CFBundleDocumentTypes CFBundleTypeExtensions html htm text txt shtml css xml xhtml xul js rdf CFBundleTypeIconFile 129 CFBundleTypeName Text File CFBundleTypeOSTypes TEXT utxt CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleTypeExtensions jpeg jpg png gif mng CFBundleTypeName Image File CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleTypeIconFile 130 CFBundleTypeName Preferences CFBundleTypeOSTypes pref CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleTypeIconFile 131 CFBundleTypeName Plugin CFBundleTypeOSTypes NSPL IEPL BRPL CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleTypeIconFile 142 CFBundleTypeName Command Line File CFBundleTypeOSTypes CMDL CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleTypeExtensions shlb CFBundleTypeIconFile 138 CFBundleTypeName Shared Library CFBundleTypeOSTypes shlb CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleTypeExtensions mab bag na2 msf sbd CFBundleTypeIconFile 139 CFBundleTypeName Binary File CFBundleTypeOSTypes BiNA CFBundleTypeRole Viewer CFBundleExecutable Mozilla CFBundleIconFile 128 CFBundleIdentifier org.mozilla.Mozilla CFBundleName Mozilla CFBundlePackageType APPL CFBundleSignature MOZZ CFBundleVersion 0.9.7+ CFBundleShortVersionString 0.9.7+ CFBundleGetInfoString 0.9.7+, © 1998-2001 The Mozilla Organization LSRequiresCarbon NSHumanReadableCopyright ©1998-2001 The Mozilla Organization