# Litmus Makefile PERL=perl install: templates $(PERL) populatedb.pl # precompile all templates with the Template Toolkit # to speed things up a good bit. # This ought to be done in a more "makelike" way, but # various difficulties prevent that unless we use a configure # script to generate the Makefile, at which point we could have # been done already... %.tmpl: $(PERL) -e " \ eval('use CGI qw(-no_debug)'); \ use Litmus::Template;use diagnostics; \ \$$template = Litmus::Template->create(); \ \$$template->context()->template('$@'); \ " templates: index.html.tmpl $(PERL) -e " \ use File::Find; \ find({ wanted => sub { \ \$$name = \$$File::Find::name; \ return if (-d \$$name); \ return if (\$$name =~ /\/CVS\//); \ return if (\$$name !~ /\.tmpl\$$/); \ \$$name =~ s/templates\/en\/default\///; \ if (-M 'templates/en/default/'.\$$name < -M 'data/templates/en/default/'.\$$name \ || ! -e 'data/templates/en/default/'.\$$name \ || -M 'Litmus/Template.pm' < -M 'data/templates/en/default/'.\$$name) { \ system("make", "\$$name"); \ } \ }, no_chdir => 1 }, 'templates/en/default'); \ " # tags: generate ctags style hints for ease of editing # requires Exuberant Ctags to be installed (http://ctags.sf.net/) ctags: `which ctags` --excmd=number --tag-relative=no --fields=+a+m+n+S -R `pwd` tags: ctags test: $(PERL) runtests.pl cache: $(PERL) -MLitmus -MLitmus::Cache -e "Litmus::Cache::rebuildCache();" @echo "Done"; clean: rm -rf data make install