#!/usr/bin/perl -wT -I.
use CGI;
use Tinderbox3::Header;
use Tinderbox3::DB;
use Tinderbox3::Login;
use strict;
# Init
my $p = new CGI;
my $dbh = get_dbh();
my ($login, $cookie) = check_session($p, $dbh);
my $tree = $p->param('tree') || "";
# For edit_machine
my $machine_id = Tinderbox3::DB::update_machine_action($p, $dbh, $login);
# Get patch from DB
my $machine_info = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref("SELECT tree_name, machine_name, os, os_version, compiler, clobber, commands, visible FROM tbox_machine WHERE machine_id = ?", undef, $machine_id);
if (!defined($machine_info)) {
die "Could not get machine!";
my ($machine_name, $os, $os_version, $compiler, $clobber, $commands, $visible);
($tree, $machine_name, $os, $os_version, $compiler, $clobber, $commands, $visible) = @{$machine_info};
my %machine_config;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, value FROM tbox_machine_config WHERE machine_id = ? ORDER BY name");
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
$machine_config{$row->[0]} = $row->[1];
header($p, $login, $cookie, "Edit Machine $machine_name", $tree, $machine_id, $machine_name);
# Edit patch form
print < Machine Config:
.mozconfig (set to blank to use default):Machine Name: @{[$p->escapeHTML($machine_name)]} OS: @{[$p->escapeHTML("$os $os_version")]} Compiler: @{[$p->escapeHTML($compiler)]} Clobber: @{[$clobber ? 'Clobber' : 'Depend']} Commands @{[$p->textfield(-name=>'commands', -default=>$commands)]} Visible:
@{[$p->textarea(-name=>'machine_config0_val', -default=>$machine_config{mozconfig}, -rows=>5,
print "
print "(Empty a line to use default for tree)
print " \n";
my $config_num = 1;
foreach my $var (sort keys %machine_config) {
my $value = $machine_config{$var};
if ($var ne "mozconfig") {
print "Var Value \n";
foreach my $i ($config_num..($config_num+2)) {
print "", $p->textfield(-name=>"machine_config$config_num", -default=>$var, -override=>1), " ";
print "", $p->textfield(-name=>"machine_config${config_num}_val", -default=>$value, -override=>1), " \n";
print "", $p->textfield(-name=>"machine_config$i", -override=>1), " ";
print "", $p->textfield(-name=>"machine_config${i}_val", -override=>1), "