This file contains things that need to be changed if upgrading from an older version of Despot. * If you installed before December 2, 2006... - Run the following commands on your MySQL database: ALTER TABLE users MODIFY passwd VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY gila_group ENUM("None", "webmonkey", "cvsadm") NOT NULL DEFAULT "None"; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY cvs_group ENUM("None", "cvsuser", "cvsadm") NOT NULL DEFAULT "None"; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY despot ENUM("No", "Yes") NOT NULL DEFAULT "No"; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY neednewpassword ENUM("No", "Yes") NOT NULL DEFAULT "No"; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY disabled ENUM("No", "Yes") NOT NULL DEFAULT "No"; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY voucher MEDIUMINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY signedform ENUM("No", "Yes") NOT NULL DEFAULT "No"; ALTER TABLE users MODIFY voucher MEDIUMINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; * If you installed before December 12, 2006... - Add the following options to your $::sitename = ''; $::ownersurl = ''; $::adminname = 'sysadmins'; $::adminmail = ''; * If you installed before December 19, 2006... - Run the following commands on your MySQL database: ALTER TABLE partitions ADD ownerspagedisplay enum("Yes", "No") not null default "Yes" AFTER doclinks; * If you installed before January 2, 2007... - Run the following commands on your MySQL database: ALTER TABLE users DROP pserverhosts;