#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -- # -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public # License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS # IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # rights and limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is the Tinderbox build tool. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications # Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are # Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All # Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): use lib "../bonsai"; require 'lloydcgi.pl'; require 'tbglobals.pl'; umask O666; $|=1; tb_check_password(); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n\n"; $command = $form{'command'}; $tree= $form{'tree'}; if( $command eq 'create_tree' ){ &create_tree; } elsif( $command eq 'remove_build' ){ &remove_build; } elsif( $command eq 'trim_logs' ){ &trim_logs; } elsif( $command eq 'set_status_message' ){ &set_status_message; } elsif( $command eq 'set_rules_message' ){ &set_rules_message; } elsif( $command eq 'set_sheriff' ){ &set_sheriff; } elsif( $command eq 'disable_builds' ){ &disable_builds; } else { print "Unknown command: \"$command\"."; } sub trim_logs { $days = $form{'days'}; $tree = $form{'tree'}; print "
$min_date = time - (60*60*24 * $days);
# Nuke the old log files
$i = 0;
opendir( D, 'DogbertTip' );
while( $fn = readdir( D ) ){
if( $fn =~ /\.gz$/ ){
$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat("$tree/$fn");
if( $mtime && ($mtime < $min_date) ){
print "$fn\n";
$tblocks += $blocks;
unlink( "$tree/$fn" );
closedir( D );
$k = $tblocks*512/1024;
print "
$i Logfiles ( $k K bytes ) removed
# Trim build.dat
$builds_removed = 0;
open(BD, "<$tree/build.dat");
open(NBD, ">$tree/build.dat.new");
while( $builds_removed Builds removed from build.dat
sub create_tree {
$treename = $form{'treename'};
my $repository = $form{'repository'};
$modulename = $form{'modulename'};
$branchname = $form{'branchname'};
$bonsaitreename = $form{'bonsaitreename'};
if( -r $treename ){
chmod 0777, $treename;
else {
mkdir( $treename, 0777 ) || die " Cannot mkdir $treename
open( F, ">$treename/treedata.pl" );
print F "\$cvs_module='$modulename';\n";
print F "\$cvs_branch='$branchname';\n";
print F "\$bonsai_tree='$bonsaitreename';\n";
if ($repository ne "") {
print F "\$cvs_root='$repository';\n";
close( F );
open( F, ">$treename/build.dat" );
close( F );
open( F, ">$treename/who.dat" );
close( F );
open( F, ">$treename/notes.txt" );
close( F );
chmod 0777, "$treename/build.dat", "$treename/who.dat", "$treename/notes.txt",
print "Tree created or modified
sub remove_build {
$build_name = $form{'build'};
# Trim build.dat
$builds_removed = 0;
open(BD, "<$tree/build.dat");
open(NBD, ">$tree/build.dat.new");
$builds_removed Builds removed from build.dat
sub disable_builds {
my $i,%buildnames;
$build_name = $form{'build'};
# Trim build.dat
open(BD, "<$tree/build.dat");
while( Build state Changed
sub set_sheriff {
$m = $form{'sheriff'};
$m =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
open(SHERIFF, ">$tree/sheriff.pl");
print SHERIFF "\$current_sheriff = '$m';\n1;";
chmod( 0777, "$tree/sheriff.pl");
print "
Sheriff Changed.
sub set_status_message {
$m = $form{'status'};
$m =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
open(TREESTATUS, ">$tree/status.pl");
print TREESTATUS "\$status_message = \'$m\'\;\n1;";
chmod( 0777, "$tree/status.pl");
print "
Status message changed.
sub set_rules_message {
$m = $form{'rules'};
$m =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
open(RULES, ">$tree/rules.pl");
print RULES "\$rules_message = \'$m\';\n1;";
chmod( 0777, "$tree/rules.pl");
print "
Rule message changed.