/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: NPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Bill Law law@netscape.com * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the NPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the NPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ // For server mode systray icon. #include "nsIStringBundle.h" #include "nsNativeAppSupportBase.h" #include "nsNativeAppSupportWin.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsICmdLineService.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsXPIDLString.h" #include "nsIComponentManager.h" #include "nsIServiceManager.h" #include "nsICmdLineHandler.h" #include "nsIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsXPCOM.h" #include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h" #include "nsISupportsArray.h" #include "nsIWindowWatcher.h" #include "nsIDOMWindowInternal.h" #include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsIBaseWindow.h" #include "nsIWidget.h" #include "nsIAppShellService.h" #include "nsIProfileInternal.h" #include "nsIXULWindow.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h" #include "nsIPref.h" #include "nsIWindowsHooks.h" #include "nsIPromptService.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsXPCOM.h" // These are needed to load a URL in a browser window. #include "nsIDOMLocation.h" #include "nsIJSContextStack.h" #include "nsIWindowMediator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TURBO_NAVIGATOR 1 #define TURBO_MAIL 2 #define TURBO_EDITOR 3 #define TURBO_ADDRESSBOOK 4 #define TURBO_DISABLE 5 #define TURBO_EXIT 6 #define MAPI_STARTUP_ARG "/MAPIStartUp" static HWND hwndForDOMWindow( nsISupports * ); static nsresult GetMostRecentWindow(const PRUnichar* aType, nsIDOMWindowInternal** aWindow) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr med( do_GetService( NS_WINDOWMEDIATOR_CONTRACTID, &rv ) ); if ( NS_FAILED( rv ) ) return rv; if ( med ) return med->GetMostRecentWindow( aType, aWindow ); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } static char* GetACPString(const nsString& aStr) { int acplen = aStr.Length() * 2 + 1; char * acp = new char[ acplen ]; if( acp ) { int outlen = ::WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, aStr.get(), aStr.Length(), acp, acplen, NULL, NULL ); if ( outlen >= 0) acp[ outlen ] = '\0'; // null terminate } return acp; } static void activateWindow( nsIDOMWindowInternal *win ) { // Try to get native window handle. HWND hwnd = hwndForDOMWindow( win ); if ( hwnd ) { // Restore the window if it is minimized. if ( ::IsIconic( hwnd ) ) { ::ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_RESTORE ); } // Use the OS call, if possible. ::SetForegroundWindow( hwnd ); } else { // Use internal method. win->Focus(); } } #ifdef DEBUG_law #undef MOZ_DEBUG_DDE #define MOZ_DEBUG_DDE 1 #endif class nsSplashScreenWin : public nsISplashScreen { public: nsSplashScreenWin(); ~nsSplashScreenWin(); NS_IMETHOD Show(); NS_IMETHOD Hide(); // nsISupports methods NS_IMETHOD_(nsrefcnt) AddRef() { mRefCnt++; return mRefCnt; } NS_IMETHOD_(nsrefcnt) Release() { --mRefCnt; if ( !mRefCnt ) { delete this; return 0; } return mRefCnt; } NS_IMETHOD QueryInterface( const nsIID &iid, void**p ) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if ( p ) { *p = 0; if ( iid.Equals( NS_GET_IID( nsISplashScreen ) ) ) { nsISplashScreen *result = this; *p = result; NS_ADDREF( result ); } else if ( iid.Equals( NS_GET_IID( nsISupports ) ) ) { nsISupports *result = NS_STATIC_CAST( nsISupports*, this ); *p = result; NS_ADDREF( result ); } else { rv = NS_NOINTERFACE; } } else { rv = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } return rv; } void SetDialog( HWND dlg ); void LoadBitmap(); static nsSplashScreenWin* GetPointer( HWND dlg ); static BOOL CALLBACK DialogProc( HWND dlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp ); static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID ); HWND mDlg; HBITMAP mBitmap; nsrefcnt mRefCnt; }; // class nsSplashScreenWin // Simple Win32 mutex wrapper. struct Mutex { Mutex( const char *name ) : mName( name ), mHandle( 0 ), mState( -1 ) { mHandle = CreateMutex( 0, FALSE, mName.get() ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "CreateMutex error = 0x%08X\n", (int)GetLastError() ); #endif } ~Mutex() { if ( mHandle ) { // Make sure we release it if we own it. Unlock(); BOOL rc = CloseHandle( mHandle ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE if ( !rc ) { printf( "CloseHandle error = 0x%08X\n", (int)GetLastError() ); } #endif } } BOOL Lock( DWORD timeout ) { if ( mHandle ) { #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Waiting (%d msec) for DDE mutex...\n", (int)timeout ); #endif mState = WaitForSingleObject( mHandle, timeout ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "...wait complete, result = 0x%08X, GetLastError=0x%08X\n", (int)mState, (int)::GetLastError() ); #endif return mState == WAIT_OBJECT_0 || mState == WAIT_ABANDONED; } else { return FALSE; } } void Unlock() { if ( mHandle && mState == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Releasing DDE mutex\n" ); #endif ReleaseMutex( mHandle ); mState = -1; } } private: nsCString mName; HANDLE mHandle; DWORD mState; }; /* DDE Notes * * This section describes the Win32 DDE service implementation for * Mozilla. DDE is used on Win32 platforms to communicate between * separate instances of mozilla.exe (or other Mozilla-based * executables), or, between the Win32 desktop shell and Mozilla. * * The first instance of Mozilla will become the "server" and * subsequent executables (and the shell) will use DDE to send * requests to that process. The requests are DDE "execute" requests * that pass the command line arguments. * * Mozilla registers the DDE application "Mozilla" and currently * supports only the "WWW_OpenURL" topic. This should be reasonably * compatible with applications that interfaced with Netscape * Communicator (and its predecessors?). Note that even that topic * may not be supported in a compatible fashion as the command-line * options for Mozilla are different than for Communiator. * * It is imperative that at most one instance of Mozilla execute in * "server mode" at any one time. The "native app support" in Mozilla * on Win32 ensures that only the server process performs XPCOM * initialization (that is not required for subsequent client processes * to communicate with the server process). * * To guarantee that only one server starts up, a Win32 "mutex" is used * to ensure only one process executes the server-detection code. That * code consists of initializing DDE and doing a DdeConnect to Mozilla's * application/topic. If that connection succeeds, then a server process * must be running already. * * Otherwise, no server has started. In that case, the current process * calls DdeNameService to register that application/topic. Only at that * point does the mutex get released. * * There are a couple of subtleties that one should be aware of: * * 1. It is imperative that DdeInitialize be called only after the mutex * lock has been obtained. The reason is that at shutdown, DDE * notifications go out to all initialized DDE processes. Thus, if * the mutex is owned by a terminating intance of Mozilla, then * calling DdeInitialize and then WaitForSingleObject will cause the * DdeUninitialize from the terminating process to "hang" until the * process waiting for the mutex times out (and can then service the * notification that the DDE server is terminating). So, don't mess * with the sequence of things in the startup/shutdown logic. * * 2. All mutex requests are made with a reasonably long timeout value and * are designed to "fail safe" (i.e., a timeout is treated as failure). * * 3. An attempt has been made to minimize the degree to which the main * Mozilla application logic needs to be aware of the DDE mechanisms * implemented herein. As a result, this module surfaces a very * large-grained interface, consisting of simple start/stop methods. * As a consequence, details of certain scenarios can be "lost." * Particularly, incoming DDE requests can arrive after this module * initiates the DDE server, but before Mozilla is initialized to the * point where those requests can be serviced (e.g., open a browser * window to a particular URL). Since the client process sends the * request early on, it may not be prepared to respond to that error. * Thus, such situations may fail silently. The design goal is that * they fail harmlessly. Refinements on this point will be made as * details emerge (and time permits). */ /* Update 2001 March * * A significant DDE bug in Windows is causing Mozilla to get wedged at * startup. This is detailed in Bugzill bug 53952 * (http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53952). * * To resolve this, we are using a new strategy: * o Use a "message window" to detect that Mozilla is already running and * to pass requests from a second instance back to the first; * o Run only as a "DDE server" (not as DDE client); this avoids the * problematic call to DDEConnect(). * * We still use the mutex semaphore to protect the code that detects * whether Mozilla is already running. */ class nsNativeAppSupportWin : public nsNativeAppSupportBase { public: // Overrides of base implementation. NS_IMETHOD Start( PRBool *aResult ); NS_IMETHOD Stop( PRBool *aResult ); NS_IMETHOD Quit(); NS_IMETHOD StartServerMode(); NS_IMETHOD OnLastWindowClosing(); NS_IMETHOD SetIsServerMode( PRBool isServerMode ); NS_IMETHOD EnsureProfile(nsICmdLineService* args); // The "old" Start method (renamed). NS_IMETHOD StartDDE(); // Utility function to handle a Win32-specific command line // option: "-console", which dynamically creates a Windows // console. void CheckConsole(); private: static HDDEDATA CALLBACK HandleDDENotification( UINT uType, UINT uFmt, HCONV hconv, HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hdata, ULONG dwData1, ULONG dwData2 ); static void HandleRequest( LPBYTE request, PRBool newWindow = PR_TRUE ); static void ParseDDEArg( HSZ args, int index, nsCString& string); static void ParseDDEArg( const char* args, int index, nsCString& aString); static void ActivateLastWindow(); static HDDEDATA CreateDDEData( DWORD value ); static HDDEDATA CreateDDEData( LPBYTE value, DWORD len ); static PRBool InitTopicStrings(); static int FindTopic( HSZ topic ); static nsresult GetCmdLineArgs( LPBYTE request, nsICmdLineService **aResult ); static nsresult OpenWindow( const char *urlstr, const char *args ); static nsresult OpenBrowserWindow( const char *args, PRBool newWindow = PR_TRUE ); static nsresult ReParent( nsISupports *window, HWND newParent ); static nsresult GetStartupURL(nsICmdLineService *args, nsCString& taskURL); static void SetupSysTrayIcon(); static void RemoveSysTrayIcon(); static UINT mTrayRestart; static int mConversations; enum { topicOpenURL, topicActivate, topicCancelProgress, topicVersion, topicRegisterViewer, topicUnRegisterViewer, topicGetWindowInfo, // Note: Insert new values above this line!!!!! topicCount // Count of the number of real topics }; static NOTIFYICONDATA mIconData; static HMENU mTrayIconMenu; static HSZ mApplication, mTopics[ topicCount ]; static DWORD mInstance; static char *mAppName; static PRBool mInitialWindowActive; static PRBool mForceProfileStartup; static PRBool mSupportingDDEExec; static char mMutexName[]; friend struct MessageWindow; }; // nsNativeAppSupportWin nsSplashScreenWin::nsSplashScreenWin() : mDlg( 0 ), mBitmap( 0 ), mRefCnt( 0 ) { } nsSplashScreenWin::~nsSplashScreenWin() { #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "splash screen dtor called\n" ); #endif // Make sure dialog is gone. Hide(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSplashScreenWin::Show() { // Spawn new thread to display real splash screen. DWORD threadID = 0; HANDLE handle = CreateThread( 0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadProc, this, 0, &threadID ); CloseHandle(handle); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSplashScreenWin::Hide() { if ( mDlg ) { // Fix for bugs: // http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26581 // http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65974 // http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29172 // http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45805 // As the splash-screen is in a separate thread, Windows considers // this the "foreground" thread. When our main windows on the main // thread are activated, they are treated like windows from a different // application, so Windows 2000 and 98 both leave the window in the background. // Therefore, we post a message to the splash-screen thread that includes // the hwnd of the window we want moved to the foreground. This thread // can then successfully bring the top-level window to the foreground. nsCOMPtr topLevel; GetMostRecentWindow(nsnull, getter_AddRefs( topLevel ) ); HWND hWndTopLevel = topLevel ? hwndForDOMWindow(topLevel) : 0; // Dismiss the dialog. ::PostMessage(mDlg, WM_CLOSE, (WPARAM)mBitmap, (LPARAM)hWndTopLevel); mBitmap = 0; mDlg = 0; } return NS_OK; } void nsSplashScreenWin::LoadBitmap() { // Check for '.bmp" in same directory as executable. char fileName[ _MAX_PATH ]; int fileNameLen = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, fileName, sizeof fileName ); if ( fileNameLen >= 3 ) { fileName[ fileNameLen - 3 ] = 0; strcat( fileName, "bmp" ); // Try to load bitmap from that file. HBITMAP bitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage( NULL, fileName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE ); if ( bitmap ) { HWND bitmapControl = GetDlgItem( mDlg, IDB_SPLASH ); if ( bitmapControl ) { HBITMAP old = (HBITMAP)SendMessage( bitmapControl, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM)bitmap ); // Remember bitmap so we can delete it later. mBitmap = bitmap; // Delete old bitmap. if ( old ) { BOOL ok = DeleteObject( old ); } } else { // Delete bitmap since it isn't going to be used. DeleteObject( bitmap ); } } } } BOOL CALLBACK nsSplashScreenWin::DialogProc( HWND dlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp ) { if ( msg == WM_INITDIALOG ) { // Store dialog handle. nsSplashScreenWin *splashScreen = (nsSplashScreenWin*)lp; if ( lp ) { splashScreen->SetDialog( dlg ); // Try to load customized bitmap. splashScreen->LoadBitmap(); } /* Size and center the splash screen correctly. The flags in the * dialog template do not do the right thing if the user's * machine is using large fonts. */ HWND bitmapControl = GetDlgItem( dlg, IDB_SPLASH ); if ( bitmapControl ) { HBITMAP hbitmap = (HBITMAP)SendMessage( bitmapControl, STM_GETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0 ); if ( hbitmap ) { BITMAP bitmap; if ( GetObject( hbitmap, sizeof bitmap, &bitmap ) ) { SetWindowPos( dlg, NULL, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)/2 - bitmap.bmWidth/2, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)/2 - bitmap.bmHeight/2, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight, SWP_NOZORDER ); ShowWindow( dlg, SW_SHOW ); } } } return 1; } else if (msg == WM_CLOSE) { // Before killing ourself, set the top-level current. // See comments in nsSplashScreenWin::Hide() above. HWND topLevel = (HWND)lp; if (topLevel) ::SetForegroundWindow(topLevel); // Destroy the dialog ::EndDialog(dlg, 0); // Release custom bitmap (if there is one). HBITMAP bitmap = (HBITMAP)wp; if ( bitmap ) { ::DeleteObject( bitmap ); } } return 0; } void nsSplashScreenWin::SetDialog( HWND dlg ) { // Save dialog handle. mDlg = dlg; // Store this pointer in the dialog. SetWindowLong( mDlg, DWL_USER, (LONG)(void*)this ); } nsSplashScreenWin *nsSplashScreenWin::GetPointer( HWND dlg ) { // Get result from dialog user data. LONG data = GetWindowLong( dlg, DWL_USER ); return (nsSplashScreenWin*)(void*)data; } DWORD WINAPI nsSplashScreenWin::ThreadProc( LPVOID splashScreen ) { DialogBoxParam( GetModuleHandle( 0 ), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_SPLASH ), HWND_DESKTOP, (DLGPROC)DialogProc, (LPARAM)splashScreen ); return 0; } PRBool gAbortServer = PR_FALSE; void nsNativeAppSupportWin::CheckConsole() { for ( int i = 1; i < __argc; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( "-console", __argv[i] ) == 0 || strcmp( "/console", __argv[i] ) == 0 ) { // Users wants to make sure we have a console. // Try to allocate one. BOOL rc = ::AllocConsole(); if ( rc ) { // Console allocated. Fix it up so that output works in // all cases. See http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q105/3/05.asp. // stdout int hCrt = ::_open_osfhandle( (long)GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), _O_TEXT ); if ( hCrt != -1 ) { FILE *hf = ::_fdopen( hCrt, "w" ); if ( hf ) { *stdout = *hf; ::fprintf( stdout, "stdout directed to dynamic console\n" ); } } // stderr hCrt = ::_open_osfhandle( (long)::GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE ), _O_TEXT ); if ( hCrt != -1 ) { FILE *hf = ::_fdopen( hCrt, "w" ); if ( hf ) { *stderr = *hf; ::fprintf( stderr, "stderr directed to dynamic console\n" ); } } // stdin? /* Don't bother for now. hCrt = ::_open_osfhandle( (long)::GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ), _O_TEXT ); if ( hCrt != -1 ) { FILE *hf = ::_fdopen( hCrt, "r" ); if ( hf ) { *stdin = *hf; } } */ } else { // Failed. Probably because there already is one. // There's little we can do, in any case. } // Don't bother doing this more than once. break; } else if ( strcmp( "-turbo", __argv[i] ) == 0 || strcmp( "/turbo", __argv[i] ) == 0 || strcmp( "-server", __argv[i] ) == 0 || strcmp( "/server", __argv[i] ) == 0 ) { // Start in server mode (and suppress splash screen). mServerMode = PR_TRUE; mShouldShowUI = PR_FALSE; __argv[i] = "-nosplash"; // Bit of a hack, but it works! // Ignore other args. break; } } PRBool checkTurbo = PR_TRUE; for ( int j = 1; j < __argc; j++ ) { if (strcmp("-killAll", __argv[j]) == 0 || strcmp("/killAll", __argv[j]) == 0 || strcmp("-kill", __argv[j]) == 0 || strcmp("/kill", __argv[j]) == 0) { gAbortServer = PR_TRUE; break; } if ( strcmp( "-silent", __argv[j] ) == 0 || strcmp( "/silent", __argv[j] ) == 0 ) { checkTurbo = PR_FALSE; } } // check if this is a restart of the browser after quiting from // the servermoded browser instance. if ( checkTurbo && !mServerMode ) { HKEY key; LONG result = ::RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key ); if ( result == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { BYTE regvalue[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD type, len = sizeof(regvalue); result = ::RegQueryValueEx( key, NS_QUICKLAUNCH_RUN_KEY, NULL, &type, regvalue, &len); ::RegCloseKey( key ); if ( result == ERROR_SUCCESS && len > 0 ) { // Make sure the filename in the quicklaunch command matches us char fileName[_MAX_PATH]; int rv = ::GetModuleFileName( NULL, fileName, sizeof fileName ); nsCAutoString regvalueholder; regvalueholder.Assign((char *) regvalue); if ((regvalueholder.Find(fileName, PR_TRUE) != kNotFound) && (regvalueholder.Find("-turbo", PR_TRUE) != kNotFound) ) { mServerMode = PR_TRUE; mShouldShowUI = PR_TRUE; } } } } return; } // Create and return an instance of class nsNativeAppSupportWin. nsresult NS_CreateNativeAppSupport( nsINativeAppSupport **aResult ) { if ( aResult ) { nsNativeAppSupportWin *pNative = new nsNativeAppSupportWin; if ( pNative ) { *aResult = pNative; NS_ADDREF( *aResult ); // Check for dynamic console creation request. pNative->CheckConsole(); } else { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } return NS_OK; } // Create instance of Windows splash screen object. nsresult NS_CreateSplashScreen( nsISplashScreen **aResult ) { if ( aResult ) { *aResult = 0; for ( int i = 1; i < __argc; i++ ) { if ( strcmp( "-quiet", __argv[i] ) == 0 || strcmp( "/quiet", __argv[i] ) == 0 ) { // No splash screen, please. return NS_OK; } } *aResult = new nsSplashScreenWin; if ( *aResult ) { NS_ADDREF( *aResult ); } else { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } else { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } return NS_OK; } // Constants #define MOZ_DDE_APPLICATION "Mozilla" #define MOZ_STARTUP_MUTEX_NAME "StartupMutex" #define MOZ_DDE_START_TIMEOUT 30000 #define MOZ_DDE_STOP_TIMEOUT 15000 #define MOZ_DDE_EXEC_TIMEOUT 15000 // The array entries must match the enum ordering! const char * const topicNames[] = { "WWW_OpenURL", "WWW_Activate", "WWW_CancelProgress", "WWW_Version", "WWW_RegisterViewer", "WWW_UnRegisterViewer", "WWW_GetWindowInfo" }; // Static member definitions. int nsNativeAppSupportWin::mConversations = 0; HSZ nsNativeAppSupportWin::mApplication = 0; HSZ nsNativeAppSupportWin::mTopics[nsNativeAppSupportWin::topicCount] = { 0 }; DWORD nsNativeAppSupportWin::mInstance = 0; PRBool nsNativeAppSupportWin::mInitialWindowActive = PR_FALSE; PRBool nsNativeAppSupportWin::mForceProfileStartup = PR_FALSE; PRBool nsNativeAppSupportWin::mSupportingDDEExec = PR_FALSE; NOTIFYICONDATA nsNativeAppSupportWin::mIconData = { sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA), 0, 1, NIF_ICON | NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_TIP, WM_USER, 0, 0 }; HMENU nsNativeAppSupportWin::mTrayIconMenu = 0; char nsNativeAppSupportWin::mMutexName[ 128 ] = { 0 }; // Message window encapsulation. struct MessageWindow { // ctor/dtor are simplistic MessageWindow() { // Try to find window. mHandle = ::FindWindow( className(), 0 ); } // Act like an HWND. operator HWND() { return mHandle; } // Class name: appName + "MessageWindow" static const char *className() { static char classNameBuffer[128]; static char *mClassName = 0; if ( !mClassName ) { ::_snprintf( classNameBuffer, sizeof classNameBuffer, "%s%s", nsNativeAppSupportWin::mAppName, "MessageWindow" ); mClassName = classNameBuffer; } return mClassName; } // Create: Register class and create window. NS_IMETHOD Create() { WNDCLASS classStruct = { 0, // style &MessageWindow::WindowProc, // lpfnWndProc 0, // cbClsExtra 0, // cbWndExtra 0, // hInstance 0, // hIcon 0, // hCursor 0, // hbrBackground 0, // lpszMenuName className() }; // lpszClassName // Register the window class. NS_ENSURE_TRUE( ::RegisterClass( &classStruct ), NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); // Create the window. NS_ENSURE_TRUE( ( mHandle = ::CreateWindow( className(), 0, // title WS_CAPTION, // style 0,0,0,0, // x, y, cx, cy 0, // parent 0, // menu 0, // instance 0 ) ), // create struct NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Message window = 0x%08X\n", (int)mHandle ); #endif return NS_OK; } // Destory: Get rid of window and reset mHandle. NS_IMETHOD Destroy() { nsresult retval = NS_OK; if ( mHandle ) { // DestroyWindow can only destroy windows created from // the same thread. BOOL desRes = DestroyWindow( mHandle ); if ( FALSE != desRes ) { mHandle = NULL; } else { retval = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } return retval; } // SendRequest: Pass string via WM_COPYDATA to message window. NS_IMETHOD SendRequest( const char *cmd ) { COPYDATASTRUCT cds = { 0, ::strlen( cmd ) + 1, (void*)cmd }; HWND newWin = (HWND)::SendMessage( mHandle, WM_COPYDATA, 0, (LPARAM)&cds ); if ( newWin ) { ::SetForegroundWindow( newWin ); } return NS_OK; } // Window proc. static long CALLBACK WindowProc( HWND msgWindow, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp ) { if ( msg == WM_COPYDATA ) { // This is an incoming request. COPYDATASTRUCT *cds = (COPYDATASTRUCT*)lp; #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Incoming request: %s\n", (const char*)cds->lpData ); #endif (void)nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( (LPBYTE)cds->lpData ); // Get current window and return its window handle. nsCOMPtr win; GetMostRecentWindow( 0, getter_AddRefs( win ) ); return win ? (long)hwndForDOMWindow( win ) : 0; } else if ( msg == WM_USER ) { if ( lp == WM_RBUTTONUP ) { // Show menu with Exit disabled/enabled appropriately. nsCOMPtr win; GetMostRecentWindow( 0, getter_AddRefs( win ) ); ::EnableMenuItem( nsNativeAppSupportWin::mTrayIconMenu, TURBO_EXIT, win ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED ); POINT pt; GetCursorPos( &pt ); SetForegroundWindow(msgWindow); int selectedItem = ::TrackPopupMenu( nsNativeAppSupportWin::mTrayIconMenu, TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, pt.x, pt.y, 0, msgWindow, 0 ); switch (selectedItem) { case TURBO_NAVIGATOR: (void)nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( (LPBYTE)"mozilla -browser" ); break; case TURBO_MAIL: (void)nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( (LPBYTE)"mozilla -mail" ); break; case TURBO_EDITOR: (void)nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( (LPBYTE)"mozilla -editor" ); break; case TURBO_ADDRESSBOOK: (void)nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( (LPBYTE)"mozilla -addressbook" ); break; case TURBO_EXIT: (void)nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( (LPBYTE)"mozilla -kill" ); break; case TURBO_DISABLE: nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr stringBundleService( do_GetService( NS_STRINGBUNDLE_CONTRACTID ) ); nsCOMPtr turboMenuBundle; nsCOMPtr brandBundle; if ( stringBundleService ) { stringBundleService->CreateBundle( "chrome://global/locale/brand.properties", getter_AddRefs( brandBundle ) ); stringBundleService->CreateBundle( "chrome://navigator/locale/turboMenu.properties", getter_AddRefs( turboMenuBundle ) ); } nsXPIDLString dialogMsg; nsXPIDLString dialogTitle; nsXPIDLString brandName; if ( brandBundle && turboMenuBundle ) { brandBundle->GetStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "brandShortName" ).get(), getter_Copies( brandName ) ); const PRUnichar *formatStrings[] = { brandName.get() }; turboMenuBundle->FormatStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "DisableDlgMsg" ).get(), formatStrings, 1, getter_Copies( dialogMsg ) ); turboMenuBundle->FormatStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "DisableDlgTitle" ).get(), formatStrings, 1, getter_Copies( dialogTitle ) ); } if ( dialogMsg.get() && dialogTitle.get() && brandName.get() ) { nsCOMPtr dialog( do_GetService( "@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1" ) ); if ( dialog ) { PRBool reallyDisable; nsNativeAppSupportWin::mLastWindowIsConfirmation = PR_TRUE; dialog->Confirm( nsnull, dialogTitle.get(), dialogMsg.get(), &reallyDisable ); if ( !reallyDisable ) { break; } } } nsCOMPtr winHooksService ( do_GetService( NS_IWINDOWSHOOKS_CONTRACTID, &rv ) ); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) winHooksService->StartupRemoveOption("-turbo"); nsCOMPtr appShell = do_GetService( "@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1", &rv ); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) { nsCOMPtr native; rv = appShell->GetNativeAppSupport( getter_AddRefs( native ) ); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) native->SetIsServerMode( PR_FALSE ); if ( !win ) appShell->Quit(nsIAppShellService::eAttemptQuit); } break; } PostMessage(msgWindow, WM_NULL, 0, 0); } else if ( lp == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK ) { // Dbl-click will open nav/mailnews/composer based on prefs // (if no windows are open), or, open nav (if some windows are // already open). That's done in HandleRequest. (void)nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( (LPBYTE)"mozilla" ); } return TRUE; } else if ( msg == WM_QUERYENDSESSION ) { // Invoke "-killAll" cmd line handler. That will close all open windows, // and display dialog asking whether to save/don't save/cancel. If the // user says cancel, then we pass that indicator along to the system // in order to stop the system shutdown/logoff. nsCOMPtr killAll( do_CreateInstance( "@mozilla.org/commandlinehandler/general-startup;1?type=killAll" ) ); if ( killAll ) { nsXPIDLCString unused; // Note: "GetChromeUrlForTask" is a euphemism for // "ProcessYourCommandLineSwitch". The interface was written // presuming a less general-purpose role for command line // handlers than it ought to have. nsresult rv = killAll->GetChromeUrlForTask( getter_Copies( unused ) ); if ( rv == NS_ERROR_ABORT ) { // User cancelled shutdown/logoff. return FALSE; } else { // Shutdown/logoff OK. return TRUE; } } } else if ((nsNativeAppSupportWin::mTrayRestart) && (msg == nsNativeAppSupportWin::mTrayRestart)) { //Re-add the icon. The taskbar must have been destroyed and recreated ::Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_ADD, &nsNativeAppSupportWin::mIconData ); } return DefWindowProc( msgWindow, msg, wp, lp ); } private: HWND mHandle; }; // struct MessageWindow UINT nsNativeAppSupportWin::mTrayRestart = 0; static char nameBuffer[128] = { 0 }; char *nsNativeAppSupportWin::mAppName = nameBuffer; /* Start: Tries to find the "message window" to determine if it * exists. If so, then Mozilla is already running. In that * case, we use the handle to the "message" window and send * a request corresponding to this process's command line * options. * * If not, then this is the first instance of Mozilla. In * that case, we create and set up the message window. * * The checking for existance of the message window must * be protected by use of a mutex semaphore. */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeAppSupportWin::Start( PRBool *aResult ) { NS_ENSURE_ARG( aResult ); NS_ENSURE_TRUE( mInstance == 0, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED ); if (getenv("MOZ_NO_REMOTE")) { *aResult = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; } nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; *aResult = PR_FALSE; // Grab mutex first. int retval; UINT id = ID_DDE_APPLICATION_NAME; retval = LoadString( (HINSTANCE) NULL, id, (LPTSTR) nameBuffer, sizeof(nameBuffer) ); if ( retval == 0 ) { // No app name; just keep running. *aResult = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; } // Build mutex name from app name. ::_snprintf( mMutexName, sizeof mMutexName, "%s%s", nameBuffer, MOZ_STARTUP_MUTEX_NAME ); Mutex startupLock = Mutex( mMutexName ); NS_ENSURE_TRUE( startupLock.Lock( MOZ_DDE_START_TIMEOUT ), NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); // Search for existing message window. MessageWindow msgWindow; if ( (HWND)msgWindow ) { // We are a client process. Pass request to message window. LPTSTR cmd = ::GetCommandLine(); rv = msgWindow.SendRequest( cmd ); } else { // We will be server. if (!gAbortServer) { rv = msgWindow.Create(); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) { // Start up DDE server. this->StartDDE(); // Tell caller to spin message loop. *aResult = PR_TRUE; } } } startupLock.Unlock(); return rv; } PRBool nsNativeAppSupportWin::InitTopicStrings() { for ( int i = 0; i < topicCount; i++ ) { if ( !( mTopics[ i ] = DdeCreateStringHandle( mInstance, NS_CONST_CAST(char *,topicNames[ i ]), CP_WINANSI ) ) ) { return PR_FALSE; } } return PR_TRUE; } int nsNativeAppSupportWin::FindTopic( HSZ topic ) { for ( int i = 0; i < topicCount; i++ ) { if ( DdeCmpStringHandles( topic, mTopics[i] ) == 0 ) { return i; } } return -1; } // Utility function that determines if we're handling http Internet shortcuts. static PRBool handlingHTTP() { PRBool result = PR_FALSE; // Answer no if an error occurs. // See if we're the "default browser" (i.e., handling http Internet shortcuts) nsCOMPtr winhooks( do_GetService( NS_IWINDOWSHOOKS_CONTRACTID ) ); if ( winhooks ) { nsCOMPtr settings; nsresult rv = winhooks->GetSettings( getter_AddRefs( settings ) ); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) { settings->GetIsHandlingHTTP( &result ); if ( result ) { // The user *said* to handle http. See if we really // are doing it. We need to check *only* the HTTP // settings. If we don't mask off all others, we // may erroneously conclude that we're not handling // HTTP when really we are (although, a false negative // is much better than a false positive). Please note // that setting these attributes false only affects // this "Settings" object. It *does not* change the // actual user preferences stored in the registry! // First, turn off all the other protocols. settings->SetIsHandlingHTTPS( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingFTP( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingCHROME( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingGOPHER( PR_FALSE ); // Next, all the file types. settings->SetIsHandlingHTML( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingJPEG( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingGIF( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingPNG( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingMNG( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingBMP( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingICO( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingXML( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingXHTML( PR_FALSE ); settings->SetIsHandlingXUL( PR_FALSE ); // Now test the HTTP setting in the registry. settings->GetRegistryMatches( &result ); } } } return result; } // Utility function to delete a registry subkey. static DWORD deleteKey( HKEY baseKey, const char *keyName ) { // Make sure input subkey isn't null. DWORD rc; if ( keyName && ::strlen(keyName) ) { // Open subkey. HKEY key; rc = ::RegOpenKeyEx( baseKey, keyName, 0, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | DELETE, &key ); // Continue till we get an error or are done. while ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { char subkeyName[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD len = sizeof subkeyName; // Get first subkey name. Note that we always get the // first one, then delete it. So we need to get // the first one next time, also. rc = ::RegEnumKeyEx( key, 0, subkeyName, &len, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if ( rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) { // No more subkeys. Delete the main one. rc = ::RegDeleteKey( baseKey, keyName ); break; } else if ( rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // Another subkey, delete it, recursively. rc = deleteKey( key, subkeyName ); } } // Close the key we opened. ::RegCloseKey( key ); } else { rc = ERROR_BADKEY; } return rc; } // Start DDE server. // // This used to be the Start() method when we were using DDE as the // primary IPC mechanism between secondary Mozilla processes and the // initial "server" process. // // Now, it simply initializes the DDE server. The caller must check // that this process is to be the server, and, must acquire the DDE // startup mutex semaphore prior to calling this routine. See ::Start(), // above. NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeAppSupportWin::StartDDE() { NS_ENSURE_TRUE( mInstance == 0, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED ); // Initialize DDE. NS_ENSURE_TRUE( DMLERR_NO_ERROR == DdeInitialize( &mInstance, nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleDDENotification, APPCLASS_STANDARD, 0 ), NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); // Allocate DDE strings. NS_ENSURE_TRUE( ( mApplication = DdeCreateStringHandle( mInstance, mAppName, CP_WINANSI ) ) && InitTopicStrings(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); // Next step is to register a DDE service. NS_ENSURE_TRUE( DdeNameService( mInstance, mApplication, 0, DNS_REGISTER ), NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "DDE server started\n" ); #endif return NS_OK; } // If no DDE conversations are pending, terminate DDE. NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeAppSupportWin::Stop( PRBool *aResult ) { NS_ENSURE_ARG( aResult ); NS_ENSURE_TRUE( mInstance, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED ); nsresult rv = NS_OK; *aResult = PR_TRUE; Mutex ddeLock( mMutexName ); if ( ddeLock.Lock( MOZ_DDE_STOP_TIMEOUT ) ) { if ( mConversations == 0 ) { this->Quit(); } else { *aResult = PR_FALSE; } ddeLock.Unlock(); } else { // No DDE application name specified, but that's OK. Just // forge ahead. *aResult = PR_TRUE; } return rv; } // Terminate DDE regardless. NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeAppSupportWin::Quit() { // If another process wants to look for the message window, they need // to wait to hold the lock, in which case they will not find the // window as we will destroy ours under our lock. // When the mutex goes off the stack, it is unlocked via destructor. Mutex mutexLock(mMutexName); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mutexLock.Lock(MOZ_DDE_START_TIMEOUT), NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); // If we've got a message window to receive IPC or new window requests, // get rid of it as we are shutting down. // Note: Destroy calls DestroyWindow, which will only work on a window // created by the same thread. MessageWindow mw; mw.Destroy(); if ( mInstance ) { // Undo registry setting if we need to. if ( mSupportingDDEExec && handlingHTTP() ) { mSupportingDDEExec = PR_FALSE; #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Deleting ddexec subkey on exit\n" ); #endif deleteKey( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "http\\shell\\open\\ddeexec" ); } // Unregister application name. DdeNameService( mInstance, mApplication, 0, DNS_UNREGISTER ); // Clean up strings. if ( mApplication ) { DdeFreeStringHandle( mInstance, mApplication ); mApplication = 0; } for ( int i = 0; i < topicCount; i++ ) { if ( mTopics[i] ) { DdeFreeStringHandle( mInstance, mTopics[i] ); mTopics[i] = 0; } } DdeUninitialize( mInstance ); mInstance = 0; } return NS_OK; } PRBool NS_CanRun() { return PR_TRUE; } #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE // Macro to generate case statement for a given XTYP value. #define XTYP_CASE(t) \ case t: result = #t; break static nsCString uTypeDesc( UINT uType ) { nsCString result; switch ( uType ) { XTYP_CASE(XTYP_ADVSTART); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_CONNECT); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_ADVREQ); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_REQUEST); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_WILDCONNECT); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_ADVDATA); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_EXECUTE); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_POKE); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_ADVSTOP); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_DISCONNECT); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_ERROR); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_MONITOR); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_REGISTER); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE); XTYP_CASE(XTYP_UNREGISTER); default: result = "XTYP_?????"; } return result; } static nsCString hszValue( DWORD instance, HSZ hsz ) { // Extract string from HSZ. nsCString result("["); DWORD len = DdeQueryString( instance, hsz, NULL, NULL, CP_WINANSI ); if ( len ) { char buffer[ 256 ]; DdeQueryString( instance, hsz, buffer, sizeof buffer, CP_WINANSI ); result += buffer; } result += "]"; return result; } #else // These are purely a safety measure to avoid the infamous "won't // build non-debug" type Tinderbox flames. static nsCString uTypeDesc( UINT ) { return nsCString( "?" ); } static nsCString hszValue( DWORD, HSZ ) { return nsCString( "?" ); } #endif // Utility function to escape double-quotes within a string. static void escapeQuotes( nsAString &aString ) { PRInt32 offset = -1; while( 1 ) { // Find next '"'. offset = aString.FindChar( '"', ++offset ); if ( offset == kNotFound ) { // No more quotes, exit. break; } else { // Insert back-slash ahead of the '"'. aString.Insert( PRUnichar('\\'), offset ); // Increment offset because we just inserted a slash offset++; } } return; } HDDEDATA CALLBACK nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleDDENotification( UINT uType, // transaction type UINT uFmt, // clipboard data format HCONV hconv, // handle to the conversation HSZ hsz1, // handle to a string HSZ hsz2, // handle to a string HDDEDATA hdata, // handle to a global memory object ULONG dwData1, // transaction-specific data ULONG dwData2 ) { // transaction-specific data #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "DDE: uType =%s\n", uTypeDesc( uType ).get() ); printf( " uFmt =%u\n", (unsigned)uFmt ); printf( " hconv =%08x\n", (int)hconv ); printf( " hsz1 =%08x:%s\n", (int)hsz1, hszValue( mInstance, hsz1 ).get() ); printf( " hsz2 =%08x:%s\n", (int)hsz2, hszValue( mInstance, hsz2 ).get() ); printf( " hdata =%08x\n", (int)hdata ); printf( " dwData1=%08x\n", (int)dwData1 ); printf( " dwData2=%08x\n", (int)dwData2 ); #endif HDDEDATA result = 0; if ( uType & XCLASS_BOOL ) { switch ( uType ) { case XTYP_CONNECT: // Make sure its for our service/topic. if ( FindTopic( hsz1 ) != -1 ) { // We support this connection. result = (HDDEDATA)1; } break; case XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM: // We don't care about the conversation handle, at this point. result = (HDDEDATA)1; break; } } else if ( uType & XCLASS_DATA ) { if ( uType == XTYP_REQUEST ) { switch ( FindTopic( hsz1 ) ) { case topicOpenURL: { // Open a given URL... // Default is to open in current window. PRBool new_window = PR_FALSE; // Get the URL from the first argument in the command. nsCAutoString url; ParseDDEArg(hsz2, 0, url); // Read the 3rd argument in the command to determine if a // new window is to be used. nsCAutoString windowID; ParseDDEArg(hsz2, 2, windowID); // "0" means to open the URL in a new window. if ( windowID.Equals( "0" ) ) { new_window = PR_TRUE; } // Make it look like command line args. url.Insert( "mozilla -url ", 0 ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Handling dde XTYP_REQUEST request: [%s]...\n", url.get() ); #endif // Now handle it. HandleRequest( LPBYTE( url.get() ), new_window ); // Return pseudo window ID. result = CreateDDEData( 1 ); break; } case topicGetWindowInfo: { // This topic has to get the current URL, get the current // page title and then format the output into the DDE // return string. The return value is "URL","Page Title", // "Window ID" however the window ID is not used for this // command, therefore it is returned as a null string // This isn't really a loop. We just use "break" // statements to bypass the remaining steps when // something goes wrong. do { // Get most recently used Nav window. nsCOMPtr navWin; GetMostRecentWindow( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "navigator:browser" ).get(), getter_AddRefs( navWin ) ); if ( !navWin ) { // There is not a window open break; } // Get content window. nsCOMPtr content; navWin->GetContent( getter_AddRefs( content ) ); if ( !content ) { break; } // Convert that to internal interface. nsCOMPtr internalContent( do_QueryInterface( content ) ); if ( !internalContent ) { break; } // Get location. nsCOMPtr location; internalContent->GetLocation( getter_AddRefs( location ) ); if ( !location ) { break; } // Get href for URL. nsAutoString url; if ( NS_FAILED( location->GetHref( url ) ) ) { break; } // Escape any double-quotes. escapeQuotes( url ); // Now for the title; first, get the "window" JS object. nsCOMPtr scrGlobalObj( do_QueryInterface( internalContent ) ); if ( !scrGlobalObj ) { break; } // Then the doc shell... nsCOMPtr docShell; scrGlobalObj->GetDocShell( getter_AddRefs( docShell ) ); if ( !docShell ) { break; } // And from that the base window... nsCOMPtr baseWindow( do_QueryInterface( docShell ) ); if ( !baseWindow ) { break; } // And from the base window we can get the title. nsXPIDLString title; if(!baseWindow) { break; } baseWindow->GetTitle(getter_Copies(title)); // Escape any double-quotes in the title. escapeQuotes( title ); // Use a string buffer for the output data, first // save a quote. nsCAutoString outpt( NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("\"") ); // Now copy the URL converting the Unicode string // to a single-byte ASCII string outpt.Append( NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII( url ) ); // Add the "," used to separate the URL and the page // title outpt.Append( NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("\",\"") ); // Now copy the current page title to the return string outpt.Append( NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII( title.get() )); // Fill out the return string with the remainin ","" outpt.Append( NS_LITERAL_CSTRING( "\",\"\"" )); // Create a DDE handle to a char string for the data // being returned, this copies and creates a "shared" // copy of the DDE response until the calling APP // reads it and says it can be freed. result = CreateDDEData( (LPBYTE)(const char*)outpt.get(), outpt.Length() + 1 ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "WWW_GetWindowInfo->%s\n", outpt.get() ); #endif } while ( PR_FALSE ); break; } case topicActivate: { // Activate a Nav window... nsCAutoString windowID; ParseDDEArg(hsz2, 0, windowID); // 4294967295 is decimal for 0xFFFFFFFF which is also a // correct value to do that Activate last window stuff if ( windowID.Equals( "-1" ) || windowID.Equals( "4294967295" ) ) { // We only support activating the most recent window (or a new one). ActivateLastWindow(); // Return pseudo window ID. result = CreateDDEData( 1 ); } break; } case topicVersion: { // Return version. We're restarting at 1.0! DWORD version = 1 << 16; // "1.0" result = CreateDDEData( version ); break; } case topicRegisterViewer: { // Register new viewer (not implemented). result = CreateDDEData( PR_FALSE ); break; } case topicUnRegisterViewer: { // Unregister new viewer (not implemented). result = CreateDDEData( PR_FALSE ); break; } default: break; } } else if ( uType & XTYP_POKE ) { switch ( FindTopic( hsz1 ) ) { case topicCancelProgress: { // "Handle" progress cancel (actually, pretty much ignored). result = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; break; } default: break; } } } else if ( uType & XCLASS_FLAGS ) { if ( uType == XTYP_EXECUTE ) { // Prove that we received the request. DWORD bytes; LPBYTE request = DdeAccessData( hdata, &bytes ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Handling dde request: [%s]...\n", (char*)request ); #endif // Default is to open in current window. PRBool new_window = PR_FALSE; nsCAutoString url; ParseDDEArg((const char*) request, 0, url); // Read the 3rd argument in the command to determine if a // new window is to be used. nsCAutoString windowID; ParseDDEArg((const char*) request, 2, windowID); // "0" means to open the URL in a new window. if ( windowID.Equals( "0" ) ) { new_window = PR_TRUE; } // Make it look like command line args. url.Insert( "mozilla -url ", 0 ); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Handling dde XTYP_REQUEST request: [%s]...\n", url.get() ); #endif // Now handle it. HandleRequest( LPBYTE( url.get() ), new_window ); // Release the data. DdeUnaccessData( hdata ); result = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; } else { result = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FNOTPROCESSED; } } else if ( uType & XCLASS_NOTIFICATION ) { } #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "DDE result=%d (0x%08X)\n", (int)result, (int)result ); #endif return result; } // Utility function to advance to end of quoted string. // p+offset must point to the comma preceding the arg on entry. // On return, p+result points to the closing '"' (or end of the string // if the closing '"' is missing) if the arg is quoted. If the arg // is not quoted, then p+result will point to the first character // of the arg. static PRInt32 advanceToEndOfQuotedArg( const char *p, PRInt32 offset, PRInt32 len ) { // Check whether the current arg is quoted. if ( p[++offset] == '"' ) { // Advance past the closing quote. while ( offset < len && p[++offset] != '"' ) { // If the current character is a backslash, then the // next character can't be a *real* '"', so skip it. if ( p[offset] == '\\' ) { offset++; } } } return offset; } void nsNativeAppSupportWin::ParseDDEArg( const char* args, int index, nsCString& aString) { if ( args ) { int argLen = strlen(args); nsDependentCString temp(args, argLen); // offset points to the comma preceding the desired arg. PRInt32 offset = -1; // Skip commas till we get to the arg we want. while( index-- ) { // If this arg is quoted, then go to closing quote. offset = advanceToEndOfQuotedArg( args, offset, argLen); // Find next comma. offset = temp.FindChar( ',', offset ); if ( offset == kNotFound ) { // No more commas, give up. aString = args; return; } } // The desired argument starts just past the preceding comma, // which offset points to, and extends until the following // comma (or the end of the string). // // Since the argument might be enclosed in quotes, we need to // deal with that before searching for the terminating comma. // We advance offset so it ends up pointing to the start of // the argument we want. PRInt32 end = advanceToEndOfQuotedArg( args, offset++, argLen ); // Find next comma (or end of string). end = temp.FindChar( ',', end ); if ( end == kNotFound ) { // Arg is the rest of the string. end = argLen; } // Extract result. aString.Assign( args + offset, end - offset ); } return; } // Utility to parse out argument from a DDE item string. void nsNativeAppSupportWin::ParseDDEArg( HSZ args, int index, nsCString& aString) { DWORD argLen = DdeQueryString( mInstance, args, NULL, NULL, CP_WINANSI ); // there wasn't any string, so return empty string if ( !argLen ) return; nsCAutoString temp; // Ensure result's buffer is sufficiently big. temp.SetLength( argLen ); // Now get the string contents. DdeQueryString( mInstance, args, (char*)temp.get(), temp.Length(), CP_WINANSI ); // Parse out the given arg. ParseDDEArg(temp.get(), index, aString); return; } void nsNativeAppSupportWin::ActivateLastWindow() { nsCOMPtr navWin; GetMostRecentWindow( NS_LITERAL_STRING("navigator:browser").get(), getter_AddRefs( navWin ) ); if ( navWin ) { // Activate that window. activateWindow( navWin ); } else { // Need to create a Navigator window, then. OpenBrowserWindow( "about:blank" ); } } HDDEDATA nsNativeAppSupportWin::CreateDDEData( DWORD value ) { return CreateDDEData( (LPBYTE)&value, sizeof value ); } HDDEDATA nsNativeAppSupportWin::CreateDDEData( LPBYTE value, DWORD len ) { HDDEDATA result = DdeCreateDataHandle( mInstance, value, len, 0, mApplication, CF_TEXT, 0 ); return result; } // Handle DDE request. The argument is the command line received by the // DDE client process. We convert that string to an nsICmdLineService // object via GetCmdLineArgs. Then, we look for certain well-known cmd // arguments. This replicates code elsewhere, to some extent, // unfortunately (if you can fix that, please do). void nsNativeAppSupportWin::HandleRequest( LPBYTE request, PRBool newWindow ) { // if initial hidden window is still being displayed, we need to ignore requests // because such requests might not function properly. See bug 147223 for details if (mInitialWindowActive) { return; } // Parse command line. nsCOMPtr args; nsresult rv; rv = GetCmdLineArgs( request, getter_AddRefs( args ) ); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; nsCOMPtr appShell(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1", &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; nsCOMPtr nativeApp; rv = appShell->GetNativeAppSupport(getter_AddRefs( nativeApp )); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; // first see if there is a url nsXPIDLCString arg; rv = args->GetURLToLoad(getter_Copies(arg)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (const char*)arg ) { // Launch browser. #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Launching browser on url [%s]...\n", (const char*)arg ); #endif if (NS_SUCCEEDED(nativeApp->EnsureProfile(args))) (void)OpenBrowserWindow( arg, newWindow ); return; } // ok, let's try the -chrome argument rv = args->GetCmdLineValue("-chrome", getter_Copies(arg)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (const char*)arg ) { // Launch chrome. #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Launching chrome url [%s]...\n", (const char*)arg ); #endif if (NS_SUCCEEDED(nativeApp->EnsureProfile(args))) (void)OpenWindow( arg, "" ); return; } // try for the "-profilemanager" argument, in which case we want the // profile manager to appear, but only if there are no windows open rv = args->GetCmdLineValue( "-profilemanager", getter_Copies(arg)); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (const char*)arg ) { // -profilemanager on command line nsCOMPtr window; GetMostRecentWindow(0, getter_AddRefs(window)); if (!window) { // there are no open windows mForceProfileStartup = PR_TRUE; } } // try for the "-kill" argument, to shut down the server rv = args->GetCmdLineValue( "-kill", getter_Copies(arg)); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (const char*)arg ) { // Turn off server mode. nsCOMPtr appShell = do_GetService( "@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1", &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; nsCOMPtr native; rv = appShell->GetNativeAppSupport( getter_AddRefs( native )); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { native->SetIsServerMode( PR_FALSE ); // close app if there are no more top-level windows. appShell->Quit(nsIAppShellService::eConsiderQuit); } return; } // check wheather it is a MAPI request. If yes, don't open any new // windows and just return. rv = args->GetCmdLineValue(MAPI_STARTUP_ARG, getter_Copies(arg)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (const char*)arg) { nativeApp->EnsureProfile(args); return; } // Try standard startup's command-line handling logic from nsAppRunner.cpp... // Need profile before opening windows. rv = nativeApp->EnsureProfile(args); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; // This will tell us whether the command line processing opened a window. PRBool windowOpened = PR_FALSE; // If there are no command line arguments, then we want to open windows // based on startup prefs (which say to open navigator and/or mailnews // and/or composer), or, open just a Navigator window. We do the former // if there are no open windows (i.e., we're in turbo mode), the latter // if there are open windows. Note that we call DoCommandLines in the // case where there are no command line args but there are windows open // (i.e., with heedStartupPrefs==PR_FALSE) despite the fact that it may // not actually do anything in that case. That way we're covered if the // logic in DoCommandLines changes. Note that we cover this case below // by opening a navigator window if DoCommandLines doesn't open one. We // have to cover that case anyway, because DoCommandLines won't open a // window when given "mozilla -foobar" or the like. PRBool heedStartupPrefs = PR_FALSE; PRInt32 argc = 0; args->GetArgc( &argc ); if ( argc <= 1 ) { // Use startup prefs iff there are no windows currently open. nsCOMPtr win; GetMostRecentWindow( 0, getter_AddRefs( win ) ); if ( !win ) { heedStartupPrefs = PR_TRUE; } } // Process command line options. rv = DoCommandLines( args, heedStartupPrefs, &windowOpened ); // If a window was opened, then we're done. // Note that we keep on trying in the unlikely event of an error. if (rv == NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE || rv == NS_ERROR_ABORT || windowOpened) { return; } // ok, no idea what the param is. #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Unknown request [%s]\n", (char*) request ); #endif // if all else fails, open a browser window const char * const contractID = "@mozilla.org/commandlinehandler/general-startup;1?type=browser"; nsCOMPtr handler = do_GetService(contractID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; nsXPIDLString defaultArgs; rv = handler->GetDefaultArgs(getter_Copies(defaultArgs)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !defaultArgs) return; if (defaultArgs) { nsCAutoString url; url.AssignWithConversion( defaultArgs ); OpenBrowserWindow(url.get()); } else { OpenBrowserWindow("about:blank"); } } // Parse command line args according to MS spec // (see "Parsing C++ Command-Line Arguments" at // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/devprods/vs6/visualc/vclang/_pluslang_parsing_c.2b2b_.command.2d.line_arguments.htm). nsresult nsNativeAppSupportWin::GetCmdLineArgs( LPBYTE request, nsICmdLineService **aResult ) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; int justCounting = 1; char **argv = 0; // Flags, etc. int init = 1; int between, quoted, bSlashCount; int argc; char *p; nsCAutoString arg; // We loop if we've not finished the second pass through. while ( 1 ) { // Initialize if required. if ( init ) { p = (char*)request; between = 1; argc = quoted = bSlashCount = 0; init = 0; } if ( between ) { // We are traversing whitespace between args. // Check for start of next arg. if ( *p != 0 && !isspace( *p ) ) { // Start of another arg. between = 0; arg = ""; switch ( *p ) { case '\\': // Count the backslash. bSlashCount = 1; break; case '"': // Remember we're inside quotes. quoted = 1; break; default: // Add character to arg. arg += *p; break; } } else { // Another space between args, ignore it. } } else { // We are processing the contents of an argument. // Check for whitespace or end. if ( *p == 0 || ( !quoted && isspace( *p ) ) ) { // Process pending backslashes (interpret them // literally since they're not followed by a "). while( bSlashCount ) { arg += '\\'; bSlashCount--; } // End current arg. if ( !justCounting ) { argv[argc] = new char[ arg.Length() + 1 ]; strcpy( argv[argc], arg.get() ); } argc++; // We're now between args. between = 1; } else { // Still inside argument, process the character. switch ( *p ) { case '"': // First, digest preceding backslashes (if any). while ( bSlashCount > 1 ) { // Put one backsplash in arg for each pair. arg += '\\'; bSlashCount -= 2; } if ( bSlashCount ) { // Quote is literal. arg += '"'; bSlashCount = 0; } else { // Quote starts or ends a quoted section. if ( quoted ) { // Check for special case of consecutive double // quotes inside a quoted section. if ( *(p+1) == '"' ) { // This implies a literal double-quote. Fake that // out by causing next double-quote to look as // if it was preceded by a backslash. bSlashCount = 1; } else { quoted = 0; } } else { quoted = 1; } } break; case '\\': // Add to count. bSlashCount++; break; default: // Accept any preceding backslashes literally. while ( bSlashCount ) { arg += '\\'; bSlashCount--; } // Just add next char to the current arg. arg += *p; break; } } } // Check for end of input. if ( *p ) { // Go to next character. p++; } else { // If on first pass, go on to second. if ( justCounting ) { // Allocate argv array. argv = new char*[ argc ]; // Start second pass justCounting = 0; init = 1; } else { // Quit. break; } } } // OK, now create nsICmdLineService object from argc/argv. static NS_DEFINE_CID( kCmdLineServiceCID, NS_COMMANDLINE_SERVICE_CID ); nsCOMPtr compMgr; NS_GetComponentManager(getter_AddRefs(compMgr)); rv = compMgr->CreateInstance( kCmdLineServiceCID, 0, NS_GET_IID( nsICmdLineService ), (void**)aResult ); if ( NS_FAILED( rv ) || NS_FAILED( ( rv = (*aResult)->Initialize( argc, argv ) ) ) ) { #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Error creating command line service = 0x%08X (argc=%d, argv=0x%08X)\n", (int)rv, (int)argc, (void*)argv ); #endif } // Cleanup. while ( argc ) { delete [] argv[ --argc ]; } delete [] argv; return rv; } // Check to see if we have a profile. We will not have a profile // at this point if we were launched invisibly in -turbo mode, and // the profile mgr needed to show UI (to pick from multiple profiles). // At this point, we can show UI, so call DoProfileStartUp(). nsresult nsNativeAppSupportWin::EnsureProfile(nsICmdLineService* args) { static PRBool firstTime = PR_TRUE; if ( firstTime ) { firstTime = PR_FALSE; // Check pref for whether to set ddeexec subkey entries. nsCOMPtr prefService( do_GetService( NS_PREF_CONTRACTID ) ); PRBool supportDDEExec = PR_FALSE; if ( prefService ) { prefService->GetBoolPref( "advanced.system.supportDDEExec", &supportDDEExec ); } if ( supportDDEExec && handlingHTTP() ) { #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE printf( "Setting ddexec subkey entries\n" ); #endif // Set ddeexec default value. const char ddeexec[] = "\"%1\",,-1,0,,,,"; ::RegSetValue( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "http\\shell\\open\\ddeexec", REG_SZ, ddeexec, sizeof ddeexec ); // Set application/topic (while we're running), reset at exit. ::RegSetValue( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "http\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\application", REG_SZ, mAppName, ::strlen( mAppName ) ); const char topic[] = "WWW_OpenURL"; ::RegSetValue( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "http\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\topic", REG_SZ, topic, sizeof topic ); // Remember we need to undo this. mSupportingDDEExec = PR_TRUE; } } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr profileMgr(do_GetService(NS_PROFILE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr appShell(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1", &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // If we have a profile, everything is fine - // unless mForceProfileStartup is TRUE. This flag is set when the // last window is closed in -turbo mode. When TRUE, it forces the // profile UI to come up at the beginning of the next -turbo session // even if we currently have a profile. PRBool haveProfile; rv = profileMgr->IsCurrentProfileAvailable(&haveProfile); if (!mForceProfileStartup && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && haveProfile) return NS_OK; // If the profile selection is happening, fail. PRBool doingProfileStartup; rv = profileMgr->GetIsStartingUp(&doingProfileStartup); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || doingProfileStartup) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // See if profile manager is being suppressed via -silent flag. PRBool canInteract = PR_TRUE; nsXPIDLCString arg; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(args->GetCmdLineValue("-silent", getter_Copies(arg))) && (const char*)arg) { canInteract = PR_FALSE; } rv = appShell->DoProfileStartup(args, canInteract); mForceProfileStartup = PR_FALSE; return rv; } nsresult nsNativeAppSupportWin::OpenWindow( const char*urlstr, const char *args ) { nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr wwatch(do_GetService(NS_WINDOWWATCHER_CONTRACTID)); nsCOMPtr sarg(do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_CSTRING_CONTRACTID)); if (sarg) sarg->SetData(nsDependentCString(args)); if (wwatch && sarg) { nsCOMPtr newWindow; rv = wwatch->OpenWindow(0, urlstr, "_blank", "chrome,dialog=no,all", sarg, getter_AddRefs(newWindow)); #if MOZ_DEBUG_DDE } else { printf("Get WindowWatcher (or create string) failed\n"); #endif } return rv; } static char procPropertyName[] = "MozillaProcProperty"; // Subclass procedure used to filter out WM_SETFOCUS messages while reparenting. static LRESULT CALLBACK focusFilterProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if ( uMsg == WM_SETFOCUS ) { // Don't let Mozilla's window procedure see this. return 0; } else { // Pass on all other messages to Mozilla's window proc. HANDLE oldProc = ::GetProp( hwnd, procPropertyName ); if ( oldProc ) { return ::CallWindowProc( (WNDPROC)oldProc, hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); } else { // Last resort is the default window proc. return ::DefWindowProc( hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); } } } HWND hwndForDOMWindow( nsISupports *window ) { nsCOMPtr ppScriptGlobalObj( do_QueryInterface(window) ); if ( !ppScriptGlobalObj ) { return 0; } nsCOMPtr ppDocShell; ppScriptGlobalObj->GetDocShell( getter_AddRefs( ppDocShell ) ); if ( !ppDocShell ) { return 0; } nsCOMPtr ppBaseWindow( do_QueryInterface( ppDocShell ) ); if ( !ppBaseWindow ) { return 0; } nsCOMPtr ppWidget; ppBaseWindow->GetMainWidget( getter_AddRefs( ppWidget ) ); return (HWND)( ppWidget->GetNativeData( NS_NATIVE_WIDGET ) ); } nsresult nsNativeAppSupportWin::ReParent( nsISupports *window, HWND newParent ) { HWND hMainFrame = hwndForDOMWindow( window ); if ( !hMainFrame ) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Filter out WM_SETFOCUS messages while reparenting to // other than the desktop. // // For some reason, Windows generates one and it causes // our focus/activation code to assert. LONG oldProc = 0; if ( newParent ) { // Subclass the window. oldProc = ::SetWindowLong( hMainFrame, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)(WNDPROC)focusFilterProc ); // Store old procedure in window so it is available within // focusFilterProc. ::SetProp( hMainFrame, procPropertyName, (HANDLE)oldProc ); } // Reset the parent. ::SetParent( hMainFrame, newParent ); // Restore old procedure. if ( newParent ) { ::SetWindowLong( hMainFrame, GWL_WNDPROC, oldProc ); ::RemoveProp( hMainFrame, procPropertyName ); } return NS_OK; } static const char sJSStackContractID[] = "@mozilla.org/js/xpc/ContextStack;1"; class SafeJSContext { public: SafeJSContext(); ~SafeJSContext(); nsresult Push(); JSContext *get() { return mContext; } protected: nsCOMPtr mService; JSContext *mContext; }; SafeJSContext::SafeJSContext() : mContext(nsnull) { } SafeJSContext::~SafeJSContext() { JSContext *cx; nsresult rv; if(mContext) { rv = mService->Pop(&cx); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && cx == mContext, "JSContext push/pop mismatch"); } } nsresult SafeJSContext::Push() { nsresult rv; if (mContext) // only once return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; mService = do_GetService(sJSStackContractID); if(mService) { rv = mService->GetSafeJSContext(&mContext); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && mContext) { rv = mService->Push(mContext); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) mContext = 0; } } return mContext ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsresult nsNativeAppSupportWin::OpenBrowserWindow( const char *args, PRBool newWindow ) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Open the argument URL in the most recently used Navigator window. // If there is no Nav window, open a new one. // Get most recently used Nav window. nsCOMPtr navWin; GetMostRecentWindow( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "navigator:browser" ).get(), getter_AddRefs( navWin ) ); // This isn't really a loop. We just use "break" statements to fall // out to the OpenWindow call when things go awry. do { // If caller requires a new window, then don't use an existing one. if ( newWindow ) { break; } if ( !navWin ) { // Have to open a new one. break; } // Get content window. nsCOMPtr content; navWin->GetContent( getter_AddRefs( content ) ); if ( !content ) { break; } // Convert that to internal interface. nsCOMPtr internalContent( do_QueryInterface( content ) ); if ( !internalContent ) { break; } // Get location. nsCOMPtr location; internalContent->GetLocation( getter_AddRefs( location ) ); if ( !location ) { break; } // Set up environment. SafeJSContext context; if ( NS_FAILED( context.Push() ) ) { break; } // Set href. nsAutoString url; url.AssignWithConversion( args ); if ( NS_FAILED( location->SetHref( url ) ) ) { break; } // Finally, if we get here, we're done. return NS_OK; } while ( PR_FALSE ); nsCOMPtr handler(do_GetService("@mozilla.org/commandlinehandler/general-startup;1?type=browser", &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsXPIDLCString chromeUrlForTask; rv = handler->GetChromeUrlForTask(getter_Copies(chromeUrlForTask)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Last resort is to open a brand new window. return OpenWindow( chromeUrlForTask, args ); } void AppendMenuItem( HMENU& menu, PRInt32 aIdentifier, const nsString& aText ) { char* ACPText = GetACPString( aText ); if ( ACPText ) { ::AppendMenu( menu, MF_STRING, aIdentifier, ACPText ); delete [] ACPText; } } // Utility function that sets up system tray icon. void nsNativeAppSupportWin::SetupSysTrayIcon() { // Messages go to the hidden window. mIconData.hWnd = (HWND)MessageWindow(); // Icon is our default application icon. mIconData.hIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage( ::GetModuleHandle( NULL ), IDI_APPLICATION, IMAGE_ICON, ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSMICON ), ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON ), NULL ); // Tooltip is the brand short name. mIconData.szTip[0] = 0; nsCOMPtr svc( do_GetService( NS_STRINGBUNDLE_CONTRACTID ) ); if ( svc ) { nsCOMPtr brandBundle; nsXPIDLString tooltip; svc->CreateBundle( "chrome://global/locale/brand.properties", getter_AddRefs( brandBundle ) ); if ( brandBundle ) { brandBundle->GetStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "brandShortName" ).get(), getter_Copies( tooltip ) ); ::strncpy( mIconData.szTip, NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII(tooltip).get(), sizeof mIconData.szTip - 1 ); } // Build menu. nsCOMPtr turboBundle; nsCOMPtr mailBundle; svc->CreateBundle( "chrome://navigator/locale/turboMenu.properties", getter_AddRefs( turboBundle ) ); nsresult rv = svc->CreateBundle( "chrome://messenger/locale/mailTurboMenu.properties", getter_AddRefs( mailBundle ) ); PRBool isMail = NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && mailBundle; nsAutoString exitText; nsAutoString disableText; nsAutoString navigatorText; nsAutoString editorText; nsAutoString mailText; nsAutoString addressbookText; nsXPIDLString text; if ( turboBundle ) { if ( brandBundle ) { const PRUnichar* formatStrings[] = { tooltip.get() }; turboBundle->FormatStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "Exit" ).get(), formatStrings, 1, getter_Copies( text ) ); exitText = (const PRUnichar*)text; } turboBundle->GetStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "Disable" ).get(), getter_Copies( text ) ); disableText = (const PRUnichar*)text; turboBundle->GetStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "Navigator" ).get(), getter_Copies( text ) ); navigatorText = (const PRUnichar*)text; turboBundle->GetStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "Editor" ).get(), getter_Copies( text ) ); editorText = (const PRUnichar*)text; } if (isMail) { mailBundle->GetStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "MailNews" ).get(), getter_Copies( text ) ); mailText = (const PRUnichar*)text; mailBundle->GetStringFromName( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "Addressbook" ).get(), getter_Copies( text ) ); addressbookText = (const PRUnichar*)text; } if ( exitText.IsEmpty() ) exitText = NS_LITERAL_STRING( "E&xit Mozilla" ); if ( disableText.IsEmpty() ) disableText = NS_LITERAL_STRING( "&Disable Quick Launch" ); if ( navigatorText.IsEmpty() ) navigatorText = NS_LITERAL_STRING( "&Navigator" ); if ( editorText.IsEmpty() ) editorText = NS_LITERAL_STRING( "&Composer" ); if ( isMail ) { if ( mailText.IsEmpty() ) mailText = NS_LITERAL_STRING( "&Mail && Newsgroups" ); if ( addressbookText.IsEmpty() ) addressbookText = NS_LITERAL_STRING( "&Address Book" ); } // Create menu and add item. mTrayIconMenu = ::CreatePopupMenu(); ::AppendMenuW( mTrayIconMenu, MF_STRING, TURBO_NAVIGATOR, navigatorText.get() ); if ( ::GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) { AppendMenuItem( mTrayIconMenu, TURBO_NAVIGATOR, navigatorText ); if ( isMail ) AppendMenuItem( mTrayIconMenu, TURBO_MAIL, mailText ); AppendMenuItem( mTrayIconMenu, TURBO_EDITOR, editorText ); if ( isMail ) AppendMenuItem( mTrayIconMenu, TURBO_ADDRESSBOOK, addressbookText ); ::AppendMenu( mTrayIconMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, NULL, NULL ); AppendMenuItem( mTrayIconMenu, TURBO_DISABLE, disableText ); AppendMenuItem( mTrayIconMenu, TURBO_EXIT, exitText ); } else { if (isMail) ::AppendMenuW( mTrayIconMenu, MF_STRING, TURBO_MAIL, mailText.get() ); ::AppendMenuW( mTrayIconMenu, MF_STRING, TURBO_EDITOR, editorText.get() ); if (isMail) ::AppendMenuW( mTrayIconMenu, MF_STRING, TURBO_ADDRESSBOOK, addressbookText.get() ); ::AppendMenuW( mTrayIconMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, NULL, NULL ); ::AppendMenuW( mTrayIconMenu, MF_STRING, TURBO_DISABLE, disableText.get() ); ::AppendMenuW( mTrayIconMenu, MF_STRING, TURBO_EXIT, exitText.get() ); } } // Add the tray icon. /* The tray icon will be removed if explorer restarts. Therefore, we are registering the following window message so we know when the taskbar is created. Explorer will send this message when explorer restarts.*/ mTrayRestart = ::RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("TaskbarCreated")); ::Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_ADD, &mIconData ); } // Utility function to remove the system tray icon. void nsNativeAppSupportWin::RemoveSysTrayIcon() { // Remove the tray icon. mTrayRestart = 0; ::Shell_NotifyIcon( NIM_DELETE, &mIconData ); // Delete the menu. ::DestroyMenu( mTrayIconMenu ); } // This opens a special browser window for purposes of priming the pump for // server mode (getting stuff into the caching, loading .dlls, etc.). The // window will have these attributes: // - Load about:blank (no home page) // - No toolbar (so there's no sidebar panels loaded, either) // - Pass magic arg to cause window to close in onload handler. NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeAppSupportWin::StartServerMode() { // Turn on system tray icon. SetupSysTrayIcon(); if (mShouldShowUI) { // We dont have to anything anymore. The native UI // will create the window return NS_OK; } else { // Sometimes a window will have been opened even though mShouldShowUI is false // (e.g., mozilla -mail -turbo). Detect that by testing whether there's a // window already open. nsCOMPtr win; GetMostRecentWindow( 0, getter_AddRefs( win ) ); if ( win ) { // Window already opened, don't need this special Nav window. return NS_OK; } } // Since native UI wont create any window, we create a hidden window // so thing work alright. // Create some of the objects we'll need. nsCOMPtr ww(do_GetService(NS_WINDOWWATCHER_CONTRACTID)); nsCOMPtr arg1(do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONTRACTID)); nsCOMPtr arg2(do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_STRING_CONTRACTID)); if ( !ww || !arg1 || !arg2 ) { return NS_OK; } // Create the array for the arguments. nsCOMPtr argArray = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTSARRAY_CONTRACTID); if ( !argArray ) { return NS_OK; } // arg1 is the url to load. // arg2 is the string that tells navigator.js to auto-close. arg1->SetData( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "about:blank" ) ); arg2->SetData( NS_LITERAL_STRING( "turbo=yes" ) ); // Put args into array. if ( NS_FAILED( argArray->AppendElement( arg1 ) ) || NS_FAILED( argArray->AppendElement( arg2 ) ) ) { return NS_OK; } // Now open the window. nsCOMPtr newWindow; ww->OpenWindow( 0, "chrome://navigator/content", "_blank", "chrome,dialog=no,toolbar=no", argArray, getter_AddRefs( newWindow ) ); if ( !newWindow ) { return NS_OK; } mInitialWindowActive = PR_TRUE; // Hide this window by re-parenting it (to ensure it doesn't appear). ReParent( newWindow, (HWND)MessageWindow() ); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeAppSupportWin::SetIsServerMode( PRBool isServerMode ) { // If it is being turned off, remove systray icon. if ( mServerMode && !isServerMode ) { RemoveSysTrayIcon(); } else if ( !mServerMode && isServerMode) { SetupSysTrayIcon(); } return nsNativeAppSupportBase::SetIsServerMode( isServerMode ); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsNativeAppSupportWin::OnLastWindowClosing() { if ( !mServerMode ) return NS_OK; // If the last window closed is our special "turbo" window made // in StartServerMode(), don't do anything. if ( mInitialWindowActive ) { mInitialWindowActive = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; } // If the last window closed is our confirmation dialog, // don't do anything. if ( mLastWindowIsConfirmation ) { mLastWindowIsConfirmation = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; } nsresult rv; // If activated by the browser.turbo.singleProfileOnly pref, // check for multi-profile situation and turn off turbo mode // if there are multiple profiles. PRBool singleProfileOnly = PR_FALSE; nsCOMPtr prefService( do_GetService( NS_PREF_CONTRACTID, &rv ) ); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) { prefService->GetBoolPref( "browser.turbo.singleProfileOnly", &singleProfileOnly ); } if ( singleProfileOnly ) { nsCOMPtr profileMgr( do_GetService( NS_PROFILE_CONTRACTID, &rv ) ); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) { PRInt32 profileCount = 0; if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( profileMgr->GetProfileCount( &profileCount ) ) && profileCount > 1 ) { // Turn off turbo mode and quit the application. SetIsServerMode( PR_FALSE ); nsCOMPtr appShell = do_GetService( "@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1", &rv); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) { appShell->Quit(nsIAppShellService::eAttemptQuit); } return NS_OK; } } } if ( !mShownTurboDialog ) { PRBool showDialog = PR_TRUE; if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) prefService->GetBoolPref( "browser.turbo.showDialog", &showDialog ); if ( showDialog ) { /* show turbo dialog, unparented. at this point in the application shutdown process the last window is largely torn down and unsuitable for parenthood. */ nsCOMPtr wwatch(do_GetService(NS_WINDOWWATCHER_CONTRACTID)); if ( wwatch ) { nsCOMPtr newWindow; mShownTurboDialog = PR_TRUE; mLastWindowIsConfirmation = PR_TRUE; rv = wwatch->OpenWindow(0, "chrome://navigator/content/turboDialog.xul", "_blank", "chrome,modal,titlebar,centerscreen,dialog", 0, getter_AddRefs(newWindow)); } } } nsCOMPtr appShell = do_GetService( "@mozilla.org/appshell/appShellService;1", &rv); if ( NS_SUCCEEDED( rv ) ) { // Instead of staying alive, launch a new instance of the application and then // terminate for real. We take steps to ensure that the new instance will run // as a "server process" and not try to pawn off its request back on this // instance. // Grab mutex. Process termination will release it. Mutex mutexLock = Mutex(mMutexName); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mutexLock.Lock(MOZ_DDE_START_TIMEOUT), NS_ERROR_FAILURE ); // Turn off MessageWindow so the other process can't see us. MessageWindow mw; mw.Destroy(); // Launch another instance. char buffer[ _MAX_PATH ]; // Same application as this one. ::GetModuleFileName( 0, buffer, sizeof buffer ); // Clean up name so we don't have to worry about enclosing it in quotes. ::GetShortPathName( buffer, buffer, sizeof buffer ); nsCAutoString cmdLine( buffer ); // The new process must run in turbo mode (no splash screen, no window, etc.). cmdLine.Append( " -turbo" ); // Now do the Win32 stuff... STARTUPINFO startupInfo; ::GetStartupInfo( &startupInfo ); PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo; DWORD rc = ::CreateProcess( 0, (LPTSTR)cmdLine.get(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &startupInfo, &processInfo ); // Turn off turbo mode and quit the application. SetIsServerMode( PR_FALSE ); appShell->Quit(nsIAppShellService::eAttemptQuit); // Done. This app will now commence shutdown. } return NS_OK; }