#!/usr/bin/perl # vim:sw=4:et:ts=4:ai: use strict; use Cwd; # Globals that the signal handlers need access to... my $CURRENT_BUILD_PID = 0; my $HALT_AFTER_THIS_BUILD = 0; my $RELOAD_CONFIG = 0; my $TBOX_CLIENT_CVSUP_CMD = 'cvs update -Pd'; my $TBOX_CLIENT_CVS_TIMEOUT = 300; sub PrintUsage() { die < "SeaMonkey", args => "--depend --mozconfig mozconfig" }, { tree => "SeaMonkey-Branch", args => "--depend --mozconfig mozconfig" }, ]; END_EXAMPLE ; exit; } sub HandleArgs() { return if ($#ARGV == -1); PrintUsage() if ($#ARGV != 0 || $ARGV[0] ne "--example-config"); PrintExample(); } sub LoadConfig() { if (-r 'multi-config.pl') { no strict 'vars'; open CONFIG, 'multi-config.pl' or print "can't open multi-config.pl, $?\n"; local $/ = undef; my $config = ; close CONFIG; package Settings; eval $config or die "Malformed multi-config.pl: $@\n"; } else { warn "Error: Need tinderbox config file, multi-config.pl\n"; exit; } } sub HandleSigTerm() { if ($CURRENT_BUILD_PID > 0) { kill(15, $CURRENT_BUILD_PID); exit 0; } } sub HandleSigHup() { $HALT_AFTER_THIS_BUILD = 1; $RELOAD_CONFIG = 1; } sub HandleSigInt() { $HALT_AFTER_THIS_BUILD = 1; } sub HandleSigAlrm() { die 'timeout'; } sub UpdateTinderboxScripts() { if (exists($ENV{'TBOX_CLIENT_CVS_DIR'})) { for my $cvsUpDir (split(":", $ENV{'TBOX_CLIENT_CVS_DIR'})) { print STDERR "Updating tinderbox scripts in $cvsUpDir\n"; my $cvsUpCmd = $TBOX_CLIENT_CVSUP_CMD; $cvsUpCmd .= exists($ENV{'TBOX_CLIENT_CVS_TAG'}) ? " -r $ENV{'TBOX_CLIENT_CVS_TAG'}" : ''; eval { local $SIG{'ALRM'} = \&HandleSigAlrm; alarm($TBOX_CLIENT_CVS_TIMEOUT); system("cd $cvsUpDir && $cvsUpCmd") == 0 or print STDERR "$TBOX_CLIENT_CVSUP_CMD failed: $!\n"; alarm(0); }; if ($@) { print STDERR 'CVS update of client tinderbox scripts ' . ($@ eq 'timeout' ? "timed out" : "failed: $@") . "\n"; } } } } sub Run() { OUTER: while (1) { my $start_time = time(); UpdateTinderboxScripts(); foreach my $treeentry (@{$Settings::Tinderboxes}) { my $buildPid = fork(); if (0 == $buildPid) { chdir($treeentry->{tree}) or die "Tree $treeentry->{tree} does not exist"; exec("./build-seamonkey.pl --once $treeentry->{args}"); die("exec() failed: $!"); } elsif ($buildPid > 0) { $CURRENT_BUILD_PID = $buildPid; my $reapedPid = waitpid($buildPid, 0); $CURRENT_BUILD_PID = 0; if ($reapedPid != $buildPid) { warn "waitpid() returned bogosity: $!"; } } else { warn "fork() of build sub-process failed: $!"; } # We sleep 15 seconds to open up a window for stopping a build. sleep 15; # Provide a fall-over technique that stops the multi-tinderbox # script once the current build cycle has completed. last OUTER if ( $HALT_AFTER_THIS_BUILD ); } # $BuildSleep is the minimum amount of time a build is allowed to take. # It prevents sending too many messages to the tinderbox server when # something is broken. my $sleep_time = ($Settings::BuildSleep * 60) - (time() - $start_time); if ($sleep_time > 0) { print "\n\nSleeping $sleep_time seconds ...\n"; sleep $sleep_time; } } } $SIG{'TERM'} = \&HandleSigTerm; $SIG{'HUP'} = \&HandleSigHup; $SIG{'INT'} = \&HandleSigInt; HandleArgs(); while (not $HALT_AFTER_THIS_BUILD) { LoadConfig(); Run(); ## Run can exit for two reasons: SIGHUP or SIGTERM; if we got a TERM, ## we won't reload the config, and we'll exit; if we got a HUP, then ## let's reload the config, and retoggle the bit so we continue building if ($RELOAD_CONFIG) { $HALT_AFTER_THIS_BUILD = 0; $RELOAD_CONFIG = 0; } }