charset should be set in ctor" ); nsresult rv = NS_OK; aCharsetDest = mCharset; return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::SetCharset(/*in*/ const nsAString &aCharsetSrc) // public method for clients to set the charset if they know it // NOTE: the SetCharset method will always get the preferred // charset from the charset passed in unless it is the // emptystring, which causes the default charset (that of the // document, falling back to ISO-8869-1) to be set { nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; if (! aCharsetSrc.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr calias(do_GetService(kCharsetAliasCID, &rv)); NS_ASSERTION(calias, "cannot find charset alias"); if (calias) { PRBool same = PR_FALSE; rv = calias->Equals(aCharsetSrc, mCharset, &same); if(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && same) { return NS_OK; // no difference, don't change it } rv = calias->GetPreferred(aCharsetSrc, mCharset); } } else if (mDocument) { // GetDocumentCharacterSet returns a charset which already has // alias resolution done rv = mDocument->GetDocumentCharacterSet(mCharset); } if (mCharset.IsEmpty()) { mCharset = NS_LITERAL_STRING("ISO-8859-1"); rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return rv; } nsresult CSSLoaderImpl::SetCharset(/*in*/ const char* aStyleSheetData, /*in*/ PRUint32 aDataLength) // sets the charset based upon the data passed in // - if the StyleSheetData is not empty and it has '@charset' // as the first substring, then use that // - otherwise return an error { nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsString strStyleDataUndecoded; strStyleDataUndecoded.AssignWithConversion(aStyleSheetData, aDataLength); PRInt32 charsetOffset; if (strStyleDataUndecoded.Length() > 0) { nsString str; static const char atCharsetStr[] = "@charset"; if ((charsetOffset = strStyleDataUndecoded.Find(atCharsetStr)) > -1) { nsString strValue; // skip past the ident strStyleDataUndecoded.Right(str, strStyleDataUndecoded.Length() - (sizeof(atCharsetStr)-1)); // strip any whitespace str.StripWhitespace(); // truncate everything past the delimiter (semicolon) PRInt32 pos = str.Find(";"); if (pos > -1) { str.Left(strValue,pos); } // strip any quotes strValue.Trim("\"\'"); // that's the charset! if (!strValue.IsEmpty()) { rv = SetCharset(strValue); } } } return rv; } static PRBool PR_CALLBACK StopLoadingSheetCallback(nsHashKey* aKey, void* aData, void* aClosure) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aData, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); SheetLoadData* data = (SheetLoadData*)aData; NS_ENSURE_TRUE(data->mLoader, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(data->mURL, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); data->mLoader->StopLoadingSheet(data->mURL); return PR_TRUE; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::Stop() { if (mLoadingSheets.Count() > 0) { mLoadingSheets.Enumerate(StopLoadingSheetCallback); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP CSSLoaderImpl::StopLoadingSheet(nsIURI* aURL) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aURL, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); if (mLoadingSheets.Count() > 0) { URLKey key(aURL); SheetLoadData* loadData = (SheetLoadData*)mLoadingSheets.Get(&key); if (loadData) { Cleanup(key, loadData); } } return NS_OK; }