/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is mozilla.org code. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsTableRowGroupFrame.h" #include "nsTableRowFrame.h" #include "nsTableFrame.h" #include "nsTableCellFrame.h" #include "nsIRenderingContext.h" #include "nsIPresContext.h" #include "nsIStyleContext.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsIView.h" #include "nsIReflowCommand.h" #include "nsHTMLIIDs.h" #include "nsIDeviceContext.h" #include "nsHTMLAtoms.h" #include "nsIStyleSet.h" #include "nsIPresShell.h" #include "nsLayoutAtoms.h" #include "nsCSSRendering.h" #include "nsHTMLParts.h" #include "nsCellMap.h"//table cell navigation nsTableRowGroupFrame::nsTableRowGroupFrame() { #ifdef DEBUG_TABLE_REFLOW_TIMING mTimer = new nsReflowTimer(this); #endif } nsTableRowGroupFrame::~nsTableRowGroupFrame() { #ifdef DEBUG_TABLE_REFLOW_TIMING nsTableFrame::DebugReflowDone(this); #endif } /* ----------- nsTableRowGroupFrame ---------- */ nsrefcnt nsTableRowGroupFrame::AddRef(void) { return 1;//implementation of nsLineIterator } nsrefcnt nsTableRowGroupFrame::Release(void) { return 1;//implementation of nsLineIterator } nsresult nsTableRowGroupFrame::QueryInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr) { if (NULL == aInstancePtr) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } static NS_DEFINE_IID(kITableRowGroupIID, NS_ITABLEROWGROUPFRAME_IID); if (aIID.Equals(kITableRowGroupIID)) { *aInstancePtr = (void*)this; return NS_OK; } else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsILineIteratorNavigator))) { // note there is no addref here, frames are not addref'd *aInstancePtr = (void*)(nsILineIteratorNavigator*)this; return NS_OK; } else { return nsHTMLContainerFrame::QueryInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr); } } NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetRowCount(PRInt32 &aCount, PRBool aDeepCount) { // init out-param aCount=0; // loop through children, adding one to aCount for every legit row nsIFrame *childFrame = GetFirstFrame(); while (PR_TRUE) { if (nsnull==childFrame) break; const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay; childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == childDisplay->mDisplay) aCount++; else if (aDeepCount && NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == childDisplay->mDisplay) { PRInt32 childRowGroupCount; ((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)childFrame)->GetRowCount(childRowGroupCount); aCount += childRowGroupCount; } GetNextFrame(childFrame, &childFrame); } return NS_OK; } PRInt32 nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetStartRowIndex() { PRInt32 result = -1; nsIFrame *childFrame = GetFirstFrame(); while (PR_TRUE) { if (nsnull==childFrame) break; const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay; childFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == childDisplay->mDisplay) { result = ((nsTableRowFrame *)childFrame)->GetRowIndex(); break; } else if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == childDisplay->mDisplay) { result = ((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)childFrame)->GetStartRowIndex(); if (result != -1) break; } GetNextFrame(childFrame, &childFrame); } // if the row group doesn't have any children, get it the hard way if (-1 == result) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame; nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (tableFrame) { return tableFrame->GetStartRowIndex(*this); } } return result; } nsresult nsTableRowGroupFrame::InitRepeatedFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableRowGroupFrame* aHeaderFooterFrame) { nsIFrame* originalRowFrame; nsIFrame* copyRowFrame = GetFirstFrame(); aHeaderFooterFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &originalRowFrame); while (copyRowFrame) { // Set the row frame index int rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)originalRowFrame)->GetRowIndex(); ((nsTableRowFrame*)copyRowFrame)->SetRowIndex(rowIndex); // For each table cell frame set its column index nsIFrame* originalCellFrame; nsIFrame* copyCellFrame; originalRowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &originalCellFrame); copyRowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, ©CellFrame); while (copyCellFrame) { nsIAtom* frameType; copyCellFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == frameType) { #ifdef NS_DEBUG nsIContent* content1; nsIContent* content2; originalCellFrame->GetContent(&content1); copyCellFrame->GetContent(&content2); NS_ASSERTION(content1 == content2, "cell frames have different content"); NS_IF_RELEASE(content1); NS_IF_RELEASE(content2); #endif PRInt32 colIndex; ((nsTableCellFrame*)originalCellFrame)->GetColIndex(colIndex); ((nsTableCellFrame*)copyCellFrame)->InitCellFrame(colIndex); } NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); // Move to the next cell frame copyCellFrame->GetNextSibling(©CellFrame); originalCellFrame->GetNextSibling(&originalCellFrame); } // Move to the next row frame GetNextFrame(originalRowFrame, &originalRowFrame); GetNextFrame(copyRowFrame, ©RowFrame); } return NS_OK; } NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::Paint(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer) { PRBool isVisible; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(IsVisibleForPainting(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, PR_FALSE, &isVisible)) && !isVisible) { return NS_OK; } nsresult rv; if (NS_FRAME_PAINT_LAYER_BACKGROUND == aWhichLayer) { nsCompatibility mode; aPresContext->GetCompatibilityMode(&mode); if (eCompatibility_Standard == mode) { const nsStyleDisplay* disp = (const nsStyleDisplay*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display); if (disp->IsVisibleOrCollapsed()) { const nsStyleSpacing* spacing = (const nsStyleSpacing*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Spacing); const nsStyleColor* color = (const nsStyleColor*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color); nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || (nsnull == tableFrame)) { return rv; } nsRect rect(0,0,mRect.width, mRect.height); nsCSSRendering::PaintBackground(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, this, aDirtyRect, rect, *color, *spacing, 0, 0); } } } #ifdef DEBUG // for debug... if ((NS_FRAME_PAINT_LAYER_DEBUG == aWhichLayer) && GetShowFrameBorders()) { aRenderingContext.SetColor(NS_RGB(0,255,0)); aRenderingContext.DrawRect(0, 0, mRect.width, mRect.height); } #endif PaintChildren(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aDirtyRect, aWhichLayer); return NS_OK; /*nsFrame::Paint(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aDirtyRect, aWhichLayer);*/ } PRIntn nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetSkipSides() const { PRIntn skip = 0; if (nsnull != mPrevInFlow) { skip |= 1 << NS_SIDE_TOP; } if (nsnull != mNextInFlow) { skip |= 1 << NS_SIDE_BOTTOM; } return skip; } // aDirtyRect is in our coordinate system // child rect's are also in our coordinate system /** overloaded method from nsContainerFrame. The difference is that * we don't want to clip our children, so a cell can do a rowspan */ void nsTableRowGroupFrame::PaintChildren(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer) { nsIFrame* kid = GetFirstFrame(); while (nsnull != kid) { nsIView *pView; kid->GetView(aPresContext, &pView); if (nsnull == pView) { PRBool clipState; nsRect kidRect; kid->GetRect(kidRect); nsRect damageArea(aDirtyRect); // Translate damage area into kid's coordinate system nsRect kidDamageArea(damageArea.x - kidRect.x, damageArea.y - kidRect.y, damageArea.width, damageArea.height); aRenderingContext.PushState(); aRenderingContext.Translate(kidRect.x, kidRect.y); kid->Paint(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, kidDamageArea, aWhichLayer); #ifdef DEBUG if ((NS_FRAME_PAINT_LAYER_DEBUG == aWhichLayer) && GetShowFrameBorders()) { aRenderingContext.SetColor(NS_RGB(255,0,0)); aRenderingContext.DrawRect(0, 0, kidRect.width, kidRect.height); } #endif aRenderingContext.PopState(clipState); } GetNextFrame(kid, &kid); } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetFrameForPoint(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, const nsPoint& aPoint, nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer, nsIFrame** aFrame) { // this should act like a block, so we need to override return GetFrameForPointUsing(aPresContext, aPoint, nsnull, aWhichLayer, (aWhichLayer == NS_FRAME_PAINT_LAYER_BACKGROUND), aFrame); } // Position and size aKidFrame and update our reflow state. The origin of // aKidRect is relative to the upper-left origin of our frame void nsTableRowGroupFrame::PlaceChild(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsIFrame* aKidFrame, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, nscoord aX, nscoord aY, nsSize* aMaxElementSize, nsSize& aKidMaxElementSize) { // Place and size the child FinishReflowChild(aKidFrame, aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aX, aY, 0); // Adjust the running y-offset aReflowState.y += aDesiredSize.height; // If our height is constrained then update the available height if (PR_FALSE == aReflowState.unconstrainedHeight) { aReflowState.availSize.height -= aDesiredSize.height; } // Update the maximum element size if (PR_TRUE==aReflowState.firstRow) { aReflowState.firstRow = PR_FALSE; if (nsnull != aMaxElementSize) { aMaxElementSize->width = aKidMaxElementSize.width; aMaxElementSize->height = aKidMaxElementSize.height; } } else if (nsnull != aMaxElementSize) { aMaxElementSize->width = PR_MAX(aMaxElementSize->width, aKidMaxElementSize.width); } } /** * Reflow the frames we've already created * * @param aPresContext presentation context to use * @param aReflowState current inline state * @return true if we successfully reflowed all the mapped children and false * otherwise, e.g. we pushed children to the next in flow */ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::ReflowMappedChildren(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsReflowStatus& aStatus, nsTableRowFrame * aStartFrame, nsReflowReason aReason, PRBool aDoSiblings, PRBool aDirtyOnly) { nsSize kidMaxElementSize; nsSize* pKidMaxElementSize = (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) ? &kidMaxElementSize : nsnull; nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !tableFrame) return rv; nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY(); if (!ContinueReflow(nsnull, aPresContext, aReflowState.y, aReflowState.availSize.height)) return rv; nsIFrame* kidFrame; if (nsnull==aStartFrame) { kidFrame = GetFirstFrameForReflow(aPresContext); ReflowBeforeRowLayout(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, aReason); } else kidFrame = aStartFrame; PRUint8 borderStyle = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetBorderCollapseStyle(); for ( ; nsnull != kidFrame; ) { // Get the frame state bits nsFrameState frameState; kidFrame->GetFrameState(&frameState); // See if we should only reflow the dirty child frames PRBool doReflowChild = PR_TRUE; if (aDirtyOnly) { if ((frameState & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) == 0) { doReflowChild = PR_FALSE; } } // Reflow the row frame if (doReflowChild) { nsSize kidAvailSize(aReflowState.availSize); if (0>=kidAvailSize.height) kidAvailSize.height = 1; // XXX: HaCk - we don't handle negative heights yet nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(pKidMaxElementSize); desiredSize.width=desiredSize.height=desiredSize.ascent=desiredSize.descent=0; // Reflow the child into the available space, giving it as much room as // it wants. We'll deal with splitting later after we've computed the row // heights, taking into account cells with row spans... kidAvailSize.height = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE; nsReflowReason reason = aReason; if (aDirtyOnly) { if (frameState & NS_FRAME_FIRST_REFLOW) { // Newly inserted frame reason = eReflowReason_Initial; } } nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState, kidFrame, kidAvailSize, reason); // If this isn't the first row frame, then we can't be at the top of // the page anymore... if (kidFrame != GetFirstFrame()) { kidReflowState.isTopOfPage = PR_FALSE; } if (aReflowState.tableFrame->RowGroupsShouldBeConstrained()) { // Only applies to the tree widget. const nsStyleDisplay *rowDisplay; kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)rowDisplay)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == rowDisplay->mDisplay && aReflowState.availSize.height != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) { kidReflowState.availableHeight = aReflowState.availSize.height; } } rv = ReflowChild(kidFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, 0, aReflowState.y, 0, aStatus); // Place the child nsRect kidRect (0, aReflowState.y, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height); PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, kidFrame, desiredSize, 0, aReflowState.y, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, kidMaxElementSize); /* if the table has collapsing borders, we need to reset the length of the shared vertical borders * for the table and the cells that overlap this row */ if ((eReflowReason_Initial != aReflowState.reflowState.reason) && (NS_STYLE_BORDER_COLLAPSE==borderStyle)) { const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay; kidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == childDisplay->mDisplay) { PRInt32 rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)kidFrame)->GetRowIndex(); aReflowState.tableFrame->SetBorderEdgeLength(NS_SIDE_LEFT, rowIndex, kidRect.height); aReflowState.tableFrame->SetBorderEdgeLength(NS_SIDE_RIGHT, rowIndex, kidRect.height); PRInt32 colCount = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetColCount(); PRInt32 colIndex = 0; nsIFrame *cellFrame; for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) { cellFrame = aReflowState.tableFrame->GetCellInfoAt(rowIndex, colIndex); if (cellFrame) { const nsStyleDisplay *cellDisplay; cellFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)cellDisplay)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL == cellDisplay->mDisplay) { ((nsTableCellFrame *)(cellFrame))->SetBorderEdgeLength(NS_SIDE_LEFT, rowIndex, kidRect.height); ((nsTableCellFrame *)(cellFrame))->SetBorderEdgeLength(NS_SIDE_RIGHT, rowIndex, kidRect.height); } } } } } aReflowState.y += cellSpacingY; } else { // Adjust the running y-offset so we know where the next row should // be placed nsSize kidSize; kidFrame->GetSize(kidSize); aReflowState.y += kidSize.height + cellSpacingY; } if (PR_FALSE==aDoSiblings) break; if (!ContinueReflow(kidFrame, aPresContext, aReflowState.y, aReflowState.availSize.height)) break; // Get the next child GetNextFrameForReflow(aPresContext, kidFrame, &kidFrame); } // Call our post-row reflow hook ReflowAfterRowLayout(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, aReason); return rv; } /** * Pull-up all the row frames from our next-in-flow */ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::PullUpAllRowFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext) { if (mNextInFlow) { nsTableRowGroupFrame* nextInFlow = (nsTableRowGroupFrame*)mNextInFlow; while (nsnull != nextInFlow) { // Any frames on the next-in-flow's overflow list? nsIFrame* nextOverflowFrames = nextInFlow->GetOverflowFrames(aPresContext, PR_TRUE); if (nextOverflowFrames) { // Yes, append them to its child list nextInFlow->mFrames.AppendFrames(nextInFlow, nextOverflowFrames); } // Any row frames? if (nextInFlow->mFrames.NotEmpty()) { // When pushing and pulling frames we need to check for whether any // views need to be reparented. for (nsIFrame* f = nextInFlow->GetFirstFrame(); f; GetNextFrame(f, &f)) { nsHTMLContainerFrame::ReparentFrameView(aPresContext, f, nextInFlow, this); } // Append them to our child list mFrames.AppendFrames(this, nextInFlow->mFrames); } // Move to the next-in-flow nextInFlow->GetNextInFlow((nsIFrame**)&nextInFlow); } } return NS_OK; } void nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetNextRowSibling(nsIFrame** aRowFrame) { if (!*aRowFrame) return; GetNextFrame(*aRowFrame, aRowFrame); while(*aRowFrame) { const nsStyleDisplay *display; (*aRowFrame)->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) { return; } GetNextFrame(*aRowFrame, aRowFrame); } } // allocate the height of rows which have no cells originating in them // except with cells with rowspan > 1. Store the height as negative // to distinguish them from regular rows. void AllocateSpecialHeight(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsTableFrame* aTableFrame, nsIFrame* aRowFrame, nscoord& aHeight) { nsIFrame* cellFrame; aRowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &cellFrame); while (cellFrame) { nsCOMPtr cellType; cellFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(cellType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == cellType.get()) { PRInt32 rowSpan = aTableFrame->GetEffectiveRowSpan((nsTableCellFrame&)*cellFrame); if (rowSpan > 1) { // use a simple average to allocate the special row. This is not exact, // but much better than nothing. nsSize cellDesSize = ((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->GetDesiredSize(); ((nsTableRowFrame*)aRowFrame)->CalculateCellActualSize(cellFrame, cellDesSize.width, cellDesSize.height, cellDesSize.width); PRInt32 propHeight = NSToCoordRound((float)cellDesSize.height / (float)rowSpan); // special rows store the largest negative value aHeight = PR_MIN(aHeight, -propHeight); } } cellFrame->GetNextSibling(&cellFrame); } } /* CalculateRowHeights provides default heights for all rows in the rowgroup. * Actual row heights are ultimately determined by the table, when the table * height attribute is factored in. */ void nsTableRowGroupFrame::CalculateRowHeights(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || nsnull==tableFrame) return; // all table cells have the same top and bottom margins, namely cellSpacingY nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY(); PRBool hasRowSpanningCell = PR_FALSE; PRInt32 numRows; GetRowCount(numRows, PR_FALSE); // collect the current height of each row. rows which have 0 height because // they have no cells originating in them without rowspans > 1, are referred to as // special rows. The current height of a special row will be a negative number until // it comes time to actually resize frames. nscoord* rowHeights = nsnull; if (numRows > 0) { rowHeights = new nscoord[numRows]; if (!rowHeights) return; nsCRT::memset (rowHeights, 0, numRows*sizeof(nscoord)); } // else - tree row groups need not have rows directly beneath them // Step 1: get the height of the tallest cell in the row and save it for // pass 2. This height is for table cells that originate in this // row and that don't span into the rows that follow nsIFrame* rowFrame = GetFirstFrame(); PRInt32 rowIndex = 0; // For row groups that are split across pages, the first row frame won't // necessarily be index 0 PRInt32 startRowIndex = -1; while (rowFrame) { nsCOMPtr frameType; rowFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType.get()) { if (startRowIndex == -1) { startRowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetRowIndex(); } // get the height of the tallest cell in the row (excluding cells that span rows) rowHeights[rowIndex] = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetTallestCell(); // See if a cell spans into the row. If so we'll have to do step 2 if (!hasRowSpanningCell) { if (tableFrame->RowIsSpannedInto(rowIndex + startRowIndex)) { hasRowSpanningCell = PR_TRUE; } } // special rows need to have some values, so they will get allocations // later. If left at 0, they would get nothing. if (0 == rowHeights[rowIndex]) { AllocateSpecialHeight(aPresContext, tableFrame, rowFrame, rowHeights[rowIndex]); } rowIndex++; } GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame); // Get the next row } // Step 2: Now account for cells that span rows. We only do this if there are cells // that span rows. A spanning cell's height is the sum of the heights of the // rows it spans, or it's own desired height, whichever is greater. // If the cell's desired height is the larger value, resize the rows and contained // cells by an equal percentage of the additional space. // We go through this loop twice. The first time, we are adjusting cell heights // on the fly. The second time through the loop, we're ensuring that subsequent // row-spanning cells didn't change prior calculations. Since we are guaranteed // to have found the max height spanners the first time through, we know we only // need two passes, not an arbitrary number. if (hasRowSpanningCell) { nscoord deltaY = 0; for (PRInt32 counter = 0; counter < 2; counter++) { rowFrame = GetFirstFrame(); rowIndex = 0; while (rowFrame) { nsCOMPtr rowType; rowFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(rowType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == rowType.get()) { // check this row for a cell with rowspans nsIFrame* cellFrame; rowFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &cellFrame); while (cellFrame) { nsCOMPtr cellType; cellFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(cellType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableCellFrame == cellType.get()) { PRInt32 rowSpan = tableFrame->GetEffectiveRowSpan(rowIndex + startRowIndex, (nsTableCellFrame&)*cellFrame); if (rowSpan > 1) { // found a cell with rowspan > 1, determine the height // of the rows it spans nscoord heightOfRowsSpanned = 0; nscoord cellSpacingOfRowsSpanned = 0; PRInt32 spanX; PRBool cellsOrigInSpan = PR_FALSE; // do any cells originate in the spanned rows for (spanX = 0; spanX < rowSpan; spanX++) { PRInt32 rIndex = rowIndex + spanX; if (rowHeights[rIndex] > 0) { // don't consider negative values of special rows heightOfRowsSpanned += rowHeights[rowIndex + spanX]; cellsOrigInSpan = PR_TRUE; } if (0 != spanX) { cellSpacingOfRowsSpanned += cellSpacingY; } } nscoord availHeightOfRowsSpanned = heightOfRowsSpanned + cellSpacingOfRowsSpanned; // see if the cell's height fits within the rows it spans. If this is // pass 1 then use the cell's desired height and not the current height // of its frame. That way this works for incremental reflow, too nsSize cellFrameSize; cellFrame->GetSize(cellFrameSize); if (0 == counter) { nsSize cellDesSize = ((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->GetDesiredSize(); ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->CalculateCellActualSize(cellFrame, cellDesSize.width, cellDesSize.height, cellDesSize.width); cellFrameSize.height = cellDesSize.height; // see if the cell has 'vertical-align: baseline' if (((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->HasVerticalAlignBaseline()) { // to ensure that a spanning cell with a long descender doesn't // collide with the next row, we need to take into account the shift // that will be done to align the cell on the baseline of the row. cellFrameSize.height += ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetMaxCellAscent() - ((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->GetDesiredAscent(); } } if (availHeightOfRowsSpanned >= cellFrameSize.height) { // the cell's height fits with the available space of the rows it // spans. Set the cell frame's height cellFrame->SizeTo(aPresContext, cellFrameSize.width, availHeightOfRowsSpanned); // Realign cell content based on new height ((nsTableCellFrame*)cellFrame)->VerticallyAlignChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetMaxCellAscent()); } else { // the cell's height is larger than the available space of the rows it // spans so distribute the excess height to the rows affected nscoord excessAvail = cellFrameSize.height - availHeightOfRowsSpanned; nscoord excessBasis = excessAvail; nsTableRowFrame* rowFrameToBeResized = (nsTableRowFrame *)rowFrame; // iterate every row starting at last row spanned and up to the row with // the spanning cell. do this bottom up so that special rows can get a full // allocation before other rows. PRInt32 startRowIndex = rowIndex + rowSpan - 1; for (PRInt32 rowX = startRowIndex; (rowX >= rowIndex) && (excessAvail > 0); rowX--) { nscoord excessForRow = 0; // special rows gets as much as they can if (rowHeights[rowX] <= 0) { if ((rowX == startRowIndex) || (!cellsOrigInSpan)) { if (0 == rowHeights[rowX]) { // give it all since no cell originates in the row excessForRow = excessBasis; } else { // don't let the allocation excced what it needs excessForRow = (excessBasis > -rowHeights[rowX]) ? -rowHeights[rowX] : excessBasis; } rowHeights[rowX] = excessForRow; excessBasis -= excessForRow; excessAvail -= excessForRow; } } else if (cellsOrigInSpan) { // normal rows // The amount of additional space each normal row gets is based on the // percentage of space it occupies, i.e. they don't all get the // same amount of available space float percent = ((float)rowHeights[rowX]) / ((float)heightOfRowsSpanned); // give rows their percentage, except for the first row which gets // the remainder excessForRow = (rowX == rowIndex) ? excessAvail : NSToCoordRound(((float)(excessBasis)) * percent); // update the row height rowHeights[rowX] += excessForRow; excessAvail -= excessForRow; } // Get the next row frame GetNextRowSibling((nsIFrame**)&rowFrameToBeResized); } // if excessAvail is > 0 it is because !cellsOrigInSpan and the // allocation involving special rows couldn't allocate everything. // just give the remainder to the last row spanned. if (excessAvail > 0) { if (rowHeights[startRowIndex] >= 0) { rowHeights[startRowIndex] += excessAvail; } else { rowHeights[startRowIndex] = excessAvail; } } } } } cellFrame->GetNextSibling(&cellFrame); // Get the next row child (cell frame) } // If this is pass 2 then resize the row to its final size and move the // row's position if the previous rows have caused a shift if (1 == counter) { PRBool movedFrame = (deltaY != 0); nsRect rowBounds; // Move the row to the correct position rowFrame->GetRect(rowBounds); // added rowBounds.y += deltaY; // Adjust our running delta nscoord rowHeight = (rowHeights[rowIndex] > 0) ? rowHeights[rowIndex] : 0; deltaY += rowHeight - rowBounds.height; // Resize the row to its final size and position rowBounds.height = rowHeight; rowFrame->SetRect(aPresContext, rowBounds); if (movedFrame) { // Make sure any views are positioned properly nsIView* view; rowFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view); if (view) { nsContainerFrame::PositionFrameView(aPresContext, rowFrame, view); } else { nsContainerFrame::PositionChildViews(aPresContext, rowFrame); } } } rowIndex++; } GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame); // Get the next rowgroup child (row frame) } } } // step 3: notify the rows of their new heights nscoord rowGroupHeight = 0; rowFrame = GetFirstFrame(); rowIndex = 0; while (rowFrame) { if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.availableWidth) { nsCOMPtr rowType; rowFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(rowType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == rowType.get()) { // Notify the row of the new size ((nsTableRowFrame *)rowFrame)->DidResize(aPresContext, aReflowState); } } // Update the running row group height. The height includes frames that // aren't rows as well nsSize rowSize; rowFrame->GetSize(rowSize); rowGroupHeight += rowSize.height; if (0 != rowIndex) { rowGroupHeight += cellSpacingY; } GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame); // Get the next row rowIndex++; } aDesiredSize.height = rowGroupHeight; // Adjust our desired size delete [] rowHeights; // cleanup } // Called by IR_TargetIsChild() to adjust the sibling frames that follow // after an incremental reflow of aKidFrame. // This function is not used for paginated mode so we don't need to deal // with continuing frames, and it's only called if aKidFrame has no // cells that span into it and no cells that span across it. That way // we don't have to deal with rowspans nsresult nsTableRowGroupFrame::AdjustSiblingsAfterReflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsIFrame* aKidFrame, nsSize* aMaxElementSize, nscoord aDeltaY) { NS_PRECONDITION(NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowState.reflowState.availableHeight, "we're not in galley mode"); nsIFrame* lastKidFrame = aKidFrame; // Move the frames that follow aKidFrame by aDeltaY and update the max element // size nsIFrame* kidFrame; for (aKidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame); kidFrame; kidFrame->GetNextSibling(&kidFrame)) { // Update the max element size if (aMaxElementSize) { const nsStyleDisplay *display; aKidFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) { nsSize kidMaxElementSize; ((nsTableRowFrame*)kidFrame)->GetMaxElementSize(kidMaxElementSize); aMaxElementSize->width = PR_MAX(aMaxElementSize->width, kidMaxElementSize.width); } } // Move the frame if we need to if (aDeltaY != 0) { nsPoint origin; // Adjust the y-origin kidFrame->GetOrigin(origin); origin.y += aDeltaY; kidFrame->MoveTo(aPresContext, origin.x, origin.y); } // Remember the last frame lastKidFrame = kidFrame; } // Update our running y-offset to reflect the bottommost child nsRect rect; lastKidFrame->GetRect(rect); aReflowState.y = rect.YMost(); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsTableRowGroupFrame::SplitRowGroup(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState, nsTableFrame* aTableFrame, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) { nsIFrame* prevRowFrame = nsnull; nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Walk each of the row frames looking for the first row frame that // doesn't fit in the available space for (nsIFrame* rowFrame = GetFirstFrame(); rowFrame; GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame)) { nsRect bounds; rowFrame->GetRect(bounds); if (bounds.YMost() > aReflowState.availableHeight) { // If this is the first row frame then we need to split it if (!prevRowFrame) { // Reflow the row in the available space and have it split nsSize availSize(aReflowState.availableWidth, aReflowState.availableHeight - bounds.y); nsHTMLReflowState rowReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, rowFrame, availSize, eReflowReason_Resize); nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(nsnull); rv = ReflowChild(rowFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, rowReflowState, 0, 0, NS_FRAME_NO_MOVE_FRAME, aStatus); rowFrame->SizeTo(aPresContext, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height); rowFrame->DidReflow(aPresContext, NS_FRAME_REFLOW_FINISHED); ((nsTableRowFrame *)rowFrame)->DidResize(aPresContext, aReflowState); aDesiredSize.height = desiredSize.height; if (NS_FRAME_IS_NOT_COMPLETE(aStatus)) { #ifdef NS_DEBUG // Verify it doesn't already have a next-in-flow. The reason it should // not already have a next-in-flow is that ReflowMappedChildren() reflows // the row frames with an unconstrained available height nsIFrame* nextInFlow; rowFrame->GetNextInFlow(&nextInFlow); NS_ASSERTION(!nextInFlow, "row frame already has next-in-flow"); #endif // Create a continuing frame, add it to the child list, and then push it // and the frames that follow nsIFrame* contRowFrame; nsIPresShell* presShell; nsIStyleSet* styleSet; aPresContext->GetShell(&presShell); presShell->GetStyleSet(&styleSet); NS_RELEASE(presShell); styleSet->CreateContinuingFrame(aPresContext, rowFrame, this, &contRowFrame); NS_RELEASE(styleSet); // Add it to the child list nsIFrame* nextRow; GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &nextRow); contRowFrame->SetNextSibling(nextRow); rowFrame->SetNextSibling(contRowFrame); // Push the continuing row frame and the frames that follow PushChildren(aPresContext, contRowFrame, rowFrame); aStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE; } else { // The row frame is complete. It may be the case that it's minimum // height was greater than the available height we gave it nsIFrame* nextRowFrame; // Push the frame that follows GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &nextRowFrame); if (nextRowFrame) { PushChildren(aPresContext, nextRowFrame, rowFrame); } aStatus = nextRowFrame ? NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE : NS_FRAME_COMPLETE; } } else { // See whether the row frame has cells that span into it const nsStyleDisplay *display; rowFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW != display->mDisplay) { NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "uh oh, not a row frame..."); } PRInt32 rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->GetRowIndex(); PRInt32 colCount = aTableFrame->GetColCount(); nsTableCellFrame* prevCellFrame = nsnull; for (PRInt32 colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) { nsTableCellFrame* cellFrame = aTableFrame->GetCellInfoAt(rowIndex, colIndex); if (!cellFrame) { // There is no cell at this column index. Go check the next column index continue; } // See if the cell frame is really in this row, or whether it's a // row span from a previous row PRInt32 realRowIndex; cellFrame->GetRowIndex(realRowIndex); if (realRowIndex == rowIndex) { prevCellFrame = cellFrame; } else { // This cell frame spans into the row we're pushing, so we need to: // - reflow the cell frame into the new smaller space // - create a continuing frame for the cell frame (we do this regardless // of whether it's complete) // - add the continuing frame to the row frame we're pushing nsIFrame* parentFrame; nsPoint firstRowOrigin, lastRowOrigin; nsReflowStatus status; // Ask the cell frame's parent to reflow it to the height of all the // rows it spans between its parent frame and the row we're pushing cellFrame->GetParent(&parentFrame); parentFrame->GetOrigin(firstRowOrigin); rowFrame->GetOrigin(lastRowOrigin); ((nsTableRowFrame*)parentFrame)->ReflowCellFrame(aPresContext, aReflowState, cellFrame, lastRowOrigin.y - firstRowOrigin.y, status); // Create the continuing cell frame nsIFrame* contCellFrame; nsIPresShell* presShell; nsIStyleSet* styleSet; aPresContext->GetShell(&presShell); presShell->GetStyleSet(&styleSet); NS_RELEASE(presShell); styleSet->CreateContinuingFrame(aPresContext, cellFrame, rowFrame, &contCellFrame); NS_RELEASE(styleSet); // Add it to the row's child list ((nsTableRowFrame*)rowFrame)->InsertCellFrame((nsTableCellFrame*)contCellFrame, prevCellFrame); prevCellFrame = (nsTableCellFrame*)contCellFrame; } } // Push this row frame and those that follow to the next-in-flow PushChildren(aPresContext, rowFrame, prevRowFrame); aStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE; aDesiredSize.height = bounds.y; } break; } prevRowFrame = rowFrame; } return NS_OK; } /** Layout the entire row group. * This method stacks rows vertically according to HTML 4.0 rules. * Rows are responsible for layout of their children. */ NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) { DO_GLOBAL_REFLOW_COUNT("nsTableRowGroupFrame", aReflowState.reason); #if defined DEBUG_TABLE_REFLOW | DEBUG_TABLE_REFLOW_TIMING nsTableFrame::DebugReflow(this, (nsHTMLReflowState&)aReflowState); #endif nsresult rv=NS_OK; // Initialize out parameter if (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) { aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width = 0; aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height = 0; } nsTableFrame *tableFrame=nsnull; rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; else if (tableFrame == nsnull) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; RowGroupReflowState state(aPresContext, aReflowState, tableFrame); if (eReflowReason_Incremental == aReflowState.reason) { rv = IncrementalReflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, state, aStatus); } else { aStatus = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE; // Check for an overflow list MoveOverflowToChildList(aPresContext); // Reflow the existing frames. Before we do, pull-up any row frames from // our next-in-flow. // XXX It would be more efficient to do this if we have room left after // reflowing the frames we have, the problem is we don't know if we have // room left until after we call CalculateRowHeights()... PullUpAllRowFrames(aPresContext); rv = ReflowMappedChildren(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, state, aStatus, nsnull, aReflowState.reason, PR_TRUE); // Return our desired rect aDesiredSize.width = aReflowState.availableWidth; aDesiredSize.height = state.y; // determine if the row group is repeatable in paginated mode PRBool isPaginated; aPresContext->IsPaginated(&isPaginated); if (isPaginated) { PRBool repeatable = PR_FALSE; nsCOMPtr dc; rv = aPresContext->GetDeviceContext(getter_AddRefs(dc)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && dc) { PRInt32 pageWidth, pageHeight; dc->GetDeviceSurfaceDimensions(pageWidth, pageHeight); // don't repeat the thead or tfoot unless it is < 25% of the page height repeatable = (aDesiredSize.height < (pageHeight / 4)); } SetRepeatable(repeatable); } // account for scroll bars. XXX needs optimization/caching if (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) { nsIAtom* pseudoTag; mStyleContext->GetPseudoType(pseudoTag); if (pseudoTag == nsLayoutAtoms::scrolledContentPseudo) { nsIFrame* scrollFrame; GetParent(&scrollFrame); const nsStyleDisplay *display; scrollFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display)); if ((NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLL == display->mOverflow) || (NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_AUTO == display->mOverflow)) { float sbWidth, sbHeight; nsCOMPtr dc; aPresContext->GetDeviceContext(getter_AddRefs(dc)); dc->GetScrollBarDimensions(sbWidth, sbHeight); aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width += NSToCoordRound(sbWidth); // If scrollbars are always visible then add in the hor sb height if (NS_STYLE_OVERFLOW_SCROLL == display->mOverflow) { aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height += NSToCoordRound(sbHeight); } } } NS_IF_RELEASE(pseudoTag); } // shrink wrap rows to height of tallest cell in that row PRBool isTableUnconstrainedReflow = NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == aReflowState.parentReflowState->availableWidth; // Skip this step if possible. We can skip it if the table is going to be // doing a pass 2 reflow. In the case where the table is getting an unconstrained // reflow, then we need to do this because the table will skip the pass 2 reflow, // but we need to correctly calculate the row group height and we can't if there // are row spans unless we do this step if ((eReflowReason_Initial != aReflowState.reason) || isTableUnconstrainedReflow) { CalculateRowHeights(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState); } // See if all the frames fit if (aDesiredSize.height > aReflowState.availableHeight && !tableFrame->RowGroupsShouldBeConstrained()) { // Nope, find a place to split the row group SplitRowGroup(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, tableFrame, aStatus); } } // If we computed our max element element size, then cache it so we can return // it later when asked if (aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) { mMaxElementSize = *aDesiredSize.maxElementSize; } #if defined DEBUG_TABLE_REFLOW | DEBUG_TABLE_REFLOW_TIMING nsTableFrame::DebugReflow(this, (nsHTMLReflowState&)aReflowState, &aDesiredSize, aStatus); #endif return rv; } NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IncrementalReflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // determine if this frame is the target or not nsIFrame *target=nsnull; rv = aReflowState.reflowState.reflowCommand->GetTarget(target); if ((PR_TRUE==NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) && (nsnull!=target)) { if (this==target) rv = IR_TargetIsMe(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus); else { // Get the next frame in the reflow chain nsIFrame* nextFrame; aReflowState.reflowState.reflowCommand->GetNext(nextFrame); rv = IR_TargetIsChild(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, nextFrame); } } return rv; } // Helper function. It marks the table frame as dirty and generates // a reflow command nsresult nsTableRowGroupFrame::AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell& aPresShell, nsIFrame* aTableFrame) { nsFrameState frameState; nsIFrame* tableParentFrame; nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd; nsresult rv; // Mark the table frame as dirty aTableFrame->GetFrameState(&frameState); frameState |= NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY; aTableFrame->SetFrameState(frameState); // Target the reflow comamnd at its parent frame aTableFrame->GetParent(&tableParentFrame); rv = NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, tableParentFrame, nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Add the reflow command rv = aPresShell.AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd); NS_RELEASE(reflowCmd); } return rv; } #if 0 // Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow // command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this, nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) { aPresShell.AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd); NS_RELEASE(reflowCmd); } #endif // this does not get called for trees NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::AppendFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell& aPresShell, nsIAtom* aListName, nsIFrame* aFrameList) { // collect the new row frames in an array nsVoidArray rows; for (nsIFrame* rowFrame = aFrameList; rowFrame; rowFrame->GetNextSibling(&rowFrame)) { nsIAtom* frameType; rowFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType) { rows.AppendElement(rowFrame); } NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); } PRInt32 rowIndex; GetRowCount(rowIndex); // Append the frames to the sibling chain mFrames.AppendFrames(nsnull, aFrameList); if (rows.Count() > 0) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (tableFrame) { tableFrame->AppendRows(*aPresContext, *this, rowIndex, rows); // Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column widths tableFrame->InvalidateColumnWidths(); // Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow // command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this, nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) { aPresShell.AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd); NS_RELEASE(reflowCmd); } } } return NS_OK; } // this does not get called for trees NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::InsertFrames(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell& aPresShell, nsIAtom* aListName, nsIFrame* aPrevFrame, nsIFrame* aFrameList) { // collect the new row frames in an array nsVoidArray rows; for (nsIFrame* rowFrame = aFrameList; rowFrame; rowFrame->GetNextSibling(&rowFrame)) { nsIAtom* frameType; rowFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType) { rows.AppendElement(rowFrame); } NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); } // Insert the frames in the sibling chain mFrames.InsertFrames(nsnull, aPrevFrame, aFrameList); if (rows.Count() > 0) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (tableFrame) { nsTableRowFrame* prevRow = (nsTableRowFrame *)nsTableFrame::GetFrameAtOrBefore(aPresContext, this, aPrevFrame, nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame); PRInt32 rowIndex = (prevRow) ? prevRow->GetRowIndex() + 1 : 0; tableFrame->InsertRows(*aPresContext, *this, rows, rowIndex, PR_TRUE); // Reflow the new frames. They're already marked dirty, so generate a reflow // command that tells us to reflow our dirty child frames nsIReflowCommand* reflowCmd; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(NS_NewHTMLReflowCommand(&reflowCmd, this, nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty))) { aPresShell.AppendReflowCommand(reflowCmd); NS_RELEASE(reflowCmd); } // Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column widths tableFrame->InvalidateColumnWidths(); // Generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself. This will // do a pass-1 reflow of all the rows including any rows we just added AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame); } } return NS_OK; } // this does not get called for trees NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::RemoveFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresShell& aPresShell, nsIAtom* aListName, nsIFrame* aOldFrame) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (tableFrame) { nsIAtom* frameType; aOldFrame->GetFrameType(&frameType); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == frameType) { PRInt32 firstRowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame *)aOldFrame)->GetRowIndex(); tableFrame->RemoveRows(*aPresContext, firstRowIndex, 1, PR_TRUE); // Because the number of columns may have changed invalidate the column widths tableFrame->InvalidateColumnWidths(); // Because we haven't added any new frames we don't need to do a pass1 // reflow. Just generate a reflow command so we reflow the table itself AddTableDirtyReflowCommand(aPresContext, aPresShell, tableFrame); } NS_IF_RELEASE(frameType); } mFrames.DestroyFrame(aPresContext, aOldFrame); return NS_OK; } NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsMe(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) { nsresult rv = NS_FRAME_COMPLETE; nsIReflowCommand::ReflowType type; aReflowState.reflowState.reflowCommand->GetType(type); nsIFrame *objectFrame; aReflowState.reflowState.reflowCommand->GetChildFrame(objectFrame); const nsStyleDisplay *childDisplay=nsnull; if (nsnull!=objectFrame) objectFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)childDisplay)); switch (type) { case nsIReflowCommand::ReflowDirty: // Reflow the dirty child frames. Typically this is newly added frames. // XXX What we really should do is do a pass-1 reflow of newly added // frames (only if necessary, i.e., the table isn't fixed layout), then // see if column widtsh changed and decide whether to do the pass-2 reflow // of just the dirty rows or have the table rebalance column widths and // do a pass-2 reflow of all rows rv = ReflowMappedChildren(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus, nsnull, aReflowState.reflowState.reason, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE); // If any column widths have to change due to this, rebalance column widths. // XXX need to calculate this, but for now just do it aReflowState.tableFrame->InvalidateColumnWidths(); break; case nsIReflowCommand::StyleChanged : rv = IR_StyleChanged(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus); break; case nsIReflowCommand::ContentChanged : NS_ASSERTION(PR_FALSE, "illegal reflow type: ContentChanged"); rv = NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE; break; default: NS_NOTYETIMPLEMENTED("unexpected reflow command type"); rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } // XXX If we have a next-in-flow, then we're not complete if (mNextInFlow) { aStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE; } return rv; } NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetHeightOfRows(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nscoord& aResult) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; nsresult rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !tableFrame) return rv; nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY(); // the rows in rowGroupFrame need to be expanded by rowHeightDelta[i] // and the rowgroup itself needs to be expanded by SUM(row height deltas) nsIFrame* rowFrame = nsnull; rv = FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &rowFrame); while ((NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) && (nsnull!=rowFrame)) { const nsStyleDisplay* rowDisplay; rowFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)rowDisplay)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == rowDisplay->mDisplay) { nsRect rowRect; rowFrame->GetRect(rowRect); aResult += rowRect.height; } else if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP == rowDisplay->mDisplay) { ((nsTableRowGroupFrame*)rowFrame)->GetHeightOfRows(aPresContext, aResult); } GetNextFrame(rowFrame, &rowFrame); } return NS_OK; } // Recovers the reflow state to what it should be if aKidFrame is about // to be reflowed. Restores the following: // - availSize // - y // - firstRow nsresult nsTableRowGroupFrame::RecoverState(RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsIFrame* aKidFrame, nsSize* aMaxElementSize) { nsTableFrame* tableFrame = nsnull; nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, tableFrame); nscoord cellSpacingY = tableFrame->GetCellSpacingY(); // Walk the list of children looking for aKidFrame for (nsIFrame* frame = mFrames.FirstChild(); frame; frame->GetNextSibling(&frame)) { if (frame == aKidFrame) { break; } // Update the running y-offset nsSize kidSize; frame->GetSize(kidSize); aReflowState.y += cellSpacingY + kidSize.height; // If our height is constrained then update the available height if (PR_FALSE == aReflowState.unconstrainedHeight) { aReflowState.availSize.height -= kidSize.height; } // Update the maximum element size if (aMaxElementSize) { const nsStyleDisplay *display; frame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display, ((const nsStyleStruct *&)display)); if (NS_STYLE_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW == display->mDisplay) { // Get the row frame's cached max element size nsSize kidMaxElementSize; ((nsTableRowFrame*)frame)->GetMaxElementSize(kidMaxElementSize); if (aReflowState.firstRow) { aMaxElementSize->width = kidMaxElementSize.width; aMaxElementSize->height = kidMaxElementSize.height; } else { aMaxElementSize->width = PR_MAX(aMaxElementSize->width, kidMaxElementSize.width); } } } aReflowState.firstRow = PR_FALSE; } return NS_OK; } PRBool nsTableRowGroupFrame::IsSimpleRowFrame(nsTableFrame* aTableFrame, nsIFrame* aFrame) { // Make sure it's a row frame and not a row group frame nsCOMPtr frameType; aFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(frameType)); if (frameType.get() == nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame) { PRInt32 rowIndex = ((nsTableRowFrame*)aFrame)->GetRowIndex(); // It's a simple row frame if there are no cells that span into or // across the row if (!aTableFrame->RowIsSpannedInto(rowIndex) && !aTableFrame->RowHasSpanningCells(rowIndex)) { return PR_TRUE; } } return PR_FALSE; } nscoord GetFrameYMost(nsIFrame* aFrame) { nsRect rect; aFrame->GetRect(rect); return rect.YMost(); } nsIFrame* GetLastRowSibling(nsIFrame* aRowFrame) { nsIFrame* lastRowFrame = nsnull; nsIFrame* lastFrame = aRowFrame; while (lastFrame) { nsCOMPtr fType; lastFrame->GetFrameType(getter_AddRefs(fType)); if (nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowFrame == fType.get()) { lastRowFrame = lastFrame; } lastFrame->GetNextSibling(&lastFrame); } return lastRowFrame; } NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_TargetIsChild(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsReflowStatus& aStatus, nsIFrame * aNextFrame) { nsresult rv; // Recover the state as if aNextFrame is about to be reflowed RecoverState(aReflowState, aNextFrame, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize); // Remember the old rect nsRect oldKidRect; aNextFrame->GetRect(oldKidRect); // Reflow the child giving it as much room as it wants. We'll deal with // splitting later after final determination of rows heights taking into // account cells with row spans... nsSize kidAvailSize(aReflowState.availSize.width, NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE); nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState, aNextFrame, kidAvailSize); nsSize kidMaxElementSize; nsHTMLReflowMetrics desiredSize(aDesiredSize.maxElementSize ? &kidMaxElementSize : nsnull, aDesiredSize.mFlags); // Pass along the reflow command rv = ReflowChild(aNextFrame, aPresContext, desiredSize, kidReflowState, 0, aReflowState.y, 0, aStatus); // Place the row frame nsRect kidRect(0, aReflowState.y, desiredSize.width, desiredSize.height); PlaceChild(aPresContext, aReflowState, aNextFrame, desiredSize, 0, aReflowState.y, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, kidMaxElementSize); // See if the table needs a reflow (e.g., if the column widths have // changed). If so, just return and don't bother adjusting the rows // that follow if (!aReflowState.tableFrame->NeedsReflow(aReflowState.reflowState)) { // If the row has no cells that span into or across the row, then we // don't have to call CalculateRowHeights() which is quite expensive if (IsSimpleRowFrame(aReflowState.tableFrame, aNextFrame)) { // See if the row changed height if (oldKidRect.height == desiredSize.height) { // We don't need to do any painting. The row frame has made sure that // the cell is properly positioned, and done any necessary repainting. // Just calculate our desired height aDesiredSize.height = GetFrameYMost(GetLastRowSibling(mFrames.FirstChild())); } else { // Inform the row of its new height. ((nsTableRowFrame*)aNextFrame)->DidResize(aPresContext, aReflowState.reflowState); // Because other cells in the row may need to be be aligned differently, // repaint the entire row // XXX Improve this so the row knows it should bitblt (or repaint) those // cells that change position... Invalidate(aPresContext, kidRect); // Invalidate the area we're offseting. Note that we only repaint within // our existing frame bounds. // XXX It would be better to bitblt the row frames and not repaint, // but we don't have such a view manager function yet... if (kidRect.YMost() < mRect.height) { nsRect dirtyRect(0, kidRect.YMost(), mRect.width, mRect.height - kidRect.YMost()); Invalidate(aPresContext, dirtyRect); } // Adjust the frames that follow AdjustSiblingsAfterReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState, aNextFrame, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, desiredSize.height - oldKidRect.height); aDesiredSize.height = aReflowState.y; } } else { if (desiredSize.mNothingChanged) { // mNothingChanges currently only works when a cell is the target // the cell frame did not change size. Just calculate our desired height aDesiredSize.height = GetFrameYMost(GetLastRowSibling(mFrames.FirstChild())); } else { // Adjust the frames that follow... AdjustSiblingsAfterReflow(aPresContext, aReflowState, aNextFrame, aDesiredSize.maxElementSize, desiredSize.height - oldKidRect.height); // Now recalculate the row heights CalculateRowHeights(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState.reflowState); // Because we don't know what changed repaint everything. // XXX We should change CalculateRowHeights() to return the bounding // rect of what changed. Or whether anything moved or changed size... nsRect dirtyRect(0, 0, mRect.width, mRect.height); Invalidate(aPresContext, dirtyRect); } } } // Return our desired width aDesiredSize.width = aReflowState.reflowState.availableWidth; if (mNextInFlow) { aStatus = NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE; } return rv; } NS_METHOD nsTableRowGroupFrame::IR_StyleChanged(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize, RowGroupReflowState& aReflowState, nsReflowStatus& aStatus) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // we presume that all the easy optimizations were done in the nsHTMLStyleSheet before we were called here // XXX: we can optimize this when we know which style attribute changed aReflowState.tableFrame->InvalidateFirstPassCache(); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetFrameType(nsIAtom** aType) const { NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aType, "null OUT parameter pointer"); *aType = nsLayoutAtoms::tableRowGroupFrame; NS_ADDREF(*aType); return NS_OK; } /* ----- global methods ----- */ nsresult NS_NewTableRowGroupFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame) { NS_PRECONDITION(aNewFrame, "null OUT ptr"); if (nsnull == aNewFrame) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } nsTableRowGroupFrame* it = new (aPresShell) nsTableRowGroupFrame; if (nsnull == it) { return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } *aNewFrame = it; return NS_OK; } #ifdef DEBUG NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetFrameName(nsString& aResult) const { return MakeFrameName("TableRowGroup", aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::SizeOf(nsISizeOfHandler* aHandler, PRUint32* aResult) const { if (!aResult) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } PRUint32 sum = sizeof(*this); *aResult = sum; return NS_OK; } #endif //nsILineIterator methods for nsTableFrame NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetNumLines(PRInt32* aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); return GetRowCount(*aResult); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetDirection(PRBool* aIsRightToLeft) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aIsRightToLeft); *aIsRightToLeft = PR_FALSE; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetLine(PRInt32 aLineNumber, nsIFrame** aFirstFrameOnLine, PRInt32* aNumFramesOnLine, nsRect& aLineBounds, PRUint32* aLineFlags) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFirstFrameOnLine); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aNumFramesOnLine); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aLineFlags); nsTableFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; if (NS_FAILED(nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, parentFrame))) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsTableCellMap* cellMap = parentFrame->GetCellMap(); if(!cellMap) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if(aLineNumber >= cellMap->GetRowCount()) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; *aLineFlags = 0;/// should we fill these in later? // not gonna touch aLineBounds right now CellData* firstCellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, 0); if(!firstCellData) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; *aFirstFrameOnLine = (nsIFrame*)firstCellData->GetCellFrame(); if(!(*aFirstFrameOnLine)) { while((aLineNumber > 0)&&(!(*aFirstFrameOnLine))) { aLineNumber--; firstCellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, 0); *aFirstFrameOnLine = (nsIFrame*)firstCellData->GetCellFrame(); } } *aNumFramesOnLine = cellMap->GetNumCellsOriginatingInRow(aLineNumber); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::FindLineContaining(nsIFrame* aFrame, PRInt32* aLineNumberResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFrame); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aLineNumberResult); nsTableRowFrame* rowFrame = (nsTableRowFrame*)aFrame; *aLineNumberResult = rowFrame->GetRowIndex(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::FindLineAt(nscoord aY, PRInt32* aLineNumberResult) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::FindFrameAt(PRInt32 aLineNumber, nscoord aX, nsIFrame** aFrameFound, PRBool* aXIsBeforeFirstFrame, PRBool* aXIsAfterLastFrame) { PRInt32 cellCount = 0; CellData* cellData; nsIFrame* tempFrame; nsRect tempRect; nsRect& tempRectRef = tempRect; nsresult rv; nsTableFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; rv = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, parentFrame); nsTableCellMap* cellMap = parentFrame->GetCellMap(); if(!cellMap) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; cellCount = cellMap->GetNumCellsOriginatingInRow(aLineNumber); *aXIsBeforeFirstFrame = PR_FALSE; *aXIsAfterLastFrame = PR_FALSE; PRBool gotParentRect = PR_FALSE; for(int i =0;i < cellCount; i++) { cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, i); tempFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame(); if(!tempFrame) continue; tempFrame->GetRect(tempRectRef);//offsetting x to be in row coordinates if(!gotParentRect) {//only do this once nsRect parentRect; nsRect& parentRectRef = parentRect; nsIFrame* tempParentFrame; rv = tempFrame->GetParent(&tempParentFrame); if(NS_FAILED(rv) || !tempParentFrame) return rv?rv:NS_ERROR_FAILURE; tempParentFrame->GetRect(parentRectRef); aX -= parentRect.x; gotParentRect = PR_TRUE; } if(i==0 &&(aX <= 0))//short circuit for negative x coords { *aXIsBeforeFirstFrame = PR_TRUE; *aFrameFound = tempFrame; return NS_OK; } if(aX < tempRect.x) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if(aX < (tempRect.x + tempRect.width)) { *aFrameFound = tempFrame; return NS_OK; } } //x coord not found in frame, return last frame *aXIsAfterLastFrame = PR_TRUE; *aFrameFound = tempFrame; if(!(*aFrameFound)) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTableRowGroupFrame::GetNextSiblingOnLine(nsIFrame*& aFrame, PRInt32 aLineNumber) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFrame); nsITableCellLayout* cellFrame; nsresult result = aFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsITableCellLayout),(void**)&cellFrame); if(NS_FAILED(result) || !cellFrame) return result?result:NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsTableFrame* parentFrame = nsnull; result = nsTableFrame::GetTableFrame(this, parentFrame); nsTableCellMap* cellMap = parentFrame->GetCellMap(); if(!cellMap) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; PRInt32 colIndex; PRInt32& colIndexRef = colIndex; cellFrame->GetColIndex(colIndexRef); CellData* cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, colIndex + 1); if(!cellData)// if this isnt a valid cell, drop down and check the next line { cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber + 1, 0); if(!cellData) { //*aFrame = nsnull; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } aFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame(); if(!aFrame) { //PRInt32 numCellsInRow = cellMap->GetNumCellsOriginatingInRow(aLineNumber) - 1; PRInt32 tempCol = colIndex + 1; PRInt32 tempRow = aLineNumber; while((tempCol > 0) && (!aFrame)) { tempCol--; cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(aLineNumber, tempCol); aFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame(); if(!aFrame && (tempCol==0)) { while((tempRow > 0) && (!aFrame)) { tempRow--; cellData = cellMap->GetCellAt(tempRow, 0); aFrame = (nsIFrame*)cellData->GetCellFrame(); } } } } return NS_OK; } //end nsLineIterator methods